Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 923: Yu Wenhui has never fought such a big battle


Of course Yu Wenhui understands that crowdfunding is nothing new, but crowdfunding more than 6 million? It is equivalent to more than 40 million RMB, which is terrifying!

what's going on? Since Guochao standardized crowdfunding in 2014, with so many crowdfunding projects for so many years, who can raise so much money in one project? What does this show? It shows that the fans of this game are really rich. Moreover, the iron fans have no bottom line to believe in the level of the game producers, which shows that although the previous game is on the street, the porcelain is really round.

"But why is it crowdfunding?"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This series is an ultra-old series, the first two games are games 20 years ago. Moreover, the research and development costs are huge, the sales are very high, and the game company quit. Then this game was produced. His name is Hiroshi Suzuki, not as famous as Hideo Kojima, but he is also considered a great master. This game is his obsession. After he retired, he launched crowdfunding, established a company and continued to do it, and then there was 3."

Yu Wenhui said that, logically speaking, a 6 million crowdfunding product should be very promising, but why is it so quickly targeted by President Chu? He was puzzled, but it seemed that there was only one answer: "They, are they on the street again?"

I saw Chu Yuanxi nodded very comfortably, "I like this kind of technology, but the team that makes products hits the street, look at this expressiveness, the mature team with awesome technology wants to dig too special. That's difficult."

"How much is it?"

"Sold more than 10,000 copies a week. You have to know that there are more than 60,000 people in crowdfunding. Just think about how much this has to be." Chu Yuanxi smiled, and his face was very satisfied.

Not only did he watch this game, but he also experienced it personally. The operation and graphics are really good, and the experience is really boring. Players actually need to work part-time in the game, otherwise they will not earn living expenses, and part-time work is a real job, not just a simple click. The endless cycle of boring training and part-time work every day is too pursuit of realism, and is so true to the point that it is better to do odd jobs in reality and make some money with this time.

So that Chu Yuanxi started to doubt life after playing for an hour. What did I do for such a golden hour? Could this game be made with the goal of bashing the street? Does the old island man get any money-losing system? This game designer Wall Crack recommended to President Pei, and his mother who promised to pay was not recognized.

Of course, this cannot be told to Yu Wenhui, otherwise it is not conducive to the team's kneading. He looked at Yu Wenhui, the other party was very busy, watching TV while watching the phone, distracted and thinking.

Yu Wenhui does not deny that the workmanship of this game is awesome, but considering the salary level of the islanders, he began to sweat, and asked: "But if it is only art, the island team is actually relatively low cost performance, right?" The key is not Hire one or two people, at least a dozen employees are always there. This cost is going against the sky!

"Oh, first of all, these people really come here. The relationship must be linked to the group. You don't need to bear the cost of the'Mediterranean'. You can rest assured. Moreover, you can take a look at this game first. This is a fully open world game. Needs."

Zhao Jie's incubation company is called "Gobi Network", and Yu Wenhui's is called "Mediterranean Games", which seems to be a tribute to the programmers, and it can be described as a moment of brilliance. While watching the video, Yu Wenhui searched on his mobile phone, and found that Suzuki Yu’s main achievements came from arcades, and this series of games is actually the originator of the "open world" games, and the island country’s game master first practiced it 20 years ago. This idea.

Yu Wenhui suddenly understood why Chu Yuanxi valued this team. Yu Suzuki's team not only has extremely high game expression, but also has sufficient open world game production experience and concepts, and the product has a strong sense of operation. Not pursuing the freedom of the open world, but pursuing the depth of the scene similar to the open world, as long as the other party does have strong technical capabilities and let this team do subtraction, the difficulties in research and development are expected to be overcome.

It's a project with many ideas but a bit advanced. Before he led the team for a period of research and development. The VR side was mainly about technical issues. The planning on the mobile game side has always been a headache. How to write a planning plan, because a qualified planning and design system document It must be designed on the basis that the program can be realized, it is impossible to write blindly.

But the realization of these ideas is theoretically possible. It can be seen in the international 3a masterpieces. The problem is that the second step of putting the elephant into the refrigerator needs to be completed by your own programmer, but it involves the depth of the scene. When everything is editable, the elephant just can't fit in the refrigerator.

However, Suzuki Yu's team is obviously a team that is very good at plugging elephants. In this way, the technical realization link that was the most difficult for him before suddenly becomes a longboard?

The project has two huge challenges, one is technical realization, and the other is "semi-intelligent online games", which is the "robot character" plan that Xue Ming and Chu Yuanxi discussed together before to enrich the player's mission line with robot characters. Enrich the player's story experience. Now Xue Ming has worked hard for this task for more than half a year, and it feels like the server is expected to be completed. In other words, this project has actually seen the possibility of completion?

This surprised Yu Wenhui, who was still worrying about how to do the project yesterday, too suddenly.

However, he noticed that 20 years ago, the R&D expenses exceeded 70 million, and he almost lay down a company as big as Sega. This is more human.

What's even more pity is that the two generations of games are both applauded and not called, and they have attracted a group of extremely loyal fans, but they can't sell. It can be said that it is a severe test for any game company to stage such a game producer. Sega also withdrew from the competition of console games because of the failure of this game. But it is undeniable that Yu Suzuki is still Sega's ace.

In fact, the concept of open world is indeed very avant-garde, but it is easy to be praised or not. Yu Wenhui is also a game player, and often sees others vomiting, so-and-so open world games are good everywhere, but not fun. As strong as Hideo Kojima on the altar, the latest masterpiece is also mixed in reputation and sales are mediocre.

As for the most artistic thing he saw in the evaluation, it is not so much a game as a work of art. Don't know if this is compliment or derogation?

"Mr. Chu, this Suzuki **** seems to be a fan of our Chinese culture? There are many related reports."

"Ah, yes, it should be easier to communicate, but this is not important. We are going to develop a European and American game. Listen to me, there is one thing you must pay attention to."

Chu Yuanxi said, becoming more solemn, "If we really absorb the Suzuki Yu team, you should not have any stage fright, you should give orders, how to communicate and how to communicate, and maintain an equal mentality. You can’t just go back and back again just because he is a famous artist, understand? Our own design philosophy is the first. What we do is our products, not his. What we need is their technology. I will also follow this He made it clear."

Yu Wenhui said that Grandpa Yu Suzuki's philosophy is really not good enough. The series of masterpieces that have concentrated his life's hard work has been pounding and pounding, should it be easier to talk about? "But President Chu, I'm quite curious, what conditions do you offer him? High salary?"

"I haven't talked in person yet. If I ask Naibao to bring it, he can provide effective technical support. I will provide him with follow-up development funds so that he can continue to do the series. His current situation seems to be absolutely impossible, but come The Pakistani people can pay for investment."

"Cough cough cough" Yu Wenhui almost choked with a sip of water. When he just searched, he saw that the series was going to be 11, eleventh generation, how many generations did the fairy sword have been so successful?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "If you provide him with or not provide funds, how much you provide will definitely depend on the other party's role in our project. It can be regarded as an equivalent exchange. But on the other hand, since it is necessary to exchange his technology at an equal value, it must The technical framework was determined from the beginning, and he nodded. He could meet all the requirements within this framework, and then he could negotiate an equivalent exchange.

So there are specific issues involved here. We must think clearly about the technical requirements to be mentioned now, do you understand? Can't he agrees, we started work, and then you find that you have missed a few needs, and people say that you can't do it, isn't it done? But in general, people are the originator of the open world. We don't need to be fully open. It should still be possible.

In the end, I definitely require their team as a whole to come to the Imperial Capital and come to the company for development, so as to truly form a team. This cost is indeed a little higher, but our programmers can integrate into it and improve the technical level. There are reasons why domestic game companies do not make 3a masterpieces. Game producers are one aspect, value orientation is one aspect, and the most important is technical ability. The island country’s video game industry is decades ahead of us, and it’s not a big deal to admit that the gap is no big deal.

I don’t need to make a product to lead the world directly, but at least we can follow up, maintain, and learn advanced methods and processes. This requires you to be selective when hiring, and try to recruit as many plastic, young, and learning as possible. The current level can be tolerated even if it is tender. Do you understand this requirement? Schools can recruit interns. "

This series of requirements makes Yu Wenhui tired of taking notes, but it is not difficult. The most difficult is recruiting. Regarding the various needs in the game, because Chu Yuanxi interrupted the project development, which was equivalent to leaving him idle for a period of time, instead he had a lot of time to think about. Almost all kinds of difficulties have been thought of, although he has not been able to think of all the solutions. Came out, but he believes that his preparations for raising the difficulty are very sufficient.

As for treating Suzuki Yu equally, this is indeed a bit of a test, because the other party has a lot of iron fans, worshiping like a god, and playing a game can make you cry.

After thinking about these key points one by one, Yu Wenhui is only excited, because he has never fought such a big battle before, and the Italian guns are already hungry and thirsty!

However, he was caught off guard, because the time was not like Chu Yuanxi thought, and it didn't last until the weekend. People gave feedback that afternoon, and the next day, Fei Di had come over!

So on Tuesday, the 26th, Chu Yuanxi brought Yu Wenhui, who was not aware of the sufficiency and lack of preparation, to meet with Grandpa Yu Suzuki in the Pakistani reception room.

Suzuki Yu has been to the Celestial Kingdom many times and is fluent in Chinese. Yu Wenhui is particularly pleasantly surprised. This will make communication easier in the future. However, as an islander, the courtesy process of meeting is very rigorous. He praised the mobile game as a great book in the game industry, praised Yu Wenhui as a project manager as a young project manager, and praised Chu Yuanxi for his management. So Chu Yuanxi didn't know how to like it back...

Moreover, Naibao may have described the equity structure and development model of "Next Door Network" and "Mediterranean Games" to Grandpa, so he is obviously very interested in Wenhui.

Fortunately, when Chu Yuanxi brought the topic to business, the grandfather quickly entered the role, and then was surprised, because Chu Yuanxi started talking about the cloud game.

"Google's support for cloud games has caused a **** storm in my big A-share market, but in fact it is totally unreasonable, because it is obviously good for 3a masterpieces, not mobile games, or even online games. At least it does not help existing online games. In fact, cloud gaming is just a very normal network experience mode in the 5g era. Mobile phones retain input, output and storage functions, and computing is placed in the cloud, but this feature is particularly evident in games..."

Seeing Chu Yuanxi's intention to give a speech, Yu Suzuki raised his hand and motioned to him to stop: "I know cloud gaming very well. In fact, cloud gaming is our enemy, whether Nintendo, Sony or Sega."

This sentence shows that Grandpa's understanding is very clear. Chu Yuanxi nodded in affirmation: "But it is a very good thing for a pure console game developer."

Host manufacturers are definitely unhappy in the face of the big wave of cloud games. For example, Ren Dong's with, q3 has sold more than 30 million units worldwide, but after the large-scale realization of cloud games, it is estimated that even 30,000 units will not be sold. , Players only need a 5g mobile phone, why can’t play with 3a masterpiece?

The advantage of cloud gaming is that home TVs or 5g mobile phones can be used as display terminals for high-quality game masterpieces, and the computing power that previously required the powerful computing power of the host can be taken to the cloud. In other words, the entire host channel will be killed. This is also the logic of my big a-share game stocks' collective carnival. The factory that can make large-scale games will suddenly become extremely broad in the future, just as broad as mobile games.

In the next two days, the big A-shares woke up, and game stocks fell back to their original prices, because these game stocks basically supported their performance with mobile games. When 3a masterpieces have become "mobile games" to join the competition for mobile phone users, how can the original mobile game products be good? This is a dimensionality reduction blow, and in the not-too-distant future, with the popularization of 5g, it will appear soon, and it will first appear within the scope of the Chinese Great Dynasty, which is the first to popularize 5g.

This was also one of the reasons Chu Yuanxi was willing to sell, because he was judged by the genes of the game and was a manifestation of his sensitivity to the game. As for what the buyer thinks, there should be strategic considerations, right?

In the 5g era, games must pay more attention to content. There is nothing wrong with this.

Yu Wenhui looked at Grandpa Suzuki and expressed his approval, and immediately caught the stubbornness, and said: "The name of the game we plan to develop is called, and the specific gameplay is like this..."

He briefly introduced the main play points and mission mechanisms of this game, as well as the demand for the depth of the scene, and then described the core combat, "...In short, this is the situation, the experience in operation should be more similar to a home machine."

"It's not similar." Chu Yuanxi interrupted directly, "What we want to do is to develop two modes at the same time. One is a regular mobile game mode. The screen is displayed on the mobile phone and the operation is also completed on the mobile phone screen. This is a dual-end mode. If the player chooses to cast on the TV, the TV screen will present the game screen, and then use the mobile phone as the handle of the home machine to operate. If the player chooses to use the VR helmet, it is to use VR to present the vision, and the mobile phone acts as Handle. What does Mr. Suzuki think of this mode of operation?"

Suzuki Yu didn’t wait for Chu Yuanxi to finish talking and began to imagine. His eyes were tilted up 45 degrees and he looked at the sky silently. The location mark on the screen of the mobile phone is sufficient. It is best to have it for TV, and it is necessary for vr."

"Yes, that's right." Yu Wenhui gave a secret compliment. He didn't expect the grandfather to break this key point in one sentence, and he deserves to be an arcade design expert who pays most attention to operability.

In fact, under the impact of cloud games, the only possible application scenario for the console and home console mode of operation in the future lies in the operation of VR. The handle is raised with fixed buttons. The player holds the handle to play the game. The headset only needs to present the game scene and does not need to display virtual operation buttons.

But if Chu Yuanxi wants to make a VR game, the biggest problem is operability. His basic mode of operation is to use a helmet-mounted display and a mobile phone as a handle for operation, so that it can be adapted to most potential users. Just buy a VR headset, and then the VR and mobile phone or smart TV Bluetooth connection, no handle is needed.

But you can’t see the phone screen with the headset. Even if your finger keeps sliding against the phone screen, the left hand can control the direction. How about the skill button with the right hand?

This is a difficult problem that must be overcome, and it is impossible to talk about vr that cannot be overcome.

"This is a relatively high barrier for players. You have to adapt to a certain operation mode to play." Suzuki Yu murmured to himself, "but they are already VR, and all operation modes are brand new. I should be able to of……"

"Wait!" Chu Yuanxi realized that this meeting was turning into a technical exchange meeting, and stopped quickly: "This is Mr. Suzuki, although you must be able to achieve our technical requirements to have a basis for cooperation, but first Can you talk about the conditions for cooperation? We will study the technology when you think the conditions are good."

Unexpectedly, Suzuki Yu immediately increased his voice and became very formal: "No, President Chu, what is your solution?"

Yu Wenhui scratched his head: "The whole is definitely to control the direction from left to right, and the right hand points skills. Our plan is to distinguish the three finger states of the right hand, "click and snap", "move", and "release". If you make a mistake, you can not release it , Take back the skills."

"Well, let me think about it. This is actually more important than the depth of the scene. As for the others, it seems that it is not too difficult to complete technically..." Suzuki Yu said as he suddenly saw Yu Wenhui winking at him, and pointed. He glanced at Chu Yuanxi, "Wait, President Chu is still waiting for me to make conditions. Look at me, hahahaha..."

Grandpa's appearance can be said to be unremarkable, the only thing that is striking is that there is a big constriction next to his nose. Even the cartoon image in the game he made for himself specially restores this scumbag.

At this moment, he smiled like a black spot trembling on his face, very happy.

Chu Yuanxi had only been in contact with him for a while, but he felt that he should be someone who could speak straightforwardly, so he wouldn't make any circumstance. "Naibao's friend should have told you roughly. My exchange condition is to support you to continue developing the series. , My specific plan is roughly like this, there are several options.

You and your team can choose to join the Pakistani Group collectively, and then pan for gold through the group's dkp system. The specific dkp rules are like this..."

Suzuki Yu listened, but with a dilemma, Chu Yuanxi explained that the focus was on the structure of the incubation company, and then used peak visual effects as an example. Originally this example was simple and easy to understand, but Yu Suzuki said embarrassingly: "Sorry, President. Your approach is very new, but I think we are not suitable for this model. Starting a business or something may be very easy for you. , But in our country, this kind of venture financing is really unfamiliar and unaccustomed. Sorry, sorry, really sorry."

With that said, Yu Suzuki left his seat and owed his salute, and Chu Yuanxi had to repay the gift quickly, "It's okay, there are other options. The second option is the Pakistani Group to acquire your company, so the relationship is clearer. , But there is one thing that must be communicated clearly, that is, where is the IP adaptation right of the series, whether it is in your company or Sega."

"In Sega, we are authorized to our company by way of franchise rights."

"Then if I propose an acquisition, will it affect this franchise right?"

"This..." Suzuki Yumian was embarrassed, because this right was acquired by him after serving his life in Sega, and he didn't give any explanation at the beginning. "The signing of our agreement is relatively simple, it should be said that it is very loose..."

Chu Yuanxi frowned, "Then this is not appropriate."

IP disputes can be big or small. If they are all from the celestial dynasty, he can even go to mediate in person, even if the future litigation is not a big problem. But when it comes to transnational rights, if the rights link is not tight, it may be very, very difficult in the future.

Then he found that Mr. Yu Suzuki looked at himself expectantly, which was still very stressful. The plan he put forward must mainly ensure that he can control it. What must be avoided is that he promises the other party to invest in series in black and white, and then the other party will work for the Pakistani people without any work. The first two controls are okay, and the third one becomes less harmonious.

"There is one last option." Chu Yuanxi said calmly: "Gentlemen agreement. You and your team join the Pakistani Group in your own name. As long as we agree in advance that you can do it, I need to use your ability to complete it. The work is completed. Regardless of whether the project is successful, or even whether the project itself is successfully completed, I promise to invest you at least 600 million yuan."

A light flashed in Yu Suzuki's eyes, "Of course this is a good condition, but how should I trust you? President Chu. If the agreement is signed, this condition is really worthy of wrangling."

"600 million is not a lot of money for the Pakistani group. I just signed a sale agreement worth more than 520 billion. As for the possibility of wrangling, although it is really difficult to talk about legally, it is just for public comment. If I break the contract, the loss of reputation will be far more than 600 million. So you must trust me so that we can cooperate."

Suzuki Yu pursed his mouth and leaned on the sofa for a moment, and squinted his eyes and said, "President Chu, let me lean on the old and sell the old. Are you questioning the work ability of my team and me? The game world described by Mr. Yu just now , I think I can definitely do it. Shouldn't we trust each other?"

"Yes, then I promise you that I will give you an investment of no less than 600 million yuan, and it can be increased if it is done well."

Suzuki Yu nodded in satisfaction, "That's it!"

Immediately Suzuki Yu left the Pakistani people on the grounds of seeing an old friend. After he left, Yu Wenhui immediately grabbed Chu Yuanxi: "Mr. Chu, I suddenly thought of a problem. If the island employees enter our company, they can work overtime. ?"

Chu Yuanxi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "Hey, you are so funny, the people of the island nation are rewarded, and you don't know the blessings in the blessing. Where did you get the term'community animal'?"

He is quite satisfied with this result, thanks to Naibao for his power and efficiency. In fact, he originally told Naibao's aunt Cynthia that during this time the Pakistani game handover also involved a problem, namely, Naibao's billing period and settlement. There is no problem with the delivery of Pakistani games, but there are billing periods in various domestic and foreign channels. The money on the billing period cannot be sent to the Pakistani group, but it is not possible to change the channel to call Lingxi immediately, because there are still several months of money. Need to go back to the Pakistani account.

This problem seems to be a small problem. It should be a matter of the business manager making a few calls, but in actual operation it is very laborious. As a result, Naibao's operating efficiency is higher than that of several major domestic channels.

This caused Chu Yuanxi to be more embarrassed when the other party asked whether the on-hook mobile game should be launched in the island country and the universe country, and finally agreed.

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