Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 908: Baren Game Equity Transfer

The so-called collection of corpses means that under the double crit of the deep economic cold + version number review, many of the mobile game companies and R&D teams that used to be domestic hedgehogs have fallen.

In fact, after 2016, domestic mobile game companies have become more and more uncomfortable. Except for a few smart people who have found a methodology to continue their lives, most of them are struggling. However, many of the ones we eliminated in the past are not good at resisting risks. In other words, the cost-effectiveness of corpses is very low. And the later you fall, the more cost-effective a corpse is.

Especially the team that crashed to the ground this year, after many harsh baptisms, after several struggles, found their own success learning, but the general environment changes, the past success learning will not work, and can’t keep up Still have to shrink and fall to the ground.

Of course, what Chu Yuanxi asked Zhao Jie to collect was not the company's equity, but the assets, including art resources, R&D personnel, and if there was a suitable code base, it could be considered. From another perspective, such a corpse basically has value except for the executives. In fact, with the collapse of a large number of mobile game teams, these development resources are also wasting a lot. Many good art resources can obviously be used in another project, but unless the company develops a new project, it is basically difficult to see the future.

The art resources should be in harmony with the tonality. The q version of the three-headed body in ancient costumes has the same art style. The code needs to be online, well structured, can be made into a template, can be used for secondary research and development to expand new functions, and can be used after connecting to the sdk. Code farmers and planning are more troublesome and require the cooperation of the other company, because back adjustment is involved.

After all, successful companies have reasons for success, and failed companies have failure pits. Some of these pits belong to executives, and some belong to research and development. Even if it is not pitted, morale and mentality will inevitably be affected in the process of failure, and even the outlook on life and values, a burden of energy, Zhao Jie still has a lot of room to choose, this time the standard must be improved.

But it is undeniable that many small temples actually have big Buddhas, and because they have experienced failures, as a backbone, they must have thought of many ways to save failed projects and develop more unique skills. Brother Gui is the engine man Zhao Jie dug out of a corpse, so he can't generalize.

Zhao Jie came up with this method of collecting corpses, but he only thought about manpower and art resources. After all, there are too many teams and projects in the country. The unsuccessful projects do not mean that the art of others is poor. The first golden rule that the domestic mobile game industry believes in is to rely on high-quality art to complete the initial retention, otherwise it will cost a lot of money. The purchased traffic is lost within a minute or two.

But Chu Yuanxi thought more. Since he was building a platform, he couldn't just think about the present, he always had to think about five or six steps away. And the plan that was finalized with Zhao Jie, that is, after the rpg platform was built, it turned to arpg, non-linear rpg, roguelike, etc., at most it was three steps forward.

The first step is to establish a benchmark for the game and improve the engine; the second step: to attract players and users; the third step is to expand the category.

But if the ugc platform wants to do it, the most important thing is to allow ugc users to make money and make a lot of money. Douyin can support a complete and majestic m ecology, so it has become an upstart. After the platform has completed three steps, what can ugc users do?

At least the above four categories of games, after being produced with a platform-standardized editor, it is still difficult to make a lot of money by selling the games themselves. Fun may be a lot of fun because the players' brains are opened up, but fun is not enough. It doesn't seem to be a good trick to let players generate power for love. Ten years ago or even five years ago, it was okay. The users of station b have been generating electricity for Ai for many years, but seeing the 5g era today, Chu Yuanxi feels that it may not work.

Even if it is a huge platform like steam, the products that are released are all above-standard game companies, and large-scale teams have long-term development, and there are still countless works that hit the street. Although users of ugc games do not need to invest too much development costs, they must always adapt to players who want to make money, adapt to their psychology, and provide them with the game categories they need to make. Based on the current domestic situation, online games are still more profitable than stand-alone.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi suggested that Zhao Jie look for suitable code resources and embed it in his own platform in a modular manner in the future, and exist as the platform's wingman and expansion component.

If you develop this kind of template yourself, it takes about five to ten programs and half a year of planning for a template, which is very expensive, and you can't afford to delay the time, because you need many templates, not one. If you can buy a suitable corpse, you can sort out a template with two procedures at most for two months.

After being embedded, the components share platform resources and then serve as templates to provide basic functions of various types of games, such as card games.

There are tens of thousands of card games on the market, and most of them are hard to say successful, but the basic functions are inseparable. They are nothing more than drawing, arena, action, drawing cards, upgrades, and some everyone is doing " Features" gameplay. Each game company develops independently, only bugs are varied, in fact, most of them are repetitive labor.

Suppose that Zhao Jie received a good card code library, with few bugs, reasonable structure, and complete basic functions. It can be cleaned and used.

"But Lao Chu, since our Pakistani group is so rich, do we still care about development costs? Ten people in half a year means more than one million and less than two million R&D expenditures, right? After we sell Pakistani games, we will definitely not be short of money Right?"

Although Zhao Jie understands that Chu Yuanxi is pursuing speed, or quick success, but because of the basic qualities of a programmer, he has instinctive resistance to the code written by others, especially the code written by other companies, so there are few pitfalls. That's weird. Research and develop by yourself, look at the code typed out by the brothers, and feel relieved.

"Having this kind of thinking shows that you are still quite ignorant of running a company, brother. I always think that you may be a little bit worse when you act directly as the CEO. Now it seems that what should be worse is social beatings."

Chu Yuanxi slapped Zhao Jie **** the shoulder, as if letting him experience a severe beating, "I'll just ask you a question, how much is enough for you to squander it? Who will inject this money? You or the group, or press Proportion of co-financing?"


"Entrepreneurship has to be done in accordance with the rules of entrepreneurship. Are you an entrepreneur, do you want to pay more? At the same time, the founder option evaluated for you is already quite high, which is a lot higher than Yang Jiangang’s initial incubation peak visual effect. Yu Yu Wenhui is even higher than the 10% founder option when I was a Pakistani. It would be funny if you overestimate it? So too much investment in the group has turned into too little shareholding. Become a professional manager. Then I can clean you easily, are you willing?"

Zhao Jiexin said that we can do such a big thing because of this reason. But he also knows that his evaluation value is already very high, and this is still a good research and development, so the result of temporarily increasing the evaluation value, Chu Yuanxi previously gave him the same value as Yu Wenhui.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to say: "Moreover, we need to pursue speed now, and speed is very important. If the speed is slow, maybe a big factory will figure it out and start construction, using our methods, using their organizational capabilities and manpower, And the rich copycat experience blocked our road.

How many templates do you develop by yourself? How many people to recruit? What happens after the development of the template team is completed? How to configure? Can't all be dismissed? Buying is worse than making it when you are eager for quick success. "

"Wait, Lao Chu, isn't our pursuit of speed just because of your high-profile publicity?"

"No, building a platform requires high-profile publicity. Have you ever seen the low-key development of a platform in the world?" Chu Yuan chuckled, "Besides, our Pakistani Group will soon be a company holding tens of billions of cash. Leek is a big root. Do you think others will not investigate our next move? Confidentiality does not exist. Rather than cover up and let others guess and cause strategic misjudgment, it is better to make it clear that the cart is going forward.

Moreover, we are about to trade Pakistani games and get a huge amount of money. Now is the time when the Pakistani group has the highest volume, you know? At this time, when will the "Great Vision" not be issued? We are not much better than the overall strength of the country, but if we only fight in a certain subdivision field, the Pakistani Group is a strong enemy if anyone fights against us. If you have this confidence, you will also choose high-profile publicity. "

Zhao Jie had to persuade him, because Chu Yuanxi, a high-profile propaganda, didn't talk about anything else, so that the suction speed of the mobile game first produced an obvious acceleration effect. Many unidentified players download it first to take a look at Xiandan, because the Pakistani Group claims that what they are doing will benefit every player in the not-too-distant future.

This oversized tone had a positive effect. Many people said that this game is so popular after it was launched before, but you actually use such a hot IP to do things that don't make money. Is your heart distorted? Zhao Jie didn't know how to refute this kind of ridicule, and Chu Yuanxi opened the school in a high-profile manner, and no one asked such a question again.

"In short, what about you, now is to plan the time well, and the template is filled in is the sign of the rich platform category. A good code base definitely exists, and it is not afraid to spend time combing it. You must carefully comb the art resources as you collect them. Otherwise, the two art resources seem to be a complete set, and as a result, the normal direction is different, and the fun will be great."

After Chu Yuanxi had given the explanation, he was ready to sign ts. At the last moment, Lingxi still did not produce any moths, which made people very satisfied. In fact, according to the communication situation, it will not take much time for the ts to sign the legally effective spa, but because of the overall acquisition, there is no need to sign sha, at least the Pakistani group does not.

Lingxi set the date on Double Eleven before, it should also mean to hurry up, join in the fun, or rush to finalize the matter before submitting the ipo application to the Xiangjiang Exchange. This Double Eleven Ali Mou is full of energy and has set a very high kpi, and he must show his friends some color.

In fact, two interesting things have happened in the past few days. First, Didi has to relaunch its ride-hailing business, which is puzzling.

Hitchhiker was very profitable before because the supervision was not so strict. Since the supervision became stricter last year, the effect of making money must have been greatly reduced. It is impossible to make a lot of money if it is forced to go online. On the contrary, because of the rising cost of supervision, it may lose money.

Then, Shunfeng was scolded for banning female users from using it at night, and it was quickly changed to ban both men and women at night. The problem is that the two murders last year happened during the day...

Immediately on the day of Double Eleven, someone wanted to grab the headlines with Ali, and it seemed to have won. My big A-share South Eagle North Island, the annual scallop game was staged as scheduled. But this time it was a miserable drama. Excessive exercise of the scallops caused a large number of sudden deaths. There was no one in ten, and a loss of nearly 300 million was again accrued.

In this festive atmosphere, Chu Yuanxi signed and stamped Lingxi’s investment intention list for subscribing to the Pakistani game equity. It is expected that the subscription funds will be credited to Pakistani’s account three times after the process is completed. The latest one will have to wait until next year. March.

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi signed the word, Lao Fan gave a wry smile, "Xiao Chu, you are so pretty."

"What did I play?" Chu Yuanxi's face showed just the right amount of astonishment.

"Ah. You are still a combination boxing, the game is hot, and you have to build a high-profile platform."

"I've reported to you about doing the platform early in the morning. I left Zhao Jie to do the platform, right?" Chu Yuanxi said, wondering if my long-lost recording is about to appear again?

But Lao Fan nodded: "You did say, Niu! But who knew this game was so popular?"

He hasn't found out how hot it is, but it must be hot anyway. Martial arts have always been half of the domestic game industry. If this is a Jin Yong martial arts shell, I am afraid it will be even more popular. In fact, the two major domestic manufacturers that own the copyright of Jinyong martial arts are now ready to move. The main reason is that the suction capacity seems to be felt personally, so that the heart pressure of the two copycats cannot be suppressed.

I saw Chu Yuanxi suddenly cried out to hit Tianqu: "Mr. Fan, what you said, the game hasn't been launched when we negotiated the conditions. God knows whether it is hot or not? The game is released by the sky."

"It's boring for you to say this!" Lao Fan deliberately put on a stinky face, "How many dau are you?"

"Dau is actually not as outrageous as it was reported from outsiders. It's true that the retention rate is good." Chu Yuanxi underestimated the fact that Dau was close to ten million, and said: "At first, fans entered, the retention rate was distorted. After ordinary players come in, the retention rate for the next day is still 90%, and the retention rate for the week is 77%. I think it's okay."

If this retention rate is changed to an income-based idle game, it will definitely start buying volume immediately, without waiting for a second, the more you buy, the more you earn. In fact, Zhao Jie also wants to buy volume, because some malls also have in-app purchases, and the buying volume can also be profitable.

But Chu Yuanxi asked him to slow down and optimize the problems that still existed in the current version, which also left some room for the development of rpg games. Chu Yuanxi, the development of rpg, gave him one year. The editor is synchronized. When the game product is polished, the editor must be able to be pushed to ordinary users and be easy to use.

Then the on-hook game can’t cool too fast, and it’s best to keep it hot after a year. Therefore, the amount of purchase is actually not something to be anxious about. It is too late to start buying when the copycat products are about to become available.

After all, players have a life cycle when playing games. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the norm. On-hook games have a significantly shorter lifespan than other types. Even the outliers cannot change the objective laws. Therefore, it is okay to let the running water enter a little later, the wave crest does not need to be so high, the wave is long enough.

This principle can be explained to Zhao Jie, but it is not necessary to talk to Lao Fan. This is also the reason why Zhao Jie must be kept. He also has to take into account the subsequent development of on-hook mobile games. It is best to develop the function of online battles for players. Although this function does not necessarily extend the life of the player’s game, it is definitely Can stir up a wave of peaks.

At this time, Lao Fan heard that 77% of Zhou Liucun looked like an ancient well, but did not speak for a long time. The 77% next-day retention rate is the data of many s-class mobile game masterpieces. If it is three days, it is an extremely rare performance. Although the short-term retention rate of on-hook games is generally a little higher, the weekly retention exceeds three-quarters, making Lao Fan also have the urge to change ts on the spot.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's deliberately hypocritical cough, "President Fan, in order to avoid suspicion, we did not do a lot of activities and publicity, and the agreement included not making the same paragraph, for partners, this is fine."

Lao Fanxin said that he can be a fart! I am afraid because I don't know what type you are going to do. We have to buy ip and change to other types of games, okay?

"By the way, Xiao Chu, was everything you said in the interview that day true? Next, you want to use ip to develop traditional rpg games? Play stand-alone?"

"It's true, it can't be true anymore. I even got in touch with Gong Changjun in Demon City, and in the end, he wants to do his own, and he also wants to do cloud games, alas..." Chu Yuanxi observed and saw that Fan's mood should have returned to normal, so he said: "We have set the ts framework, and I have signed all the letters, so have you signed?"

The form of this signature can be said to be simple and simple, no hotel was found, and no press conference was held. Everything was handled in accordance with the buyer's requirements, as low-key as possible, and the game experience of the players was not affected.

So this did not have much impact on the Ba people, although many brothers suddenly found out that they might never see each other again.

After the signing of shp, the delivery will take place. After the delivery, the vast majority of the Pakistani game brothers will be transferred to Lingxi. The relationship is gone, and of course people have to go, so Chu Yuanxi specially held a farewell reception before the delivery. Thank you brothers We have paid for a long time. Even Yang Jiangang and Liao Xingxing came to this meeting, and they had also fought together.

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