Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 908: In the mood of doing charity

At this time the bell rang after class, and the time passed by accidentally, and it was already three ten ten in a blink of an eye. Soon the students were going to sit in the lecture hall. What Chu Yuanxi prepared for them was a deviant lecture, with the purpose of truly doing public welfare.

Soon Teacher Sun and Yang Fan led Chu Yuanxi to the lecture hall one after another. Walking in the aisle, Chu Yuanxi gestured to Yang Fan with a thumbs-up, "Actually, your lobbyist has done quite well."

"I just caught up with your iron cock, right?"

"You can't blame me?"

Teacher Sun took a slow step and turned his head slightly: "Hey, pick the thief on the opposite side of the cake, how can it be easy?"

Chu Yuanxi said, what about cross talk?

The people in that room just now, including Teacher Sun, were actually a bit restrained. It was Yang Fanfang who was the most open. Why? Because he didn't attempt it himself. Whether Chu Yuanxi has 1 billion or 10 billion, he won't give him a cent anyway, what can't let go?

Why is Teacher Sun letting go now? Because the attempt had failed, after all, it wasn't his KPI to get the money from Chu Yuanxi's pocket anyway. So he can also ask with a more relaxed attitude: "You really don't plan to donate some to the school?"

"Now is not the time."

Yang Fan seemed to suddenly think of something to do with him, and interjected excitedly: "Hey, why is it not time? It's okay to improve our lives."

"But it's not the time for me." Chu Yuanxi said with a smile: "Every penny I donate must be helpful to me, not just to improve your life. Now my social status is not enough to donate money to the school. Ger, donating money can’t hear you, and it doesn’t improve me."

"I rely on you to not just think of yourself!" Yang Fan was aggrieved, "You waste social resources!"

"I didn't waste you, Lao Yang."

When chatting just now, Chu Yuanxi already knew that Yang Fan was a master of biology, and it had not been a few years since he became a teacher. Speaking of it, in this era, it is indeed a bit difficult for those who have not graduated from normal schools and do not have a master's degree to enter the key middle schools of the Imperial Capital.

So Chu Yuanxi calmly said: "The country spends more money to cultivate a master's degree in biology than to train me to graduate from a general subject university. As a result, you will change your career after graduation, which wastes social resources!"

Teacher Sun couldn't help smiling, and stretched out his hand to push open the front door of the lecture hall. They came from a dedicated passage, and when they entered the door, more than half of them had already been seated. The fat dean had also been sitting in front of the stage for a long time.

Because it's just a lecture to senior high school students, people are almost there. If someone escapes, there is no way. Chu Yuanxi sat in front of the microphone, and the dean immediately started to introduce.

I just listened to the instructor's cadence and said: "Students be quiet. Now I solemnly introduce to you the outstanding graduates of 2004, Baren Group CEO Chu Yuanxi..."

The record of the school is indeed much better than that of the company. When Chu Yuanxi was giving a speech in the company, it was inevitable that she would whisper to each other. The sound of "buzzing" was absolutely non-stop, but it felt very good at this time.

Soon the next time was handed over to him, Chu Yuanxi was not polite, picked up the microphone and said: "Introduce myself, in fact, I am still the CEO of a well-off life and open a convenience store. When I came, I walked around the neighborhood. There are already two well-off convenience stores around, which are pretty good, so that students can understand what I do. I will not advertise on this occasion today. In fact, our time is actually more precious, so I will just say that it’s important ."

Hearing the well-off convenience store, there are indeed many students below suddenly refreshed, and they seem to have visited. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "I wonder if the students have guessed in advance what I might talk about today? Is it social division of labor or industrial prospects? None of these. I don't want to talk about these falsehoods today. What I want to say is, Your own strengths, interests, ambitions and reality, and what kind of person your goal is to become.

In addition, I want to emphasize one thing first, that is, you must be cautious when applying for foreign universities. This advice actually applies to candidates in all provinces with rich educational resources. If you don’t have a very clear concept in your mind and a particularly clear plan for the future, please be sure to apply for a local university.

I'm not saying that only our imperial capital's colleges and universities are good, of course not. But this part of applying for the exam is very important. When applying for a foreign country, you must know what you will lose first.

There may be a handful of parents who have pitted babies. I’ll just say that. Parents of pitted babies have some romantic fantasies. I encourage you to go out and have a look, or go to the university they wanted to take when they were young to make up for their own. regret. Sorry, it is enough for you to let them travel and cherish on the spot. Rejection must be resolute.

As for the argument that it is easier for a person to go to school in another place to get exercise, not to mention whether it is or not, even if it is, it is not worth the loss. If you really want to go, just treat it as I didn’t say. If you don’t want to go, but if your parents or relatives advise you like this, you can tell him without hesitation that you don’t understand, and those who don’t understand should never use the tone of an expert. Give pointers to the country and mislead others. This was said by a person named Chu Yuanxi, and your parents did not understand it as expected.

what is the reason? There should be a certain percentage of parents of your age who have gone to college, but they are too far away from now and may not understand the current rules. Therefore, you must take the exam as your main subject, provided that you have to understand the main points. This is why I came to give this lecture today.

For example, internships, your parents used sweet pastries when they were in college. The buyer's market college students are in short supply, so there is no need to consider internships. But you are different. It is difficult to find a job, and you are unemployed after graduation. You should all have heard of these things. The juniors and seniors are going to do internships in companies. After three years, the internship is a particularly important thing before you. It is very likely that you will stay in the internship unit after graduation.

But if you don’t go to school locally, how awkward is your internship? You were stupid at the time, understand? Is it rooted in the field for a lifetime? I have seen a lot of this kind of naivety. Instead of complaining about your parents at that time, it's better to refuse now.

There are many similar reasons. A young person always has more opportunities to work or start a business in his hometown than in a different place, because your family relationship is locally and not in another place, and your own survival experience is the same. So be sure to report to the city.

In addition, our admission score must be very low in the country. This is your advantage. Compared with foreign students, you have a lot of choices. Don’t be crazy just because you’ve finished the exam, and you’ll have to deal with the registration process hastily. The importance of applying for the exam is absolutely no less important than going to the exam room.

To some extent, we are already squatting on the finish line to take the exam. Candidates from other places are desperately going to the Imperial Capital, and you were born in the Imperial Capital. The employment market of Imperial Capital is also the best in the country, and you have to make good use of this advantage. There are not many advantages in life that naturally occupy 10% of the head chance. Most of you have this advantage once in your life, understand? "

After finishing this earnest remark, Chu Yuanxi noticed that the students were obviously getting serious. Although these principles were simple and clear, they were clearly in their knowledge blind zone. At the same time, many of the head teachers who followed did not look very good-looking, and it seemed that they had been advised to apply to other places before. He just kept saying that the parents of the pitted children are a minority, and the teachers who pitted the students are the majority, and he has no idea that he is a pit.

"Let’s talk about aspirations, interests, and reality. This may not be suitable for everyone. I also admit that sometimes a stable work and life is also very good. Especially when you graduate, there is a high probability that the economy has entered a new rise. There are many opportunities, and the working environment will be better than it is now, so it takes a certain amount of courage to give up a stable choice. Let me talk about myself. There is a big generation gap between us. You can refer to it.

First of all, the most realistic, major is more important than school. Many people who are not in the front line of employment often make mistakes. I guess it will not be a minority among the teachers present to promote the brand of the university than to learn anything.


I'm sorry to say that, but your teacher is not on the front line, and they don't understand. You don't expect him to guide you professionally, even though they guide every year. Once again, applying for the exam is your own lifelong event, and only you should be responsible. At the age of 18, you should take responsibility for yourself. You must not always entrust such major events to your parents and teachers. You used to do this because their social experience is enough to cover your needs, but at this stage no one can expect.

Nowadays, many educational institutions offer face-to-face tutoring, such as English North American foreign teachers, but in fact, the most in need of face-to-face tutoring is the college entrance examination volunteer application. This is actually an opportunity for entrepreneurship, including real-life counseling and training in discovering self-interest and aspirations, but this is a long way to go.

But classmates, you must have the ability to understand the world correctly. Why does your teacher say that the university brand is more important? Does he not love you anymore? No, this is the result of top-down conduction. The school advertises how many graduates we have admitted to Yan University and Shuimu this year, and how many students are 985 and 211, but it cannot publicize how many students we have admitted to their favorite major this year, understand?

Only you have the obligation to consider yourself purely from your own interests. Others have no obligation. If you can go to Yan University, but the score is not enough for the major you want to study, but Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing University of Technology are no problem. You ask the teacher, 99% of the teacher tells you to report to Yan University. This is not that the teacher intends to cheat you, but that everyone has social attributes and biases. This is the reality.

At least for me, the school's brand is useless. When I recruit, no matter what university you are, it treats you equally. As far as I know, there is no such thing as going to the workplace with a degree certificate from a prestigious school.

The advantages of prestigious universities certainly exist. For example, for interview opportunities, many people may submit resumes for a certain position, and it is impossible to interview all of them. When human resources conduct preliminary screening, they will be ranked by school brand. But this kind of situation is very rare, especially if you have a professional counterpart.

And if you have a professional counterpart but you can't even get an interview opportunity, then even if you are a prestigious university but your major is not the same, it is probably the same. It should be something wrong with your resume.

To put it in a very realistic situation, most companies do not need talents but social animals. Graduates of famous universities are proud and squeamish, and they do not necessarily have a good impression. Enterprises that really need elites are of course related majors in famous universities. So please study hard, you still have close to a year to work hard so that you have more choices in the future. "

The first paragraph is just to make the teachers look unsightly. After this paragraph, it is basically as black as the bottom of a pot. I did not expect to invite such an unpleasant person, which is equivalent to denying their past.

But the students were very excited, and the buzzing voices arose. By the time Chu Yuanxi was talking, all kinds of whispers and whispers abound.

This shows that either the speech is too boring, or it is too hot, Chu Yuanxi believes it is the latter. And he didn't intend to save face for any teacher today, why should he stay? Today's purpose is very simple. It is to help the juniors of high school. This is the real public welfare. If you tell lies and even know that there is something wrong but don't point it out, what else are you doing?

"Tell me about myself. I was able to report to the Capital Medical University to study clinical medicine as a surgeon. Employment was not a problem at all, and the salary was not bad. At that time, there was no such big doctor-patient contradiction now, and the workload of surgeons was also It's not as big as it is now. The problem is that I don't want to, I don't want to see the end of my life when I graduate from high school.

This choice was too painful for me, so in order to preserve more changes, I chose a very ordinary major. When I graduated, I didn’t have any professional advantages, but I was able to toss when I was in college. Stay curious. So when I graduated, I felt that I had a very broad way out. I couldn't help but be a real estate agent. Anyway, I was starving.

This is the aspect of interest, but after entering the university, you will definitely become more mature. It doesn’t work if you want to stay the same. From the first day you enter the university, the pressure of employment will appear from time to time, unless your heart is particularly big.

However, it will be relatively late to discover your ambitions after entering the university and become mature. You'd better take some precious time to discover yourself and think about your ambitions. Of course this is more difficult. You have to know what you are good at first, but it is more difficult for an 18-year-old to discover your true strengths, because no one will give you targeted training in this area.

It's not that learning is good at everything, the only thing you are good at is learning. Of course, learning ability is indeed an important ability, but it is also necessary to distinguish whether it is a strong learning ability or a strong test score ability. The latter is meaningless to business owners.

Aspirations should match interests and be realistic. For example,'I want to change the world' is a relatively nihilistic ambition, but it is good to add restrictions. For example, the news network has just defined the blockchain as a national strategy, then'I want to use the blockchain to change the world', This ambition is very good, and the next major you should apply for will be very clear.

If you don't have this awareness, it will appear that you have a strong managerial talent, and as a result you have studied architecture. This is very cupful.

When I was in high school, the major of architecture was often referred to as a major. This is a typical problem major. The score is very high and it is not easy to take the exam. I have to know how to sketch. I don't know if there are still some very old and rigid teachers in mythology and architecture. Anyway, my dad always told me at that time that there will be food for the whole life of the board. No matter what age, doctors and architects are needed.

I'm sorry that someone would say this again. Cover your ears quickly. No matter who he is, it will be harmful, because the price is the lowest.

Those who provide advice based on this line of thinking are all the most conservative advice and look down on you very much, so I suggest you take the worst path. This kind of people basically come here through hardships, so they are the most conservative, and they are most afraid of not being able to find work and food. In their concept, first, no matter how much you spend, as long as you have an iron rice bowl, it is worth it. There is no need to consider the cost performance or whether you are happy for decades to come, because you can win the right to survive by listening to them. .

Subconsciously, they treat you as completely useless If you do not report this kind of lowest cost-effective professional, you will not find a job in the future, and you are in danger of starving to death. In other words, you have not been on the battlefield, they have already determined that you will lose, so in order to survive, you should make all the difference.

Ah yes, they would say that this is a person who is beneficial to society.

Good for society, but for yourself? Your life has just begun. You should first consider yourself without harming society, and then strive to be good for society. In fact, everyone who does legal work is a person who is beneficial to society, and there is no distinction between high and low work. If your job is of no value to society at all, and it is still legal, then this position will not exist.

Why studying architecture and studying medicine are cost-effective? It is obvious that you think about their school system, their requirements for students, boringness, and future salary, as well as the qualifications to be experienced. The advantages of these majors are that they are easy to find a job, stable, and not easy to lose their jobs. The disadvantage is that the ceiling is extremely low and there is almost no prospect for development.

There are many types of jobs and positions in society. You can make a four-quadrant plane coordinate system based on the ceiling height and stability/development to see which quadrant you want to work in.

Take an extreme example. For example, you graduated around 2000. At that time, you studied architecture or became a doctor, and you studied computer and IT. Which one would you choose? I definitely choose IT, because the age of IT has come. "

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi peeked at the dean of teaching.


Tweeting the book, "The Rebirth of Life Is Contending", Xueba has a black technology encyclopedia, the story of starting a business and making money to build a spacecraft. This author is also a typical example of not giving up or giving up.


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