Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 409: What about the prince?

  After Zhang Wei promised to agree to develop a special drug for curing rabies, Yang Chenxing did not rush to hang up the video.

  At this time she looked at Zhang Wei and asked, "Boss, you said that the genetic test you developed can detect all the viruses found in humans?"

   Zhang Wei nodded indifferently, "Yeah."

   "Is there any restrictions, such as not being detected at the beginning of the condition?"

   "Of course there is no such restriction, otherwise this detection method is of no significance."

   Zhang Wei said arrogantly immediately.

   "Will it cost a lot if a complete test is performed?"

"That is of course. The main cost of this detection method is the loss of the robot. Even a specially developed medical robot can not afford too many such tests, and the loss will soon occur. And a medical robot The cost is extremely high."

   "So how much does it cost to do a test?" Yang Chenxing asked curiously at this time.

   Zhang Wei thought for a while and said, "In principle, the cost will not be lower than 100,000."

   Hearing this price, the audience watching the live broadcast suddenly swiped crazy.

   "Can't get upset, no wonder Zhang Shen didn't think about promoting this technology 557."

   "This technique is completely prepared for the rich, right?"

   "I have to say that although Zhang Shen is awesome, he really costs money!"

   "Probably Zhang Shen is the legendary humanoid gold sucker."

   "Before, why am I suddenly dirty?"

   "Suction ~ gold ~ device ~, emmm, what did I see?"

   "Let me get off quickly, this is not the car to go to kindergarten."

  However, when the majority of netizens ridiculed themselves, Xinghai Technology's phone was almost burst at this time.

   For a time, countless rich people called to ask about genetic testing.

   In fact, the richer people are more afraid of death, and many diseases are discovered as soon as possible.

   It's just that Xinghai Technology can't take care of this at all. At the most recent time, Xinghai Technology was almost busy and crazy. How can there be time to do this!

  As the dust of rabies vaccines settled, today's challenge has basically come to an end.

   At this time, Yang Chenxing and Yan Yan needed to rush back to Longhu Villa and send the 30 robots in the manor to all parts of the country to facilitate the detection of rabies virus.

  At the same time, the investigation team sent by the state has also arrived in Changsheng Pharmaceutical, and a storm of anti-corruption is about to strike.

   While Yang Chenxing was busy arranging various things, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also busy in an emergency.

  Because Zhang Wei was at sea at this time, the British plane could not land.

  Because Zhang Wei was at sea at this time, the British plane could not land.

  After communication between the British royal family and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally agreed to send a helicopter to **** Prince George to land on the aircraft carrier Zhenyuan.

  Because of security issues, only Princess Kate and two private doctors accompanied Prince George.

   As for Zhang Wei's list, all the things listed on the list were also sent to the aircraft carrier. After all, his private yacht could not hold so many things.

   had to say that the princess of Britain came quickly, and all the materials and equipment needed by Zhang Wei had just been delivered, and they had arrived by themselves.

  It was only when they learned that Zhang Wei hadn't even started making special effects medicine yet, and Princess Kate was about to cry.

   At this time, Little Prince George was unclear, wearing a ventilator on his head.

   Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was somewhat discolored. Although he didn't blink without killing his eyes, looking at a child like this, he was still somewhat touched.

   Immediately, he reluctantly rallied (cgdi) spirit, quickly used various instruments, mixed and purified various medicinal materials in proportion.

   For ordinary people, drug research and development is a process of continuous trial and error. Each trial, they have to go through a long test, it is likely to experience thousands of failures before they can finally succeed.

But all this is completely different in Zhang Wei. For him, rabies is not a matter at all. The prescription is in his mind. He only needs to make the medicine step by step according to the prescription. .

   The reason why Xiaoba was unable to complete this task is because the treatment of rabies has exceeded the current technical level of the earth.

   If Zhang Wei wants to learn how to make related special effects medicine, he must update the database again.

   But Zhang Wei just updated the database for Xiaoba not long ago, at this time there is no intention to update again.

  As the so-called meeting person is not difficult, the person who is difficult will not. Many things are not difficult for people who understand, but for people who do not understand it, it is as difficult as the book of heaven.

  After Zhang Wei was busy, he finally got a medicine liquid at the bottom of a beaker.

   Then he said to the two doctors: "Take off his respirator."

  The two doctors couldn't help but show their faces together.

   "This gentleman, the little prince, he lives on the respirator now. Once removed, he may die at any time."

   Hearing this, Princess Kate suddenly panicked and was about to stop it.

   However, Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows: "Two options, either get a ventilator and drink my medicine, he still has a lifeline. Or wear a ventilator and wait for death here."

  After listening to Zhang Wei, Princess Kate suddenly froze.

   Princess Xu Jiu gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, remove George's respirator."

The two doctors couldn't help but look at each other, and then they said to Princess Kate: "We can take off the prince's ventilator, but all this must be videotaped, we have to prove that all this is the patient's family's own decision, we Disagree with this approach."

   Listening to this, Princess Kate immediately turned to look at Zhang Wei.

  Zhang Wei directly gave several people a big white eye, "Why are there so many dramas to see a sickness? The medicine is here, do you like to drink it or not."

  Finally, Zhang Wei turned around and walked away. He was not used to the other party. The prince or something was a fart in his eyes! .

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