Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 928: Historical big wave

When Yang Jiangang heard it, there was indeed a big difference, and he took a breath, but after thinking about it? I still don’t know what to do. What will happen to this difference?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "If we were doing anime at the time, the webcasting platform wouldn’t rub the sand in the eyes, and it’s clear how much traffic it brings to people. Others, a user hula la, drives a class of people, and even more Many, what about us? Social animals are mainly single dogs, which are an order of magnitude worse than others. Doesn't it directly reveal the flaws? On the contrary, the TV series will not be so different. So your "friend" should not beat the Pakistani people... …"

When Yang Jiangang heard this, he said to his heart that Ali is about to stage a tragic comedy rhythm? Thanks for your happiness, Ali's animation department won't be able to beat you to death by then. What are you proud of?

"Hey wait." He suddenly thought of a new question, and it was sharp: "I'm not the first person to ask animation? How did you reject others before?"

"Oh, it's too simple." Chu Yuanxi and Yang Jiangang didn't need to hide, "The flow of large-scale animation is high, and the investment is also huge, but the same scale of flow, the influence that can be created is limited, which can be understood as'getting influence The price-performance ratio of force is very low. Just refuse it. Well, you and your "friends" can also say the same."

"But how is this possible?" Yang Jiangang couldn't understand at all, because he was an animation practitioner. "If the price/performance ratio is low, what I'm doing now would be terrible? But no one in the entire market, whether investors or my friends, think I am terrible."

"Because you are working on a platform, the low price/performance ratio is low because part of the influence is taken away by the platform. You are the profit-making party. I am talking about me, the copyright owner, and the low price/performance ratio."

Chu Yuanxi said, thinking I have mentioned "friends" so many times, why didn't Yang Jiangang react at all? Is this learning to hide your emotions? "You think, the TV series audience is cp, the director, the service, and even the screenwriter. These hot platforms are not touchable. I think of ways to do activities, and all the traffic can be directed to me. Animation. Is it okay? Play the animation and it becomes the platform to find a way to do activities. So, do you know what you should do in the future?"

Yang Jiangang suddenly had a fierce thinking. He moved to the Pakistani side. Using the scene a year ago or even half a year ago, based on Chu Yuanxi's statement, it seemed that animation was nothing more than a price issue. The Pakistani group earned It is only the difference between the production cost and the purchase cost of the webcast platform.

It doesn’t make much sense. It’s hard to produce and negotiate. In the end, the revenue is less than half a month of mobile games. The biggest significance is to create some new paying users for the platform and increase some stickiness. Why bother?

Chu Yuanxi glanced at Zhao Jie, he was still in a meeting. No way, Zhao Jie is now the CEO of a company. Everything is busy, all working hours are arranged, and everything is very important. It is different from the past, and it must be respected. . So now Chu Yuanxi asks Zhao Jie to greet him in advance, for example, in the morning saying to him: I will talk to you this morning.

As a result, after saying hello this morning, I made a temporary change in the morning and released Zhao Jie's pigeons. Shouldn't I have to wait to find it now?

"Hey wait, Yang Jiangang, why are you looking for Zhao Jie? Shouldn't you come to me directly for this matter?"

"I'm here to find Yu Wenhui. I originally planned to find you later." Yang Jiangang scratched his head. "I heard Yu Wenhui said that you brought him the Great God Suzuki? You talked to him? Why didn't you call me? "

Chu Yuanxi said that he has a dime relationship with you? Tell your fans to meet idols? Wouldn't that make me mess up?

Yu Wenhui was not there, and I don't know where he went. Now he and Zhao Jie are still working in the Pakistani people, but they will soon move to nearby places, such as the next door on this floor or the opposite door. For them, only when they are spatially independent can they form a true sense of independence and form the habit of independent thinking from their own state when dealing with events.

Immediately Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui both felt the independent pain relief from Chu Yuanxi's flogging, just like Yang Jiangang once felt. This is the inevitable way for them to embark on the entrepreneurial road.

But Yang Jiangang is also the CEO of a company and needs to be respected accordingly. So Chu Yuanxi's words became: "What's the urgency of this? There will be more opportunities in the future, the Suzuki Yu team will come to the company to develop, and I will see you in the future. Are you looking for me for the TV series? ? Then it's okay. I'm leaving."

Chu Yuanxi said that he was leaving, but as for Zhao Jie, I asked him to talk after get off work. Unexpectedly, Yang Jiangang stopped him and asked, "Hey, wait a minute, I heard Yu Wenhui say that both you and Suzuki Yu think cloud games will threaten console games. What do you think? This is against common sense."

"Shrimp common sense?"

"Common sense is that Nintendo can be carried over by Microsoft and Sony. It depends on the first-party IP game exclusive. The console players basically buy the console based on the game. Whoever has the exclusive IP and who makes the game. Well, the console will sell more. As long as a major console manufacturer can develop high-quality games on its own, its console will not worry about selling."

"You can barely be regarded as common sense in the past." Chu Yuanxi started to build a house again: "It is said that you have to study and think more, your cognitive upgrade is imminent, Lao Yang, when you enter the IP mouth, you must learn to look at it with a developmental perspective. This industry, otherwise it will be dumped in minutes."

"No, Chu Yuanxi, promise me, can you make sense first before zhuangbility?"

"The reason is, yours, the real soldier is not, tactical, I don’t understand. Why did players buy consoles to play games before, because it’s fun, right? Yes, but it’s just one of the reasons. The more important reason is that the options were so wide before. , There are so many high-quality games. You know better than me that there is a chain of contempt in the game industry such as'host, platform, stand-alone, end game, mobile game'. Of course, the host circle can rely on ip to fence. Players can monopolize ip games It’s normal to buy a host, isn’t it the logic?"

"I know, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that this chain of contempt will soon be broken, and the era of cloud gaming will follow."

Yang Jiangang tilted his eyes to look at Chu Yuanxi: "Don't talk about the concept, okay? The concept of cloud gaming has existed ten years ago. Do you know that in another week, on December 4, Nintendo and Penguin will be engaged in a switch country tour? The press conference? Do you think Penguin is stupid?"

Hey, have you learned to talk back? Chu Yuanxi said that this should be given a good education.

"I haven't seen how Penguin signed the contract. I have no way of judging whether it is stupid or not. However, games are the main business of the Pakistani Group. I am a practitioner. I know the past domestic cheating mobile games. The method is definitely not going to be played. Every expansion of bandwidth will give birth to new things in the gaming circle. This time it is undoubtedly the popularization of boutique production.

Let me put it here, 5g is popular, and the game ecology will inevitably be divided. On the one hand, ugc games are prevalent, relying on user creativity to take the low-cost route. The more users there are, the more creativity you can win by volume; on the other hand, game manufacturers are forced to comprehensively improve the quality of games. From content to performance and even gameplay, you do not change, others change. You are left behind immediately. "

"What does this have to do with my console game?" Yang Jiangang brought himself directly to the console game, quite a little bit like Lao Tzu is a nobleman. As an old planner for more than ten years, he still remains loyal to the game and also plays console games. This is one reason Chu Yuanxi respects Yang Jiangang's professional skills, but it is not good to be blind because of this, very bad!

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi said coldly: "The 3a masterpieces you can play before without the console are just a few, and there is not necessarily the type you like. From now on, there will be dozens of 3a masterpieces you can play with your mobile phone every year. Hundreds of styles, more than ten times the number of choices, or even more, all types. There are so many fun ugc games, low cost but full of creativity, there are always tens of thousands of styles a year.

There are still so few exclusive ip games that console games support yourself. You have to spend thousands of dollars to buy consoles. Are you sick? "


"Don't be it, face the future! The game is also a competition for user time, and it is the most fierce competition. The more you make it, the more time you kill, you understand? Let me tell you that, the traffic on the Internet is equivalent For the river, the host’s ip monopoly is equivalent to the river bed, protecting its own flow, and forming a private domain. Normally, the weather is smooth, but the river bed will also be washed away when a historical wave comes.

The more open and more circulated, the more difficult the private domain will be. I don't believe that in the 5g era, two or three ips can build a fence of tens of billions to block the flood. Your old ideas are too serious, so hurry up and train your way of thinking, otherwise you will be knocked over when the new big waves appear. I don't want the investment of the Pakistani people to fail. "

"According to you, don't the host manufacturers have to finish playing?"

"Nokia and Motorola can fall, what are the hosts?" Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, "but it's not absolute. The hosts can continue to cut their old users. Old ips must use new ones for new tours. The host, the old host can't move it, and cut the user out. What do you think of this approach?"

"You are wicked, you..."

"Just kidding... Actually, I think the OEMs might be able to adapt to the times, right? Use the advantages they have accumulated in the equipment to lead the ranks of VR or something. In the future, it is very likely that the major OEMs in the VR field will be in the c position."

After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, he went back contentedly. In the afternoon, Zheng De called and was Yuan Jing’s assistant, inviting him to participate in a venture capital forum. On December 4th, the annual ranking of Tianchao equity investment in 2019 will be listed on the forum. . This is a ranking for investment institutions and investors. Because more than a dozen circles have been held, the promoters can be regarded as industry leaders and can invite heavy guests, so it is still a very important ranking.

Like this kind of ranking, it doesn't really matter which ranking is ranked, because there are too many py relationships in it, and the key is that there is more than one ranking. There are angel investment rankings, early investment rankings, investor rankings, active rankings, and even fundraising rankings.

What's more excessive is that the same is investment, but also artificially separate "venture investment" and "private equity investment", which is not a parallel relationship at all. The organizer can be said to have worked hard to better distribute the honor.

Because of this, being unnamed on the list will make it more embarrassing for investment institutions that claim to be upper-class. Zheng De was on the list a few years ago, but all of them have fallen off the list in recent years, so this year he is still paying attention.

Zheng De was very active during this time, and he felt rather tigerish. In fact, Chu Yuanxi knew that they weren't rich on the books, and it really didn't matter how much they had made in return, because they didn't hit any IPOs all year.

In the first 11 months of this year, 50 pe/vc institutions have returned more than 1 billion based on book value after hitting ipo. Therefore, as a major investor in early private equity, Zheng De has not much advantage in comparing book returns this year.

But this year's popular comparison index in the fund industry is dpi, also called invested capital dividend rate. In this regard, Zheng De's report is very bright.

The simplest understanding of the so-called capital dividend is that it does not consider how the fund exits. As long as it is earned and withdrawn, it is a good investment, and it can be divided into profits instead of losses. Those funds with high book returns look very good, but when the lock-up period has passed, the ghost knows how much is left on the book. Moreover, a bull market is needed to exit, and the open market in a bear market lacks liquidity. Early investors want to exit? Infinitely kill you!

One of the highlights of Zheng De is that he invited Du Shuang to invest in the media in the first half of the year. After this, I don't know if Du Shuang knew his shame and was brave or because he was eager to increase his voice after investing in Fang Shiling? It may also be because Yuan Jing's grace has changed his depressed mental outlook when he invested in Daxia, and in short, he became very active.

And he is different from Yuan Mu. Yuan Mu is looking for projects in the ip self-media field. He will do research when he sees good ones. Therefore, his energy is scattered and it is not easy to form a correct methodology. And Du Shuang only makes short vibrato videos, and almost only does urban outdoor activities. Indoor content such as shopping malls and shop explorations are also included in the outdoor ranks, of course, mainly street beauties.

This concentration makes it easy for him to quickly try and error to find the most advantageous investment path.

In the second half of last year, the two main players in the short video track, Douyin and Kuaishou, have switched their firepower, providing extremely important support for the short video e-commerce environment. Therefore, the advertisements for goods have been increasing. Because businesses can make money through Douyin and Kuaishou advertising.

Wherever this kind of real money goes, the opportunity will come. Therefore, a large number of mushrooms have sprung up. This process will inevitably require the support of the capital market, making investment and financing extremely active. Du Shuang just caught up with this wave. After entering the market, he found that there was a chance to exit calmly in the early investment process. Some people were willing to buy a "certainty" in the mid-term, and then he started to run in small steps. .

In fact, buying and selling in the equity market is a manifestation of confidence. The open market is nothing more than the supervision of the Securities Regulatory Commission, which provides an additional layer of nominal protection. In the non-public market, if someone is willing to trade the opportunity, and someone is willing to take the risk of buying, equity trading can also be done.

At the same time, Douyin m is a data-based subject matter, which is very suitable for early trading.

Many non-public equity transactions are strenuous because due diligence is so strenuous. Investors who want to invest a certain amount of money must be very knowledgeable to avoid being deceived. Unless it is such a star product, the data is public, and there is very little room for hiding cats, and transactions will be more enjoyable.

The situation of Douyin m is similar, because there is a situation that the price of fake amount is not as good as sending real content to attract real fans. So whether you buy or sell, just look at the data, then review the content, and think about the future realization of the situation. That's it, very transparent.

Therefore, Du Shuang has made dozens of investments in the past six months, and a half of them have withdrawn after the appreciation several times.

This is quite terrible. To know the return rate of my big A-share Ipo, the highest years are 2010 and 2017, which are both more than 8 times. ~ relatively bleak years, such as 2015 In 16 years, only twice as early.

Each of Du Shuang's investment is not large, it is a small project of the order of several million, but after fast-forwarding and fast-out rolling, it has formed a profit of several hundred million, and it is not on the books. This flashes a group of people’s kryptonism when counting dpi. The key is that this rate of return is extremely fault-tolerant, and you are not afraid of half the mistakes.

However, this is not the main reason why Yuan Jing is very angry. Many people are optimistic about Zheng De now because there is a legend that the capital market will recover in 2020, whether my big A-shares or the venture capital field will welcome the heat wave, they are all saying that the previous repression is too hard, and the economic cycle is impossible Always down.

Under this tone, Yuan Jing has invested in Pakistani entertainment, a well-off life for more than a year, and then a large-scale snow project. These are either already star projects or have huge potential. They will be possible once the capital market recovers next year. break out.

Among them, the snow project that Chu Yuanxi has not cared about for a long time has actually expanded the plate several times. Yuan Mu knows that he is relatively busy, and every time he signs an investor agreement for expansion, he simply says a few words to sign, Chu Yuan Xi didn't ask in detail either.

This time it was Yuan Jing’s assistant who called and said in more detail. Then he discovered that the snow project had more than four billion plates, and he had eaten a scenic chemical project and several ski resorts. The field of recreational equipment has been extended. As a result, the value of% has tripled faster than the 20 million invested in it.

"Okay, okay, on December 4th at the Continental Grand Hotel, right? I will definitely go."

"Uh...Mr. Chu, can you provide a briefing on the Ba Ren and Xiaokang?"

Chu Yuanxi looked dumbfounded: "You ask Yuan Mu for it. She has always done vc's post-investment services and audit due diligence."

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