Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 922: Xiaokang last 1 puzzle

The so-called restraint is to be calm when the data is good, not to burn money beyond the plan, bravery and reckless actually mean the same thing. In fact, what Chu Yuanxi did was not very good, but he raised a lot of money, so it looked good.

These few things he said are actually considered common sense. Yang Heng and his team actually understand the truth. The question is, how can it be so easy to implement? Balance growth and revenue and expenditure. What you said is simple. If the cost is controlled as soon as the mouth is touched, our business has been successful early!

Jian Mo was a very elegant middle-aged man in his forties. He looked like a teacher from the old days, and he was thinking when he heard Chu Yuanxi's description. The fast-growing pine nuts have failed to achieve cost control, and the company’s strategy is often adjusted, and the plan must have been done, but there are often internal differences when making decisions, which is an important reason for strategic swings.

Strategic sway is a very terrible problem, because every reversal will lead to confusion in product planning, and then produce inventory management problems. The wastage rate of fresh food is simply out of range when inventory problems occur. If the cost can be controlled, it will be a hell.

According to this logic, Jian Moxin said that Chu Yuanxi was actually boasting that his plan was particularly good?

However, in Jian Mo's view, the biggest gap between Matsumoto Duoduo and Xiaokang is the app. Liu Lu had communicated with them, and Xiaokang started to develop the app before opening the store. Songzi Duoduo has been using WeChat applets and WeChat groups for community operations, which is not interesting.

In the end, due to various problems, WeChat group activity decreased, word of mouth plummeted, and repurchase rate plummeted. This is the fatal reason why companies can no longer turn defeat into victory after cash outflow problems. He knew how this company failed.

Time flies slowly and he thinks quickly. As a result, he was suddenly named by Chu Yuanxi during his rapid thinking. He couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then said: "Yes, I have worked in the U.S. for six years, and I found out that I returned to China the year before. The opportunity to start a business is better. I returned to the country last year."

"That's great, Xiaokang is now in urgent need of map research and development resources. Is there any more powerful map research and development boss to introduce?" Chu Yuanxi said very cheerfully, because maps are more difficult for him to solve. The budget is enough. The resolution of 100 million yuan a year has long been made, but it can't be spent because there are no suitable talents. This situation is a bit similar to the well-off blockchain in the original world. I wanted to do it in the early days, but I couldn't do it. I had a budget but couldn't find a suitable person.

The full name of SAIC Silicon Valley is SAIC Silicon Valley Innovation Center. It is an innovative R&D team established by SAIC to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Silicon Valley. It uses the talent resources of the United States for technological development and aims at intelligent driving in the Internet of Vehicles era. Apart from other things, Silicon Valley is the absolute focus of the world in terms of new-generation automotive technology. The world's top ten auto companies have their own sites in Silicon Valley, and domestic Changan and Guangzhou Automobile are not far behind.

Although Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to build a car anymore, he had plans in this area before, so he has been paying attention to the trends in the car building industry. This is definitely known. And if Jian Mo only returned from SAIC Silicon Valley last year, his contacts there should be quite rich, especially in the research and development of new forces.

In this kind of research and development, map services are the top priority, either by self-developing or cooperating with high-precision map positioning technology service providers in the United States to achieve efficient processing of large-scale map data. For example, the well-known deepmap is the provider of this kind of service, and Jianmo is involved in the operation, and it is likely that he has contacted the deepmap R&D team.

Xiaokang had never made up his mind to go to Silicon Valley to dig people, mainly because there were no old drivers to lead the way. Speaking of the map, domestic experts are actually not bad, but most of the problems are basically famous, and those who have no masters are also planning to start their own businesses. Meituan was struggling to develop map functions and was even forced to negotiate the acquisition of a domestic electronic map service provider.

To be honest, Chu Yuanxi is really not optimistic about this merger, because the target company has a long history, poor products, and extremely high valuations. This shows from the side how anxious Meituan Monkey is.

Fortunately, in the second half of this year, Penguin, uncharacteristically, seemed to finally realize the importance of map services, and then increased investment as a basic level of construction. Meituan is a company invested by Penguin. Upon seeing such a good thing, it immediately rushed to prostitution, and at the same time halted the merger.

This incident made Chu Yuanxi quite frustrated, because Xiaokang realized the importance of maps early, and Penguin knew it so late, but as soon as he exerted his strength, he immediately jumped out far away, and Xiaokang was limited by its scale and resources. Slowly.

Jian Mo's expression condensed, and he paused for a moment before cautiously asking: "Mr. Chu, how far do you want to develop the map?"

"A budget of 100 million yuan per year, tentatively set." Chu Yuanxi said while looking at the opposite side and didn't believe it, and immediately said, "If you don't believe me, ask Liu Lu, she knows. We have already settled it, but there is no suitable person. This budget is more than enough."

Liu Lu wanted to roll her eyes, and she said that Chu Yuanxi was sloppy, not enough, and it was her heart disease. The dignified top HR hasn't found an excellent map scientist for so long, and she feels like she's also quite useless. of.

"What he said is true, but I don't understand why a budget of 100 million yuan is required. Does the map cost so much?"

"Look at Penguin. The map service is used as the underlying structure and enterprise infrastructure. People have at least one billion R&D expenses per day, and there is no ceiling. You know? We have already quite converged."

It seems Xiaokang is really serious? Jian Mo saw that the team members were watching him, so he pondered slightly and said, "Do you need foreign experts or Chinese experts?"

"It is best if you are willing to return to China to start a business." Chu Yuanxi heard that there is a door? Immediately, his eyes lit up.

In the past two decades, domestic college students have been trained, high-quality students have gone to the United States to study abroad to become talents and make contributions to the United States. This force has been trained in the United States for many years, but it cannot break the class ceiling for reasons known to all.

But now the domestic entrepreneurial environment is open as a whole, and the opportunities are very good. Those who can't break the class ceiling and have strength in the United States will find plenty of opportunities if they are willing to return to China to start a business. Well-off is now a good opportunity. As long as the budget is sufficient, it is always a good opportunity. Someone needs to match up.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi and Liu Lu launched headhunting in the country and did not capture any prey. They did not expect an old driver to appear at this inadvertent opportunity today!

Then, under Chu Yuanxi's intentional guidance, the content of the chat became very harmonious, and the guests and the host enjoyed themselves all for a while.

When he sent the people away, Chu Yuanxi felt that this group of people were okay, with good conversation and mature experience, so he appreciated Liu Lu's vision. After all, their failure is mainly the failure of the decision makers, that is, the failure of the founders, and the backbones are not very responsible. Yang Heng is the only one who needs to take a little responsibility for the failure of the business. His position in Songzi Duoduo is equivalent to that of Uncle Sheng in Ba, and Yuan Mu in well-off.

So the first and second leaders of the two well-off people combined, and the plan was to set up a well-off strategy development research office, with Yang Heng as the director, enjoying the title of vice president, but not directly giving options.

If there are tasks, inject as many rewards as possible into okr. These rewards can be directly realized as investment in his business in the future. As for others, encourage them to join the various business teams directly, and the title is nothing more than director and senior director.

Yang Heng is a person who has failed to start a business. Now it is a period of licking wounds. It is definitely not suitable to start the so-called "continuous entrepreneurship" immediately. Continuous entrepreneurship is like Chu Yuanxi. Become a Ba people first, and then be well-off when the Ba people group is brought to a certain climate. This is called continuous entrepreneurship. If you do one kneel and one kneel, it is called continuous failure, which is very destructive. Of course, some people don't care, and such teachers are rare.

So after a failure, if there is no special reason, you will always behave, as if you have experienced a period of reflection, or recharged yourself, updated your personal settings and then came out.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi judged that he is likely to accept this kind of recruitment. This method is based on what he needs, and when he starts his business again in the future, it is not an entrepreneurial venture incubated by the well-off, but an angel investment from the well-off. When licking the wound, being a consultant to others, using his own experience and wisdom to exchange some resources, does not detract from his compulsion.

As for others, because the structure of Xiaokang is relatively flat, there is no business group or department structure, so there are as few levels as possible. Senior directors are already senior managers in Xiaokang, and there should be no reason to be dissatisfied.

Among them, Jianmo's first okr was to introduce map experts to the company. Then Chu Yuanxi did not expect that there would be a fierce interview, because in the Chinese circle in Silicon Valley, the atmosphere is much more dignified than in China. Everyday people call me to buy a ticket and return to China! Of course, most of them are already It’s not so easy to make up your mind to come back if you drag your family.

Under this circumstance, the Chinese elites in Silicon Valley actually need domestic old drivers to match up. This is a kind of poor circulation caused by poor information.

If these high-end talents are in the country, large companies can observe their abilities at close range, and they have long been taken away. But across the Pacific Ocean, even if they know that there are such a group of people, can they be grounded? Can you adapt to the domestic environment? Is he really capable or is Mr. Nan Guo just filling it up? Only when they take the first step and come back can they be easily screened.

But there is an old driver who understands both sides. He is familiar with both domestic companies and talents over there. Jane Mo pulled the line a few times, and suddenly began to sigh and sigh, saying that my brother is suffering. I had known that pulling heads made such a profit. What kind of operations should I do? I can be transferred!

He finally realized how valuable the network resources and bilateral information he had in his hands were when realized!

However, Chu Yuanxi said that this is not the case. Not only do you provide valuable information, but you also have to do credit endorsements for both parties at the same time, so what you earn is not only information service fees, but intermediary service fees.

In the end, after many meetings and communication, the leader of the well-off map project team was fine-tuned several times and turned into a two-head system, one responsible for the basic map architecture, and the other responsible for the function development of output services.

The person in charge of the map infrastructure is called Kang Xin, but he is no longer new. In 2004, he joined Keyhole, the predecessor of Google Earth. As a result, the white people who worked with him had already been promoted to the vice president of Google Maps. He found that he could only become a vice president by going out to start a business. He was tightly held by the ceiling in his forties.

This is a strong person with extremely rich experience. To make an inappropriate analogy, it is equivalent to a gold-collar employee in a labor-intensive industry. Leading a project team is more than enough.

Another person in charge of export-oriented services is Xu Long. He has relatively simple qualifications and is much younger. He is slightly older than Chu Yuanxi. Previously he was the technical backbone and middle-level management in the Uber map project, but there is no hope for promotion to the management. The University of Kansas calculated Master of Geometry.

If he used Uber as a springboard and returned to China a few years ago to start a business, instead of wasting his youth in Uber, he must now be the co-founder of some unicorn-level technology startups. The technology turtles return to China to start a business. Technology has great advantages.

So on Monday the 25th, Chu Yuanxi felt that she had gone through a fantastic week, and the last piece of Xiaokang's jigsaw was actually assembled, and it was very powerful.

During this exciting week, the outside world was not calm. Google released their long-established cloud game, which was ridiculed by the global player base. However, my big A-share game stocks collectively hit the daily limit. The daily limit even included the beginning of the year. The loss of work accrued is equivalent to xshen entertainment which is twice its own market value.

Immediately after the new list of academicians was released, Ali's President Wang passed the pass. This honor is well-deserved because he is the father of Alibaba Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud is one of the few information technology products that China can brag about in the world, and it has been a global leader for some time. Chu Yuanxi vomited when Jack Ma was filming. Isn’t Ali Cloud’s "Tengyun Project" the most worthwhile film?

This news made Sun Yongqiang, the head of the Xiaokang Big Data Group, also very excited, because he also worked in the Tengyun Project and contributed his own strength.

Immediately afterwards, the incident involving terminally ill employees of a large animal husbandry factory was exposed, which caused an explosion in the entire network. But because Liu Lu had already broke the news, Chu Yuanxi just looked at the excitement.

In fact, these disturbances are far less important to him than the delivery of the Pakistani game, because after sending these brothers away, he can receive the second money. Isn't it a good news?

Before the settlement, he settled the realisation options of the brothers according to the agreement, and said goodbye earnestly, saying: "Brothers, when I was parting, I found that many people in Maimaishi said that I sold you. Don't bring this. This kind of emotion, because even if it is true, I chose a buyer who is relatively gentle to the employees.

Many companies, including some large companies, tell their employees that you are poor at work and do not meet expectations when they want to lay off. If you do not voluntarily leave, you will be stigmatized, and then you will be under-performed, which is very disgusting. But Ali is moral and would never do this.

In the end, let me sell it. I hope you will never know what I did for this transaction, but in case someone knows, well, you can just keep silent when that happens. Forget it, let's say so much, brothers, no matter where you go, the friendship between our former pure colleagues will remain the same, and I hope to continue. "

Yu Wenhui was very sad when he listened next to him. He didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to come to him to communicate with him when he turned his face.

Zhao Jie is already on the right track, and even the editor has started, so of course Yu Wenhui can't drag it.

"Recently, there are a few new things, I have to tell you." Chu Yuanxi recruited Yu Wenhui into the president's office, "I dug your general Guo Jiangyong, are you unhappy?"

"No, no, no!" Yu Wenhui quickly denied Sanlian and waved his hand to express However, Chu Yuanxi knew that he was of course unhappy, because Guo Jiangyong was originally he who had dropped out of the joint transportation and left it for him. Own talents.

"It doesn't matter if you are unhappy, I want to get you a better person." Chu Yuanxi said, turning on the TV on the wall of the multifunctional office.

The TV shows a live video of a new game recently released by the island country. The game is called. Yu Wenhui seems to have heard of this series, because this game was just released, he knew. But the whole series hasn't been played before and it's really not impressive.

"Have you seen this game? How do you feel?"

"I saw it, it's awesome!" Yu Wenhui only glanced at it, and immediately lost his eyes, because only in terms of visual effects, this game is not too awesome! This quality, this level of detail, this npc and objects, this scenery, There are only two words inside and outside-lifelike!

Although it is a 3d game, even if it is directly transplanted into VR, it is estimated to be extremely powerful. The existing VR game on the far supermarket.

"Why, you want to introduce the art of this game to me?"

"It's not the art, but the entire team, including the game producers." Chu Yuanxi said calmly: "Nitemabao is talking, but I haven't talked about it yet, but I guess it's okay. If there is a bit of a horoscope, maybe this weekend Or next week, I will ask the other party to come to the company to have a chat. The other party is the name of the game."

"Rely!" Yu Wenhui was really shocked, because this product was just released, so he knew it was done by the island country team, that is to say, Chu Yuanxi would introduce a foreign team? And is it a foreign team that has just released its own product? What's the situation? And this efficiency is too fast, right?

"Don't be surprised, don't be surprised. This opportunity is rare, but it's relatively easy." Chu Yuanxi pointed to the TV and said, "The other party raised more than $6 million in crowdfunding. Do you understand the meaning?"

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