Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 920: Mario's thrill

Fang Shiling saw the sky wearing a Korean-style long-sleeved sweater. When the broadcast started at 7 o'clock, the years were quiet and he felt quite good, chic and beautiful. In addition, there is a lot of knowledge supplemented by evil, and although the blockchain has many routines, the knowledge of the straight line is not deep. She is not going to develop the technology, and she feels that it is completely fine to be an anchor and a mirror.

Moreover, the content of the live broadcast gradually relieved her. The basic preparations for her were "technology for good", introducing the future application and development direction of the blockchain. During the period, there were also some types that introduced the history of the currency circle. There are the current status and projects of the currency circle, among which are the alert people who cut leeks, and some are reasonable and legal.

In short, I feel that what I do is not like a live broadcast but more like a show, but in the form of a live broadcast, which can be used as ugc content on various video platforms after editing.

As a result, just after 8 o'clock, the situation suddenly changed, and I didn't know what happened. Soon there were a lot of barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Is Qubu just dead like this?"

"Can you stop milking the anchor? Okex is down!"

"Boss Boss, there's something wrong with the blockchain again!"

"How can I shut up this silly woman?"


What happened to the blockchain? Fang Shiling was taken aback when he saw the barrage, what does the trouble with Qubu have to do with me? Qubu has been officially named, okay? okex mentioned the three major trading platforms, what is the situation?

Suddenly, a voice from the left eye came from the headset: "Continue live broadcast, don't watch the barrage and don't answer."

But Fang Shiling couldn't help but watch the barrage, because there were too many, and the problem was getting more and more acute, and she could even recognize some of her nicknames as her active fans. The gallery is also operated by a WeChat group. They are all core fans. Basically, they can be regarded as their own personal fans, but it seems that what is posted in the bullet screen is not good!

There were too many barrage and flying too messy, which made her flustered inexplicably. She wanted to see it clearly, but she kept reminding her in the headset, but she mispronounced her words several times. Several requests to end the live broadcast on WeChat were denied. Suddenly, Fang Shiling remembered that the left eye had taught her before. When communicating with the audience, she did not understand. In order not to be cold, you can ask the audience in the live broadcast room generously. This is also an interaction.

Just like Qu Tianlin asked Shuiyou: What is CNKI?

So she asked: "What happened? What happened to the blockchain?"

Soon, Fang Shiling's eyes lit up, and the focus interview named the blockchain leek project? Is this good for us?


This is a sleepless night for the currency circle. Many bigwigs don't know if they can see the sun the next day, but the sun rises as usual. For Chu Yuanxi, the next day is another day when the north wind blows.

On July 19, he first signed and sealed the spa, basically going through a process, and then waiting for the money. Not only was he waiting for the money, but many of the Ba people with the title of "partner" were looking forward to it, because Chu Yuanxi had already said that an important dividend would be paid during the Spring Festival.

Mario now also has the title of "partner". Although his options are still high enough, he usually needs a one-thousandth option to have this title, but this account Chuyuanxi recognized that because he was given special incentives, Those that do not use "shares" as the unit of valuation.

Mario is also relatively unhappy with this state, so this month he is more fighting. But what is hateful is that Chu Yuanxi said last time that he would give him options to encourage him to write 234's book within a year. As a result, there is no more text. Is it because his zhuangbility is too big?

He has always been one of the few people in the company who can be zhuangbility in front of Chu Yuanxi, and he is proud of it. In the content field, whenever Chu Yuanxi raises a demand that lacks basic common sense and is unreliable, he will be met with a professional level. The hanging fight. But the incentive to be given is still to be given!

It has been more than a month, and there is still no movement. He can't help it anymore, so he has to bite the bullet and knock on the door of the Ba Ren Xiaokang Co-President's Office.

Chu Yuanxi was looking at her mobile phone behind the boss’s desk. Ma Luoxin said that when Chu Yuanxi’s work station was in the Pakistani office area, a circle of founders sat very close and was exposed to his sight all day. Didn't think anything. But now Zhu Yan is stationed in Pakistani Media, and Uncle Sheng is in charge of copyright business. He can hardly see people. Chu Yuanxi has built a multifunctional office for herself, which suddenly shows a sense of distance.

Chu Yuanxi had forgotten about this long ago. How many major events during this time? Online, Pakistani game trading, film and television drama online, etc.

The key is that this matter was not brought up by DreamWorks, but Chu Yuanxi was driving it, so that he had great control over the project after he had the notebook, and he would completely break it if he forgot.

"Ah, ah, yes, there is this and this." Chu Yuanxi suddenly realized, "Then, have you seen the animated movie you saw?"

"I saw it, but the movie list you gave is basically all-age animated movies, but we are ip-oriented, should we also make all-age types?"

Chu Yuanxi frowned unconsciously, because Malle actually used the honorific name "you". He always says "you", "you" sounds like a curse...

More importantly, "What are all ages and ips?" He asked confidently, because shouldn't all ages correspond to children? How did it become ip?

"Ah, using Hollywood popcorn movies to make animation is called all ages. The structure is one-line. In order to allow more audiences to buy tickets, the main line is not complicated. The ip direction is like Xin Haicheng, with a specific audience group, regardless of Is it the work ip or the director’s ip. This can be more complicated." Mallor explained earnestly, "1, the story content is still quite a lot, you can fight to the end from the protagonist’s perspective, or you can put Hannibal’s house and Archimedes The story of these people unfolds. It just revolves around being an enemy of Rome. These people are indeed enemies of Rome."

"That's it..." Chu Yuan Xixin said, why hesitate? We went to Europe and the United States to promote ip to attract fans to the ip itself, not to attract fans to the ip movies of DreamWorks. Don't get this goal wrong!

But it's okay to talk to Uncle Sheng, what if he has a big mouth? So it can't be said clearly.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi said: "Our goal is ultimately to make games. Movies are intermediate states and ip amplifiers. Therefore, we should expand our influence as much as possible. It is more appropriate to make it suitable for all ages. Don't worry about it."

Speaking of him, he took out the incentive plan designed at the time from the table, "Your incentive is already done, isn't it just waiting for your approval?"

Mario took a look and found a very simple incentive plan. After completing the second, third, and fourth scripts by the three dates next year, and successfully passing the review, the Pakistani Group will be given a special equity award ____ Shares, the exercise price is ____ yuan. In the current market, one share of the Pakistani Group is almost 3,000 yuan.

It lists some script requirements, such as the single script market, the number of acts, the number of words, etc., which are all common, as long as the uncle Sheng has passed the review. Mario looked at the underline and asked what should be inside?

I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Originally, I wanted to write a 3,000 shares, but now that Pakistani games are sold, this is embarrassing, and I have to reduce it."

Seeing Mallor’s smile fade away, Chu Yuanxi put out his reasoning: “In the workplace, you have to pay attention to a little balance, and this incentive, it’s meaningless to say how many shares, it all depends on how much money you get in the end. Options are very virtual, and there is a lot of room for operation, and nobody cares. As a result, Pakistani games have been so frustrating, and many people have realized it. Recently, I dealt with the options of my brothers in Pakistani games. They are all heroes of the company, and they have worked hard. , I haven't got so much money, and I can't help it. I can't favor one another."

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi gave a heavy blow: "After all, it depends on you. At that time, even though Ali had talked about it, he didn't go through the process. How good is it to inspire you?"

Mallor suddenly felt that his life was full of excitement.

In fact, he didn't look for Chu Yuanxi, Chu Yuanxi also looked for him. Not only did he look for him, Monica was also on the summon list. In the next stage, many of the Pakistani people's jobs are related to the offshore, and they are even more advanced.

The key is that the Pakistani people have not had the experience of directly publishing games overseas. This is an obvious weakness. The operations that need to be done are more complicated. If you want to hang up the game, you need to fully Englishize, and even fine-tune the content of the version to "localize" in Europe and America.

Then the self-media must follow up in an all-round way, but there are no comics, there were comics before, and now it is necessary to fill in the holes with short video content.

Therefore, the overall promotion plan needs to be carefully polished. In short, there is only one goal, which is to use this game product to attract Pakistani overseas media. In short, it is to execute the a version of the mini game ip plan overseas.

Now the Pakistani people are already using the beta version, the media is warmed up first, then the game is played, and the game is used to absorb the ip. The a version is relatively primitive, there is no warm-up step, and it is directly on the game.

Monica suddenly felt that this was an impossible task for herself, but Chu Yuanxi asked in a strange way: "Why do you think I will give you the work of overseas distribution of the game? It's impossible. You should do it yourself. Media cooperation is enough, with Zhao Jie. It's the same as the domestic propaganda of the previous self-media wheels in Pakistani games."

With a sigh of relief, Monica probably knows the style of the previous video, and immediately said: "It may be necessary to shoot a batch of videos to suit the taste of European and American audiences."

"Ah? Why? What are the tastes of European and American audiences?"

"The previous ones were all too beautiful and too little **** content. European and American audiences didn't care about handsome men and beautiful women so much. We have to shoot the kind of martial arts, the kind of fierce fighting, understand? A fight for 20 to 30 seconds, and then There must also be an artistic conception. It can’t be the kind that suspends Wia and turns in circles.

"Damn, your request... do they understand it?" Chu Yuanxi was ashamed. The requirements for filming have become particularly high. They need martial arts, and they need super-skilled actors, ordinary Xiaohuaxiao. Fresh meat is definitely not working.

"Understand, listen to me, I grew up in New Zealand." Monica speaks a little bit arrogantly, of course, she must understand better than Chu Yuanxi, this Chu Yuanxi Is approved.

The question is, how can good men and women be so easy to find? Not only does the skill work well, but it also has to be able to perform. It is definitely not the artists recently included in Pakistani Media that can meet the standards. It has to be found from outside, which is very troublesome.

Chu Yuanxi quickly thought of a plan, and then had to give Zhu Yan a desperate serial call. With the start of the project, Zhu Yan ran to the studio every day this month. The whole team was in full swing, busy from noon to midnight every day.

"Yes, I mean, according to the model, we pull up a team of short dramas and directly shoot short video dramas. In this mode, it is more reasonable for actors to join the group. Then I have requirements for actors, and martial arts must be true. Wonderful, martial arts actors must work hard. Kungfu is the first acting skill and the second is worthy of the third. Yes, you are right, our artists are really not good, we have to recruit again."

Zhu Yan is stupid over there, what is his heart saying? "You are mistaken, Pakistani Media is a brokerage company, not a film and television production company. You should ask Zhang Dongdong for this. I can't help you. It's already online, and she is idle."

"Isn't it that anyone who is looking for can pull the crew?"

"The problem is, no one can be found." Zhu Yan said happily, "All I know Kung Fu Dan, Zhao Sanduo and Jet Li."

Chu Yuanxi said that if you really have fun with these few people, Kung Fu Dan and Zhao Sanduo are old enemies... and although money is not a problem, they may not be invited. Short video dramas are not TV dramas at all. They are not even available on webcasting platforms. They are suitable for newcomers and fans. Do superstars fall at this price?

"Can't tell, I'm dead. The first season is going to be finished this month, it's very busy."

After Zhu Yan hung up the phone, Chu Yuanxi thought it was amazing. This was the first time Zhu Yan took the initiative to hang up, and he felt a little lost in his heart. But it is conceivable that Qi Yu must be more busy, because the production process of variety shows is not the same as that of film and television dramas. They all produce "pupupupucha" and cut while they are out. The second episode did not finish shooting the first. The episode has already been cut, so I will fill it up when I need to make up the shots.

Speaking of which, I have never been to the crew to visit the crew. Although it is also busy here, I should take a look at the scene anyway.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi made a call to Zhang Dongdong.

Zhang Dongdong's mood has been ups and downs recently.

Not to mention, the broadcast just happened to catch up with the Pakistani game signing ts, which is very subtle. Whether Zhang Dongdong is angry with Ali, Chu Yuanxi doesn't know, because this hapless ts signing time is set by Ali. After signing the process, it is obvious that the news will be released according to the process. Of course, the news will have a certain impact on the players.

The key is that Youtu itself is a big entertainment industry, which has a negative impact on TV dramas, and Ali is at a disadvantage! Why is Chu Yuanxi unable to run in such a hurry?

Anyway, Zhang Dongdong has always hoped that "you" would have to toss about it even after halfway through it, maybe it would still be a bit topical. The result also failed.

What's more unfortunate is that this is not a problem for Chu Yuanxi, because when the entire IP is handed over to Ali, the Pakistani retain a little bit of derivative rights to the artifact company Barnana. The settlement rights of film and television dramas are of course included, and the shares held by the Chinese and Pakistani people in the film and television project company are also included in the transaction package.

In other words, Chu Yuanxi took great care of this ip at the beginning, and gave it great expectations, struggling to **** the film and television project, but now it is no longer needed, because in the cash pocket, the burden has been sold.

However, the sad thing is that the delivery date has not yet arrived. In other words, Chu Yuanxi will be responsible for the work of draining the network drama from the mobile game to Youtu. Both the Ba and Ali were overjoyed. Zhang Dongdong was **** and hung in the middle. Below was the abyss. Chu Yuanxi could pull the rope or not.

Then one day before the broadcast, when she read the original agreement on a whim, her expression became very strange, because there is still a right in the project company, which is based on the right to adapt a mmorpg.

This power Zhang Dongdong had already been used half a year ago and entrusted it to another mobile game company to do OEM. According to the agreement, the income should be channeled to the project company, and then Baren, her, Shanying and Taishantai would share it.

This situation was also emphasized by Chu Yuanxi when the Pakistani game signed ts. It must be protected and it was not affected, but the settlement right was also transferred to Ali.

She still remembered how generous Chu Yuanxi was in the game's revenue at the beginning, and she sensibly agreed to only take a quarter of the game revenue. Now, all have become the generosity of the generous man!

So when Zhang Dongdong noticed this detail, she was relieved. Because Chu Yuanxi is not good at guiding the quantity, the game revenue will also be affected, which in turn will affect Ali's income in this settlement right. With Ali there, Chu Yuanxi will never lose heart no matter what!

The result is the same. After the TV started, large-scale guides began in mobile games, and even conducted game activities based on guides, which made Zhang Dongdong very satisfied.

, In a very "conspicuous" position.

Upward is the last Imperial TV of the Five Davids TV. Five Davids TV is very anxious and the data is very close.

Down is from Jinmen Satellite TV, the gap between fifth and seventh is extremely obvious, and the gap after seventh is very delicate.

Only Taishan Terrace is located in a vacuum zone, not relying on top and bottom, and it feels quite independent.

But turning to the webcast data, as of the six days when it was released on the 19th, the whole network had a popularity of 66, and the average single-day broadcast reached 50 million. It is completely one of the most powerful competitors, and only half a body behind in the competition. Bit.

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