Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 907: 1 look back to his alma mater

Although the rumors of Lingxi's acquisition of Baren Games have not been long, but even the fact that it is fried on Weibo, people who are interested must know what they should know. Seeing that the left eye of the large glass room gave Fang Shiling a live training, and seeing that Fang Shiling, who was defeated in this public account battle, was not in his mind, Geng Bin had to think of the side that won.

How much Baren games sold for is still unknown, but if you look at the rankings of all domestic game manufacturers in the first half of the year, you can guess a good idea. The two brothers Penguin scum Yi are not unexpectedly the top two. The top spot, and then the Pakistani game. The Pakistani Group is responsible for spending money except for the game company, so the group's profit is lower than that of the game company.

If it is replaced by pure water, then the Pakistani game will have to retreat in strides, and can only be ranked seventh. Under it are Jinshan and Station B.

How much is a company with this industry status worth? Isn't it too much to bid against station B? Station B is indeed very good, full of vitality, but the ability to make money is a hard indicator.

As for Jinshan, which has fallen sharply, there is no way to benchmark it. Jinshan initially invested in Cheetah and formed a large amount of goodwill. At the end of last year, Cheetah stepped on a big thunder. So this year, it fell sharply in the stock market and broke the net. As a result, Jinshan had to accrue more than one billion goodwill impairment. I will continue to mention it. However, if Jitailai looks at the old man, he will be able to log in to the Sci-Tech Edition immediately. Visually, the original market value of more than 20 billion has quadrupled.

If the Pakistani group can be pitted in, how much ammunition is there? The original one hundred small goals became meaningless, and the endorsed targets are all there. Maybe you don’t have to run away to get away with it? It’s harder to do the game than we do the blockchain leek project!

But this thought is fleeting. It’s a pity. It looks very beautiful. Geng Bin’s reason tells himself that not only can’t cut, but he must stay far away. The farther the better, especially when God’s turn appears this weekend. A great time. Fortunately, Fang Shiling had turned against Chu Yuanxi, otherwise his plan would not be easy to implement.

In any case, the training of Fang Shiling must be accelerated, not only to train live broadcast skills, but also to instill knowledge in blockchain, especially the knowledge that has been screened by her. What's more magical is that Fang Shiling's original feelings of resistance completely disappeared after the news broadcast.

This is the attraction of policy dividends.

When the weekend passed, as soon as the market opened on Monday morning, all the big A shares involved in the blockchain concept really hit the daily limit, so that investors could not tell which is the real blockchain and which is Mr. Nan Guo.

Chu Yuanxi was going back to his alma mater to give a lecture in the afternoon. She casually glanced at the stock market in the morning and said to her that I was an obedient person. If this bad habit of speculating money remains unchanged, the market will not improve. It can be said that the leek market is constantly annihilated and born, and there are quite poor people in it, but it is absolutely not pitiful to scramble for money.

As soon as the stock market was closed, Lu Yu mysteriously sent him a piece of news, opened it, and the micro-envelope chain operation that had been noisy for ten days was finally implemented!

This is definitely a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people. The main reason is that the ecological environment of WeChat users has been chopped off, and the smoky atmosphere has seriously affected the user experience. It should be managed long ago. As a result, WeChat blocked the external links of Penguin News as a demonstration.

This posture of me killing myself first and then killing you all made the whole network applaud, cut a knife and lost my voice to the big dog, but the guy who built meow shop stayed still, because the signature code was used, Lianlong Dad was helpless.

In fact, the feature code can be used by anyone, but as long as it is used, it is equivalent to tearing the face with Dragon Father, so few people except Ali and Toutiao dare to measure the cost performance of this behavior.

Chu Yuanxi was thinking about the impact of this incident, and suddenly saw another big news. A series called "Who Will Dominate Gree" has been played for more than half a year. Today, the final chapter is staged. Gao Ling squeezed out Hopu. To become the single largest shareholder of Gree Electric, the consideration of 15% equity of the listed company is 40 billion.

This is another milestone in the 40-year history of reform, marking the official participation of private equity institutions in the mixed reform of state-owned enterprises.

However, although Gree is a big white horse with the ability to cross the bulls and bears, the sales of air conditioners have fallen in the last three months, and businesses such as new energy vehicles and mobile phones are a model that drags down performance. However, due to Miss Dong's temper and the resources required by listed companies, the release of the final chapter may not be the end, it may also be the prelude to the beginning of a new scene.

Soon in the afternoon, Chu Yuanxi drove to Nancheng and returned to his alma mater very low-key.

If this is the top business giant who returns to his alma mater, he will definitely have to pull up banners and put flower baskets to make lights, lest others don't know. But Chu Yuanxi is definitely not qualified now, and asking him to come back to give a lecture today is also a temporary plan. The reason why he agreed so happily was because Mr. Sun called him and told him to tell him about his experience in choosing a career, mainly to listen to the seniors in high school and let them think about their future development.

This topic is very good. Compared with many retreat lectures, zhuangbility lectures, and lectures that seem to be useful but have no use for Mao, this kind of targeted lectures may very intuitively change the fate of a student, so Chu Yuanxi Willing to speak. Although, may have to bear some cause and effect.

Especially when he was in the third year of high school, if someone told him how to choose a major, Chu Yuanxi remembered that she was very at a loss at the time and needed an old driver to lead the way and describe the future opportunities.

But school teachers’ job is to teach, how can they understand the development of the industry? It is impossible to have an intuitive view of the latest and most cutting-edge industries, let alone the future development path of students.

Therefore, responsible teachers will look for the current salary levels of graduates of various majors as a reference. As a result, students can only see high salaries in IT, auditing and other industries, but they can't see much hair loss.

Now Chu Yuanxi is going to be this old driver, as a successful entrepreneur, as a business owner with a total of over a thousand employees in the company.

At 2:40 in the afternoon, Chu Yuanxi parked his car and walked to the school gate. It was not time for school. The telescopic door of the school was closed tightly. What's more friendly was that Teacher Sun was waiting in the communication room, wearing a suit and leather shoes. .

The lecture started at 3:30, and there was still a while, when Chu Yuanxi entered the door and wanted to say a few words, she suddenly saw another younger one coming out of the communication room, the same suit, and very familiar. This is not the high school classmate Yang Fan. What?

Teacher Sun is only 10 years older than Chu Yuanxi, and his first grade teacher teaches English. As a result, the whole class was disrupted as soon as he entered high school two points in liberal arts and science. Teacher Sun continued to teach English in the first year of high school, teaching Chu Yuanxi for a total of one year. But more than ten years later, the teacher who taught Chu Yuanxi who has stayed at school is the only 40-year-old teacher Sun left. Others retired, went to the sea, and went to the art.

But looking at Yangfan’s outfit, it’s not like coming to the show today. Could it be that... "Lao Yang, you, have you returned to school to be a teacher?"

"You don't know all the classmates." Yang Fan said angrily, "Classmates-Classmates are not added, phone calls-phone calls are not answered, WeChat group-WeChat group diving, at can not come out, I thought your six relatives did not recognize It."

The way he speaks is still so fond of reuse, it can be said that it is difficult to change his nature.

This buddy is very famous for talking. He was the representative of chemistry class at the time, and the second-year class teacher was a newly transferred chemistry teacher. The two have been fighting for a whole year. What Chu Yuanxi remembers most clearly is that the chemistry teacher always wanted to make things difficult for Yang Fan, and even did not hesitate to ask some super-level questions. As a result, every time he was sent back by Yang Fan, he had to admit in a painful tone that he answered correctly...

But Yang Fan's doing this just refreshed himself. Can the class teacher not cure him and he can't cure poor students? So the poor students were repeatedly called up to answer the questions, and then he couldn't answer for a long time. The personality of the poor students was hit, and the efficiency of class was extremely low. Only the chemistry teacher got the opportunity to show off. This is also a kind of campus violence.

What makes people look down the most is that the girls who were picked up for violence on campus were basically girls. Later, they might have been complained too many times and were not allowed to take the third year. In short, this chemistry teacher is Chu Yuanxi's worst teacher in 16 years of school. If he was the one who called, I'm sorry that Chu Yuanxi didn't have him in his address book, and he would never pick him up.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi attended two high school reunions, but never got together afterwards. In fact, in high school, the feelings were the weakest. This pot is largely due to the division of liberal arts and sciences. The same group of classmates spend too little time together, and immediately enter the third year after the reorganization, so there are not many happy memories left, and it is Yang Fan who has a more character. impressive.

However, although the impression is a little deeper than other students, the relationship is still good, and the friendship is obviously lower than that of many junior high school students. Chu Yuanxi didn't explain, she took out her phone and opened WeChat, swiped it down, and slid to the non-top area, then flipped her wrist and showed it to Yang Fan to see the screen without speaking.

Yang Fan looked at his eyes and straightened up at the time. This time should be the most leisurely time of the whole day during working hours. What kind of tea time do many technology companies have to do after listening to books. As a result, Chu Yuanxi’s WeChat is like a waterfall. It’s like the computer screens in movies like The Matrix, you can’t bring them up when you jump up, and every group or contact jumps up and down at every moment. This...

"It's not that my six relatives don't recognize it. I really can't recognize it. If you really have something to do, you should call."

When Mr. Sun was teaching at the age of 25, he was a class teacher. He was considered outstanding among young teachers. He was very popular with students at the beginning, and would be even more popular if he didn't drag the class. More than ten years later, he is still young and strong. And compared to the past, people have become a lot deeper, but the price of maturity is that people have a sense of distance.

He glanced at Chu Yuanxi’s phone and then looked back, and then took the initiative to greet him. Chu Yuanxi did not dare to neglect, not just because of respect and good teacher-student feelings back then, he must pay attention now when he is in public. If you have done your own words and deeds, otherwise you will be captured by someone who doesn't respect the teacher who taught you that year, and it will be troublesome to find out when you are facing the scene.

Soon he was taken to the small lounge next to the lecture hall. It hasn’t come for many years. The school’s general layout has not changed, and the small place has changed a bit. It used to be a utility room. Maybe people are often invited to give lectures now? So make it a lounge nearby.

The dean of the school was inside, but Chu Yuanxi didn't know him either. He should be a newcomer who changed later. Speaking of it, it's really a vicissitudes of life to walk all the way, that is, the doorman of the reception room, Uncle Qin, is still an acquaintance of the year. This school has made him feel strange, only twelve years.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi coming in, the dean of instruction immediately got up: "Chu, here, President Guo will come right away after the meeting."

"Hey, no, no, no need." Chu Yuanxi hurriedly politely, "you can call me Xiao Chu, just to teach the students a little experience, the key is that it is not necessarily right, and laughs generously."

This is a key school at any rate. Although it is not well-known, it is also an open school in Xicheng District. You must know that in the imperial capital, the principal of high school belongs to the fattest. Chu Yuanxi remembers that when he was in high school, the principal spent three years transforming into a collector, so the principal came to accompany him personally and made him feel A hint of chill.

When he walked over, Yang Fan had already said that he happened to be taking the first year of high school, but he was teaching biology. Chu Yuanxi had forgotten which school he went to for the college entrance examination, but teaching biology should be considered reliable.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi asked for something, and asked Yang Fan, "Lao Yang, do you like to listen to my lectures? Doesn't it interrupt their learning rhythm?"

"You can rest assured, you absolutely love to listen." Yang Fan didn't look at other people's faces when he spoke. The next sentence was: "I heard that you are making a mobile game. What is your game called? It's very popular anyway. Whenever I heard that it was you, I would come and listen to it."

The high schools in the Imperial Capital are basically day-time rather than residential schools, and they cannot be militarized. Therefore, people who can't use mobile phones or anything can only be restricted during school. Chu Yuanxi could see to the naked eye that both the faces of Teacher Sun and the dean were unnatural. He hurriedly said haha, "Hey hey, don't talk nonsense, we have done anti-addiction and underage protection."

But this is not hard to say, Chu Yuanxi is actually strange. You said that it is normal if the university invites him to lectures. Some universities still offer game planning courses. It is not a rejection of games as a business. However, no matter how high school emphasizes quality education, it still depends on the score. Asking the mobile game company boss to give a lecture, Chu Yuanxi feels strange, although he is not the boss of the mobile game company.

At this moment, "chuch" footsteps sounded, and an old gentleman with meticulously combed hair opened the door and walked in, followed by two younger but also a little older.

Teacher Sun hurriedly introduced that the old man is the current principal Guo, and the latter two are both deputy principals and special-grade teachers of the school.

Chu Yuanxi hurriedly gave a salute, but he knew the tradition of this school, as long as it was a special-grade teacher, he would have the title of vice principal. But he remembers that when he was in school, there were five or six special-grade teachers. These two should not be all of them.

After a while of greeting, Yang Fan shouldn't have spoken on this occasion, but Yang Fan blinked and suddenly said, "How much money did your game company sell? Hey, don't tell me about trade secrets, that's boring."

"This..." Chu Yuanxi was really held up. After thinking about it, she said, "First of all, it's not the'my' game company. I'm just the CEO of the group to which this game company belongs. I don't own half of the shares. It’s in the interests of all shareholders to sell the game company."

Having said this, he noticed that a few people were obviously disappointed, and a "fuck" suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he thought about the problems he might face later and what he should say.

"Then the game company did sell 11 figures, but not as many online. The online calculations are based on the A-share pricing system, not so much. You are a buyer, and you can't make that much. Money, if you pay so much money, if you get it right, you won’t lose money or make money, and you will take over the hero! The domestic can afford so much money, that is, Boss Sun is so righteous, and everyone else is thieves~www. Yang Fan waited for Chu Yuanxi to finish talking, and didn’t know how much he listened to it. Anyway, he immediately said, “Hey, I rely on 11 digits. Wait for me to count, one, two, three, four. I rely on! "

He shook his fingers and gestured, and was taken aback, "You have made so much ill-gotten wealth! I didn't say anything, right?"

"Why do you want money?"

"Share your success, do you need to ask?"

"Hahahaha, that's impossible!" Chu Yuanxi said that Yang Fan was okay, so naturally he said the words for money. And maybe it's better to help others, because it is said that the eyes of the school leaders should be in line with Yang Fan at this time, but in fact they are all looking at their own direction.

So what he said is also particularly sharp, because I just thought it out! "No matter the amount of money or the amount of money, no matter who it is, there is no money at this time. Why? Because I can't make this kind of opening, and I can't make an impression. My money is easymoney, which can be easily obtained. My hurt is too great. I will give you one hundred thousand, and I will suffer one billion damages, and my company can't continue to open. So at this time it is too vulgar to talk about money, and it is difficult to get my money."

This costly remark sounded quite like that, Yang Fan and the leaders exchanged glances vaguely, without speaking for a long time.

At this time, he changed his mouth to Teacher Sun: "Oh, Xiaoguang, you have made Yang Fan very shameless." He knew Chu Yuanxi's nickname.

Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "I even feel scared for Yang Fan."

Yang Fan black question mark face: "Ah? What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you overestimated your own face."

"I can go to you, hahaha—"


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