Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 932: The essence of online content

There is also a completely opposite possibility, that is, she was eating the last bite of blood buns, which was soaked in investor blood.

The reason why the fresh food track is trampled is because some thoughtful entrepreneurs have discovered a paradox in their business logic, and then judged that they could not earn the user's money, what should be done? Collusion with suppliers to launder investors' money.

Especially fresh food e-commerce, since it is an e-commerce, there will be mail order and express delivery. Fictitious users buy products through coupons and the suppliers directly send empty packages. Forging logistics information can easily be used to subsidize users. I burned my money into my pocket, and I finally added up to the supplier.

This kind of thing has long been common because of the developed e-commerce environment and the tortuous history of e-commerce development in the heavenly dynasty, and it has been used by various black products. However, this is generally a low-level technique. It is still relatively rare for entrepreneurs to actively collude with the supply chain to make a mouse warehouse. Therefore, after being detected by investors, the top level of the entire track collapsed, and then panic and trampling appeared.

But for this simple and rude money laundering scheme, the supplier’s money must be settled at the end, otherwise not only will the account not be reconciled, the supplier may also be back...

At this time, Lu Yin's answer was so high-end that Chu Yuanxi could only express his approval. Just listen to Lu Yin continuing to say, "As for myself, I was at a loss at first, but I think Lao Yang's choice is quite good. I will also work for someone in the future?"

Liu Lu immediately let out a hearty laugh, "Senior part-time jobs are also good."

Chu Yuanxi said that your heart is really big. However, Liu Lu's happiness is understandable, because the recruitment in Yangcheng and Pengcheng also puts pressure on her. This solution directly liberated her.

But he couldn't let Lu Yin off as easily as Liu Lu, and immediately asked, "Then, I want to know if you found that financing was difficult, did you make adjustments in your operations?"

"Yes, yes." Lu Yin said immediately. "The adjustment was huge. In October, I found out that financing suddenly became difficult and immediately stopped most of the subsidies. I wanted to make the single store model profitable."

Chu Yuanxi nodded immediately, and he was very happy to hear this answer. This kind of thing can be investigated, and you can't tell lies. What business strategy the founder adopts can actually deduce the state of mind at the time. The state of mind can be simply divided into whether he wants a good company or a good individual.

Lu Yin's actions at the time undoubtedly hoped to turn the tide. Then...

"In other words, after you stopped the subsidy, still did not run out of the profit model?"

"Hi..." Lu Yin said sadly, "ue can't get through. It's okay to want gross profit, but it's impossible to scale profit."

Ue is the unit economic model, which is composed of costs, expenses, and income, and the total value of the user's life cycle ltv, and cash flow are indicators that must be calculated at all times in the development of an enterprise. While talking, Lu Yin and Yang Heng seemed to feel at the same time, looking at each other, and then smiling bitterly.

The scale effect is not obvious. There is only one solution for e-commerce companies, which is to continue to burn money and exchange current losses for future profits, but the premise is that the relationship between subsidies, ue and ltv must be positive. The subsidy and ue must be two curves that can intersect.

And what Lu Yin said "Maori is positive but not scaled", let alone Yang Heng, who is in the same industry with her, and Chu Yuanxi, who is extremely experienced, even Liu Lu can understand. This means that users will not come as soon as the subsidy is stopped. As long as they come, they will find that the price/performance ratio is not satisfactory. Therefore, every single transaction can make money, but there is no transaction...

In other words, the relationship can run positive, the curves can also intersect, and the premise is satisfied. However, the "prerequisite" is only a necessary condition rather than a sufficient condition. The scale has fallen, and the money burned before is burned for nothing.

Lu Yin knew that this embarrassing situation didn't need to be too literary when he looked at Liu Lu's expression. Liu Lu, the only layman in this room, was not a layman either.

Therefore, she asked frankly, "Chu, and Liu, I have already lost, but I have experienced, I have been stripped of the experience, very to the bone. I have also seen Xiaokang's app before coming, and it is really not like us. It’s the same, but in the final analysis, the subsidy is quite a lot. I probably figured it out. It seems that ue is also..."

"Oh, this is what you want to know..." Chu Yuanxi can basically make Lu Yin's relatively clean judgments now, and he feels more relaxed. "I have this answer, but it's very expensive."

Lu Yin is also at the level of a hero, so of course it can be seen that Chu Yuanxi didn't want to answer at this time, otherwise he could just find an excuse.

She has been questioned by Chu Yuan Xijie for such a long time since she has been in Xiaokang. At this time, she finally had the opportunity to take the initiative and immediately blinked like a little girl and said, "Just talk about it, anyway, I can't do it anymore."

"Then I have to talk about why you lost first, although it is meaningless to say it now. My thought is that the term'fresh food e-commerce' has a problem, because even if you sell fresh food online, it is not an electricity. Merchant, it’s not easy to return!"

Speaking of this, Liu Lu didn't react much, but Yang Heng and Lu Yin suddenly seemed to be attacked by sudden stop magic, and their breathing became stiff.

"What kind of e-commerce is not good for returning goods? I must have had similar feelings in the process of starting a business, but I am a bystander." Chu Yuanxi's eyes flashed as he spoke, "In fact, the focus of operation can also be corroborated. E-commerce must pursue gv, but what about you? Your energy must be placed on the supply chain. Supply chain and logistics are the lives of fresh food. Then there are costs and expenses. You talk about it. In the end, gv is important. Are these important?"

This time Liu Lu understood again, because Chu Yuanxi told her about new retail, and the core pursuit of new retail is supply chain and operating cost.

So she said plausibly, "So, if you are a fresh food e-commerce company, and you treat new retail as e-commerce, the starting point is wrong. So your ue will never work."

"Ah!" Yang Heng suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and then exclaimed "Why didn't I come to Xiaokang a year ago! This is not just a question of the financing environment changing!"

Liu Lu happily "Because Xiaokang hadn't been established a year ago..."

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said, "Then it is the issue of subsidies. Subsidies, I regard it as a drug. The addiction is very large and it is difficult to quit. I said in the previous financing roadshow that the flow of subsidies is particularly easy to be confused. , In order not to be confused, only continue to subsidize.

This problem is really not solved by e-commerce, so you can see that Ali and Dagoudong are very cautious in following up with large-scale subsidies. As for Pinduoduo, I don't know how Pinduoduo plans to detoxify this poison. Don't ask, ask is tens of billions of subsidies. But new retail is different, this poison can be solved. "

Liu Lu blurted out "Online content?"

"What is online content?" Yang Heng asked blankly, because he had seen this word several times, and it seemed important, but there was no explanation, as if it were a well-known thing. This is what he never understood when he supplemented the development plan for a well-off society.

I saw Liu Lu wave his hand, "I don't know..."

Lu Yin looked respectful, and actually wished to take out a small notebook to take notes. Didn't expect Liu Lu to say that? And Yang Heng is simply spartan "What? You don't know?"

He knew that Liu Lu was Xiaokang's second-in-command, how could it be possible that the second-in-command didn't know?

Liu Lu deliberately made a very aggrieved look, "Chu Yuanxi didn't tell me. The functions have been developed, what kind of play? Keep it secret."

"You can't keep it, alas, you don't need to urge Liu Lu." Chu Yuanxi said that at this time, there is no need to keep confidential, and Elizabeth and Xue Jianhua will immediately clarify the online content, and As Liu Lu said, the functions are almost finished, and the secrets are still kept.

"I can introduce the principle, and I will talk about the specific game later." He said to Yang Heng, "Online content is a set of user operation models used to build a well-off user system. How to solve the poison of subsidizing users? The thing is to reconstruct the user's LTV. That is to say, relying on online content in the future, the user's LTV will be greatly increased, and the increase far exceeds the original part."

"But this is just a change in ue's single-point model..." Lu Yin frowned and thought, hesitantly asked, "For me, the disappearance of scale is the manifestation of poisonous hair."

Chu Yuanxi doesn't despise Lu Yin, because she only knows the traffic and has no way of thinking about content, let alone ugc content. It is normal to not understand.

"The scale will not disappear. It's very simple. My subsidy has not stopped. Online content, you can understand it as a culture medium. The cost of building a culture medium is a one-time investment + daily maintenance, and there is a boundary. This cost is The value lies in the exchange of future subsidies to replace subsidies, so I said that the subsidies have not stopped."

Chu Yuanxi was also observing while speaking, and then he was sure that none of the three of them understood.

"So you will see in the future that I stop subsidies, reduce discounts, and reduce discounts. This is just a performance in cash flow. But in the culture, users themselves are creating value quickly, and this value is used to subsidize users themselves, understand Is it? This is the part that is not expressed in cash flow. The purpose of the culture medium is to allow users to produce value, which is enough to subsidize users."

The words of Yunshan Wushe made people seem to understand, but they were all confused. Yang Heng and Lu Yin looked at each other again and found that the wry smile became more serious.

And the old **** Chu Yuanxi was sitting on the post, so she opened her phone to check the time and read WeChat in her spare time, and then said, "I almost have to go. I think what Mr. Lu said is feasible. Liu Lu, you and Yang Heng draw up a plan? We do have to open a store this month in Eastern Guangdong Province."

After saying that, Chu Yuanxi went downstairs to live a lunch. When eating, it suddenly occurred to him that if the brothers on the fresh track were like Lu Yin on the road, it would be better, and it would be better to last longer. .

So next year, when the scale of well-off employment rises again, there will be no need to worry about the source of skilled workers. If there is no accident, Xiaokang will definitely be launched in Yangcheng and Pengcheng in March and April next year. To reproduce the route of the Imperial Capital Milestone 4, the Magic Capital will be a little bit later and no later than June, and then Xihu City.

Therefore, in the first half of next year, there will be at least 10,000 jobs in the well-off society in terms of store + logistics + ground promotion, which can be said to be a rapid expansion, which is still the lower limit. Not to mention the source of manpower, just a training is quite fatal. The backbone of the training in the imperial capital can't be taken away, and we will continue to enclose land here.

At present, the number of stores in the Imperial Capital is less than the 200 in the first version of the plan, and the number of store employees is less than 1,000. However, as the policy becomes stronger and the difficulty of obtaining land decreases, Chu Yuanxi intends to open more if conditions permit. Some. In other words, there will be no problems with financing. The number of stores in the Imperial City will exceed the original plan of 200, and the radiation will be farther and the density will be greater. Doubling is not a problem.

Therefore, the pressure of manpower is about to become a bottleneck restricting the development of a well-off society. This is why Lu Yinyi said that the handover team Chu Yuanxi and Liu Lu are very keen on.

Well-off clerk is different from other convenience stores in that they are not recruited directly to work. They must be trained and demand higher. So the first batch of old employees, including those who plan to be promoted to Eastern Guangdong Province, has now drawn more than half of the people from the store to join the training department to bring new people, and take the salary of the store manager for training. This is the manifestation of stress.

In other words, Chu Yuanxi seems to be busy here, but the running store-training-shop patrol-local push-logistics-supply chain and land acquisition department are really busy.

It is a pity that the original team with a lot of pine nuts is not available, because they are mainly focused on the sinking market in the central and eastern regions and cannot be transplanted at all.

What's even more pity is that companies with relatively innocent judgments such as Jishengxian have fallen too quickly. If they collapse again in April or May next year, they can eat up Lu Yin's people.

The Xiaokang flagship store downstairs was right next to the original Pengfei Technology. Chu Yuanxi suddenly missed the feeling of being able to dig a wall from Pengfei anytime and anywhere. This is the real golden thigh. It's a pity that it fell.

As a result, when he drove to the Continental Grand Hotel in the afternoon, he was surprised to see Li Zhaokai.

What's even more shocking is that Sike introduced that Li Zhaokai's title is actually the co-founder of Yishengxian...

"I--fuck!" Chu Yuanxi exploded at Yuan Jing and Yuan Mu at the time, "How could he be the co-founder of Zeng Xian? He also crossed it?"

"Why is it "also"?" Yuan Mu asked curiously.

Chu Yuanxi's expression suddenly condensed, and then suddenly saw the savior, pointing to Lu Yin who got off the car from a distance and said, "Ah, because that beautiful woman just crossed over to Xiaokang in the morning."

In fact, he was quite surprised to see Lu Yin, but Lu Yin appeared at the right time. Yuan Mu was fooled by Chu Yuanxi, and Yuan Jing had been looking at his mobile phone after seeing Li Zhaokai. He quickly retrieved the information of the participants and showed it to Chu Yuanxi.

Chu Yuanxi took Yuan Jing's phone and looked at it for a long time. In his own perception, Li Zhaokai should be in prison when his life was rarely established.

A lifetime is rarely a well-off supply chain, and Chu Yuanxi has done a detailed investigation. Although the choices of Imperial City are relatively narrow, especially the modern fresh supply chain that specializes in tob, it is not surprising to choose a lifetime. People just focus on tob. But Life is only established at the end of last year, and this cannot be wrong.

And Li Zhaokai was tired of deep-space data and got in. It was also the end of the year. It was Chu Yuanxi who did it. Chen Qi was Chu Yuanxi's insider, and all the details are vividly visible. How can Li Zhaokai be a co-founder?

As a result, Yuan Jing’s information stated that Li Zhaokai knew his shame and was brave. He also had some connections after being an entrepreneur for so many years. In the end, he organized a team to develop apps for a lifetime, and the development was relatively successful. So although I entered half a year late, I still gained the status of co-founder.

In fact, this is also possible, although it is relatively rare, that is, half of the start-up is found to be wrong, and then the company's development direction is changed drastically. At this time, there are new goals, but there are no strong candidates to do it, and there are no relevant talents in the original founder group. What should I do? Add co-founders.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't expect it for a while, because this stupidity was unimaginable for him.

Chu Yuanxi uttered a louder "Fuckin——"

What does app development mean? It means that someone needs a toc! Tob doesn't need an Seeing the three words "Sunday Dog" written on his face, Yuan Mu couldn't help but laugh, and then pointed to the back.

Chu Yuanxi looked back, oh, Li Jingfei and Cheng Huilin were also here. This is not surprising. Although Cheng Huilin entered the celestial dynasty to start a business, Graby is a unicorn with a valuation of over 10 billion, and she is also a leader among industrial investors. Needless to say, Li Jingfei, there are many talented people here at least for a long time, and Wang Yueheng's absence is considered quite unexpected.

He is still thinking about life-time freshness, and he does not hesitate to traffic, directly searching for life-time freshness app download in the app store. Immediately afterwards, the third sound "I have a big fuck!"

This familiar interface style, this excellent UI, isn't this a well-off life app? Even the functions are almost the same, except that there is really no way to grab a parking space. And there is live broadcast? You are the one who sells vegetables, do you live broadcast? Live the dead fish in your seafood tank?

Chu Yuanxi knew that Li Zhaokai had been particularly keen on copycats before. The mantra of establishing new products was "there are no precedents for success", "to find a balance in the methodology of innovation and success" and so on. In fact, it is nothing special about Jaguar's innovation. meaning. As for copying other people's ui, it is completely unscrupulous, especially for apps, "ui and ease of use are the first step to success" is also Li Zhaokai's famous saying, so in order to succeed, of course, it is to learn how others succeeded.

Although the success of Xiaokang will not have much to do with the interface style of the app and the UI, but this is hard chrome! The toad is lying on the feet, not biting but disgusting!

Yuan Mu stretched his neck to take a look, he suddenly sneered, "Copy, let him copy, I don't believe that he can copy big data, and online content."

At this moment, she suddenly admired Chu Yuanxi's sense of secrecy.


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