Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 924: Variety Exploration Class

This was an unplanned matter, and the reason for reluctance to agree was because Chu Yuanxi had really planned to operate overseas East Asia by himself. A sheep is also used to drive two sheep. If it is going to operate in the US region, the island region and the universe region are nothing more than adding two other localized operations.

Of course Monica definitely doesn't think so...

This overseas operation is also the work of Gobi Networks according to the division of labor and structure, and belongs to Zhao Jie. But in fact, the Pakistani Group recruited director-level managers who specialize in offshore publishing and Google and Facebook operations in the United States to operate on behalf of the company. The original plan was to directly belong to Monica's men. In this way, Monica's staff formed a structure similar to the "International Affairs Business Group", which has its own small world, some for media, some for distribution, and some for operations.

But now after Naibao took over the island country and the universe country as usual, the workload of this business group has been sharply halved. This is where Chu Yuanxi agreed to be more reluctant.

This is equivalent to sacrificing some opportunities for exercise, but the short-term effect is good. Naibao is more professional. After it is operated, the fans of Pakistani overseas accounts will definitely be higher than their own. Of course, it is conditional for Naibao to accept short videos of Pakistani people in the advertising spaces in the mobile game. When they "localize" in East Asia, they will inevitably adjust the payment points and paid items to make money. This is not income but a price for Pakistani people.

Through this rush, Chu Yuanxi found that the Pakistani Group's establishment of a more large-scale and capable overseas department needs to be put on the agenda, because the future will definitely focus on going overseas, and it must be able to develop strength. It is best to use as much force as you want.

The so-called freewheeling effort, for example, when it was first released, a crucial factor was the h5 proposed by Zhao Jie, which carried out a successful viral marketing.

This was put forward and implemented based on the objective situation of the domestic social network that is very familiar to him. Zhao Jie promised that he would not be able to mention it after replacing it with an external network. Even if it is proposed, no one will do it, because the group of people around Chu Yuanxi are generally unfamiliar with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, ins and so on. They know what to do, but they don't know how to do it.

In other words, it would be impossible to count on Monica alone. At least it is necessary to bring in overseas game publishing specialists and experts in overseas operations. For overseas operations, Chu Yuanxi’s requirement is that the operation team can put forward specific and feasible operational opinions and landing plans, preferably based on social networks, followed by the advertising purchase model, and hold the thighs of Google and Facebook. The last is offline.

To go offline, the most once and for all method is to establish a branch in a foreign country, and then the specific things are implemented by the branch, but the most important market at this moment is North America, and Chu Yuanxi is still hesitant to establish a branch in the United States.

And Monica must start to have a headache, because she doesn't have a good candidate for game operation and distribution, and this candidate should be a native of the United States.

So Monica thought of Elizabeth, and Chu Yuanxi thought of the writer. To this day, not only through Elizabeth, the Pakistani Group has connected with Disney and DreamWorks respectively, and asked the other party to help them with some ideas. It should still be possible to select individuals, especially Disney itself has a game department, although It has been abolished, but I have also asked Chu Yuanxi if he has any intention to buy it, even though he rejected it at the time.

However, writers are a better candidate. They have worked in Google, Facebook and Xiaomi respectively, and they definitely know more than one company for operating talents. Game publishing is hard to say, but it's impossible.

"Wenhao, hello, hello, no, yes, yes, yes, I can't send you gift packages in the future, the game is sold to Ali hahaha." Chu Yuanxi smiled while holding the phone, as if feeling the contempt of the other party .

Ji Ligulu talked about the need for help, Hugo directly got Chu Yuanxi's original intention: "You mean, let me provide candidates to work in your company instead of staying in Seattle or the Bay Area, right?"

"Yes, yes, you must come to the company, otherwise it is not convenient to communicate. We need to plan a plan. We can't completely expect the operation manager to plan a complete plan and then direct the company's programmers to develop corresponding functions."

"Then the cost is not low."

"It's okay, the game just sold for less than $5 billion."

There was a whisper on the phone, probably because Ali Zhente had no money. Although the writers also made almost 200 million US dollars through the Xiaomi ipo, 5 billion is still a quite shocking number.

"Okay, I'll find some candidates for you." The writer happily hung up the phone.

Originally the next day Chu Yuanxi planned to wait for a call or message from a writer, but unexpected circumstances occurred. The next day was the 27th. Before I got up to work in the morning, I saw that Qi Yu, Zhu Yan, and Li Zifeng's circle of friends was a bit wrong. Not only them, but also many other WeChat friends in the film and television circles, sending out all kinds of prayer pictures all at once. What's wrong? What new regulations have been issued by the country?

I didn't care at the time. After he arrived at the company and went to Xiaokang for a round, he was about to find Zhao Jie. Uncle Sheng suddenly stopped him: "Let's go visit the class there too?"

"Did something happen?" Chu Yuanxi was taken aback.

He has been nagging about going to Tantan Ban, because the first season should be almost finished, and it always feels inappropriate for the boss to not show his face before finishing. After all, this is the first major project of Pakistani Media. Even from the perspective of supporting Zhu Yan's work, he should stand on the stage himself. But having been busy with other things, the priority of small things like visiting class is naturally infinitely backward.

"You didn't watch the news?" Uncle Sheng was quite surprised. "There was an accident on the Jiangzhe TV station. The shooting intensity of variety shows was too strong. Godfrey ran away at night..."

"Ah!" Chu Yuanxi suddenly understood what was going on in the circle of friends in the morning. Moreover, Uncle Sheng suddenly took him to visit the troupe. It was also a target. It was also a variety show. The shooting was also very difficult. Chu Yuanxi said that he was right at this time. Suitable.

The two drove to the studio located on the South Fourth Ring Road. It was almost noon when they arrived, and the crew was preparing for work.

Don't look at it as a story-based indoor variety show. It is not a large-scale or outdoor variety show. The games are basically puzzle solving and drooling, but the stage lighting of the props and lighting actors still needs a lot of staff to manage, and there are also many professional audiences. Once people start working, they will be busy from noon to night or even early morning.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi's inspection class had to inspect before shooting, otherwise it would add chaos. It is said that some crews start to count the money from 0 o'clock in the venue, so they start filming the whole day directly from midnight. I don't know if they can turn a day into 36 hours, which would save money.

Of course, Pakistani Media does not need to do this, but the shooting of variety shows is different from film and television dramas. They cut a section immediately after filming, and do the post-production immediately after the cut, so it’s cyclical and scrolling. Therefore, for example, the need to add a shot is mentioned at the time. It is easy to delay the time when you come out to make up, and it will be midnight if you delay it.

However, domestic variety shows have always come in this way, so celebrities have nothing to complain about. Even Chou Dong, Mr. Wang and other super-big variety shows must abide by this rule.

Did not invite such a big name, but the lineup is not weak. As the host, Qi Yu plays the role of the Queen of No Salt in the scene. Li Zifeng is the master artist of Pakistani Media, and the role is Zou Yan, the yin and yang family.

The nominal protagonist in this variety show was Yasheng Mencius, who was eventually played by Zhang Yishan. He was the cast who Qi Yu helped to code. When Zhang Yishan was a child star in the past, he was popular all over the country, and now he has become a strong group, but in any case, he still belongs to the first-line ranks. Unfortunately, the flow of the strong group is almost the same.

However, the casts that Zhu Yan personally picked up were Teacher Huang Jue and the handsome boy Jing Boran, which were enough to make up for the lack of traffic. The former played the role of King Qi and the latter was the Taoist celebrity Huanyuan during the Warring States Period. Teacher Huang Jue has an outstanding temperament and is a clear stream in variety shows. Although he is old, his popularity is unexpectedly not low. Needless to say, Jing Boran has become famous, and then he is very active in singing, dubbing, movies, variety shows, etc.

In addition, there are also those who brought money into the group. One was Xiao Yang from the spoon brothers, and he played Gongsunlong, the famous one. He was ranked number one in the five thousand years of history of the heavenly dynasty.

The other is the national badminton player Bao Chunlai. His agent took a lot of effort to get on Zhu Yan's line, and then found that Zhu Yan was very welcome. He quickly took a role and was finally assigned to Shen Buhu.

What's more reassuring about this lineup is that all of them have been in variety shows. Among them, Teacher Huang has a strong sense of variety shows, and the others are not weak. If there are shortcomings, there is Baisha to remedy.

When Chu Yuanxi and Uncle Sheng arrived, they were talking on the scene. Bai Sha’s habit is to talk about the past from one star to another. What is the event today, what is the cause, what is the external environment, what mentality of each role, who should be sprayed, with whom temporary alliances, etc., and so on. It's lines. In variety shows, actors have a lot of room for lines, especially male stars, as long as they understand the ins and outs to find their starting point, lines are not a problem.

Not wanting to disturb Baisha’s work, Chu Yuanxi was taken into the set by Yang Yuanmei and sat quietly in the auditorium. Zhu Yan immediately came over. The four earliest content teams in the Pakistani entertainment period seemed to be closed for a long time. Get together in the open space.

"That's not what I said, Zhu Yan and Mei Yang Yang, you should first equip the ambulance and first aid equipment." When Chu Yuanxi came in, he didn't see any rescue-related preparations, "Although we are not outdoor sports, But the work intensity is the same. Why don’t you even have an oxygen inhalation device? Don’t save the money we should spend."

Yang Yuanmei rolled her eyes and said to her heart that if it weren't for this morning, you would have thought of this?

Zhu Yan obediently raised his hand to surrender, immediately arranged for an assistant to do this, and then he stopped talking.

"Just talk about it, don't be polite." Chu Yuanxi still remembered Zhu Yan hanging up his phone. At this time, she looked closer and found that Zhu Yan's face had less collagen, and she was obviously tired recently. "Crazy, you also have to pay attention to rest, and leave it to Yang Yuanmei to take care of everything. You don't have to do everything yourself as the boss."

Yang Yuanmei's white eyes suddenly showed a tendency to evolve into rebirth eyes, while Zhu Yan's eyesight brightened, thinking that Chu Yuanxi had come out from the west by the sun? Call yourself "idiotic"?

She righteously said: "If you want to say tired, who is not tired? Baisha is tired than me, and the star is more tired than Baisha."

Chu Yuanxi looked at it. The others were unfamiliar, but Li Zifeng's expression was indeed a bit tired in the field. Maybe it was too much for him to spin for many days? But even though he was exhausted, he could see that his heart was high and his eyes were quite focused. He joined the group immediately after the filming. Although the work intensity is not low, but in his original words, it is not possible to have such a full work schedule in the past many years.

And he was originally the lowest player in this group of casts, even if Bao Chunlai crossed in, he would also be a sports star and a national player. However, with the release of the show and the explosion of webcast data, it is impossible for him to be a leading actor's popularity, and there is no need for inferiority.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

When he asked Zhu Yan, he looked at Yang Yuanmei. Sure enough, Yang Yuanmei took the right to speak: "I want to launch a new variety show."

Chu Yuanxi got goosebumps straight out of this "idiotic" call!

Unconsciously, Uncle Sheng asked, "New variety show? Is it the fitness one?"

"No, no." Zhu Yan waved his hand quickly, "Fitness, celebrities are really hard to find. Except for Li Zifeng, Peng Yuyan and Zhanlang are more suitable for body management. Zhang Zhen seems to be fine too. It’s too big, I’m afraid it won’t be overwhelmed. Moreover, this kind of show is more suitable for small fresh meat, and the acting genre itself is not suitable."

"Then what do you think?"

"Later, I combined with Mei Yang Yang, and felt that the business management training that you brought us to your house was actually quite fun. It was essentially a large-scale role-playing + simulation business real-life game, with groupings. There is cooperation and competition. The bank is actually the host. Isn’t this very suitable for a variety show? It’s also easy to shoot the second season and the third season. What are the different types? Ah yes, the track It’s okay to do it again on a different track several times.

"Yes, yes, we think about the name, just call it. This is actually no threshold for variety stars, anyone can come, find those who meet the domineering president, such as Xiao Ming, it must be no problem." Yang Yuanmei Xiaoji Duo Like Mi, she looks very well-behaved, completely inconsistent with her usual style of painting, especially when she had just reincarnated.

So Chu Yuanxi immediately asked, "What is your situation, Yang Yuanmei, is this not like you?"

"Don't allow me to work harder? You think, other people do cp, they have to watch the show to do it, I am different, I want to let the cp group together. Isn’t it super-burning?"

"You, do you know why small fresh meat has been rampant in the past few years, and it is called the choice of mainstream audiences?" This time it was Chu Yuanxi's turn to roll her eyes. The choice of mainstream audiences. You are a crazy aunt. Save it!"

"You are an aunt, no, an uncle, it's not right, you are an uncle, I'm a girl."

Yang Yuanmei was crazy about her thoughts, and Zhu Yan pulled her up and asked, "Will it be successful? This program actually has a certain threshold, but we are a startup company, and this is the right thing to do."

Chu Yuanxixin said that Zhu Yan is okay, but the level has not risen in a few days, and even the professional term "track" can be said without reminding himself.

In fact, this training was not invented by Chu Yuanxi, but used by many large enterprises to inspire new entry management posts. Most of the so-called new entry management posts are backbones promoted from R&D and operations. They are good at doing business, but they are completely unfamiliar with finance, corporate planning, policy interpretation, etc. They can at least implant similar concepts through games. There is no shortage of brains.

Specifically, it is also very simple. There are n people in each team, some people are ceo, some people are cto, etc., the company's cxo titles are assigned, and then the bank controls the timeline and is responsible for lending to each company.

The rigid rule in the game is that everyone must be in the same industry. After the starting gun is fired, the companies operate in accordance with the annual time unit, and each other is a competitive relationship. The business content is nothing more than recruiting employees, researching and developing a certain technology, investing in product lines, purchasing raw materials, selling products, etc., which are basically the most simplified corporate processes. All financing is collateral loans and does not involve equity financing.

During the process, all cxos influence the company's decision-making according to their own authority in the process. For example, when the company invests in the product line, cfo can veto the company's investment based on the bank's product expectations in the next few years and the investment cost and construction period of the product line decision making.

There are two most important points in the rules of the game. Only companies that made a profit in that year can apply for loans for the next year, while companies that lose money do not need to pay taxes. However, the game also rigidly stipulates the types of products that all companies can choose. The range of options is not large, and they are all on the same track. It is easy to collide with other teams. This is also the essence of this game.

The bank will announce the latest interest rate policy at the time of each annual settlement, which often causes companies to be unprepared. It also releases the latest market trends, adjusts the profit expectations of various products in the next few years, and even launches new products and corresponding product lines. Investment prices and R&D prices, and develop loan strategies to encourage innovation.

One of the most hateful is that banks will also temporarily adjust product prices for the new fiscal year based on last year's market conditions, mainly the product crashes of various companies, to make them fluctuate on the basis of forecasts.

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