Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 910: Institutionalized transfer

In front of the live broadcast, Fang Shiling's face was instantly expressionless, as if covering ten thousand years of frost, especially when the "anchor" called, he was not his fan at first sight. So who is this person? A cunning and decisive image suddenly appeared in her mind.

She quickly switched the topic, and completely ignored the rules of the live broadcast industry-like this kind of large rewards, at least you have to be crazy thank you, no matter how big the anchor is, even the little sister of Dou Sha thank.

He Guang Tongchen is of course Chu Yuanxi. Yu Yanan has been lying on his back for a long time. At this time, she giggled and laughed wildly at the barrage sent by Chu Yuanxi.

Chu Yuanxi felt meaningless, turned off Douyin, and immediately heard Yu Yanan exclaiming again: "WeChat payment has resumed, but my money has not been returned! I paid twice, hey WeChat’s What about customer service? Why is there no customer service?"

Seeing that Yu Yanan was frantic in WeChat, there was no page showing customer service, Chu Yuanxi hurriedly waved to her. Yu Yanan swam over the sofa like a fish, only listening to Chu Yuanxi say: "You save the province, don't you know if WeChat has no customer service? You think it is Alipay."

"But, but..."

"But what, do you think Penguin is not in a hurry? Wait for the official solution. It's impossible to swallow your money." Chu Yuanxi said, turning on the phone and looking at the group, and found that the collapse had lasted for more than 20 minutes. Some people in the group spit sharply: WeChat treats everyone equally, not only our users cannot contact customer service, but also Penguin's internal contact!

But looking at the group information, Chu Yuanxi's expression became very strange, and Yu Yanan stabbed him: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing."

In fact, Chu Yuanxi thought of a very serious problem. Based on the complaints of the water friends in each group, WeChat does not seem to have the concept of payment failure? The so-called payment failures are similar to unsuccessful failures caused by insufficient balance, but failures in which the money is not paid but the other party's account is not entered. This problem is serious.

He also intends to do mobile payment, but the former Xiaokang has never done mobile payment. He is completely talking about mobile payment on paper.

I originally thought that there seemed to be no too difficult technical problems. The difficulty lies in promoting their own payment methods, allowing users to use, allowing merchants to use, and accessing bank cards and credit cards. It is difficult to promote all three at the same time. The development of payment is meaningless.

But looking at it this way, it seems that development itself is not without difficulties, at least not as easy as imagined. Regardless of the fact that WeChat and Alipay usually call the double walls of the empire, at least the payment logic of Alipay is not faulty, not only has the concept of "payment failure", but the full amount is refunded directly.

However, judging from the performance tonight, WeChat does not seem to be, so there is no such thing as a refund?

In fact, think about it. In terms of user experience, we usually feel that WeChat is no different from Alipay, but can it be the same? Alipay is a professional player for money, while WeChat’s professional is social, and money-playing is just a sideline.

Therefore, what are the problems in this logic need to be discussed with the Siege Lion. A behemoth like WeChat has done payments for many years, and Jack hailed as a "sneak attack on Pearl Harbor", and will have all kinds of problems, let alone yourself?

This brings about a very real problem. In the milestone schedule he formulated, Milestone 6 first went to City Treasures, then mobile payment, and finally promoted the well-off payment in Milestone 7.

Therefore, the research and development of mobile payment was originally planned to start research and development in the second half of Milestone 4. Milestone 5 only takes more than a month. It will be too late for further development after Milestone 5, and time must be allowed for testing. There is also the problem of applying for a payment license. Although the difficulty of this problem is very small at present, it is necessary to prevent accidents.

Now he is thinking about this problem. What if the technical difficulties are more difficult than he expected? This is very possible, because he never did it in the original world. Just watching other people do it, it feels so simple. Once I get started, there are too many people like this, such as Teacher Gongsun. Why must I go smoothly?

The development plan must be advanced. Fortunately, they were all at a milestone and didn't even need to change the budget. Chu Yuanxi made up his mind to talk to Liu Lu tomorrow. No, I will notify Liu Lu now and start preparing for recruitment.

Why does Chu Yuanxi and Xiaokang no one find it difficult to make mobile payments? Because Chu Yuanxi is a mobile game, people who play mobile games are really too familiar with mobile payments on the Android side! Isn't it Krypton Gold?

All Android phone games are actually mobile payment, but the price of the product is only a few fixed gears, and the highest gear is habitually set to 648. Generally, players will choose Alipay or WeChat when recharging, but the standard configuration of mobile games must include players directly paying by bank card.

Therefore, from a shallow logic perspective, as long as payment for mobile games can be done, mobile payment can be done. But the collapse of WeChat tonight revealed that there seemed to be deep-seated problems. In this sense, Chu Yuanxi was grateful to Yu Yanan for allowing him to "visit the scene" to watch the collapse, instead of waiting to listen to other people's reports afterwards or read online posts to experience it.

Payments that have been made like WeChat are okay, and only users who are hurt will have lingering fears. The lack of basic user trust for newcomers to make payments is, after all, a major issue related to cash. In case the well-off comes to such a sudden when it pushes payment in the future, it will basically be yellow, and the valuation will collapse.

When Chu Yuanxi sent Liu Lu's WeChat message, Yu Yanan finally gave up, threw the phone on the sofa, lay down on his back, and let out a puzzling sigh: "Why can't you buy happiness with money?"

"It's not that you can't buy happiness with money, but you can't buy it with a little money."

"I killed you!"



The next day, October 30, Chu Yuanxi arranged for Liu Lu to recruit in advance, and at the same time invited Guo Jiangyong, a back-end chief program formerly affiliated to the Pakistani game intermodal transport department, to the tea room.

Guo Jiangyong's relationship is in the Pakistani group, and now belongs to the "Enemies of Rome" project team.

The main job of the intermodal department is to connect the games that have been developed to the SDKs of various channels, and the most critical part is the access to the recharge system. In the early days of mobile games, when publishers had not risen in large numbers, all game companies built their own intermodal departments, connected their products to major channels, and shared accounts directly with the channels.

Later, the operation mode of the industry chain gradually became more refined, and publishers understood more traffic and operations, and gradually became more powerful, so the division of labor was formed. R&D parties generally had to find strong publishers to distribute as agents, and they were only responsible for making high-quality game products. Therefore, the intermodal work is basically done by the publisher.

But the Pakistani people are a game company with a huge traffic pool, so they don't even look for distribution, so the job of receiving channels has always been to build an intermodal team by themselves.

This work is quite boring and can’t go wrong. There is a bug in the game itself, which is nothing more than an apology to the player and a compensation package, but an error occurred when receiving the SDK and the player’s recharge order was lost, and the fun would be great! Therefore, the intermodal team is a humble but very critical link.

Chu Yuanxi knew this person when Guo Jiangyong was in charge of the intermodal transportation. He was very good at receiving SDK and never dropped orders when doing recharge, leaving a lot of effort for the test team. Chu Yuanxi feels it should be reliable for such a person to be a mobile payment.

Yu Wenhui had always been the project manager of "A World of Troubles" before and knew his abilities, so he was transferred to the team when the "Enemies of Rome" double-ended team was formed. For Guo Jiangyong, he was promoted from intermodal transportation to the project team, so he was quite happy, but then the situation suddenly changed and "Rome Enemy" was suspended. Originally, he should return to intermodal transportation or incorporate it into Pakistani games as the backend. But Yu Wen Hui couldn't bear it, so he left him in the group.

In this way, he won't follow the Ba Ren game to switch to Lingxi, and there is no identity problem. Today Chu Yuanxi wants to talk to him about the option of transferring posts to a well-off society.

This kind of thing must be talked about. It is not something that Chu Yuanxi can directly decide with a swipe of a pen. It involves the employees' personal interests and interests. Chu Yuanxi has always maintained respect in this regard.

As a result, Guo Jiangyong listened to the post and thought it was transferred to Zhao Jie to develop the platform, but did not expect it to be transferred to Xiaokang?

"Yes, if you are transferred to a well-off job, the Ba people will leave." Chu Yuanxi said and took out a form. He had previously transferred a group of employees from Pakistan to well-off, but they were not at the core level, mainly the ground pushers under Liao Xingxing, and the shop assistants in Barnana, none of which had any interest. But Guo Jiangyong is different. He has options, and some of them are very close to being converted to equity. The disadvantage is that he is not a member of the "Troubled Times" group and there are not many options.

However, staying in Pakistan, he may get more equity in the future, as well as the dividends and DKP of the project team, as long as "The Enemy of Rome" can succeed.

It can be said that ordinary companies have no such hope. Of course, Xiaokang is not an ordinary company.

"Regarding the situation on Xiaokang's side, because we have always worked together, you must have heard about it, but you don't know how much you know it." Chu Yuanxi said, seeing that Guo Jiangyong was already looking at his watch. The table shows the situation on the well-off side, including salary, benefits, and the method of obtaining options under the OKD system, etc., and the most important thing is that Chu Yuanxi intends to give him the position of the mobile payment project team manager.

Guo Jiangyong must have been moved, because this is considered a promotion and entered the middle management post. Moreover, the mobile payment thing, as long as you have a clear mind, you know how important it is to have a little understanding of the Tianchao mobile landscape. Guo Jiangyong is obviously not stupid. The manager of this project team is almost inevitable to upgrade to a business group in the future. There are not many well-off management levels, and he will become the vice president after going up.

However, he actually thinks too much. Today, an OKR on Liu Lu has been raised to the highest priority, looking for a vice president-level executive who has a foundation in technology development and mobile payment implementation experience for Xiaokang. Liu Lu can't wait slowly and wait until then. Suddenly, today has become the "time".

Of course, this is not Liu Lu’s job alone, because Chu Yuanxi suddenly raised the priority to the highest priority, and the most urgent needs. Everyone can get an option as long as they can help the company recommend the right person. Recommendations are available, and the reward for successful entry is higher.

What if no one can be found? Chu Yuanxi is the first to consolidate this product line. This is how ability is exercised, no matter which world it is.

In any case, Guo Jiangyong was still a big shot when he joined the company last year. He started to manage other people's code when the Pakistani mentioned the position of the main program. Unexpectedly, one year later, it might be possible to manage people?

"Mr. Chu, I, I have no experience as a project manager. This project is so critical, can I do it?"

"No one is born to know everything. You are about the same age as me. You don't have management experience or social experience? It's not difficult to learn more." Chu Yuanxi laughed, his ability and morality are very important when choosing people. Management experience ranks behind, especially for the R&D department. Work experience is very important, and management experience can be made up in other ways.

Besides, the essence of leading soldiers to fight is that the elite soldiers should be stupid, so that they can refer to where to fight. The project manager still belongs to the category of soldiers, and the squad leader is just a platoon leader. If he is particularly active, he is as experienced as Jin Xu, who was opened after the National Day. Also fight a fart, learn from Chang Kaishen's diary to make the country stronger!

"As for your options and DKP in Pakistan, I think so. DKP transfers to Xiaokang in the same amount. Xiaokang does not use the DKP system now, but it does not provide an incubation environment, so if you want to be in Xiaokang someday in the future Entrepreneurship, this DKP’s account is well-off. And you are recorded as a case to the well-off side, as a sample reference for future transfers, and institutionalized."

"The option?"

"Options cannot be institutionalized. Your options are not easy to handle. They are issued based on value."

The so-called issuance by value is to give options worth tens of thousands, not how many shares. The number of shares is simple to deal with, and the value is converted according to the valuation at the time of exercise and the exercise price. After the rapid expansion, the Pakistani people are no longer suitable for posting according to the quantity, so many people post in this way. Now it has become a problem to transfer jobs.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi had to give an unsatisfactory way: "Your option will expire immediately in the first year, and it will be confirmed as the Baren Group’s equity for you, and the rest will be based on the current Baren Group and Xiaokang The valuation is converted into an equivalent well-off option, which is converted into shares in 4 years. The valuation is based on the well-off A+ round and the valuation of the Baren Group’s share repurchase for the game company brothers. Is this OK?"

In fact, this is equivalent to using an option as a reward for recruiting new recruits. Many small start-up companies have nothing but options. Not to mention recruiting project managers, even recruiting programmers give large amounts of options.

Seeing Guo Jiangyong stunned for a moment, Chu Yuanxi shrugged, "Do you think you are at a loss?"

"No, no." Guo Jiangyong smiled awkwardly. At a certain moment, he did feel that there was a problem, because the start-up company recruited people to give options? In other words, isn't Xiaokang using the option to give the Pakistani a fortune?

"No loss, no loss indeed." Does Chu Yuanxi still know what he thinks? "The middle-level and lower level of well-off recruits basically don't give options, but mark them as OKR task packages for employees to earn themselves."

However, the recruitment of executives still has to give some options, such as the entry of CTO Zhou Mingjun, the entry of CSO Cao Xiang and so on.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine." Guo Jiangyong hurriedly showed OK with both hands, otherwise it would be bad if Chu always misunderstood.

After speaking, he suddenly felt relaxed a lot. "Actually, Mr. Chu, I actually think that Zhao Jie’s platform plan is very attractive. I originally wanted to ask if I can go there. Saying that your game is very good. Make money, why do you want to build a platform?"

"Why? Because "Out of the Mountains" was too successful." Chu Yuanxi got a key post but had a worry. It happened to be able to learn more about Guo Jiangyong while chatting. Maybe he will be his confidant in the future, and he can't stay in acquaintance. degree.

"In fact, there are a lot of roads that can be taken behind the Pakistani game, but there is already such a successful project, how to go? Many roads that could have been taken seem to be low and blocked.

There is a way, called ‘find the methodology for success’, which is actually to keep repeating my previous routines without any single-minded pursuit.

This road has been mixed for a few years by habitual performance, but it only cashes in some money, and it is definitely not going to be mixed. It is impossible to let you eat for a lifetime. Not to mention the annoyance of users. How long can you endure your routines? It is impossible to let the copycats be eaten by our family. If you perform a successful methodology, a group of people must rush in, and profits will definitely shrink. "

In fact, even though the penguins were not spared even the penguins were not spared in the first wave of the Shanzhai "Unwinding" project, it was the chain of social contempt that was showing off. But the social contempt chain is also strong. If there are too many copycats, someone will cross over. Copycats are not necessarily fun, and people who copycats must continue to iterate and innovate. Back then, "My name is MT" was a hundred, and even created the illusion that the copycats would never be able to cross it. The result was quickly crossed by "Let go of the Three Kingdoms" as an example.

In fact, this is also an important reason why Chu Yuanxi is willing to sell Pakistani At this time, Guo Jiangyong had to nod repeatedly when he heard it.

"So, it is a way out for a target like "The Enemy of Rome" to go to the sea. There is always something different and great work to be done in China? Then it is better to change your mind and use games to drive the platform. I think it’s good, and it’s even better."

Guo Jiangyong smiled suddenly: "Actually, I think it's good to make money by holding your head down, hahaha..."

Chu Yuanxi said that of course it is good to make money. The problem is that it is enough to sell Pakistani games, and continuing to make money at the rate of several hundred million a month can not satisfy me! "In short, Xiaokang is a strong toC company. You have a lot of work to do on the back end. Correspondingly, OKR task rewards will be very generous, so work harder."

"Hey, President Chu, when it comes to toC, why do I listen to Jack Ma and the others saying that the future is toB?"

"Listen to them stubbornly!" Chu Yuanxi said that Guo Jiangyong was quite easy to learn, but it was a pity that what he learned was superficial. "You have to learn to think independently, what the future is in toB and so on, you have to see who is fooling you. They can only do toB if they succeed in toC, do you understand?"

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