Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 936: I am bloated

With a sudden smile, Chu Yuanxi said that he thought it was dry goods: "Actually, the main reason for making movies is that TV dramas are not good. Next year is the year of ideological battle. Costume dramas will directly control the quantity, every month and every network. The broadcasting platform can have at most one costume drama, and the protection month has to be removed. It is extremely difficult to give permission for broadcasting. As for the next year, it will be the 100th anniversary, don’t you think.


   Anyway, this knife made me dare not think about it. Half of the self-made and investment projects of the three major webcast platforms cannot be licensed. This question is actually not suitable for today's occasion. Let's switch to another one. Immediately, the ecological environment of the entire web drama will change drastically. My opinion is that only a few leading companies will have relatively strong competitiveness in the future.


"Don't don't, you just mentioned the key. What about the movie? Now many actors are in a state of unemployment, and a lot of traffic Xiaohua suddenly disappeared. I can't get the drama to live on variety shows, so I won't name it. In short, the industry is very withered, but Instead, you face difficulties.


   I know that with the style you have shown in your past ventures, you will definitely not rush forward rashly. In fact, our digital investment has been deeply involved in the fundraising of the film and television industry. Since the establishment of the "Troubled Times" project, we have been investigating your company. You always look at three steps and think five steps in everything you do, and you will never make a decision because of recklessness.


   So I am particularly curious about your thoughts. What is it that makes you so radical. You have never made a film but set up two film projects at the same time. Are you afraid that the film industry will become more stringent in the future? "


   Chu Yuanxi remembered him, and exchanged a business card after the heart said it. It is estimated that it will be used in the future, not later, it should be used immediately. The other party's resources must be a lot.


"Um, first of all, it is precisely because the industry is dying that I am very inflated. I feel that it is a good opportunity for actors to be unemployed, because the cost has been greatly reduced. A traffic artist filmed "Zhu Xian" and the starring pay was less than 100,000 yuan. In the past, I didn't dare to think about it, which shows that some actors have also faced the reality, and the buyer and seller reversed.


   You are all investing, and cost is the most important thing in business logic, right? So if you invest in movies now, you can completely ask the project team to lower the remuneration to decide whether to enter or not. This special period is actually good and bad. As for me, I have never made a movie, but I can use the product manager's thinking to design the process, determine the B plan, and avoid risks. "


   In fact, this is against the heart, because he has made movies and understands the doorway inside. Especially in 2021 because of the party’s tour and preparatory conference, the main theme of realism is the only mainstream in the film and television industry throughout the year. The construction achievements after the reform and the people's well-off life in this mainstream share equal emphasis on the red theme.


   Why does Chu Yuanxi insist on calling the convenience store Xiaokang Life? Isn't it just to take advantage of the huge dividends after this change? Therefore, the stage of the well-off movie from the establishment of the trial to the release of the trial is definitely people blocking and killing gods. Even dredge certain relationships, but also pull down a larger tiger skin protection.


   As for "Wu Dao Faunjun", since it was decided to be released in North America a week ago, the route of "Outer King and Inner Sage" in North America first and then domestic is a realistic choice. The so-called order-changing reviews have exceeded 10,000, and now many major Hollywood productions are pursuing the country and the Korean side to be released together or even first. The attitude of everyone is very sincere.


   Speaking of the product manager's thoughts, Chu Yuanxi clearly saw Li Zhao open his mouth again, and he didn't know what to say to Li Jingfei with his big mouth open.


At this time, the host took the microphone and asked: "President Chu, when it comes to product managers, I am actually very curious. The content that the Pakistani Group finally presented on the market can actually be understood as a product, right? These'products' are very different. Some of the postmodernism, some do not have the product form of the mobile Internet, and some, although they are like products, they look different from ordinary products. How do you make these products? Or let me change the way, how do you understand you Of users?"


   "The value of users lies in their needs. I make products mainly to create value on the basis of making users feel happy."


   "Then how do users feel happy?"


   "It's probably to reduce users' desires, improve product performance and subjective evaluation of products. Alas, we don't need to refine the concept, just understand the meaning in our hearts."


Chu Yuanxi is in a very good state and talks about these unprepared questions: "My personal experience is that you can't limit yourself in making users happy. You can't work with the creed of'all for users'. This kind of dogma will cause a lot of choice difficulties. Product managers should pursue reconciliation with themselves and distinguish what needs to be compromised.


   Others are selfish. It is good for the product to get along with the user peacefully. The product manager does not have to deliberately please the user, but treats the user equally and calmly. In addition, there is a special point for the Pakistani Group. Users are converted from fans. You don’t need to meet all their needs, only the needs of the ‘fan-oriented’, but it’s best to exceed the specifications and let go of other needs without requiring full blame, so as to achieve harmony in the fan’s operation.


   The above is my understanding in the process of practicing Ba people. "


   Chu Yuanxi was able to intuitively feel the gazes of the audience on the stage, and suddenly realized that this sharing was not completely useless while speaking, and could establish a personal setting about himself for these investors. Many investors invest directly, and if they perform well, it is easy for others to become interested in studying well-off.


   Therefore, he was very excited to see that there were many people who had the desire to ask questions. He answered a series of questions seriously, such as the use and sorting of self-media traffic, the tips of game advertising and so on. There is no shortage of people in the audience who have some knowledge of the Pakistani Group, and the questions asked are quite professional.


Especially recently, Jet Lee endorsed miracles first, and then there were two mobile games endorsed by the great sage. They all made the game advertisements into a series, and the suction effect was very good. Not only did it cause a sensation among game manufacturers, but also in the investment circle. The response of the company, the game company that can advertise has become the new favorite in the eyes of investors.


   The newly launched product "Wu Dao Hun Jun" of the Pakistani Group is even more excessive than this, and it directly shoots the IP content into advertising materials and casts it. Strictly speaking, these are not game advertisements, but the effect is also outstanding. The DAU has exceeded 17 million for a whole month, and it is still increasing.


   In fact, the understanding of the "outstanding" effect can be said to be totally different, because the DAU was tens of millions in a week, and only 7 million was added in the next three weeks, which cannot be said to be a successful purchase. However, users who buy this way are more accurate, and like to place games and IP content, which are easier to convert. Miracle and the Great Sage actually rely on the endorsement of the celebrity to attract users, and the Pakistani Group needs IP fans, and the game is a converter for IP fans.


   However, investors do not know the data growth curve. If you look at it according to normal logic, of course the effect is outstanding!


   It is impossible for Chu Yuanxi to reveal the essence of the mini-game-IP project, nor can he expose his intention and logical closed-loop to obtain IP fans, but it is not even possible to say that I don’t understand it. It was all blindly cast by Jaguar. What should I say?


   As a result, he spent a long time picking up what investors love to listen to, describing the new model of "serial advertising" as a new "methodology", and then took out a lot of "dry goods".


For example, Chu Yuanxi analyzed the similarities and differences between traditional game advertisements and serial advertisements. The celebrities in traditional advertisements are only responsible for selling their looks to attract attention, while in the new model of the ship, the advertising stars are responsible for endorsing the products and selling their own reputation. Unlike human design, it needs to press on the credibility accumulated by the screen for decades, and the depth is different.


   For example, traditional advertisements, such as Jackie Chan’s attack on sand and Uncle Da’s recycling equipment, are used to show the "content" of the game in a live-action mode. The brothers come to chop my copy to attract players. In the new version of the ship, there are very few in-game displays. The essence of building scenes with advertisements is to create interesting plots, and the shooting of advertisements.


These highlights are all exquisite poses, reflecting the seriousness of the advertising star. There must be close-up shots of the star carefully watching the stage book, the process of the director seriously talking about the play, the whole picture of the lighting stage setting, various high-end shooting equipment, etc. , Showing that celebrity advertising is fully committed.


   This requires a very high level of copywriting and some finishing touches to make the overall advertising tone.


  In fact, this model is already very close to a short video series, otherwise outsiders would not look at the Ba Ren’s commercials as much as the new version of the ship. These dry goods made the investors in the field of off-stage gaming fascinated. Spikes who had never invested in games but had cross-border ideas entered a climax, looking for excellent investment targets, and the atmosphere on the scene was very active.


In fact, for the "Wu Dao Hun Jun" mobile game, the DAU should have been high in the idle game, especially when a lot of warm-up work was done before it went online. The DAU in the first week was overdrawn in the future. It’s not surprising that it’s high. Therefore, Zhao Jie estimates that 20 million is a hurdle. If there is no large-scale stimulus, 20 million will be a bottleneck. The 20 million is based on the premise that the product has a certain quality, the number of fans and the operation intensity of the whole network. reflect.


  Because of this bottleneck, Chu Yuanxi has designed a large-scale UGC event that does not pass the official. Lu Yu is currently in the process of improving it. It is expected that it will be launched in another week, which is also the time of Double 12.


After the climax, there is Yu Yun. When someone asks that Ba people do a little bit of video combined with live broadcast and pay for knowledge, it is very good at first, but why not continue, Chu Yuanxi knows that it is almost done, and if you ask again, it is too professional and in-depth .


   "Knowledge pays?" He looked at the auditorium, and said his heart was very good. The Dao didn't come, and the Nine Spirits didn't come. You can spray it casually. "Knowledge payment is not worth doing. The repurchase is bad, the upstarts, the industry reputation collapses, the key is that the valuation can not go up. The top Xima and Xu in the entire industry are calculated by ¥ more than 20 billion, knowledge Payment is not so absolute in the valuation ratio of the two, traffic and platform functions are more important.


   Hima and some are okay, at least the traffic and platform are very valuable. I won’t say who the two are purely paying for knowledge. Going to the market is so difficult, and it feels that it’s even harder than our self-media company’s listing. "


   Some of the investors below suddenly laughed, and some of their faces were green, because a few years ago, there was a lot of speculation about the investment knowledge payment, and there was no shortage of people in the audience.


Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to say: "In addition, personally, payment for knowledge is not compatible with Ba people’s business. Ba people’s fan operations are delicate, and when they are realized and in what manner they are realized, they are all purposeful. There are plans to match the tonality of the fans, and in line with the company's strategy.


  The realization efficiency of payment for knowledge is low, and the word of mouth is not very good now. At first glance, it is not as good as it is, so it is not in the plan. As for Tik Tok with goods, it is actually much better than paying for knowledge. Word of mouth can also be controlled. The key depends on the quality control of goods. But the reason is the same as above, not worth it. "


   The host said that this situation is wrong, we invited you to let you hold the live broadcast and bring the goods! How popular are Douyin tapes now? Although the valuation is generally grassroots, it is the most active area of ​​fundraising in more than a year. How can you go back and forth?


"Hey, Mr. Chu, I have to refute what you said." He took the microphone and said, "Although Pakistani people are more profitable in games, you also started from the media. You can't deliberately suppress your past colleagues. People should be relatively unfamiliar with the Tik Tok product business, right? This aspect is very, very active now."


Chu Yuanxi saw that this was a good occasion to set up a persona, so he slapped a loud haha ​​and said to him: "You probably didn't know that I was the initiator of the short video live streaming mode. The company was still called at that time. Pakistani Entertainment is the first company on the entire network to deliver goods through a combination of short video and live broadcast on Douyin. This model is my first commercialization. Once it is launched, it will produce a chemical reaction and infect the entire network.


   Before us, there were live streaming products. Taobao had live streaming products a long time ago, but they were not combined with short videos. The two platforms, Douyin and Kuaishou, did not develop into a platform with both commercialization and traffic before this. Applying a popular sentence pattern, no one knows more about live delivery and delivery than I do.


In addition, in the field of payment for knowledge, although the Ba people are not as prominent as the Tik Tok products, a single article calculates the income. I did a few times in the first half of last year. The history of the whole network is ranked in the top ten. That was the first pot of gold for Pakistani entertainment. We pay attention to data when we make investments. You can pick someone from the big internet celebrities who pay for knowledge and find their best-selling article, audio or article, you don’t necessarily beat me. "


   There is a big embarrassment on the host’s face, and the heart says you are too bully! Isn't it the most shameful to directly display qualifications without reason?


And Chu Yuanxi pondered while drinking water that the fact of bringing goods was simply a re-creation of a successful case in the original world. At that time, the golden finger hadn't expired, so she had just gotten the foundry and made more money. . But knowledge sharing is definitely not water at all, it is indeed very effective.


After installing this big beep, he showed a light and elegant smile: "Actually, live streaming is still very profitable today, but for me the money is not good. Think about it, if those fans are used to live streaming to bring the goods. After washing many times, I can earn some quick money, but Ali still buys Pakistani games? Didn’t I say a while ago that I don’t cut leeks and only sell leeks? My land can’t be sold, so what's the point of earning some quick money? What do you mean? It's really worthless. You are all capital market bosses. You definitely understand this simple truth."


   I've had a lot of fun now, and the key is that it takes too long. It is twice as long as the first fat man, and the third is still waiting anxiously in the audience.


   So Chu Yuan stepped down spontaneously, and the host had to invite a third entrepreneur.


  Walking to the stage, Chu Yuanxi still felt a little bit emotional, mainly because her appearance on stage this time showed that she was no longer Xiaoxi Mi, even Xia Mi was not the smallest kind. Xiaoxi Mi can only affect people around it, not the industry, nor the market. And jumping to the podium to express opinions on such occasions to be accepted by practitioners will definitely have an impact on the industry and the market.


   At this time, he suddenly had a wonderful idea in his heart, that is, if the two worlds of themselves are not reversed, and here is still a salted fish, then what will this world develop into? Probably there will be many differences and many similarities. For example, Li Zhaokai will go bankrupt.


   But today is the stage, gather the popularity, just as important as singing is the finale and post-roll, you will not appear until the next day.


   At this moment, Yuan Mu suddenly ran over and asked: "Hey Chu Yuanxi, UU Reading The ecology of the film and television drama industry you just said will change, how to change it?"


   "Should you not be more concerned about how well-off raises funds?"


   "No, I used to project the video, and many friends are asking me. The situation you mentioned now makes many people anxious. Don't you know? Don't say anything, you are asking me."


   This situation is the situation of one period drama every month on each webcast platform. In fact, urban dramas are not much better. It is also extremely difficult to allow the broadcast. The latest market is to approve more than 700 monthly and 30 monthly approvals. This kind of quantitative control is basically a "sweeping wave" for production companies, and investors are of course desperate.


Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and said: "In the future, there will be more solo broadcasts and fewer simultaneous broadcasts. Obviously, it will be a huge benefit for platform TV such as Souyu Video and Mango, even LeTV Video and Sweet Potato. Head, but now the supply of the head is greater than the output, so there will definitely be head content that is out of schedule and can only be transferred to a small platform. In the past, you know how difficult it is for small platforms to broadcast the head content alone? Speaking of solo broadcasting, the purchase price and settlement mode of simultaneous broadcasting are also very difficult."


   "Ah, I understand this." Yuan Mu's previous experience is still there, and of course he knows the difficulties inside. The big platform can completely give the payment model of the share of the broadcast volume, the platform is risk-free, but because of the large traffic, the production company can also recognize this account.


   Small platform... Yuan Mu looked at Chu Yuanxi, isn't this a ready-made example?

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