Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 903: Treatment of old options

It can be said that this feeling of betrayal is what Chu Yuanxi fears the most in this transaction. He is afraid of the Ba people losing followers. If the player had recharged while scolding his mother before, it was time to celebrate with flowers, and Chu Yuanxi didn't need to be afraid. This had to be said to be a kind of irony.

The result was okay. There were indeed some drop-offs, but it was still within a tolerable range. In particular, most of the drop-offs were numbers that were ready to be sold...

This doesn't need to be too distressing.

In addition, there are some commentators’ articles that objectively analyze the terms and prices of the transaction, and the purpose of both parties, and the conclusion is-a win-win situation.

Then, amidst the uproar, Chu Yuanxi received a call from the high school head teacher in amazement, but he hadn't contacted him for many years.

It is said that Chu Yuanxi is also a new upstart on the Internet, but he has always used Pakistani Entertainment’s account to speak without his own real-name account, so he does not interfere too much in reality. It feels like a layer of yarn. . As a result, some of the college classmates would run over to chat as soon as they saw him appearing. There was much less contact in the circle of elementary and middle schools, especially after he showed a certain degree of indifference.

What is strange is that when he was not developed in the past, in the circle of university alumni, he could not be enthusiastic about others, and he was also very active in participating in various activities, but the wind reviews were always general and there was no sense of existence. Far inferior to class monitors and student council members, and even worse to all kinds of academic tyrants, whether they are studying abroad or looking for a job in a big company, they are the most influential people.

But now after deliberately keeping a distance, the wind commentary keeps going up instead, and I can often see certain people in certain groups, inadvertently mentioning the highlights of my past school, some even he has forgotten, some It's not a highlight at all.

You must know that in order to deliberately maintain a sense of distance, even some requests for borrowing money, as long as it is not the kind of parents who died suddenly, did not respond at all. As a result, the wind reviews have become better and have a strong sense of existence. Why is this? You can't use me at all, it's all in vain! So that he feels that his university WeChat group is more lively than other groups.

Fortunately, this is not the case in the middle and elementary school circles. At this moment, the telegraph shows, Teacher Sun?

Fortunately, the phone has never been lost, otherwise it must be treated as a stranger. In addition, in this society, people who meet and don't know what to call Unity are called teachers. This unhealthy trend caused Chu Yuanxi to look at the "Teacher Sun" displayed on the screen, thinking for a while before remembering who it could be.

As a result, as soon as the phone was connected, Chu Yuanxi was surprised to find that it was not for alms. He breathed a sigh of relief, not just letting donations to his alma mater to avoid embarrassment.

"Is it a report? I can barely do it. Are you sure you are just making a report? You are not cheating me? Hahahaha. See what you said. There is no way, the revolution has not succeeded. Ah yes, I am in a meeting, you Don't worry, I will definitely go."

In fact, Chu Yuanxi, the former well-off president of the world, has also received various similar invitations, most of which are industry forums or cross-border forums, and a few are from his alma mater at all levels. However, although the size of the original world is larger, the social influence is not so great. There are neither mergers and acquisitions of more than tens of billions, nor whispers on Weibo and WeChat.

Only her own community’s social networking quickly became quite bright, but it was mainly for users to revel, and Chu Yuanxi basically didn’t need to make a sound in her own name. Therefore, the invitation in the industry is very strong, but the social activities are not so strong. As alumni and celebrities, there are many requests for donations, but not many people ask him to give lectures.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi had just summoned all the employees of Ba Ren Games into a large conference room. The place was not enough, all the stools were removed, leaving a large empty space in the middle, and there was no need to sit. They all stood, crowded and crowded, and surrounded Chu Yuanxi.

Everyone was waiting for him to speak, and they were interrupted by the phone at the very beginning, so they had to watch the president smile like a sand sculpture while calling.

In the end, I just listened to Chu Yuanxi said: "Then just say it, I'll talk when I go, and leave when I'm finished. There is no other entertainment, and no dinner. This is not a big arrogance. Hey Teacher Sun, I am really Full of respect for you, full of affection for the school, don’t you always ask us to be serious? The plan must be accurate to the minute. I told you that I hated procrastination when I was in school. If I was a teacher, I would definitely ring the bell Class ends immediately. That's all right."

With that, Chu Yuanxi put down the phone, and said to her heart that this thing is not so good. After all, high school, after all, is very old, even if she went back to see the teacher during the period, she still felt that her memory was blurred. The main reason is that he changed three head teachers in three years of high school, each teaching for only one year is very cheating, and his high school career is extremely boring, neither spends months nor participates in various hero gatherings, every day is a five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation. So some of the time that should have left a good memory is so missed.

However, such things will not be less in the future. When the well-off society grows up next year, you will need to participate in various zhuangbility conferences. Even if it is low-key like pony, this type of itinerary is inevitable.

"Let's continue talking about ours." Chu Yuanxi turned around and prepared to speak. Seeing that the brothers were all looking forward to himself, he said in his heart not to be imaginary, which is a good thing.

"Brothers, I apologize to you first. I don't sell Pakistani games that high. The 80 billion legendary outsiders is nonsense. I can't say the exact number now, and you don't ask about it, but it is far Far lower than this. And 80 billion is purely stupid, it is impossible not to go public, but if it is listed on the market, it is a little bit less, if it does not go up, the people who made this valuation are very laymen."

There was an awkward smile below, and no one wanted to listen to value analysis on this occasion.

"Then today is to explain, the previous company, oh no, mainly I patted my head and verbally promised my brothers that once the Pakistani game is acquired by the master's father, the brothers will cash in the options in advance. Today everyone is called for this. Son, study how many options are cashed in advance."


There was a buzzing sound immediately below.

In fact, many people have a hunch when they are called for a meeting. If there is no moth, there is no need to call all the employees of the game company to a meeting. But Chu Yuanxi said it so generously, and the children's shoes below had to listen carefully.

Chu Yuanxi began a long talk: "Let's talk about the conclusion first, first the conclusion. Except for Zhao Jie, the group's options are all cashed out in advance for everyone, and the other half is converted into options for Pakistani games, and then exercised on Ali's side. The exercise period is restored to five years. This is an option, and you can also choose not to transfer, but those who do not transfer will not be honored in advance.

Some children's shoes may not understand the routines and rules here, so let me explain again. First of all, the options are cashed into equity in batches according to the year. Generally, the company is for five years at 20% per year; or there is another kind of cash that is cashed into equity at one time until the fifth year of service, without transfer in the middle.

If you leave in the middle of the job, what has been honored will still belong to you, and those who have not been honored will fly away. We originally did it in batches, so this time it is called early cash out, because even if you cash out half of it, you will definitely not have the time limit, basically you can only cash out 20%.

Secondly, and more importantly, even if the part that has been redeemed as equity, it cannot be cashed out, and it cannot be traded privately. It can only take dividends, or the company allows you to redeem part of it on a special node. These are all written in the contracts that you have signed before, which is the 8-page contract that requires you to sign every page. We all hold shares. After the probation period, if the performance is not particularly bad, basically there are. Some brothers have signed several times and haven't lost it, right?

So where are these equity and options linked? Linked to a shareholding platform, this platform is registered as a limited partnership, and all operations are operated by the partnership. This time because Pakistani Games was acquired, in fact, whatever you choose is very cost-effective.

If you choose not to transfer, then you have left the Pakistani Group. According to the original rules, the group should retain your equity and clear your options. But this time we are in a special situation, the options are unclear, and we will still convert you to equity by year until five years. Then you can continue to pay dividends, and if you have a chance, you can also realize part of it. This opportunity may appear extremely low. If it does, the company will send you an email no matter where you go.

If you choose to transfer, 50% of the direct transfer option will be equity, and then the company will repurchase. The valuation of the repurchase must be higher than the price of the Pakistani game transaction, giving you a valuable opportunity to realize it. It’s very precious. I don’t have this opportunity. I have a lot of equity, but I have no reason to ask the company to buy back my stock so that I can liquidate and enjoy financial freedom. I can only get dividends.

The other 50%, the group exchanges shares with you. You originally took the group's options, but now it is converted according to the valuation of Pakistani Group and the purchase price of Pakistani Games.

After the operation, the company withdraws your options and re-injects them into the option pool, and you take the options of the Pakistani game. After incorporating Lingxi in this way, you have to work hard and continue to create value for the company, because the cashing of options becomes Lingxi cashed for you.

As for the opportunity to monetize, I would say that it is actually better, because I guess, it may be operated as a Pakistani game or listed as Lingxi. If you change the shares of Pakistani people to Lingxi's shares again, it is optimistic that you will earn at least twice as much. "

It means to change it quickly... Chu Yuanxi is very bachelor. After speaking, she glanced around and found that many children's shoes had different expressions, so she went on to say, "Do you have any questions? What I said is quite clear. If not, I will explain two more sentences and defend myself."

Some old programs that have worked with Chu Yuanxi for many years will know that he is going to work again!

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Why do you want to defend yourself, because I know that brothers did not find the most cost-effective way. The so-called most cost-effective way is that the Pakistani people have realized all the options for everyone, at least cashed into equity. , Even if it doesn’t show up, it’s okay to leave it for interest. Then I went to Lingxi, and Lingxi had to design new incentives for everyone, that would be cool, right? Take two copies at the same time.

But no, brothers, don't work hard. People are not stupid. From my point of view, the two schemes are actually the same, at least at this moment, but they are different. So if you don't adjust it like this, people won't buy it, or ask for a price cut, and ultimately everyone's interests will be damaged.

In fact, for me, I can sell or not sell Pakistani games, not necessarily. Thanks to the joint efforts of everyone, this company is now a very high-quality asset.

However, it is precisely because of the high quality that there are not many gold master fathers who have the ability to shoot. Selling it can give everyone a one-time opportunity to cash out. I think it's pretty good, similar to going public.

Some of you who came early last year had thousands of shares, and there were thousands of people who came late. Later, the people who came in suffered a big loss, and they all took the post-financing options, but later they also sent you some more, and now they have basically more than one million.

Especially the newly transferred colleagues who are responsible for media accounts and short videos, you really make money, don't look at you the least, but originally you belong to the Pakistani information side and can only get dividends. "

The meaning of these words is still unfinished, and sure enough, everyone has become much more peaceful. The Pakistani Group’s shares total 12 million shares. This round of valuation will be priced at around 40 billion if there are no surprises, which is higher than the previous repurchase of the shares of Modu Syndicate and Li Jingfei, and also higher than the transaction price of Pakistani Games.

Calculating this way, those who take options based on the number of shares, the price of one share is more than 3,000, and those who hold 5,000 shares, even if half of it is realized, it is more than 8 million.

The employee option pool of the Baren Group was initially 12%, but later it was divided a lot, such as 1% to Yang Yuanmei, 1% to Uncle Sheng, and Zhou Minxi, Xue Ming, Zhao Jie, Yu Wenhui, etc. , And the employees are more or less a little bit. This is also the norm for startups, so this option pool is worth more than 4 billion at the current valuation, and a half has been issued.

The number of employees of Pakistani Games accounted for more than half of the Pakistani Group, so the money spent on the realization of the repurchase was shocking to many companies. If it is enough to acquire a few start-up companies, if there is no funder father to pay, no matter how high or low the valuation of the Pakistani Group is, it is impossible for employees to realize it.

So Chu Yuanxi wrote down the different characteristics of the two options on the blackboard. This characteristic is so obvious that he believes that almost no one chooses not to change. Is the key.

Knock on the blackboard, Chu Yuanxi said first: "The basic situation is like this. Please figure it out, and then send an email to the assistant to the president tomorrow, which is Deng Shuang. If you don't send it, I will assume that you choose to keep the same."

After Deng Shuang became the assistant to the president, this M&A transaction was a huge test for him, because there were too many places to deal with, and he had to participate in business negotiations. Recently, a tired thief died.

After speaking, he was about to leave, and suddenly thought of something, "Oh, actually, you look at those listed companies, and employees watch the market every day, thinking about when to sell the company’s stock, looking at the excitement, it’s not good at all. Not as good as this. You can discuss with each other."

There was a room left to chat and discuss, Chu Yuanxi cast a look at Yu Wenhui who was waiting at the door. Yu Wenhui originally belonged to a Pakistani game, but because it was transferred by Chu Yuanxi, this realization has nothing to do with him.

But there is nothing to complain about, because Zhao Jie was screaming, and Chu Yuanxi took it out, telling him that it is better to eat dividends.

So the question is, is it better to realize the cash or to eat the dividend? Yu Wenhui would like to ask the president for advice.

He was waiting to confirm the new game company plan with Chu Yuanxi.

Entering another small conference room, Chu Yuanxi opened the mobile memo slowly first, and wrote down the memo on Monday afternoon, October 28, went back to school to give a report, and then looked at Yu Wenhui.

At this time, An Qi had already refused his invitation. After all, An Qi is not desperate but only when the Pakistani earn DKP is the way to be an investor. He has some money in his hands after mixing these years. When running around, he has endorsed various companies and obtained it. Some dry stocks and options, as well as being the CEO of Fruit Network, have some connections and conditions.

So Chu Yuanxi can only bless him, and even once he really wants to recruit limited partners to set up an investment company, Pakistani people can invest a little money to But there are currently only two game company rebirth plans here. A talented person who can take on great responsibilities, Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui.

Yu Wenhui has been in the snow for several months. After Chu Yuanxi picked "The Enemy of Rome" from the Pakistani game, VR development did not stop. The project team was collectively transferred to the Pakistani group. Yu Wenhui has always been in charge of the development environment for VR. It has been built to a half degree.

The mobile game part of "Enemy of Rome" was really suspended. The version and code were sealed, and the staff stayed in the Pakistani game for a few months of mini-games.

The current situation is that these employees must not continue to stay in Pakistan. They must transfer the relationship together with the merger. Before leaving, Chu Yuanxi needs to clear the rewards according to the prior agreement. Zhao Jie is in the mini game plan Some options obtained are also handled in the same way, but the previous options still follow the old process.

Therefore, although the M&A process has not been completed, the handover of the sealed version must be started in advance, otherwise the version and code of the mobile game part will be useless after the restart of the "Enemy of Rome" project.

Compared with the code, what made Chu Yuanxi more troublesome was the handover of the planning case, because the planning of the Pakistani game had to follow.

For programmers, receiving other people's code is a torture, it is better to rewrite, in fact, the same is true for planning. Although planning generally has no status in the game industry, it is the same as a literati. Looking at other people's cases is also very uncomfortable for planning. The execution plan is okay, and there is not much room for changes, but the system plan is not. Different people have different understandings of gameplay and values, and the cooperation with the programmer also has a significant impact.


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