Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 909: Fang Shiling's live broadcast

Secretly, because of fear of being beaten.

Chu Yuanxi took a sneak peek, and sure enough, even the fat face of the dean next to him trembled.

Why do you say that? This was all indoctrinated repeatedly by teachers when they were in school, and there was more than one teacher. It can be seen that it is the tradition of this school, a very bad tradition, and it is very necessary to remind students not to make mistakes again and again.

This is the spirit of public welfare, and you must speak the truth at the risk of being beaten!

But the dean of teaching was still very restrained. Chu Yuanxi saw it was OK, so hurry up and spray!

"Listen clearly, I'm not saying that doctors and architects are not good. Every one of us needs a house if we get sick. This is the reason for this kind of professional stability. There is no need to worry about unemployment. At the same time, we are naturally respected by society. This is a professional advantage.

However, the current reality of this society is that the pay and return for this kind of work are disproportionate, and the salary is too low. Let’s not talk about starting a business, doing operations in any industry, six years after graduation to director level, and an annual salary of 500,000 at the age of 28. This is not an unachievable goal. Our company has this kind of recruitment needs every month, and we are always flexible and hardworking. There is hope. But a stable job, no matter how elite you are, it is difficult.

Each of you is an independent individual with your own personality. There is nothing wrong with someone who is willing to choose a conservative one and try to be stable. But you also have the right to choose a colorful life, a life with more diversity. Diversity represents risk. What you need to do is to improve your ability to resist risks.

If someone gives you extremely conservative suggestions without knowing your ambitions, but does not know the contribution and rewards of these suggestions, you can safely judge that they don't understand. Some people are really gods. They don't even know that the school system of architecture is 5 years, and most medicine is 5 years or more, so I dare to give you advice. These are people who have been eliminated by the times. Don't listen to any punctuation in their words, it is harmful to you.

I am here today to tell you something useful.

Because our country’s quality education reform has just started, we haven’t found the best way to truly improve the quality of students most in need of improvement. On the contrary, there are often twists and turns. So in terms of applying for majors, I can only give you a fish. , I can’t teach you how to fish.

I don't have the opportunity to spend a long time coaching you on systematic self-awareness, but I can give you simple advice-find a life template.

What is templated? Just use him as a template to see his education and work experience, and then follow him.

Isn't it easier to say that? Is it easy to understand? Let me follow some examples. "

While speaking, Chu Yuanxi took out a piece of printing paper that had been prepared a long time ago, "I don't have any specificity, I just randomly selected the resumes of some big companies' executives and read them for everyone.

Cheng Wei, the founder of Didi, has a bachelor's degree in Capital University of Chemical Technology. After graduation, he joined Ali to do sales. After 6 years as a regional manager, he transferred to Alipay to be responsible for product and merchant docking. From sales to product manager, he started contacting operations. In this way, in 2012, one year later, Cheng Wei got enough experience to jump out of Ali and set up the startup Xiaoju Technology, which is the parent company of Didi.

The founder of Goudong, Qiangdong, has a bachelor's degree in the National People's University. Before graduating, he worked in a restaurant and was colluded by a partner, resulting in a blood loss and a lot of debt. So after graduation, I went to an island company, Rilai Baofu, to make magnetic mattresses. Qiangdong first started to manage information systems, learned the refinement of island-country enterprises, and then went to work as warehouse management, contacted logistics, and experienced the power of strict management. Then he came out to make JD Multimedia, and used all the refinement and strict management he learned in island companies.

The headline is Zhang Ming, this one is atypical. Bachelor of Software Engineering in Nankai. I started a software project immediately after graduation, but failed. Then I entered Kuxun and Fanfu as technology. After four years of doing this, I started my own business. I started as a nine- and nine-bedroom apartment rental, and then I chose to distribute information on the mobile Internet. , Created the headline department. Zhang Ming is a continuous entrepreneur until he succeeds.

But when it comes to continuous entrepreneurship, we have to talk about Meituan Wang Xing. Mizuki Electronic Engineering has a bachelor's degree. He had already gone to the U.S. for graduate school but dropped out and returned to China to start a business. In turn, he did a lot of Friends, Youzitu, School Net, Fanfou, Hainei and Meituan.

Have you noticed that none of them are in graduate school. The only graduate student Wang Xing dropped out. When he found the opportunity, he resolutely dropped out of school. Here, Zhang Ming is applying what he has learned, doing projects or starting a business as an engineer. The resumes of the other three have nothing to do with his profession.

Therefore, in fact, their entrepreneurship is a process in which they first carry out social cognition, judge where there are opportunities in the social division of labor, and then make plans and implement them. Their pre-success experience can actually be summarized as a process of learning, assimilating and changing themselves. This process is unique and not easy to replicate, but if you have similar ambitions, you must reserve similar room for change for yourself. "

Chu Yuanxi pointed to herself: "Cheng Wei is my template, so I listed him first. After graduation, I worked directly in operations, then in Sanjing, and finally started a business.

On the contrary, executives at the co-founder, CXO, and vice president levels in large companies usually have graduate school experience.

For example, Didi's co-founder CTO, graduated with a master's degree from the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Software Institute, first entered Baidu for research and development, doing data mining of pictures, and then responsible for mobile product research and development. In 2012, he became the vice president of Didi. Technology and products.

One of the people in charge of Didi Autopilot, graduated with a Ph.D. from Cornell, USA, and his subject is machine vision. Then he joined Google’s self-driving company Waymo. In 2017, he joined Didi Autopilot and was responsible for leading Didi’s American Vision AI team to do technology, perception, control, simulation, decision-making, etc.

Another self-driving person in charge, a master's degree in computer science at Zhejiang University, worked at Baidu for 7 years, responsible for private cloud infrastructure as a service. His strengths are distributed storage and computing, data cloud resource scheduling, etc., and then was pulled away by Didi.

The last one is more representative, the COO of Didi Self-driving, a bachelor's degree in mathematics and economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from MIT. After graduation, he not only started a business, but also entered a fund company and invested in the field of autonomous driving. Dila used to be the chief operating officer.

Here I need to remind one more thing, the postgraduate entrance examination, hardly depends on what school your undergraduate is, the impact is very low. When it comes to the postgraduate entrance examination, the level you have accumulated over the four years of university is the key.

When you observe the latter batch of templates, do you find that apart from their academic qualifications, there is another significant difference between them and the first three? The founders all take the initiative, including Are You Hungry? Zhang Xuhao and Xiao Huang's Dai Wei are the same. They both take the initiative to choose a track and then run madly.

As for the co-founders, CXO, and vice presidents, they practice their skills and then choose passively. They are waiting for the founder to discover market opportunities and then follow. So these two templates are essentially different.

I don’t know if the students understand the concept of these templates. In fact, there are various other templates. For each type of people, the rules of the template can be summarized. After you finish the college entrance examination, you should hurry up and think about what position you will start your career path in four years, and what kind of person you aim to become.

To be honest, I don't dare to pack a ticket for what major is the hottest in 2024. Which ones are suitable for you will vary from person to person, but if you have a goal to strive for, the road behind will not be lost. You may not understand the future social division of labor and the prospects of the industry, but you can first make a plan and expect what your future social status will be, and then look for a template.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, the key is that you have to become a talented person. You can predict now that in a few years, you will learn what is the hottest subject. This will be more gambling. If you judge that the blockchain has the most promising future in 2024, you will learn blockchain, and the most popular artificial intelligence will learn artificial intelligence. You can also apply for a flexible major and enrich your skills as much as possible in the university. Then try to choose a template that suits you. "

At this point, Chu Yuanxi had finished talking about what he had prepared and wanted to say, and then did not give the dean a chance to announce the end of the meeting, and asked directly: "There is still some time below, students can raise their hands if they want to hear. ."

Rows of arms were raised up and down the horse, and some students looked childish and thoughtful, and then raised their hands slowly, so disappointed.

Chu Yuanxi glanced at it, because the schoolboys were all wearing ugly school uniforms, each of them seemed to have no clothing, so there was actually nothing to choose from, so she ordered a boy in the first row.

The little boy immediately stood up excitedly and asked loudly, "Teacher, what do you think is the key to successful Internet entrepreneurship?"

"This question is very good, focusing on the Internet, so that you can get a less general answer. But I am not a teacher..." Chu Yuanxi smiled and nodded, and then said: "The success of Internet entrepreneurship is of course, to make enough Excellent customer acquisition products, the threshold is low enough, and the content is attractive enough."

Instead of sitting down, the boy asked, "What if the product is made but not so good?"

"This question is not easy to answer, the next one." Chu Yuanxi waved his hand to let him sit down, saying, isn't the answer obvious? If it is not so good, it seems that it is so good.

This time he ordered a school girl in the crowd. He did not expect that the question asked was very high-end: "Brother Chu, I am a fan of your Weibo. I often watch you quarrel with people on Weibo."

Speaking of this, it was hahahaha, Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed, and it seemed that her image was worrying.

Just listen to the girls then ask: "You are at the forefront of the industry. I want to hear you summarize the social form and the changes that the industry has brought about by the great development of the mobile Internet?"

"When the mobile Internet was born, I thought that information technology became more efficient to allow people to understand each other, at least to break the prejudice. I did not expect a group of unscrupulous Internet giants to use the so-called smart recommendation method to create information cocoon rooms, A user tag is used to allow users to browse the filtered information every day, and see either false exquisiteness or mutual sales anxiety. As a result, extreme small circles are formed with prejudice fences, and a large number of ETC levers are generated. "

Chu Yuanxi said with sorrow, "The terrible thing is that as the frontier of the industry, I must also follow this trend and actively help Zhou maintain my personal settings for abuse, otherwise I will lose a lot of followers."

The dean saw that the time was really late, so he had to say, "Mr. Chu, the last question, right?"

Chu Yuanxi nodded, and he immediately nodded a student on his behalf. Chu Yuanxi thought that this was a role like the leader of the five-legged gang, but the question he asked seemed to be quite deep: "Senior, do you think the white-collar workers in the office building now have the essence of the uncle farmers in the fields. Is it a difference?"

Is this a compulsion to deliberately ask a deep question to improve the quality of students' questions? Chu Yuanxi said that you are still far away!

"Yes, at least the farmer can go home after dark."

In the warm applause of the students, Chu Yuanxi was sent off. Walking out of the lecture hall to take a breath of fresh air, Chu Yuanxi waited, and Teacher Sun also came out from the side door. As the inviting person, he had to send Chu Yuanxi away.

Chu Yuanxi chatted with Teacher Sun, and it was obvious that Teacher Sun's complexion was relatively stiff. This time, the teachers were offended. It seems that at least the alma mater of high school will not be invited again for a long time.

He took out his mobile phone and planned to quickly scan it to see if it was important. He had accumulated a lot of information without reading WeChat for more than an hour, and even a lot of things appeared in the top information.

"Huh?" Chu Yuanxi whispered, ignoring Teacher Sun's face to face, staring at the message sent by Lu Yu for a long time, it said: Fang Shiling is going to broadcast live, tomorrow night, Douyin.

I rely on! Isn't she just talking about the live broadcast?

The next day was Tuesday, Chu Yuanxi dealt with the official business that was squeezed out yesterday afternoon, and suddenly saw a super-powerful gossip.

The domestic blockchain hero first launched Bitmain. The chairman went to release new products at the Pengcheng Security Expo yesterday, intending to enter the field of intelligent analysis of video images with AI servers. As a result, there was a sudden fire in his hometown. The former CEO who retired from the management team at the beginning of the year was also the founder of Bitmain. He started directly and made a business change. The board of directors and supervisors were changed. All positions of the chairman were removed, and the access control was also blocked. No, no step in the door.

This change is more than a major earthquake for any company. The key HR positions are also the "former" chairman of the board. This happened yesterday, but today it can be described as murderous corporate mail. Everyone is not allowed to participate in the recall of the original chairman's convening, and no longer executes his instructions. Violators directly contact the labor contract and pursue criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

So the incident entered the public eye.

Coincidentally, it happened that Jianan Zhizhi, the second largest domestic mining machine, submitted a prospectus to the SEC of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today, and officially embarked on the Nasdaq IPO.

It is not convenient for outsiders to comment on this kind of thing, especially Chu Yuanxi, who has half-footed into the blockchain field. But a strong idea has appeared in his mind since he saw this exposed email from all employees. This is definitely due to the aftermath of a wave of blockchain in the news network.

This sip of milk made the conflict that hadn't been so fierce, because the value of things that were not so valuable was instantly amplified. Ordinary blockchain concept stocks can still pull the daily limit, let alone the lake island in the blockchain industry?

Soon it came to the evening, and Fang Shiling's live broadcast started at 8:30. Chu Yuanxi returned to the yap-style villa for dinner, and sat side by side on the sofa with Yu Yanan while chatting and waiting for the broadcast. As a result, Yu Yanan suddenly exclaimed, "What happened to WeChat Pay?"

"what's happenin?"

"I don't know. I paid, but the money was deducted. The merchant didn't arrive and won't ship me."

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback for a moment, and said he couldn't, right? "Are you sure there is money in the account? The balance is insufficient, right?"

"How could it be that it was the card you gave me!"

Chu Yuanxi said that you spend money too fast? But it's really unlikely.

He turned on his mobile phone and hadn't entered the payment yet. He found that the groups flashed wildly, and the beating speed was obviously fast, and he clicked a group to enter. The inside was already mad and several people were spraying WeChat payment.

"Fuck! WeChat Pay collapsed? Can WeChat Pay collapse too?"

Chu Yuanxi looked at the chat log with a spartan face, and realized that this unexpected thing was really possible!

Just listen to Yu Yanan whispering: "I will pay again and try."

Chu Yuanxi didn't care either, because the live broadcast was about to begin. Since I was using Douyin live broadcast, there were already two short videos saved in the account. Chu Yuanxi opened it and saw that Fang Shiling was talking about the blockchain.

What she is doing seems to be a short video program similar to the knowledge category. It seems to be a program that follows the major news broadcasts. The program is launched while it is hot, but the expression is not deep enough.

For this kind of knowledge-based program, the expression of the UP host must be very emotional, at least it looks emotional, and the feeling of understanding, users will believe that you are a KOL, and then you will be a fan.

Fang Shiling's voice is as good as ever. Although his expression is a little more formal, there are necessary changes. The scenery and lighting are all okay, but it is still a little bit worse.

Chu Yuanxi judged from a more professional perspective, and to put it better-he has not yet formed his own style.

The live broadcast had already begun during the time of the video. Chu Yuanxi clicked into the live broadcast room and found that there were only a dozen big cats and kittens in the live broadcast room.

Fang Shiling's appearance is different from that in the video. The background of the video is dark and a little fluorescent, so she wears a serious woolen coat. The background of the live broadcast room is bright, so she is wearing a woolen jacket and a blue canvas fisherman hat on her head, which makes the overall tone appear high, white and beautiful and very friendly.

Just like this, I kept outputting short videos on Douyin for half a year. At any rate, I could get more than 1 million fans, but if there is nothing real, 2 million fans would be the ceiling. Most of the active beauties on Douyin who rely on their appearance to attract fans will hit this ceiling and then slowly fall silent.

It's a pity that the live broadcast room is too deserted. Anyway, her Douyin account has seven or eight thousand fans. Considering that only two short videos were posted, and the earliest one was posted on Sunday, only 48 hours, the speed of attracting fans is not bad. Use the official account to attract fans to Douyin. Unless it works very well and the tonality is very suitable, don’t **** it too slowly. Fang Shiling’s Douyin is still a special blockchain. I want to rely on "Middle Night Gallery" to input fans. Difficult too.

Maybe Fang Shiling in front of the camera did not expect that there were only so few people. He hesitated when speaking. At first glance, he had prepared a notebook, but now there are too few people to read it, but he doesn't know how to perform on the spot. Look like.

Fortunately, people continue to come in. "Late Night Gallery" is to warm up the live broadcast and send a message to remind it. Just after 8:30, it also sent a tweet, and fans did chase in. However, there was almost no communication in the whole process. Chu Yuanxi felt very bored after watching it for a while. Fang Shiling seemed to be memorizing a manuscript. Although he looked at the screen after a while and read the subtitles of the water friends, it was very unnatural. , As if being constantly reminded to read messages.

Especially when she talked about blockchain, Ran Goose, as long as the issues related to blockchain in the message, she ignored it, which made people feel that she didn't understand it, so she had to hide it.

This led to the extremely poor experience of watching the live broadcast, so that Chu Yuanxi didn't remember what she said, anyway, it was some superficial current state of the and some were obviously wrong. For example, what technology cannot supervise Yunyun. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are not the same thing. Technically, if you want to properly supervise and control it for you, this is definitely what a layman said.

Chu Yuan Xixin said that this company is a performance art? Fang Shiling, a female boxing big V, even if it does a short video and a live broadcast, it can properly do VLOG and make-up. What blockchain is talking about, it is simply funny! How can anyone listen to this stuff on Douyin? So what is it that there is a hole in the head at a glance? How foolish are people?

But he didn't expect that as the number of people in the live broadcast room increased, and soon after reaching three digits, some water friends opened paid barrage, and others started to give gifts, with full-screen special effects and barrage.

"Boss, we still like to see you tear the scumbag."

"Fantasy Room, the last friend who was recommended by me for a blockchain project has successfully increased friendship. I didn't expect you to tell me this today!"

"Boss, why are you addicted to blockchain?"

"Boss, are you pitted by a scumbag?"

"Great painter, I still like to watch you write articles. Why are you addicted to blockchain?"

"Boss, are you pitted by a scumbag?"

Fang Shiling saw that the problem was obviously not sleepy in the end, just about to draw inferences, suddenly a rocket flew on the screen! This special effect is called "Tik Tok No. 1", and it costs 1,000 yuan per piece. Unlike Dou Shark and ZZ, live vibrato live broadcasts are high online but few people use rockets. This one hits the screen!

I saw a line of barrage drifting past, and the speaker called He Guang Tongchen: "Anchor, have you ever loved Chu Yuanxi?"


Tweet the urban novel "I Really Don't Want to Lie Down and Win". The author Taibai Mao is a very anxious author who needs care.


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