Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 901: Push security and intelligence services

   A few hundred words were missed at the beginning of the chapter yesterday (there were not pasted in the ord). After the group friends reminded, it has been added. You can take a look again.

   Guo Jiangyong suddenly realized.

   I only heard Chu Yuanxi confidently say, "Well-off is still far from the top, and speeding up while there is no monopoly power is the kingly way."

   It's a pity that this confident expression lasted only three seconds, because suddenly he saw Alipay was holding a conference called "New Ecology".

   Chu Yuanxi watched the news for a long time, then slapped his lips for a long time, and said, "This is no good, this. We can't live without our own intelligence department. You can't know this kind of thing without seeing the news."

   It was Xue Jianhua who forwarded the news to him, but Du Tie and Yuan Mu sat in the president's office. Du Tie was sitting here because Chu Yuanxi felt it was time to establish a ground push security team, and Yuan Mu was sitting here because Liao Xing Xing floated after mentioning the vice president, and the ground pusher did not punish him but also jumped out to block the fight. Gun, take responsibility.

  Chu Yuanxi felt that if Yuan Mu had to pay attention to his image, he would definitely swear. Is this a question of responsibility? This is an unplanned expenditure. It hasn't been promoted in other cities. The unplanned loss in the monthly promotion is 100,000 yuan. Is this reasonable?

   But to push this kind of thing, I hate that it is prone to accidents. Xiaokang is a local push in the imperial capital, which is fairly peaceful. In the past two years, many companies that made mahjong mobile games used local push, directly using "can play" as an index for local push teams. This "fighting" is in the literal sense. Those who cannot fight are not even qualified for local pushers, because they will be knocked off by the local push team of other companies, which is inefficient.

   Of course, there is no dark society in the sky. However, even if Xiaokang makes a local push, no one can guarantee that he will not be touched by others, so this situation is inevitable.

   However, he was about to discuss something, Xue Jianhua turned the news over.

   At this time, listening to Chu Yuanxi's chatter, Yuan Lu was suddenly curious, "Do you want to know in advance? What can you do if you know it? Disturb Ali's game?"

   "We may not have the ability to disrupt the game, but at least we must have the time to disrupt the game."

   Chu Yuanxi looked at what Yuan Mu meant. It should be that she also understands where Ali's new ecological conference is going to be. Otherwise, she won't ask if it will be disrupted.

   In short, Alibaba wants to go a step further on the basis of "Retail Link" and further mobile digital services for all mom-and-pop stores.

   These small shops were originally not very competitive. If 724 is called the head, they can only be called the waist or the knee. Shops like Wang Yinyu were integrated by Chu Yuanxi Huairou. Before the integration, even if it was on the upper side of the waist, it already had a chain form, which was a little bit stronger than a solo mom-and-pop shop.

It is precisely because of their lack of data-based capabilities that they lack competitiveness. Chu Yuanxi’s new-style convenience store can not only attract customers to squeeze their living space through frontal competition, but also integrate them through the "Wang Yinyu model" to reduce low-end competition. The opponent becomes his own resource.

   But Ali wants to improve their competitiveness, and it is a substantial increase, which is very serious.

Originally, Alibaba has been deeply involved in new retail to a terrifying level. It used its own huge data capabilities to support these old waists and legs. The data of consumption behavior, the fragmentation of consumption scenes, and the diversification of user needs, etc. It is their weakness. Ali helps them improve efficiency, upgrades these traditional FMCG terminal channels to the digital economy, and guides them to move purchases, warehousing, etc. online.

This strategy is called "Retail Link", which has been promoted for a long time. It is one of the eight new retail strategies of Alibaba. It is mainly aimed at the intelligent distribution of community retail stores, that is, warehousing and logistics purchases, etc. It slightly includes some of the Internet Data one-stop service. This has already made the 724 type of new convenience store feel like a man behind it, and the new type of convenience store is strong in sku management.

   But today, Chu Yuanxi looked at it this way, not only sku, but Ali actually wanted to make e-commerce mini programs for these waist and hip shops! In this era when even 724 has not launched its own online a, Ali directly cut the roots, not leaving people alive!

   The reason why Chu Yuanxi was not in a good mood immediately after seeing this news is precisely because the foundation of Xiaokang's pioneering and enterprising lies in

The online and offline connection lies in the a in the user's mobile phone.

   There are more geniuses who can open convenience stores offline, not to mention 724 Lawson or Wumart stores. If Luckin doesn’t play coffee and change to convenience stores, it will definitely open better than well. There are more people who can play the o2o mall online, and I don’t even need an example. But Chu Yuanxi believed that he could play well with online and offline connections.

  What Ali announced today is that all retail stores can now use Ali’s services to use Mini Programs. What does this mean?

The support of digitalization is not mobile payment, but the use of small programs, rookie logistics and the Internet of Things to unite these mom-and-pop shops at the waist and hips, so that they also have 724-style advanced sku management methods, and even have well-off and Wumart stores. Member "system".

   Ali brightened his sword today and pointed at the ultimate goal of "system". If the small shops on the waist and hips are especially blessed by the "system", what are the highlights of the well-off? This hot dog is the rhythm of catching offline traffic to death!

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt that time was pressing, and said that the speed of "Wang Yinyu integration" must be accelerated. If these stores are not integrated quickly, they are all targets of Ali's united battle. The elephant took a heavy step, Xiaokang must pour a piece of flowers and plants!

   And what needs to be done is much more than "Wang Yinyu integration", but also the speed of running.

Everyone builds a "system". The well-to-do a is tailored specifically for themselves. It is definitely better than Ali's standardized process, because you can make targeted adjustments, modify, or add your own features, such as lines. The above content, these are certainly not Ali will not be in a short time. But can you ignore Ali’s extinction? Can't stand the huge number of enemy troops!

Chu Yuanxi was confident that he could easily win and even integrate. Now that every enemy is armed by Ali, the victory should still be able to win, but the damping coefficient will definitely increase sharply, and the integration cost will increase sharply. . How to do? The only correct way is to rush over before they are armed.

   I want to come. I have been working in a mom-and-pop shop for so many years. I want to passively change the track and slide onto the rail of Ali with the correct posture. It is not a day or two.

   As for the resistance, let the 724s overcome it! From this perspective, the feeling of mutual dependence between misfortune and happiness arises spontaneously. It may be a good thing for a well-off society. It depends on whether the speed of running is fast enough.

   Chu Yuanxi thought a lot at this moment, but Yuan Mu obviously didn't think so much. What did he listen to? Chu Yuanxi also planned to disrupt Ali, and said in his heart that I should go to your uncle! Xiaokang spoils Ali? right now? Why don't you go to heaven?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said, "First of all, Lao Du, Yuan Mu said this thing. Why did I call for you when fighting or other problems occurred during the push? You don't care about pushing now, at least in name. My thoughts Yes, set up a local push security team, which is your responsibility."

"Ground push...Security?" Du Jie seemed to guess something, but still didn't quite understand it. However, in the original world, as the vice president of the well-off ground push line, he actually spent at least half of his energy on the ground push. Security.

"It's those things." Chu Yuanxi was a bit hard to say in front of Yuan Mu. After thinking about it, he decided to say something like this, "For example, fighting, Yuan Mu, don't stare at me. I know that unplanned expenses will be incurred. But the reasons for your scoring situation. Some are absolutely to be criticized or even fired, some need to be apologized and condemned externally, and some are actually protected internally, and some should be supported. You should not just look at the money. I am not trying to help raise bad trends. Evil..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the promotion of the "parking space" game in the original world, because the head shot was not done well, and the cause and effect were not considered. As a result, there was a time interval between "taking down the parking space" and "raising the parking space stake". . Therefore, in a blink of an eye, the vacant parking spaces are occupied by people, and almost every store is like this, and then when the well-off wants to erect the piles, it conflicts with the car owners with vested interests, causing very bad consequences.

  Because of the common occurrence, the pot belongs to the project designer, that is, Chu Yuanxi. In the end, Du Xie directly pulled up and pushed the security team around to solve the problem. Otherwise, Xiaokang would severely offend the community users as soon as it opened. This problem can be big or small, but it is actually a headache. Later in the original world, there were many scenes that needed to shovel.

In the same way, Du shirts are all solved well.

   This shows that Du Shirt is very good at "shoveling things".

   It happened that Yuan Mu looked at the increasing unplanned expenditures and Liao Xingxing’s look like he stopped doing it. The key is that everyone is now a vice president. Liao Xingxing is not afraid of Yuan Mu. Yuan Mu’s eyes are even worse!

So Chu Yuanxi simply kneaded a few things together to solve "Old Du, I hope you pull up a team that can calm things, and then spread out to solve external emergencies for various action departments. You don't have to fight, go out. Doing business and making money abroad, we still do not advocate fighting, as the last option of violence.

   We are a law-abiding company. Now Liao Xingxing is a gangster, and it will create negative public opinion whether it should be or not. It is definitely not recommended. But in many cases, there must be a way to solve the problem. Our company is just right for you. you understand me? "

   "I..." Du Xie actually understands, but as a forty-something old river and lake, absolutely cannot say "understand" at this time.

Looking at his expression, you can tell what he is worried about. Chu Yuanxi was immediately happy, "Don't worry, I will write the rules. In the end, if there is a need to be responsible, we will lose together. In this way, Yuan Mu will push Liao Xingxing later. If that line is messed up again, they are solely responsible. They are absolutely forbidden to mess around without permission, go through the process, and let Old Du go out. Old Du, you must be professional, I believe you will be able to master it. 'degree'."

   Du Ziexin said I don’t believe in myself, why do you believe in me so much?

   In fact, Yuan Mu is also quite strange, because it is very strange that Du Xie is the vice president. You must know that even Liao Xingxing, this kind of capable man who followed from Pengfei to Ba people, and from Ba people to Chu Yuanxi to Xiaokang, can be said to have been able to stand alone a long time ago, but lacked qualifications, and was just Director level.

   People in Pengfei can be the director of operations planning, one step away from the director. Of course, Liao Xingxing rises quickly, and he didn't stay long after jumping to the senior director. Recently, he mentioned v.

  The problem is Du shirt? What qualifications does Du shirt have? No, just the store manager of the former 724 flagship store. If Chu Yuanxi sent him to the storefront system as a director or even a senior director, it would not be surprising, but the vice president was mentioned as soon as he came up. Although he was only in charge of customer service, he would definitely rank first in the vice president. Vice President, Xiaokang is only a few Vice Presidents...

   I only heard Chu Yuanxi continue to say, "The only thing I worry about is whether your body is okay when you are running around. You must not rush on it yourself."

   "Your radical method is too inferior, right?" Du Xie smiled very contradictory, "Since you think I can do it, then I can do it, so be it!"

   Yuan Mu had no choice but to nod her head. In fact, she didn't want to point her head because the unplanned expenditure was gone, but the planned expenditure increased significantly. "Hey wait, Chu Yuanxi, how do you deal with the manpower of this newly-added department? Transfer from the existing team or recruit?"

"Let's select some recruits, and the specific old Du will decide. Then maybe I also need a security guard, preferably a female, who can also drive part-time, so that following me, others will think it is an assistant, so it is not awkward. "

   "Dear, what you want is not a security guard, but a bodyguard." Yuan Mu's face turned black, "have you seen too much recently? Huawei's President Ren didn't have a bodyguard until last year, okay?"

   "But isn't Jack Ma's bodyguard particularly famous?"

   "Are you better than Jack? Are the few who hire bodyguards among the bosses of major Internet companies, OK?" Yuan Mu was almost happy, "What do you want bodyguards for?"

"Because I feel that I might attract hatred later." Chu Yuanxi is also helpless. It is impossible to do business without hatred at all. This is especially true when doing business for the whole people. He knew he was certain before. It has also attracted people's hatred, but it has a specific target, and it will not be harmed by the indiscriminate revenge society. But even the security team for the push was established, and Du Shirt was not a little white rabbit. It was inevitable that there would be some accidents behind.

   "But you shouldn't be anxious about bodyguards. You can't find them casually, or it will be counterproductive. Let's take your time."

   After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, he signaled that Du Shirt could immediately make the budget, and Yuan Mu needed to approve the budget according to the process.

   Then he said to Yuan Mu, "This matter for the intelligence department is actually

Since we have entrusted the information business and public opinion business to Pakistani Information, but Lu Yu is not specialized in intelligence, it is okay to do some entertainment hotspots, tt is already choking, and I have no business between companies. Counted on. So we still have to have an intelligence department. Otherwise, if you really close your eyes and open your eyes, no matter how good your business is, you will be beaten by others. "

   "Isn't it just approving the budget? It's so dangerous to use it?" Yuan Mu nodded, "What about the candidate?"

"There is no good candidate. I just discuss with you. Do you have any talents on Zheng De? The assistant to the president I promoted from Pakistan is called Deng Shuang, who is more flexible. It turns out that Pengfei’s assistant to the president is named Yang Lu. Recently, I saw her applying for a job, and I felt I could let her try."

   The job of the assistant to the president itself also involves collecting and sorting out information, so the candidates Chu Yuanxi thought of were the assistants to the president. Of course, Chu Yuanxi's requirements were higher. Ordinary collection and sorting is to watch the news. What Chu Yuanxi requires is to activate the sense of smell and take the initiative to attack, and even make predictions, so a separate department needs to be established.

   As for Xiaokang's assistant to the president, because it is Elizabeth, it is not appropriate for her to do this.

"Alright, I'll look for you." Yuan Lu got a general understanding of Chu Yuanxi's thoughts, but was still quite curious, "This Yang are not with Pengfei or Li, ah, yes, Li Zhaokai, you Aren’t you at fault with him? Are you not afraid of leaks or something?"

"Yang Lu is just Li Zhaokai's assistant. As far as I know, there is no such relationship. I think this person is okay, old colleague. But your concerns also exist, so they are not very good candidates~www.mtlnovel .com~ As Chu Yuanxi was talking, she suddenly saw Yuan Mu suddenly raised her head, "What do you think of me? "

   "What?" Chu Yuanxi was confused. The formerly well-off world also had an intelligence department, but she had nothing to do with Yuan Mu. How could she suddenly ask Ying to do this?

"Speaking of collecting intelligence, we are very professional in investing. The advantages and disadvantages of poor information are the key to the success or failure of investment. For this reason, it is normal to invest the cost. And I am better at corporate information, who wants to raise funds? , Whoever wants to release a new strategy or something, if you ask me to collect hot news from the entertainment industry and society, I cannot do it."

   Yuan Mu said very neatly, apparently he had thought about it, "Zheng De has a big intelligence department. Although I haven't done it myself, I basically know what to do."

   Chu Yuanxi feels that this is more than that, maybe Yuan Mu also wants to improve? Speaking of this, it’s his own pot. Yuan Mu is doing cfo, but the daily work becomes a batch of budget and it is boring. Chu Yuanxi killed at least half of the financing matters that should have been undertaken by cfo. Perform the work before handing it over to her.

"If you feel busy, I feel okay. It's just a little bit of talent." Chu Yuanxi said apologetically. Intelligence work kills time and requires social and animal diligence, and it also needs sensitivity and experience. Therefore, it is difficult to find candidates. Yuan Mu felt that she was competent, but Chu Yuanxi was afraid that she was wronged. It didn’t matter if she was wronged. It would be bad if she didn’t work hard. Chu Yuanxi still couldn’t whipped her, but Yang Lu and Deng Shuang could just whipped her. Yang Lu is also a girl.

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