Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 937: Yuan Jing's ideas

Yuan Mu personally experienced the whole process at that time, so he clearly knew that the conditions provided by the search raccoon were no longer bad. Sincerity was great, but Chu Yuanxi was responsible for the company’s interests and the shareholders, so...but Now that the regulatory situation has changed suddenly, it is different.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi interrupted Yuan Mu’s psychological activities and said: “According to this development, it is obvious that Mango’s resources and qualifications have become more expensive and more expensive. It has a tendency to become the fourth largest webcast platform. Of course, the valuation is also Will restructure. So, if the Chaoyang boss opens up independent financing, invest in Souci, I think it will be more cost-effective."

  Yuan Muxin said that you usually don’t like the Chaoyang boss, but today you changed your sex? Or is the situation really better than people? The problem is that in the past you didn't answer, but now you may not be able to afford it!

   "So, you want to vote too?"

  "Me? At most, I would just follow up a little as a financial investment, which is not very interesting."

   Yuan Mu puzzled: "The Ba people now have a lot of money in their hands.

"Oh, Ba people used to pay dividends from users on various platforms. Now they definitely can’t do anything outrageous. Don’t you understand? You see that Ba people are very successful in following the fan route. Now they are also subject to Fan route."

   "Ah, ah, ah..."

  Yuan Mu was reminded of this, and suddenly thought that if the Pakistani people voted for the search for raccoon video, then he would definitely lead to the search for raccoon. What Chu Yuanxi was worried about should be the reactions of various platforms, such as blocking, blocking, or blocking. The roots of the Pakistani people are the accounts on the self-media matrix. This is the reason why Chu Yuanxi constantly denies that Pakistani games are core assets.

   "But why did you give Youtu a guide in "Unwind" before? It's too much according to your logic, right?"

"Moderation, Sister, "The Troubled World" is successful on the verge of death, does not mean it can be unscrupulous. And the main guide depends on the mobile game app and Weibo. Weibo is ignored. The mobile game has been turned once or not. Hands up."

  Yuan Muxin said that he is probably not on the front line, so he can't feel this kind of pressure, right? It can also be described as Chu Yuanxi feeling the attraction of the platform to her fans. The platform is definitely unwilling to let users go elsewhere, how can it tolerate him diversion? Even the spacecraft flying into space still has a speed of orbiting and leaving.

  Suddenly, Yuan Mu realized that this was actually Chu Yuanxi's awesome place, and outsiders could not feel it. For example, when he sorted out Pakistani fans last year, he didn't have much diversion. According to the same logic, he might be blocked, but the processing was quite delicate and the sorting was very successful. But why is it successful?

While she was struggling with her lack of intelligence, she suddenly heard Chu Yuanxi say: "I will say a little more and then I want to go. You have to remind your friends that in the future, the production company will not give tribute to the webcasting platform or accept low The conditions of dividing and assigning a leading role are very suspicious of money laundering. I can't say this on stage, but I must pay attention to it."

   "Oh, why are you so anxious to go back?"

   "Hey, isn't your brother finished on stage? I don't need me to call 666. I just came on stage and talked about going out to sea for a long time to release satellites, and suddenly thought that we still have one link to do."

   "Which ring?"

"Overseas customer service, the customer service after the game goes overseas must be built in advance, and it will definitely be too late. Players in Europe and the United States are not as foolish as the domestic ones. Find a team with a particularly good attitude and it will be over. If nothing is solved, domestic players may bear it. Now, the ashes of European and American players have been raised for you."

  At this moment, Yuan Jing’s voice suddenly came from behind: "Slow, you can’t go yet."

  Chu Yuanxi frowned slightly, because Yuan Jing's tone was not right. Boss Yuan should not only face the boss, but also his voice should be natural calm, not deliberate.

  I only heard Yuan Jing say: "Professor Li just talked to me."

  Chu Yuanxi nodded.

  Yuan Jing looked at Yuan Mu and gestured, the three of them found a quieter place.

   "Professor Li has shown some goodwill. His view on the market is that the opportunity for the next ten years lies in changing offline formats and efficiency through technology."

   "Hiss..." Chu Yuanxi heard words like this, and everyone in the original world could hear the mutton coming. It was in the second half of 2017 when Xiaokang was already relatively strong. "So, what Professor Li meant was that the hard-working base camp wanted to invest in a well-off society? Didn't they not vote after round b?"

  Yuan Jing looked at Chu Yuanxi's expression deeply. "If it's the investment intention, it's easy. He wants to integrate."

  Yuan Mu asked inexplicably: "What do you mean? Did he make a more unreasonable request?"

"That's it. Professor Li is good at new retail. I just talked to me about the technical empowerment and improvement of some people, goods and scenes. Then he said that he will lead the door opener and make a difference in life. Strategic cooperation and resource sharing between homes are actually a process of integration."

"He wants to treat Xiaokang as a downstream integration, right? Xiaokang and the opener are integrated, and the downstream shops, big stores, and front warehouses are all available." Chu Yuanxi sneered and looked at it, Yuan Mu completely The feeling of not turning around, and Yuan Jing nodded slightly.

   "What about the conditions?"

   "I didn't elaborate, strategic cooperation is nothing more than investment, share swap, channel binding, etc. The only thing Professor Li mentioned is that he hopes to send three supervisors to each of the three companies."

   Chu Yuanxi kept looking at her phone from time to time when she was speaking, and then she glanced again and suddenly her eyes brightened.

In WeChat, Liu Lu finally reported: As a result of my preliminary investigation, Lu Yin and Jishengxian’s management should have no major problems. The insiders in the supply chain I investigated said that they did not take rebates, so Jishengxian was willing to pay them. Very surprised. By the way, why are you asking so urgently? When you left at noon, didn’t you say to do reception work first?

  Chu Yuanxi uttered a voice: “I’ll explain it again when I go back. I’m going to punch Nanshan Nursing Home and kick Beihai Kindergarten. I’m very busy.”

   Then he felt very relaxed, and asked Yuan Jing: "You didn't directly reject him? I see, it must be Professor Li Gaowu Jianling, who has kept you down, right?"

  "I think at least listen to it, right? It doesn't matter if you open the door. You are fresh. Haven't you told me several times the importance of life in the supply chain?"

   "Wait..." Chu Yuanxi looked strange suddenly, "Old Yuan, Professor Li also knows that life is very important to a well-off, right? How did he know?"

   "What? What?" Yuan Mu was completely at a loss because he couldn't understand, and then he found that the old man seemed to be preparing to talk.

   But Chu Yuanxi naturally wanted to continue to ask, "I mean, Lao Yuan, has anyone asked you to spy on this before? Li Jingfei?"

"Hey, hey, Chu Yuanxi." Yuan Mu quit, "Are you accusing my old brother of leaking your trade secrets? And why does Professor Li know that life is important to a well-off society? And life is important. Where? There are a lot of fresh food upstream, right?"

"It's not considered a commercial secret, and I don't want to accuse your brother." Chu Yuanxi turned to Yuan Mu and said, "Professor Li hasn't spent a lifetime with the opener, right? He suddenly jumped out to target Xiaokang's vitals. You have to gather intelligence to attack? Well-off supply chain has more, and you don’t have a clear position as CFO for the importance of life. How did he know?"

  At this time, Yuan Jing made a final decision: "I have never discussed the details of Xiaokang's business with others."

  Chu Yuanxi nodded, and said in his heart that it was really awesome. It is very possible to analyze it by yourself. The reason is actually very clear. When all the clues are on the table, Professor Li, an investment boss with rich experience, can definitely see the way. It is not difficult. The hard part is how to think about it.

  But if people hate their teeth, they will stare at the well-off every day to find weaknesses. The key is to study for a year. If you want to, you can find weaknesses. Well-off is certainly not impeccable, and Chu Yuanxi, an impeccable start-up in the world, has never seen it.

  Of course, there are other possibilities, and we can’t make rash assertions.

  And Yuan Mu was even more at a loss when he saw Chu Yuanxi nod his head: "Why is Professor Li attacking the vitals of the well-off society? Why do you think others are targeting you? Isn't this normal business integration?"

  She still doesn’t know where life is important.

  But Yuan Jing knows. Just listen to Yuan Jing said: "I don’t know exactly what your holidays are, but I don’t feel bad about Professor Li’s proposal. Being treated as a downstream resource integration makes you feel offended? But it is precisely because life is rarely important. This is only feasible. I think uniting more powerful companies to form a closer upstream and downstream relationship will make the well-off and stronger. Aren’t modern companies all so integrated?"

  Chu Yuanxi expressed shock at this: "On the holiday, Professor Li was destroyed by me for a invested company with a valuation of more than 4 billion, so you want to **** me, don’t you know?"

Even Yuan Jing didn’t even know. He quickly gave a brief explanation of what happened in the first place and what was important in his life, and then conducted a deep review: “I’m so low-key that I don’t like showing off! I should just say it when I meet someone! I shouldn’t give him this face."

  Yuan Mu and Yuan Jing looked at each other. They didn’t care much about Weibo. They knew that Chu Yuanxi had destroyed the deep-space data very powerfully, so that's it. They didn’t know that there were Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts behind...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's anger: "What international joke do you mean you are making? Why should I join forces with the cumbersome? Well-off will have a bottom line of 300 billion yuan in the future, how big a face do they dare to'join' with me? Microsoft, Intel, The top three of Xuanwu District Ninth Kindergarten joined forces?"

  Yuan Jing took off the head of state toad mirror, "You are too preconceived, can you analyze it objectively?"

Taking off his glasses shows that Yuan Jing is very serious. Chu Yuanxi suppressed the anger in his heart and said calmly: "Then analyze it objectively. Although the life seems to be fine, the energy is basically near the imperial capital. You can’t cross the Yellow River. With its small size, at a glance, do you think it can reach 10 billion? My well-off future will have thousands of stores across the country and the scale of tens of thousands of franchise stores. Isn't he beautiful? If I go to the south to open a store, does he supply it?"

  In fact, I went to Yangcheng and Pengcheng to open stores, and even the magical capital behind, the fresh food supply chain problems have been resolved or will be negotiated, but the negotiation of terms is also more difficult.

  The four major first-tier cities are in such a lively season of fresh food track, it is bound to spawn local tob fresh suppliers, which is determined by demand and market environment. In particular, thanks to the early market cultivation of giants such as 724, FamilyMart, etc., before the fresh food track became popular, foresight entrepreneurs had already entered. Yishengxian is one of the early admissions.

  It’s just that if the fresh food supply wants to be nationwide, the resources and capabilities required are not generally strong, and the initial funds are even more massive. The paradox is that those who have this ability are almost not satisfied with only making fresh foods and only making tob. Therefore, the actual situation is that regional fresh food supply chains are more common, which is also the limitation of tob fresh food entrepreneurship.

In other words, if Xiaokang wants to join the market in certain regions, fresh food must be discussed one by one, especially when the scale was small at the beginning. The volume of the dozen or so stores is equivalent to the state when Wang Yinyu was integrated by Chu Yuanxi. Will not be particularly worthy.

  That is to say, the situation that Xiaokang has opened 200 stores in the imperial capital is a real deal. The future scale in other cities is expected to be relatively large, so it can get a relatively reasonable market position, otherwise it will be more difficult to negotiate conditions.

  The situation of Xiaokang in the imperial capital was even more difficult at the beginning. Milestone 3 was about to begin when the conversation with Yishengxian was finished. Before, the fresh food category was not provided at all, and the fresh food link was also discounted.

  At this time, faced with the questions raised by Chu Yuanxi's calm analysis, Yuan Jing was not good at arguing. He is also thinking.

  The start of fresh start-ups is generally entrenched first, and then talk about other things after the roots are firmly established. It's hard to develop in a lifetime, but if you want to go to the whole country, you probably need great support from the capital market, such as direct cross-regional mergers of similar enterprises in other provinces and cities.

  Relatively speaking, chain start-ups such as convenience stores, coffee, etc. are equivalent to developing in an environment with relatively sufficient upstream supply capabilities. The pace of development will be less restricted by logistics, and the difficulty of nationalization will be lower.

  As for the opener, Chu Yuanxi didn't even mention it, which was enough to show his contempt. The key is that opening a door may be of little use to a lifetime, but it is really useless for the well-off, unless the well-off gives up his independent status and treats the consortium of the three companies from a "development" perspective. Then the opener will play the role of a large-scale Wumart supermarket in the system of "Multi-point-Wumart". It is also very useful to optimize logistics with the front warehouse of Meituan Shopping.

  Thinking of this, Yuan Jing suddenly felt that the other party discovered that Xiaokang’s real tempting system was the benchmarking system? That's why I found Li Zhaokai for a pixel-level reproduction on the front end?

  Pixel-level re-engraving is very much criticized, but it refers specifically to the national-level application of re-engraving. For example, anyone who re-engraves a WeChat, Weibo or the like will definitely be vomited to death. If you reproduce the app of a developmental company, because there are not so many people who know it, and the user coverage is not wide, there is no big problem. But the paradox has emerged again. What is the value of pixel-level reproduction of apps for companies in the development stage?

  This is why Yuan Jing suddenly felt his heart--the other party is quite optimistic about being well off!

  So he was originally moved by the vision described by Professor Li, but now suddenly discovered that Chu Yuanxi was indeed targeted, and only the truly valuable things would be targeted. Therefore, it seems that the behavior of a lifetime, or that Professor Li's behavior helped him make a discovery of the value of well-off society?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to vomit: "Is it going to send directors to send surveillance next? They are ugly but they want to be beautiful! Just this and want to make Xiaokang stronger, then what do I have to sign? Cheating agreement? I admit that it is troublesome to lose a life of a well-off life, but to lose a life of a well-off life, haha."

  "Why are you laughing?" Yuan Mu hasn't had as much psychological activity as Yuan Jing, and can't help worrying: "Aren't you afraid that someone will break your confession?"

"If he cuts my confession, I will lie flat and there is no other way. Then I have no suspense and can only surrender. Whatever others say. The question is, isn't there a huge logical loophole in my entrepreneurial logic? Do you think it is possible? Think about why the Kingdom and the DPRK have not surrendered until the sweater war has been fought. It is normal to have difficulties. Find a way. Besides, your worries will not happen at least for now."

  In this regard, Chu Yuanxi not only understands the market, but also understands the evolution of the market. The supply chain of friends such as 724 and Rosen is not a lifetime of People entered the celestial dynasty very early. They had already entered the stadium in large numbers before the Olympics.

  Therefore, the tob of Zengxian mainly provides services to local convenience store startups. Among them, the well-off movement is extremely large and the expansion is extremely fast. Therefore, the market share of Zengxian in the Imperial Capital is actually expanding rapidly with the expansion of the well-off.

  Nowadays, they rarely need to switch toc in their lives. It cannot happen overnight. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to cut off the confession to Xiaokang immediately. If they slap their heads today and say let's stop the supply, then the question is, to whom will the new production capacity they have developed during this period of time because of the supply of well-off people supply? Opener?

  Therefore, there must be a process. Only when one's own toc business develops, the export of these production capacity can be stabilized; or the toc directly kneels and drives the entire enterprise to shrink.

  In fact, Chu Yuanxi has a sharper sense of touch and thought than Yuan Jing because of his personal ups and downs in this market. When this happened, he very much doubted whether it was a well-off running too fast, which made his whole life go smoothly recently. What kind of illusion was produced?

  According to a rational way of thinking, Chu Yuanxi’s empathy will never be influenced by anyone to make such a change, even if the influence is the godfather of entrepreneurship.

   Then, assuming that the other party is not a big fool, and when the development is very smooth, he still needs to make major strategic adjustments. Chu Yuanxi still thinks in another way. There are probably only two reasons for him to do this.

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