Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 931: Someone gave a gun

There are too many **** lessons in the market. Not to mention others, even President Wang's national husband, no matter what, the conditions for entrepreneurship are much better than ordinary people, right? Did not make a move and fell off the altar.


   It's a pity that the severity of the situation is still beyond his expectations.


   I think the most severe inference at the time was that there would be a financing gap under the premise that he refused to sign an unreasonable treaty, and the use of Pakistani milk would pass. But when the trampling on the fresh food track caused the convenience store track to be hit, Chu Yuanxi thought about it calmly, it seemed that the investors were a little too indifferent to him, and felt a bit of a sudden turn.


   Will Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng waver? It's not impossible, even Yuan Jing may be shaken when it's extremely cold. Capital has its own will, and there are very few people as strong as Sun Dasheng. It seems that the investment conference on December 4th is really necessary to take a walk. It is not just to meet the two main investors. This is considered a top-level conference, even if you know some big names.


As a result, after a week passed, on December 4, the conference opened in the afternoon. Chu Yuanxi didn’t arrange any work in the morning. As a result, Liu Lu and Yang Heng came together and said that you didn’t leave until noon anyway. !


   Chu Yuan Xixin said how to fat four? Do you need to make an appointment to see me?


   Unexpectedly, Yang Heng said that he also received a temporary request. The person who came was Lu Yin, the anxious beauty CEO.


   Chu Yuanxi knew what was going on when Yang Heng said it.


   It was also the collapse of the fresh food track. During this period, some people ran naked, exposing various problems to investors and employees like an exhibitionist. Some founders even occupy all the links that can be greedy, and the personnel arrangements are relatives and relatives, and then collude with the supply chain to make all kinds of fancy mouse warehouses, eat outsourcing vacancies, eat material price differences, and live like textbooks.


   Therefore, when they declared bankruptcy, the supply chain was very reluctant to give up, and they even displayed banners to stay and encourage them to overcome the difficulties together.


   But there are some people who are very particular about it. They were indeed killed by the avalanche of the environment, not a crime of war, and walked decently.


   Yang Heng belongs to the decent school, and he is also anxious. Even when the situation is over, he chooses to use the limited funds to pay employees' wages and supplier arrears instead of falling down.


   It is their founder and CEO Lu Yin who made this decision. His looks are not low, and his makeup and outfits show exquisite taste. If you change it to the past, he will definitely be radiant, but today there is no aura.


   "Mr. Chu, it is all my fault. The fault is not in the employees or the company. The current situation is caused by my inability to raise money."


   Lu Yin said hurriedly, and then sat on the sofa restrainedly. She is supposed to be about the same age as Liu Lu. For women, she still belongs to the age of grace and beauty. Wisdom and beauty are intertwined. She has work experience in Yale and well-known foreign and domestic financial institutions and startups. She has seen big scenes and is not so cautious. .


   So, there must be something ruthless please? Chu Yuanxi said that as long as it didn't come from alms, it was easy to say.


Just listen to Lu Yin said: "It is definitely unrealistic to ask you to invest a sum of money for me now. I have offended investors. I am looking for you this time because I heard Lao Yang said that Xiaokang will soon be carried out in Eastern Guangdong Province. The flagship store is re-enacted. I think it’s like this. The guys in our company are actually very capable and capable of work. We also feel that our business model is very similar. You have a storefront and we also have a front-end warehouse. One. Can you see if it can be directly transplanted to your side in parallel?"


   "If you want to talk about this, I won't be sleepy. Are you talking about transplantation, is it the frontline staff or the management team? Or all?"


Chu Yuanxi had the spirit at that time. Because of the successive expansion of stores in Pengcheng, Yangcheng, Eastern Guangdong Province, "skilled employees" will be the most troubled thing for Liu Lu in the future. It is very important and it is not easy to find the optimal solution. Tangled and stressed.


   As expected, Chu Yuanxi turned her head to see that Liu Lu was more energetic than him.


   We must know that the heavenly dynasty is huge, the labor environment in each province is different, and the tone and style are also different. Liu Lu is not so familiar with the labor market in the South, so the last time she went to the South to step on the spot in person, she had selected a few from her capable officers who were born in the South and sent them directly to the two senior directors to comprehensively coordinate Yangcheng and Peng. Recruitment of first-line employees in the city. Even the Eastern Guangdong people in Yang Heng's team also supported the past.


   Even so, she still strongly hopes to personally oversee the work, because even the process of re-enacting the Xiaokang Emperor is not easy. For example, how does the training link seamlessly connect with store opening and logistics? The flow of people among them is extremely large, and she is afraid that something will go wrong and the whole chain will just fall apart.


   But Liu Lu's doppelganger lacks skill, and now Chu Yuanxi still needs her to sit in the imperial capital.


   And although Lu Yin’s request is seeking to get rid of his burden, it may be a good thing for Xiaokang. People will sell you arms directly because you lack weapons in battle! The question is whether to buy it? Is it Kalashnikov or Mareizi inside?


The trampling of    fresh track has brought some hidden dangers to the convenience store track, but there are also some convenient conditions for being overwhelmed.


   At the beginning, Chu Yuanxi dug deep into the corner of Pakistani entertainment, and forced Cao Shan Artifact Company's store to fill a lot of employees in order to let her train on behalf of her, and then directly came out to supplement the well-off. In the early stage of a well-off period, there are a large number of first-line shop assistants. If they rely solely on social recruitment, they do not understand all the required skills, require a lot of training, and have different hearts and minds. Members with a certain foundation must be just needed.


   And this operation of digging the wall foot will have the effect of eating more chickens. The next step is to reproduce the flagship model to Yangcheng and Pengcheng. Originally, Chu Yuanxi's plan was that the Artifact Company will mainly develop in the south. Many of the employees transferred at the beginning were from Yangcheng and Pengcheng. Later, some people entered logistics. System, someone stays in the store. When the time comes, it is a matter of two birds with one stone to promote them all to the backbone.


   In this situation, Chu Yuanxi had greeted these employees in advance in her previous work, so there was little resistance.


  In this way, the problem was solved in half. There are a group of experienced store managers, deputy store managers and key logistics staff, and the rest is enough to supplement local talents.


But if you can get a work team relatively smoothly, the storefront and logistics system hardly need to be recruited, and even the local push team is included. They are all experienced employees. They have just experienced a setback and their mentality has been tempered. Add training to get on the job.


   This is a positive side.


   Chu Yuanxi glanced at Yang Heng and Liu Lu. Yang Heng was quite surprised, and Liu Lu was very calm, so she probably hadn’t communicated in advance. But Liu Lu quickly smiled, which was probably similar to Chu Yuanxi's thinking. As for Yang Heng, this period of time was actually similar to when Xue Jianhua first joined the company. He was trying to make up for the history and development goals of a well-off society, so he couldn't react at once.


   What about the potential risks? At this moment, Chu Yuanxi's mind was running at high speed.


   Lu Yin's mentality of wanting to get rid of the burden is understandable, because Jishengxian has fallen, and proper placement is very important. Regardless of their abilities and other aspects, whether they are good or bad, no matter how good their quality is, they are a burden to emergency freshness. By leaving the burden to Xiaokang, Lu Yin not only saves a lot of money, but also saves a lot of trouble.


   So is it a good thing? Chu Yuanxi said that the only one, no, no, the only question is whether the other party will form a small group for pathological development, and whether the team has problems other than professional ability? For example, the most common start-up company that frequently falls on the fresh food track is the problem that has been frequently mentioned recently, which causes the trampling...


   Therefore, for Xiaokang, we only need to identify whether the burden thrown by the other party is a talent or a pit for the company. However, corruption basically does not happen to front-line employees. Front-line employees suffer the most and have the least power, and the probability of their innocence is extremely high.


   In other words, Chu Yuanxi would be interested in picking up ordinary employees if the baggage was thrown over. If Lu Yin wanted to throw over the management team, his interest would drop sharply, because a lot of back adjustments would be required. If you have both, you have to talk about it, and it's best to strip.


   Before, Yang Heng only brought a few people, including Jian Mo, and Xiaokang sent Liu Lu personally to arry, Xue Jianhua and Yuan Mu to assist, and it took a lot of time to adjust the back. If Ji Shengxian wants to get rid of the management team, Chu Yuanxi is afraid she can't afford to lose this time.


  The management team that is in a hurry is obviously responsible for the downfall of the company. It's hard to say how good they are. Absorbing this team is inseparable from recruiting from the society.


At this time, Chu Yuanxi saw a trace of pain in Lu Yin’s eyes, and she quickly said, “Employees, especially store employees. There were more than 1,000 employees at the peak of our company. Of course there are not so many now. I don’t know if you can How much to accept? The management team has other arrangements."


"Ah... Xiaokang currently plans to open 20 stores in Yangcheng and Pengcheng. According to the configuration of one store, one manager and five staff, it can only accommodate up to 100 people, and it is not at the same time. There is a process of opening a store. We also need employees for logistics, and we also need to push it. We can accommodate about 300 people. I have to think about it..."


This "thinking" has different understandings for different people. Liu Lu thought that what Chu Yuanxi was thinking about was how to accept this group of people, and Lu Yin thought that what Chu Yuanxi was thinking about was the conditions, Yang Heng and Chu Yuanxi's The thinking is similar, but I want to agree to it.


   However, Yang Heng wanted to accept the other party's management team more, so he felt that it was boring if he was just an employee, and he became a catcher.


   But it was just an employee, and it happened to be in line with Chu Yuanxi's expectations. This plate had the motivation to follow, and Lu Yin's burden could become a gun for him. However, Lu Yin is a stranger, and behind her is a strange team, Chu Yuanxi feels that he needs to talk again.


   On the point of introducing talents, he did agree to directly introduce the management of the group, but he also divided into groups. The **** easy koala group was not able to be introduced, and Liu Lu's old colleague group was not successfully introduced, but the two target groups are at least innocent and do not need to wear colored glasses for review.


   and fresh food, including pine nuts, are stained. It was impossible for Chu Yuanxi to completely believe in Lu Yin, just as he did not completely believe in Yang Heng, he could only say that he was more credible. Many players have fallen on the fresh food track. Some of them were entrepreneurial stars in the first half of the year. Decent performance is only more credible, but only those who have gone through the bankruptcy liquidation process are completely trustworthy.


Bankruptcy liquidation may be the last word that entrepreneurs want to see, not only because of feelings, but also because every account has to be reviewed during liquidation. It is reviewed with a magnifying glass. There is basically no possibility of continuing to conceal. Let the truth come to light.


   When a teacher was on the Lao Lai’s list at the beginning of last month, he posted a long article about his feelings, saying affectionately that after a limited liability company filed for bankruptcy and liquidation, entrepreneurs would be much more relaxed. Many people do this, but I am different. I have to carry a debt of 600 million yuan and move forward. It is more difficult than going lightly, but there is still hope for creditors and investors.


   In other words, this person feels that he is on the old list and is moved! But the actual situation is that there is indeed the possibility of being so touching. But there is also a possibility that the bankruptcy needs to be liquidated, and quite happy things will happen during the liquidation, so the property cannot be broken at all!


   Lu Yin also chose not to go bankrupt, and Songzi Pinpin actually did. Of course, entrepreneurs who have come to the stage of bankruptcy and liquidation will basically have nothing to do with the word "decent" in this life. Therefore, they cannot be preconceived and suspect that entrepreneurs have falsified because they refuse to go bankrupt.


   Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi's interest in Lu Yin himself has gradually grown, but instead, things about the team of employees can be put later. Because if Lu Yin himself is clean, then Chu Yuanxi's employees who accepted her will not have any unexplainable problems at the investor level. But if Lu Yin is a scumbag with a beautiful appearance, even if her staff team is innocent, she will not be able to explain clearly when facing the scene in the future. If she has a relationship with her, and the relationship is still deep, others will have trouble. trust.


   This situation must be cautious. There are pits in business activities everywhere. There are many inadvertent places where thunder is buried. If you don’t pay attention, you will hang thunder on your body. I don’t know.


   Yang Heng need not be so suspicious because Yang Heng is just a co-founder, which is equivalent to Yang Yuan’s beauty to Pakistani people. It is not his decision to break through bankruptcy, nor is he the CEO. But Lu Yin is.


So Chu Yuanxi lightly revealed the decision whether to agree or not, and then asked Lu Yin: "President Lu, although it's this time, why you didn't succeed in the replay is a bit untimely, but I still want to talk to you first. . Let’s spread it out and say, I don’t understand you, and it’s normal to have some concerns."


   "No problem." Lu Yin chatted for a while and was not as cautious at the beginning. "Actually, you are an entrepreneurial star. You can easily start a tens of billions of companies. I would like to hear your opinion."


   "Then, you just said that the choice you made is not friendly to investors. This decision must have a great impact on your future development, how do you think about it?"


  The so-called decision is not to go bankrupt, to repay the money owed to the supplier, to find a way for employees and to pay compensation.


Although the money on the account is definitely not much, investors have already lost a lot in any case, but if the money is bankrupt and liquidated, the remaining money can still be divided. The money on the fresh account is originally invested by investors. Winding up is better than losing everything.


   But Lu Yin's decision is to wipe out the money and leave no room for investors. One can imagine what her current image looks like.


   Only Lu Yin said emotionally: "Because, I really think this industry is valuable and has something to do. I don't want to destroy the reputation of this industry."


   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this reason is too subtle, and it makes people unable to judge...


   The so-called destruction of industry reputation, the immediate example is Tao Jiji, which went bankrupt. Taojiji went online in August last year, and it owed 1.6 billion in debt over a year or so. Instead of burning 1.6 billion, it owed money and owed half and half of each to suppliers and advertisers.


   In terms of this amount, Taojiji’s management is very good, able to owe money and let others pay for themselves are definitely capable people. Those who can make thousands of creditors willing to advance funds like them must be great magicians. It would be even better if they could repay them in the future.


   In fact, Taojiji's growth is also good, with more than 100 million registered users in one year and a valuation of more than 5 billion, which means it surpasses Xiaokang.


   It’s a pity that this bubble was blown until October, and there was no money to raise money, and it would not work immediately, so I started a journey of reorganization, which in hindsight was also a journey to destroy the reputation of e-commerce.


  Tao Jiji guarantees the success of the reorganization on the one hand ~ ~ guarantees the repayment of the money, on the other hand, it urges the creditors to sign the debt restructuring agreement. Yesterday, on December 3, it was announced that everything went well, waiting for my father to make a payment. However, after the announcement was made, the gossip flew all over the sky, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chu Yuanxi let out a sigh, but unfortunately with the number of more than 100 million users, it should no longer work.


   Why are there so many discerning people suddenly? Because their announcement is too funny, they say that they will pay 20% within one month after receiving the reorganization funds, and the other 80% will be repaid when the valuation of the target company after the reorganization reaches 2 billion or the IPO. This means I don't want to pay it back.


  What are the consequences of the destruction of industry reputation? It is to block the road for latecomers. When Taojiji was on the rise, anyway, the number of fast-growing users was real. Therefore, the merchants chose to trust this traffic pool, agreed to advance in the market, and sent the goods to users, but the payment was held on Taojiji.


   But when the next new e-commerce market appears, will merchants and advertisers still choose to trust? There is no choice but cash.


   You must know that Taojiji's creditors even have listed companies, and they owe a lot of money. After being dragged down, they will definitely encounter a lower limit. In the future, similar situations will appear for listed companies still dare to choose trust? Does the CEO still want to do it?


  In this sense, protecting the reputation of the industry is a great thing, especially when other people who fall behind are madly sabotaging.


   Lu Yin's answer is perfect, but the premise of this greatness is that Lu Yin himself is clean.

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