Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 902: The root cause and solution of the human resources department

:, So the matter was settled like this. Chu Yuanxi on Du Xie's side was not worried at all, but on Yuan Mu's side, he thought it would take some time before the results came out. He didn't expect the next night, which was October 31. After dinner that day, Yuan Mu suddenly ran over excitedly and showed him a top secret message.

"What is so mysterious?" Chu Yuanxi took a look at the phone, and then suddenly said "fuck".

This is a condemning essay, because the matter involves the frontline manufacturers of the trade war, it is extremely easy to incur a 404 beast, and Chu Yuanxi is not good to comment. However, Yuan Mu's intelligence capabilities are leveraged. The long article posted by the female employee on the HR line on the internal forum last night denouncing the untrustworthiness of the HR department was turned out by her.

"What's the matter? It's copied by the internal employees. It must be on the top tomorrow. You will see it one night in advance... Well, maybe the public relations are done well, and it may not be able to go up?"

Yuan Mu seemed to be self-effacing, but he was actually boasting, but Chu Yuanxi directly called Liu Lu, who was about to leave work, and said, "It's fun to show you something."

Chu Yuanxi forwarded Yuan Mu's post as he said it. The article was very long, but Liu Lu read it so fast that she read it at a glance, and then she sneered very puzzledly: "This is not the plan of an old workplace fritters. Do you use yourself to work for a long time and bully young colleagues? As a result, I met a super gangster girl who took the lead and played bullying. What's wrong? There is nothing new, right?"

The puzzled + sneer expression on her face was very vivid, but she didn't say anything, but Chu Yuanxi got her emotions instantly.

But Yuan Mu didn't get it, and why was it called Liu Lu? She is Cho. Although the construction of the corporate structure was the motivation for Chu Yuanxi to hire her, the line of human resources is her one-acre three-part land. There must be some talk about this.

So Yuan Mu was also very puzzled: "Hey, sister Liu Lu, the amount of information in this post is huge. It doesn't matter if hr rides on the head of R&D as a prestige, but also uses the asymmetry of employee information and does not understand the law, so that he does not compensate for work injuries. , Suppressing public opinion is regarded as work performance. What does not create benefits is for the upper class to lift the whip, and the one who creates benefits is the inferior who gets the whip, and finally gets expelled in disguise. How can it be said that there is nothing new?"

"Oh, what you said is wrong." Liu Lu is the second in command of Xiaokang, and Yuan Mu is only the third or fourth in command, so Liu Lu has a psychological advantage. "You have to see whose hr is from. It is theirs. For the HR, I’m sorry, it’s all basic operations. Don’t you know that their HR is the primary productivity? Give 200,000 people a salary, adjust stocks, change ranks, and have to assess and set files. , How difficult is it to work? What happened to two crabs with public funds?"

Yuan Mu suddenly remembered where Liu Lu had worked before. This yin and yang was a struggle between fraternal culture and wolf culture, and it was a complex of mortal enemies...

When Liu Lu came here, I didn't expect to talk to her about this kind of thing after get off work. What does this mean? Does Yuan Lu have something to say? But it was Chu Yuanxi who called her again. She looked at Chu Yuanxi and found that Chu Yuanxi was thinking.

Think about wool at this time? Suddenly, Liu Lu thought of the process she used to collect information from competitors or mortal enemies, and she couldn’t help but smile, “Xiaolumu, how do you know the big factory? People’s hr is a real cow. How familiar is fringe dancing? You can’t even think of all kinds of sideballs flying up. What you see now is like hr bullying front-line employees, but in fact, the real workplace bullying is on the table, you don’t even pay attention. .

For example, an old employee resigns once every eight years and then re-signs, clears everything in your system, and all overtime record quotas are gone. Why? Think about it yourself. This is the so-called perfect circumvention of labor laws. Relatively speaking, the problem that you see that broke out is nothing at all. It has been normal for many years. "

"But, isn't it a representative of the "money-giving culture"? Are we also "money-giving culture"?" Yuan Mu was a bit at a loss. Although she is in the capital circle, Zheng De's size and contact are basically all It's a small but beautiful company that looks **** and has huge room for growth. So she didn't even care about how the big factory came and went, just like a river fish doesn't care about the living environment of sea fish.

Let alone her, even her brother, who invested a mere $4.5 billion worth of vipchild, which is equivalent to a volume of 30 billion yen, asked Chu Yuanxi for advice.

Liu Lu couldn't help but laugh at these words, saying that Yuan Mu is not so simple, right? "Give money is money. The problem is that the money is given to the locomotive. You are not the one who works hardest. You can’t get it. Have you ever heard of “one c ruins three years”? Not only do you have to be a locomotive, but also every time The moment has to be, performance fluctuates a bit, I'm sorry, you don't think about the salary increase in these three years, because you are'medium'.

"Then my hard work is over?"

"If you work hard, transfer your hardest to the most profitable department, beautiful?" Liu Lu's sly eyes turned, "The most profitable department has high bonuses."

That's all, Yuan Mu, no matter how dull he was, it became clear--after being transferred to the same department, the department still had to sort out the locomotive and the mediocre.

"So what they call okr is KPI at all. It is still playing performance against your colleagues. When the tiger is chasing, you don't need to run past the tiger, you just need to run faster than others. It's just called oke, which is completely different from us. Today What you see is really nothing extraordinary. The HR of a big factory can ruin employees' careers at will, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, Liu Lu deliberately showed off, "You have top-secret information, in fact, I have so much..."

Yuan Mu's face turned black, and his heart said that you are all angry, I understand!

As a result, these words awakened the thinking Chu Yuanxi: "Huh? There is top-secret information and speak quickly."

"Hey, it's all good things done by other factories. I told you that you are not allowed to write the official account." Liu Lu suddenly remembered that there is a self-media matrix next door, and quickly put forward the condition: "You change hands to let Lu Yu Post an explosive article, everyone knows that my mouth is big, and I will not be able to confuse it in the future."

"Don't worry, your circle is the largest. We didn't say anything today when we got out of this door." Chu Yuanxi hurriedly swore that Liu Lu must be in the circle now. Xiaokang's recent expansion has contributed to Liu Lu's circle. Provide her with ammunition every day.

"Okay, it's their family. They are retiring pregnant female workers recently. Top secret, right? And it basically succeeded." Liu Lu said angrily. "A female employee who is pregnant can be cleared. It is still a twelve-year old employee. , Let the employees sign their resignation applications, Xiaolulu, compare yours with mine?"

They are all women. Yuan Mu can understand Liu Lu's irritation. The problem is that hr are basically women too. This...

She whispered: "Anything else?"

"Oh, it's a lot. A large animal husbandry company is even more ruthless. The terminally ill game plan is directly forced to retreat, and it threatens employees to give up n+1, change attendance and forcibly be absent from work. The workload is the largest but the performance is not passed. If they don’t leave, let the security blast the people out, and behave as a gangster preparing to delay labor arbitration. It can be seen that the game player is really unscrupulous. If you write a public account, it is estimated that you can wipe the screen."

"Hi, hello, okay? Oh, don’t look at me, the pig keeper, I’m talking about young eagle farming and animal husbandry, which is a wicked belt that smokes. Saying I’m a big stock in South Eagle North Island, Speaking of young eagle farming and herding, it seems that it’s time for the opening of the annual Scallop Games again?"

Chu Yuanxi's mouth was joking unmarginally, and what she thought was, Liu Lu is a demonstration? Originally, I brought her here today to talk about the human resources of my company, to talk about development and tone, and corporate culture. Some things need to be taken as a warning. Unexpectedly, Liu Lu is very sharp with offense as defense. After all, if it's a bad comparison, a small company is really incomparable with a large company.

"Hey, your joke isn't funny at all, okay?" Liu Lu's bad and there are a lot of people who didn't vomit. "Anyway, you don't need to worry about me, you don't need to worry about Xiaokang's hr. I tell you, I don't play a rogue. The greatest love to employees, who doesn’t know these hooligans? Anyone who has been a human resource for 5 years is Men Erqing. I am afraid of playing hooligans."

"Hey, what you said is right." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but think of Chen Qilai, who was originally Pengfei's human resources, and then he almost went in with Li Zhaokai, because he informed Chu Yuanxi that he finally took a Ba people's 5 million investment. You are now planning to start a business in Africa. Chu Yuanxi had a bad impression of her, but investing in her and even giving reasonable business advice was an exchange and promise.

Chen Qi is also a human resource with no conscience. She has very rich methods of playing hooligans, and she has sufficient experience in dealing with stinging heads. However, Li Zhaokai is a waste, and she was cured by Chu Yuanxi with a recording pen.

It can be seen that the employees who are bullied basically do not understand the labor law, and how important it is to understand the law. If you understand the law, you will find that the so-called hooliganism to delay labor arbitration simply does not exist. A labor arbitration case must be concluded for up to 60 days, and the maximum time for appeal to the second instance is 3 months. Legislators have long considered the company's hooliganism. The way.

He turned his head and said to Yuan Mu: "In fact, what Liu Lu said was right. Human resources can't decide the company to hire you, but they can prevent the company from hiring you. Human resources can't get you promoted, but they can stop you from being promoted. These are all workplace rules. I discussed with Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan a few days ago to make a movie about workplace bullying.

Human resources cannot create value, but they can create people who can create value. The same is true for destruction. Anyway, I never treat human resources as employees in the general sense. You know, I started looking for talented people last year to start a business with me to be well-off. You even recommended one to me, and finally found Liu Lu. Human resources are so important to enterprises. "

"Hey, you called me over after get off work to praise me?" Liu Lu was still anxious to go home. Of course, she knew that Chu Yuanxi must have something to say.

I saw Chu Yuanxi's laughter disappeared and said, "What was I thinking just now? I think that the human resources are really hard. Employees can only ignore the 3 hours of overtime. If they are one minute late, they have to study how to deduct money. No deduction. Money is inaction and must be criticized by the leader, but deduction of money must be scolded. This scolding should belong to the leadership, right? So in fact, human resources are an extension of the entrepreneur’s will. What kind of human resources the company's top management has, it's nothing more than a step up.

We are okay now. When the number of people in the company reaches three thousand, the human resources must take a lot of power from me, otherwise the company cannot be governed. Then you say that it is unrealistic to rely on self-discipline to prevent human resources from using these powers to dominate. This is the characteristic of the disease of a large company. The advisers recruit generals, but no matter how well the cabinet voted, the ceremonies will not approve reds, and the palm seals and eunuchs do not need seals. The generals just can’t be appointed. What can you do?

The emperor didn't have so much energy to take care of everything, and he could only trust the eunuch... I'm not saying that the human resource is the eunuch, Liu Lu, let me give you an example. "

With Liu Lu's eyes, Chu Yuanxi continued: "Where is the root? The emperor can't trust ministers, he can only trust eunuchs. This is the terrible place. Similar contradictions are the same in enterprises, hr It is bound to not be reduced to a rubber stamp. It is necessary to assess the work conditions of a large number of employees, so this power must be given. The tasks are heavy and the responsibility is heavy, and it is normal for the power to be greater."

Yuan Mu listened quietly for a long time, then asked: "You must have thought of a solution?"

"What I want is to learn from the country."

"Shrimp?" ×2

"Didn’t you find that the country now has many technical officers? Adding technical hr to the hr team is the solution I just thought of. It is equivalent to casting civil servants and generals as eunuchs. In fact, Yuan Mu turned over to this top secret and broke the news. I am a technical hr, transferred from R&D to hr department.

But there is a big problem here, Liu Lu must understand. Asking experts to do HR will inevitably be vigorously resisted by traditional HR, because they will be deprived of some of their power. People are labelled, and experts HR must be different from each other. At the same time, the experts are good at technology, code, operation, writing plans, not the work of human resources, and not forming cliques to engage in office warfare. When they arrive at hr, they will definitely be beaten by professional hr.

Human resources is a subject, just like cross talk, you can speak with a long mouth, but it’s not easy to say it well, you have to go to teacher, practice, practice, and go on stage. Well, game planning is actually like this, not a heavy player Come here as a planner. "

Liu Lu faintly guessed what Chu Yuanxi wanted to do, and only listened to Yuan Mu's question: "What should I do? It's difficult according to you?"

"Uh...I think so, it is easier for new companies, and more difficult for large companies. Because new companies can be well structured when they build the company's infrastructure, including us, and there is still time. The underlying structure of large companies is already that way. If you want to improve the muscles and bones, the entire company is risking paralysis. It is almost impossible, but we can make this optimization immediately. Don't wait until the traditional HR has become a power and then want to change it. We will also be a big factory by then. , The same cannot be changed.

In fact, this is the same as doing a project. When you first build the framework, you must build it sufficiently advanced, even if the product itself is not advanced enough, it does not matter if you use it later. Let’s say Xiaokang, if you didn’t think about using blockchain at the beginning, and then started to build a framework for research and development, today Cao Xiang is a big cow, even if I add a blockchain to my head, it’s difficult for me to add it. The system Hundreds or thousands of new interfaces need to be added in it, each of which may cause bugs, how to upgrade? Just forget it. "

"I'm going..." Liu Lu let out a foul breath, saying that my son can't see his mother today! What I didn't say, okr will increase again.

Sure enough, Chu Yuanxi looked at Liu Lu: "Therefore, we have to increase the recruitment and training of technical HR. Let's try not to transfer from the existing R&D team."

"What about the salary standard?"

"This has to be researched and researched, let's use options..." Chu Yuanxi said, lowering her head, and found that she wanted to miss the most critical part that affects the feasibility for a long time. Hr's work is bound to be incomparable with the Siege Lions.

Liu Lu is very broken! "Research? Do you know how hard it is to recruit people with options, especially programmers? Meituan has been hiring people crazy recently. It directly gives 20,000 shares of options and cashes in 25% every year, two years later. Sell."

However, this difficult proposition was not originally Chu Yuanxi’s work content. He threw this important task to Liu Lu without any psychological burden, and went home by himself...

Two major events happened in the past First, the news of the start of research and development was finally launched at the glass **** carnival. Suddenly, Annaheim, California, became the focus of global players. Of course, Yamaguchi's ninth expansion and Hearthstone Auto Chess are also very popular.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Gongsun Yonghao introduced his latest e-cigarette product to start a business, and it will be on sale on the most important selling day of Double Eleven.

Then, as if an appointment had been made, after Mr. Gongsun finished the introduction, the relevant state departments immediately announced a high-profile ban on online sales of electronic cigarettes.

Some people say that Mr. Gongsun’s fall back on the mountain is the person who destroys the environment in the name of Mr. Benshan. However, he thinks that the haze over the sky disappeared after he started the humidifier business. This is a great contribution to the society!

In fact, electronic cigarettes are really profitable. There are many successful startups in this world called unicorns, among which the world's fourth-ranked one is called. Many people have never heard of its name, because it is an e-cigarette and is valued at $38 billion. Originally it was only ranked fifth, but recently wework has been cut in half, so now the top one has been replaced by Didi.

In other words, the cigarettes are very profitable. Last year, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau's tax revenue was more than one trillion yuan, which is not enough to trap Huawei and Penguin Ali together. But what is "monopoly"? These two bright characters make all e-cigarette practitioners make a fortune.

As a result, Gongsun Yonghao came over with his bicycle and used the Internet to subvert the industry. Today, it really subverted.


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Then I was...

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