Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 929: Yuan Mu's thoughts punish the heart

Because of Yuan Mu's special status, both investor and CFO, Chu Yuanxi didn't have any plans to VC, so she naturally gave her all these things. In particular, the B round of investment is the most difficult round that Chu Yuanxi predicts. It will probably finance three or four times within the same valuation range. He also counts on Zheng De to lead the investment. Yuan Mu does not provide post-investment services. Come on?


   Actually, Chu Yuanxi always thinks that it is a very good way for a syndicate composed of lead investors or investors to send representatives to start-up companies to serve as CFO, which is much better than being a director.


   Directors do not necessarily need to be involved in daily work, but the CFO must work overtime. The CFO knows what the company is, what are the hidden dangers, and what are the highlights. The CFO knows best, and sometimes even better than the CEO.


Unexpectedly, Yuan Jing’s assistant said weakly: “This is Mr. Chu, Mr. Yuan Mu. She has limited knowledge of the Ba people and is not first-hand. You seem to have not talked to her about the future development direction for a long time. Now, all she knows is until the Pakistani game is sold.


   Then Xiaokang, Xiaokang is like this President Chu, President Yuan Mu can only see the cash flow in the data procurement part of Xiaokang, but does not understand the meaning. There is also the supervision of the supply chain. Her understanding... is not very reliable. "


   "I see." Chu Yuanxi's expression was not so good, she quickly hung up, and then walked to Yuan Mu's office area. The situation on the Ba people’s side is very simple. It should be enough to truthfully describe the company’s current development status, future goals, and what it is doing to achieve its goals and what money is being burned. The more strenuous one should be the well-off side.


   Xiaokang only has an office for the president. Yuan Mu and Liu Lu both have a semi-enclosed office environment. Chu Yuanxi walked over and knocked on Yuan Mu's table, which made the CFO staff very surprised, because Chu Yuanxi usually called Yuan Mu to call her over.


   Yuan Mu was also surprised, but quickly stood up and returned to the president's office with Chu Yuanxi. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "I remember that in mid-April, before the first flagship store opened, we recruited people from you and Liu Lu to set up a supply chain supervision department to conduct internal audits. It's the director from Liu Lu, named Ou Wang, right?"


Chu Yuanxi started talking about things without even making tea. This is a relatively tense rhythm. Yuan Mu knew what was going on when he heard it, and replied very formally: "That's it, but now this regulatory agency, how? In other words, although it is also expanding at any time, it is a bit unable to keep up with the pace of the expansion of stores, logistics and supply chain systems. And because the department leaders in charge are not from my side, I actually can't even trust the regulatory reports."


   "The question is what happened to make you distrust?"


   Chu Yuanxi asked nervously, why is his distrust? It must be corrupt.


   The reason why he himself is always busy is that he has a lot of time and energy allocated to various self-examinations. Among them, the link that may cause corruption is the high-frequency section of his self-examination. Chu Yuanxi is now not afraid of being caught by himself when something goes wrong, but he is particularly afraid that if he didn't find the problem, it will be revealed by others, especially by investors. That's the yellow mud falling into the crotch, which is completely unclear.


   In fact, in order to be able to speak clearly, he promised Liu Lu that he would never use his relatives and classmates in a well-off society.


   Why don’t the Ba people need to make such a promise to anyone? Because Pakistan is a purely online company, there may be a little offline business focused on activities. In this case, there are not no links that can cause corruption, but there are very few links. For example, when buying advertisements and purchases for games online, there is room for corruption, but it will not swear that the six relatives will deny it.


  The well-off society is different. The well-off society is an asset-intensive and strong-line industry, and there are many corruption links. If Chu Yuanxi changes his mind to start a business and adopts the toVC model, investors can cry out.


   Therefore, this entrepreneurial model determined that he did not dare to let relatives and classmates join the company. First of all, he must eliminate the possibility of collusion between these people and the founder, that is, himself. Without such people, the biggest suspicion would not exist, and without melons and plums, there would be no melon fields and plums.


   More importantly, once relatives and classmates come in, it is very likely that people rely on a good relationship with the founder, and they will be greedy in private. Even if the founder does not know it, this can be a big loss...


Just listen to Yuan Mu said: "I don't trust because I can't trust. Now this time is very sensitive, don't you feel it? All links must be disclosed to me before I can trust. Do you know that fresh food has passed since more than a month? Three or four star start-ups have exploded on the wall? Why did they explode? Your new consultant Yang Heng should have a better say."


   "Hey, hey, Yang Heng hasn't done anything corruption. We did a back-adjustment for this, and even you participated."


"I know, but do you know how many investors' suspicions are now? Some detect corruption and don't invest the prepared money. Some even sign the TS, but you have to look again, directly Drag the company out of it. Do you know how big the problem is when there is a supply chain procurement problem? The fresh food e-commerce track may be blown up. And not only this one, but the neighbor of the fresh food e-commerce also includes convenience Shop."


   Chu Yuan Xixin said: Oh! I co-authored you and I didn't find any corruption! Scared the old man to death! Such people should be dragged out and beaten up.


   "So, because you are suspicious, you don't trust the director Liu Lu sent?"


   "No, I need a comprehensive and in-depth supply chain supervision report. Now in the report I see, there is too much room, and there are vampires hiding in me and I can't see through."


   Chu Yuanxi exhaled, because he could see through and found no problems, so it should be fine for Yuan Mu to look hard. "I will ask Wang Ou for this question later. Do you suspect that Wang Ou deliberately gave you a vague report?"


   "That's not true."


   "Ok, next question, what's up with data procurement?"


   "I don't understand the cost of data procurement, why is the cost so high?"


   "Because it was just needed." Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Mu was qualified to ask such questions because she really didn't understand.


"You think about it, APP reinforcement, should we do it? The risk control SDK should be connected? ID card verification, bank card verification of the four elements should be done? Wool party and machine card users should be screened? We have not done face recognition. , It saves a lot of money. We are novices, and we have to buy more data. And the next step is to go to Yangcheng Pengcheng, and the data over there has to be bought, which is more expensive."


   Yuan Mu was so stunned that he had no words, but Chu Yuanxi found that he had no words to show that Yuan Mu really didn't understand, because at this time there should still be words.


  Since Yuan Mu has the heart to be provocative, he should go after him at this time. For example, the data purchase price is opaque, whether to buy cached data or non-cached data, etc., these are all price differences. She didn't ask, it must not be because she was embarrassed to ask, but she didn't know.


Therefore, Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "Yuan Lu, let me tell you that your serious attitude is very good, but if you want to penetrate like a needle and penetrate the problem, you must first be sharp enough yourself. Otherwise, It's just busy working, I guess with your current state, I can play around in front of you if I want to play with you."


   "What do you want to say?"


   "I want to say that you still trust me, it is more efficient."


   Yuan Muxin said you treat me as if I don’t want to? The problem is that the well-off venture financing model is not typical. The typical venture financing is to be kidnapped by capital, to sign a bunch of additional agreements and the like, as well as gambling, and even unlimited joint and several liability. In this case, capital can trust entrepreneurs, even if they don’t believe in entrepreneurs, at least they can believe the terms and the shackles.


   Although the convenience store has been dragged down by fresh food e-commerce recently, it is still a bonus industry. This policy dividend is not available to fresh food e-commerce. Even fresh food was recognized as a gold track in the first half of this year, but the speed of gold falling to bronze was a bit faster, and it fell in just two months. In this case, Chu Yuanxi followed the normal entrepreneurial financing model, and he would definitely be able to raise money, even in today's deep economic climate.


   However, she has been working with Chu Yuanxi for almost a year. Of course, she knows that Chu Yuanxi’s so-called second entrepreneurship is actually based on not being kidnapped by capital as the first priority. Therefore, from the front side, Chu Yuanxi used the Ba people's Sao operation to make Xiaokang not put on any shackles, but from the negative side, investors are extraordinarily insecure!


   is a little bit more heartbroken, Yuan Mu sometimes even thinks that Chu Yuanxi's approach to Zheng De as a lead investment is also due to the fact that Zheng De is relatively easy to deal with in a slightly small fund?


  It is conceivable that even she can't be trusted to work overtime in a well-off society. What will the outside investors have to panic like? Especially in the last month, this market is simply horrible. How many early investors chose to admit defeat. In the past, they didn't admit it so simply. If you don't want to invest tens of millions of dollars, you just stop the loss.


   Now on the new retail track, there are tunes to control risk, and growth has long been out of the mainstream.


   However, Chu Yuanxi was still quite on the road, knowing that explanations by voice would not be convincing, so he directly uploaded the data and issued the report, so Zhao Jie was released again.


   When Yuan Mu got the report the next day, Zhao Jie finally saw Chu Yuanxi.


   Chu Yuanxi approached Zhao Jie mainly to talk about IP content production. Although Zhao Jie is in charge of the game aspects of "Wu Dao Faunjun", but the Pakistani Group is still doing the media and IP aspects, and the wheel has not been copied for him.


   The original purpose of copying wheels for Pakistani games was to sell wheels, but now there is no need to sell Zhao Jie again. Chu Yuanxi has no motivation to repeat wheels.


   But Zhao Jie must have the right to know, and the purpose of creating the IP this time is really simple. It is to support the UGC game platform that Zhao Jie focuses on. Therefore, he must not only know, but also have a certain right to speak about the content.


  The most important thing is the movie "Wu Dao Faunjun".


   "Anyway, the situation I discussed with Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yun is like this. If you have no objections, the film will start planning like this."


   Zhao Jiexin said that this "situation" is still too early to be fulfilled, so I don't have to worry about it. The logic must be to first produce a result of a short video drama and give it to him, which will help attract fans to Pakistani video accounts overseas. This is the most important task that needs to be solved in the operation aspect, and then other things that are not urgent. Such as movies.


   "This is a big deal, I have to go back and discuss it with my team."


   Zhao Jie said, feeling that he has quickly entered the role of CEO of a company, and he can act arbitrarily and keep his promises. As a result, Chu Yuanxi asked: "Then how is your overseas distribution and operation recruitment going?"


   This problem quickly eliminated Zhao Jie’s "role" status, and said withered: "No way, no, let's help the Pakistani group..."


   "Hey, this is your most important job at the moment." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but vomit, "Mo sister is still waiting for you."


   The so-called Touching Sister is Monica's nickname, this must be done by the two of them, otherwise it is difficult to be perfect. Previously, Zhao Jie took the initiative to invite Ying to recruit key overseas positions. Chu Yuanxi thought he had any connections, and it was a structure similar to incubation. He could not do everything. Zhao Jie asked him to do it. .


   But now he is going to be a salted fish, Chu Yuanxi had to do "post-investment services". This is what makes him very tiring as an investor.


   In response to this errand, Chu Yuanxi said earnestly: "Zhao Jie, you said that if you are a real entrepreneur, not with the current structure, can you finance it?"


   "I can't melt."


   "Yes, Yang Jiangang could not be melted before, but now Yang Jiangang's state may be melted, and he is making progress."


   "Okay, I understand..." Zhao Jie couldn't help but understand. This meant asking him to raise the bar and do things with the mentality of a true entrepreneur.


"Hey Lao Chu, there's another thing." He thought about it for a while and said: "Now "Wu Dao Tunjun" still lacks a key promotion like the H5 of "Unwind in the Troops". You have to think of something that can be up to this amount. Level of promotion."


   Chu Yuanxi plans to test him: "Then what if I can't think of a good plan?"


   "I can't think of a good plan..." Zhao Jie's eyes rolled, "Hey, what do you think of taking the H5 that was born in troubled times and replacing it with one?"


   Others are re-enacted with skins. H5 is not easy to change skins. It is to share random plots and ask friends for help, and then take plot points. In the process, passerby users are driven to participate, and their own short stories are generated.


   This plan changes the AI ​​learning object to "Wu Dao Faunjun", of course, it can also make a random plot, but it needs to add a function in the game to play a role similar to the plot point, so that players have the motivation to share.


   This is called 瓤子.


   However, Chu Yuanxi was not satisfied with the answer: "Zhao Jie, have you lost your brain watts? This method can only be used once, and the "Troubled Times" has already been used."


   "Isn't this a good methodology? How wasteful to use it only once?"


   "What a fart, Dragon Father is going to block it! Do you think WeChat is a vegetarian? Stealing chicken can only be stolen once, and the second time you reach out, you will be cut."


   "Oh...what do you say?"


   "Oh, don't worry about it, the method I thought of was not in-game." Chu Yuanxi smiled and said to her that Lu Yu was busy again.


   When he was about to leave, Zhao Jie suddenly said: "Wait for Lao Chu, you said that if we make a movie, is it possible to release it in North America? It will be released in Europe?"


"Unless you have a big director as a producer, like Quentin Tasino's name in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", or you will go to other theaters to deny it, and you won't be able to line up the movie. Little Breaking Ball and Wolf Warriors in North America When it went online, the venue was full. How many Chinese wanted to see that they couldn't buy tickets. It was useless. You don't go to other people's rivers and lakes, don't worship other people's piers, and people's theaters don't earn you the money. It's the rules of the road.


   But this was handled by Harvey Weinstein back then. It was a favor transaction, not a matter of money. Harvey had already become infamous for the Mi Rabbit movement the year before last, and it would be very difficult to find a top Hollywood boss to use this kind of resources. Otherwise, let's not talk about others, Penguin Ali must have been crazy in North America long ago. "


   There is a once-beautiful person like Elizabeth around him, and he is surrounded by the top resources of California. At least the common sense is extremely rich. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi also has a preliminary understanding of many prominent studies in North America. At this time, I talked about one set of sets, and I was stunned by Zhao My heart said I care about whether it can be, you don’t have to go deep into how to solve it...


"I mean, if the movie "Wu Dao Faunjun" can be released in North America, we don’t want to explode more, it can have a good reputation. I feel that not only is it good for the current mobile game, it will also have a lot in the future. Help? I don’t know how to implement it."


  Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and found that he had more than enough heart but not enough strength, because the well-off movie was his focus in the two movies. "Wu Dao Hun Jun" is just a traveler, and the resource allocation must be divided into priority and subordinate. If it is only launched in China, and the Ba people work hard and squander money, many problems can be solved.


   And the time is not right.


The on-hook mobile game of "Wu Dao Hun Jun" goes live in North America before the Spring Festival. Translation, localization, etc. need to modify the project, as well as the distribution and operation personnel to prepare for each place, etc., will be more than two in the future. Finished within a month. The distribution must be based on the advertising systems of Google and Facebook. The distribution specialists only need to have experience, but the operation needs to be able to land in the local area. It does need to carefully select others. It needs the other party to understand the mature plan and have a strong style of play. .


   In short, the movie will definitely not go online until 2021. At that time, the on-hook mobile game has been in operation in North America for a year. I don't know if the two cooperate.


   But as Zhao Jie said, if it can go online in a normal posture in North America, it will definitely benefit Gobi Network.



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