Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 907: Zhongchuang Pass Platform

:, It may be that Yuan Jing’s experience in overseas investment banks made Yuan Jing unable to bear the 20 times P/E ratio and unsightly growth of the company before listing, or it may be that the large-scale universal pe investment stimulated Yuan Jing’s investors’ intuition. In short, the GEM opened. Afterwards, Zheng De gradually reduced the proportion of pe investment.

As a result, the China Securities Regulatory Commission stopped all IPOs due to the market downturn at the end of 2012. The new PEs who flocked to the market after the opening of the GEM, squeezed their minds to invest in projects. After three years of waiting, the fruit finally matured and could only rot in the ground.

The reason why Wang Jiapeng regards Yuan Jing as the Emperor of Europe is precisely because he miraculously avoided the most tragic scene of the local venture capitalists of the tian dynasty. However, there was no outstanding performance in the back. The fund size has always been less than 10 billion. The fluctuation of 20 billion miles shows that the magic in front is all caused by European spirit.

Moreover, he did not reasonably use his own advantages and the passion given by the times to raise more money around 2010. Of course, it may also be because Yuan Jing did not find this kind of money because LPs generally decided to invest at that time.

However, after 2014, not only did the big A-shares restart a bull market, the ChiNext market continued to expand, and the entire domestic entrepreneurial atmosphere became very hot. The emerging economic model is driven by the main force of o2o, and the head powers such as Meituan, Toutiao, and Didi have risen strongly. But Zheng De has never been a big cow. The mobile game company is crazy to attract money. As a result, he has invested in a few smashing projects. As for the particularly eye-catching education industry...

Thinking of this, Wang Jiapeng didn't have the face to spit out Yuan Jing, he was as moldy as him, and he couldn't produce results even when God came.

He was put on the line through the director Yuan Liu of the Zhengde Investment Committee. Therefore, the failure of the entrepreneurship was not only to Yuan Jing, but also to Mr. Yuan Liu. Unexpectedly, Yuan Yuan was still willing to accept him regardless of the predecessors. Regards.

At this time, Yuan Jing asked him what business he wanted to do. In fact, if he entered Zheng De, he would definitely lead investment in a certain field, but if he didn't want to do education anymore, what else he wanted to do and what his strengths were.

Of course, Wang Jiapeng has thought about this problem many times a long time ago. "What I want to do is to invest in platforms, all types of platforms. Platform research and valuation are inseparable from modeling. Model building is what I am best at. The platform has a relatively large potential for development, and the cost performance is very high. Now in this'post-Internet dividend era', my personal view is that ambitious entrepreneurs will consider the platform entrepreneurial model."

Yuan Jing took a deep breath, because this goal is too broad to be defined by ordinary standards. Platforms are different from platforms. People who can do this type of platform may not be able to do that type. Therefore, there is no such category in investment banks, and the entrepreneurship of each platform will belong to the track where that platform is located.

But as Wang Jiapeng said, after the dividend peaks, the platform does look very attractive. It does not directly pay the dividends of the Internet like an app to provide services, but through a special play.

Of course, the cost is also high, and it is impossible for the platform to start from scratch, which is not suitable for grassroots entrepreneurship.

Just listen to Wang Jiapeng said: "To be a platform, if you find the right industry and timing, it is simply too sexy. After entering the currency circle, Zhao Peng, the founder of Bian, did not indulge in issuing air coins, but cut into the restricted area to become a trading platform. Time has earned a personal wealth of $2 billion from a programmer."

Yuan Jingxin said that Bian’s example is necessary? That is impossible to replicate. When this platform is popular, it can charge 20 million yuan in transaction fees per day. How much is a day's transaction fees for all the sectors in my large A-share markets? You can lift station b, or even taptap.

Just listen to Wang Jiapeng said: "This example can actually be summarized as a broad track in a state of barbaric growth, suitable for platform entrepreneurship. I believe that when 5g comes, such opportunities will still appear."

Yuan Jing maintained a thinking posture and paused for at least 20 seconds after Wang Jiapeng finished speaking. Wang Jiapeng waited quietly until Yuan Jing asked, "What do you want?"

Wang Jiapeng was overjoyed, so he basically expressed his approval, right?

"What I want is this..."

While they were negotiating terms, at the other end of the city, Geng Bin was calming Lei Siyun when he glanced at the headquarters of the group.

The main reason is that since the news broadcast, the blockchain has been re-tuned, and then many leeks in the currency circle yelled at the air outlet. The air outlet came, and the people who sent Weibo to celebrate were beaten on the spot, and when they rushed out to shout orders, they were severely beaten by the country. Sanctions. The key is that high-level rectification actions have suddenly increased. They are not just acting, but with great intensity, which makes Lei Siyun, who knows a little bit about Geng Bin's plan, feel like sitting on pins and needles.

The feeling of burning buttocks has recently reached a climax. During the year, at least 500 people were arrested because of their involvement in virtual currency fraud, and the amount involved exceeded 20 billion yuan.

"It's okay, it's okay, why don't you panic if I don't panic?" Geng Bin looked like he hated iron and steel. "We are friendly forces, and we are a kol who criticizes the chaos of the currency circle. We eat official dividends. What do you have? Horrible?"

Lei Siyun has a saying that I don’t know if I should vomit or not. If you are really an ally, what terrible do I have? The problem is that it is unscientific! Unless your ideal is Ande Guangsha tens of millions, I am not blind!

Although I don't know what kind of medicine Geng Bin's gourd sells, he must be sure and sure that it cannot be a good medicine. Lei Siyun is really a little scared now, especially after the news broadcast, Geng Bin frequently made big moves, including some capital channels overseas, some of which do not need to go through him. In the currency circle, several groups of people have been arrested for more than a week. They should be closed and arrested.

This situation made him have to think about himself. "You...I'm not afraid, I am...I want you to give me some wind, what are you going to do?"

Geng Bin feels lonely.

Sometimes he also had to reflect on whether his actions after returning home were a bit too much? Will it be better to do it with fanfare, start a big company, and openly recruit people?

But now that it has been low-key, I have to continue to act low-key. The problem is that I don't have a confidant, and if I want to do something, others are embarrassed when they doubt it.

Like now, Lei Siyun is a very good tool man, but now he is suspicious, so he has to be clear about him. Otherwise, in case he is stunned and the progress will be greatly delayed, the problem is that every day is important now, and delay is unacceptable.

Another example is Fang Shiling's stupid woman, who doesn't understand how to teach a little basic knowledge. The live broadcast is like a disaster, and her plan is seriously delayed, which is simply outrageous!

Thinking of this, Geng Bin said selectively: "My idea is to build a ‘mass creation token platform’ and use blockchain to subvert the existing Internet entrepreneurship model."

When Lei Siyun heard this, he was immediately relieved. "Crowd creation", "Platform", "Subversion", and "Entrepreneurship" are all extremely powerful keywords.

Just listen to Geng Bin continuing to say: "Lao Lei, you should know a little bit about blockchain, so I won’t start from the beginning. At present, whether in Silicon Valley or in China, the most important indicator for Internet entrepreneurship in the early stage is The number of registered users is active in the mid-term, such as the number of active monthly mau, right? For example, if I make a platform, users come, use my platform functions, pay fees and time, or provide ugc content, reviews, products, etc. Get income, right?

So what does my platform get? I get a valuation. According to the Silicon Valley algorithm, a user is 15 to 20$. This shows that users come to my platform, are active on my platform, and create value by themselves. But this value has not been cashed out to users, it has become the income of my platform entrepreneurs, right? "


"No!" Geng Bin shook his head, "This is not right. It is unfair to users. User activity has become my nourishment. It is unfair. The terrible thing is that many users don't even have this awareness and don't know that they are unfair. Party."

"Huh?" Lei Siyun suddenly felt that this tune was indeed subversive, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, the fair model is that users can get money when they come to my platform, and they can also be active on the platform. Of course, these money cannot be directly thrown, and the pressure to start a business directly is too much. Now. What should I do? Issuing tokens. The value of these tokens must be realized in batches, and the capital market can be used as an assistant to realize the value of these tokens through venture financing."

Lei Siyun was so silly to hear that, but Geng Bin's logic hadn't been finished yet.

"Of course, when the platform develops, there will be traffic with users, and eventually it will definitely generate business and income. This is the reason investors provide financing. Therefore, the token redemption is divided into batches, corresponding to the rounds of venture financing. This way. We start a crowd-creation token platform business, relying on issuing tokens to attract users, such as new users, how many tokens are given to new users and old users who bring them. In the end, it can be cashed out through venture financing."

Lei Siyun said that the so-called pass is not just issuing coins? He has also played Air Coin... But then again, does it feel different from Air Coin?

"No, no, no, how is this coin issued? Aircoin is not mined by mining. I prefer to call it a human flesh mining machine. Bitcoin is dug out by the power of the mining machine, and our token depends on the user. The behavior is dug out.” Geng Bin said, filled with indignation, “In fact, we rely on consensus to attract users and grow our platform. Consensus is the belief of blockchain, which is more precious than gold, do you understand?

Only by reaching a consensus can users trade these tokens. In this way, users can also redeem the value of the token in advance without waiting for the batch node. And according to the different rounds, the transaction price given by the market is definitely different, just like the price change of a national debt from its maturity time. "

"In other words, everything you do is to prepare for this platform and issuing tokens?"

"Of course!" Geng Binxin said, of course, issuing coins or mining coins, of course it is my platform who has the final say!

Lei Siyun had to fall into contemplation, because in the first half of this year, there was a particularly popular concept in the currency circle called "resonance coin". It felt a bit similar to Geng's idea? Although Resonance Coin is a capital market, and the vision described by Mr. Geng is not, from the perspective of trading, isn't it all multi-level fission promotion?

Resonance coin, in the first half of the year, it is possible to put a big satellite, a project of 30,000 btc enters the market, and the value of a btc at that time is more than $10,000!

This junior's theoretical model + the cloak of faith, and the business model that conforms to the entrepreneurial logic, makes Lei Siyun feel quite at ease. The realization of this project really depends on blockchain technology, because there are more complicated transaction processes in it, and the use of blockchain can greatly reduce the trust cost of users because of the immutable properties. Of course, to a certain extent, the three words "blockchain" now also exude a tempting rich taste.

But he immediately found another question: " do platform and blockchain technology, what about your development team?"

"The team I am looking for is a capable development team in Silicon Valley. Don't worry, the resources I left in the United States before returning to China are enough to support this project." Geng Bin said like a fish in water.

The following week, the market was calm, and soon came to Double Eleven, but Lingxi's expression was a bit unnatural.

First of all, the November 5th edition issued a heavy blow. The mobile game has put forward the most stringent requirements in history, stipulating the recharge limit of minors of different ages, and also carefully stipulated the limit of the daily game time of minors. Look at the fried chicken seriously.

If this regulation goes down, the penguin is of course the most affected. It is estimated that there will be fewer elementary school students among the dead, and there is no longer any way to use "teammate elementary school students" as an excuse for night battles. But Lingxi is about to acquire Pakistani Games. To be precise, it is absorption. How much influence will the target product be? No one knows.

Then there is the new line of the Pakistani Group that makes people's expressions change. The behavior of the Pakistani people is very unorthodox in the eyes of the counterparty. If they do not announce or disclose it, they cannot be published on the channel. They never say what the game data is, like a scumbag.

Although the ts framework has been written a long time ago, this game and related ips are not included in the transaction package, but it is said that they are also hot. The answers given by various external data measurement institutions are outrageous. Some say that Dau is 5 million, some are 7 or 8 million, and some people give data. The first day of service is 2 million Dau, and then 1 million per day. , Went straight to the tens of millions mark, there was no sign of exhaustion, and could not stop at all.

I can't believe how popular it is. Only the Apple Store has been consistently ranked first in the free list, which seems to explain something.

If you change to other games, you will probably know the data by asking about the various platform channels. The bad habits of the Keba Group are difficult to change. Like the tcg mobile game, there is no channel at all, and I opened the official Android website.

Forget it, I still licked my face and told the channels that this game does not make revenue. It is obvious that the Apple Store’s best-selling list ranks less than 50, and then I have to pump channel traffic from my own IP, so it’s not Suitable for channels. Therefore, the group has reluctantly failed to enter the channel after various arguments.

Then I saw the video posted on the advertising space inside. Everyone was speechless. It was the same as the practice of Pakistani people who caused group ridicule overseas. It was originally an advertising space. Now it is all kinds of IP content, and then guide players to pay attention. All kinds of We-Media Matrix accounts can kill the channel if it gets on the channel.

Although calm down, I feel that what the Pakistani Group said is not unreasonable, but even if there is such a fatal factor, if there is a single channel that can get such a suction product, and other channels can not get it, what will be the result? ? It is another siphon effect, creating a tragic phenomenon of one-to-one consumption and another to increase among channels.

Why do you say it again? Because of this feature and the same lineage, it was shameless suction when it first appeared on the channel, which made the channels have to accept the various unequal terms proposed by Pakistani Entertainment. After a year, Pakistani Entertainment has become a group and it has become more ruthless. The same online time, the same badness, a single channel has become the Pakistani official website, which is fair.

Therefore, although Lingxi could not inquire about the data, but by looking at the responses of various channels and seeing what is being discussed in each WeChat group, you can almost know what to do. The so-called viral detonation network, what it wants is to become popular as soon as it is online, and spread rapidly in various communication channels, just like the original.

As the owner, there are some feelings that can't be described, especially when you have all the game data and operating data. The key is to see the same as before, without using forced fission marketing to obtain a large amount of natural growth. Although the products are completely different, the mood is the same.

So until the double eleven day, there were still people in Lingxi who suggested that ts should be revised and included. In particular, Zhao Jie is definitely a key figure. He has mastered everything from production to online operation, and he should never let the tiger go.

"Operation, operation shit, people didn't do operations at all, okay?" Lao Fan was so angry that he said to renegotiate ts, not to mention that it would be delayed for more than a month and two months. The key is how much money is appropriate. ? Do you think Chu Yuanxi can talk like a frog son? Why haven’t you watched the promotion recently? People have now given new meanings, and they must use this ip to become a UGC pioneer in the heavenly game industry, subverting the existing game product production and online standards!

It takes a certain amount of courage to claim to be a pioneer, but people even shout out slogans, okay? At this time, to re-talk ts, don’t you stretch your hand over and chop it?

The key point is that Chu Yuanxi is not just talking about it. Recently, he has done a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, Zhao Jie's new company is named as a tribute to Malgobi, and on the other hand, the body has already begun to be collected.

Wonderful book house

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