Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 935: Chu Yuanxi's first talk

Chu Yuanxi didn't think that Xiaokang was actually despised by the organizers of the conference. She said that the organizers themselves were also investors and had no insight, bad reviews!


   Therefore, although he gradually got rid of his identity as a salted fish in the audience, this sharing is useless to Xiaokang and Ba people. If you share a well-off society, it would be wonderful. If you blow it up on this occasion, it should have a great effect on investors. This is not so much a sharing, but on this occasion, when the audience is full of potential leeks, the most in mind must be financing.


There are three entrepreneurs in this round of sharing. Chu Yuanxi is right in the middle. In front is a very hard-core medical device start-up. The entrepreneurs came from the magic city and described their life one after another at the beginning. Counterattack on the field, and then very skillfully introduce the relevant bonuses of his own track.


  Chu Yuan Xixin said that if this is about being well-off, I would use all the words of the fat brother in front of me. Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to go up to a repeater...


   But speaking of the Ba people, it is not easy to introduce it in this ordinary and simple way.


Soon it was Chu Yuanxi's turn. The host was afraid that someone below would not know him, so he picked up the microphone and said directly: "The next one is Chu Yuanxi, the founder and president of Pakistani Group. This company should be in our investment circle recently. I heard that some of its assets were traded to Ali at a transaction price of 34 billion yuan, all in cash. The core of this part of the assets is a mobile game called "A World of Disorder" and related IP rights.


   Didn't Ali go to Hong Kong for listing recently? Ali has promptly disclosed more detailed information about this transaction. You should have scanned it when you did your homework. This year it was a relatively large acquisition and it was purely commercial.


   It should be noted that we all believe that the Pakistani Group is a game company, but President Chu has always emphasized that it is a cultural and creative enterprise and a content service provider. The company's business covers all aspects of self-media, game production and distribution, as well as film and television variety arts and cultural tourism, so it is not the core assets of the group. It is more important to note that this company was founded at the beginning of last year. It started from zero and invested 4 million yuan in the initial stage. It is less than two years today. The valuation must now exceed 40 billion yuan, in other words, the return is more than 10,000 times. "


   After these hosts exited, Chu Yuanxi could clearly see that some of the people below were originally slouched and listless. As a result, they immediately became energetic, and some even turned on their mobile phones to search. Sure enough, this asset return rate is quite attractive.


   His eyes were normal at first, but at this moment, I could clearly see that Li Zhaokai and Li Jingfei sitting in the back row had very wonderful expressions. My heart said it was finally my turn to come to zhuangbility? It's a pity that there is no way to record here, otherwise the expressions of the two big brothers should be more exciting.


This is the first time in this world that I have publicly boarded a forum to give a speech. Chu Yuanxi first sorted out his black suit with a gradual neckline color, pressed two rows of big openings, and then said very freely: "Everyone. Good. The core business of Ba people has always been fan operation. Regarding entrepreneurship and investment in the so-called content fields such as self-media, games, film and television media, in fact, the industry’s discussions have been very, very rich, but there are more details and more Decentralized. Especially for Pakistani Group, the above business is based on fan operation, so it is more fragmented.


I know that the big investment guys want to hear about the methodology of success, whether there are any dividends in this industry, and whether there is a complete way of playing. Like the traffic playing method a few years ago, it can be unlimited without being restricted by the environment and people. Re-engraving, through the continuous stream of small flowers and small fresh meat from the market in the same way to continue to make money.


   But sorry, the situation in the content age is very complicated. I haven't found this so-called methodology myself, so every product of the Pakistani Group is different. There may be some similarities in the content. For example, our previous flagship "Unwinding" and our current "Wu Dao Faunjun" are both historical themes, and they are both realistic. However, the usage and purpose of the content can be said to be completely different. Iterate forward.


  Why does "Unwinding from the Wind" have been very successful and iterate? Because different content and details are different, the processing method should not be copied completely. In particular, good content is always scarce. The paradox is that you are not better than the past, but better than other competing products. In other words, the good sign is always at the head, even if The overall level of the industry has greatly improved, you are better than in the past, but the amount of head is always small.


   Then, assuming you can't fully control your head, intensive farming becomes the only choice in the content age. So today the host asked me to talk about dry goods. I think, since there is no methodology, let me answer some specific questions. In this regard, I am more confident that I am qualified to answer questions related to operations in the content field.


   The main reason is that if I talk about how the Pakistani people became prosperous, it is even more useless for you. In many cases, I just happened to catch up and cannot be copied. Sharing is really too dry. In fact, I always take one step at a time and face the complex content market with a flexible attitude.


   In other words, let’s talk less about the principles and solve some problems more. You can ask me the details that you watched but didn’t understand during the Baren Group's entrepreneurial process. I will try my best to be honest. This may be useful. My sharing today is mainly for investors who specialize in investing in content. I'm sorry if I want to cross the border. As stated in the first forum, investors should also be professional. It is best to be able to teach entrepreneurs in the early stage. "


These remarks stunned the organizers, but the investors in the audience suddenly became clear. Some raised their hands at the time, and some picked up their mobile phones to post frantically. They might be soliciting questions. Some people were curious but kept a sense of measure. Lack, completely unable to lift the spirit.


Who will ask questions? This power lies with the host, and soon the microphone was handed over to a female investor. Chu Yuanxi felt a little familiar. After the other party stood up, he first declared himself: "Hello, Mr. Chu, I am from Songbai Fund. Co-founder Luo Yan."


   Chu Yuanxi remained silent, but when I remembered, this was the one in the original world who refused to finance Xiaokang. The reason is that he only likes to vote early, round B is the limit, and when Xiaokang came to the door, it was already after round C, so he did not consider it at all.


   This reason is very righteous, there is nothing to blame, but I don’t know if she regrets it later? But isn't the original world dedicated to "new consumption"? Why are you interested in the content?


Just listen to Luo Yan’s question: “I want to know why your company’s two animation IPs are valued by Hollywood? As far as I know, the other party found you on their own initiative? And DreamWorks also promised to complete it within one year. Is there any trick here? Is it because the content is really outstanding?"


   "It was all accidents." Chu Yuanxi's words were more like excuses, but they were true.


  "Disney became more interested in the UGC animation plan of the peak visual effects of the invested company of Pakistani people, and then became interested in "Animal Company" which was displayed as a case.


   DreamWorks took "The Enemy of Rome" because the Pakistani people used a little trick to promote the self-media in North America. The Americans have never seen a fuss, so they are interested. Our original purpose was to use "Enemies of Rome" to attract fans to the account, the account is the main body, and the comics are the tool to attract fans to the account, but DreamWorks thought this tool was good, so we took it away.


   In short, from the content quality assessment, I don't think these two IPs are much better than other big IPs in China. If you have to say the content, it may be that the subject matter is just suitable. "


   Chu Yuanxi's modest explanation, in just a few words, he explained what happened. Of course, there is no need to tell the other party about Elizabeth’s existence. The Pakistani people’s relatively special media capabilities and subtle copyright status do not need to write a special book, otherwise people will take a look, oh, when a comprador is so happy, please Take me! what should I do?


   If you want to come to the other party, it is understandable even if you know it? Well, it definitely can.


   Luo Yan sat down reluctantly. This was not the answer she wanted, but the logic was complete. Then another person stood up and asked: "I remember that the overseas income of "Troubled Times" is quite high, and it has caused a lot of sensation recently. I hope to hear your share of domestic mobile games going overseas. Anything is fine."


   Chu Yuanxi took a sip of the mineral water on the podium, using it to think about what can be said and what cannot be said. Although the domestic mobile game industry has repeatedly suffered heavy losses due to auditing issues, it used to have too large a base, so there are still many who have survived or have not died. Guangdi has more than 500. This is why Zhao Jie still has corpses to pick up today.


And the method is forced out, because the previous years have experienced tragic battles, when the whole industry found that as long as the two fathers of Google and Facebook are hugged, going to sea is a completely accessible road, a large number of products are exported. Overseas and showed strong competitiveness and ability to make income.


In the beginning, East Asia was the focus. Recently, North America has also begun to conquer cities, and income has been catching up with the island countries. Each family has taken their kung fu from the super red sea of ​​the Tianchao market to overseas to compare, so for investors It has become a value sink again, and investment interest has greatly increased.


   However, in this tide, the Pakistani Group is actually a laggard. Let alone sharing, Chu Yuanxi should review it vigorously, because "Unwind in the Troubles" is issued as an agent.


He briefly flashed back in his mind. Naibao, the two countries in East Asia, is the creator of "A World of Trouble". He has done a lot of "localization", not to mention operations, and even made many additions and subtractions to the product itself. Law, even the code has been changed a lot.


   Therefore, the Pakistani Group is only responsible for collecting the money, and then after each version is updated, the code and resources of the new version are transmitted to the other party, and the other party can use it whatever they want. Other aspects can hardly exert any influence on the operations of East Asia and receive no useful feedback. People can do it themselves if they have any needs.


   This mode is a bit like the operation process of the intermodal group. What are the requirements of each channel? The programmers of the intermodal group directly change the code without bothering the development group. But Naibao went deeper than combined transportation.


   uses one word to describe it, that is, the Pakistani game is too "easy" when going out to sea. If you enter the sea, you will not be able to go home. If you go out, you will be invincible and the country will die.


  The reason for this situation is actually because Chu Yuanxi did not regard Pakistani games as a core asset, so after "Troubled Times" had begun to collect money, he himself did not continue to put most of his energy into the game. After the groupization, Pakistani Games' overseas business has not been handled properly.


   On the one hand, when the company was still called "Baren Entertainment", the most important overseas agency rights were handed over, and it took the road of making it better to buy and worry-free. On the other hand, his internal structure is not quite reasonable. Zhao Jie focuses on the research and development of game products, and operates in-game activities, but the operation of the entire rights is the last stage of repeated wheel-building.


   This led to Chu Yuanxi's failure to care about overseas operations, Zhao Jie's failure to care about it, and Monica did not dare to care about it at all. Chu Yuanxi did not issue orders to ask the game to go to sea, she would not actively promote this, because she did not understand the game, and the game going to sea was obviously a group strategy.


   To describe it in one sentence is that the internal rights and responsibilities of the Pakistani group are unknown, and the overall strategy of going to the sea as an important game is not clearly divided into whose one-acre three-point land belongs to.


If you really want to resume the game seriously, it is mainly because Chu Yuanxi judged that the card game has no money in North America at the time, and his main goal is to rely on the Pakistani Group to hold money and become a cash cow to assist Xiaokang. do. So I just didn't go there, and ignored the value of using "Troubled Times" to train troops to develop a game operation team focused on North America. This is the shortcoming that really lags behind all friends and businessmen.


   Of course, there is no need to share these inside stories with investors, because Chu Yuanxi didn't think it was a "mistake", at best it was a small mistake, and he didn't do what he could do easily. In fact, if you don’t do it, you have the benefit of not doing it. If you do it and then do it wrong, you will return home, maybe you will be underestimated by Ali. Any behavior in the capital market is linked. When it comes to the group strategy, it is likely to cause future uncertainty.


Moreover, Sai Weng once again lost his horse, precisely because he did not follow his lead, so in Ali’s acquisition of Pakistani games, he did not take away Pakistani’s overseas self-media accounts. These accounts are still in his hands, but Chu Yuanxi told Monica will not update the related content of "Troubled Times" in the future.


   Then what should I say at this time?


Chu Yuanxi put down the mineral water, showing a thoughtful air, and then said: "You read the Q3 overseas mobile game report, right? Q3 Island Country "Troubled Times" did rank third in revenue, but many reports are misunderstood. It’s said that "Out of the Wind" is too good, but it's not. The main reason is that the original competitors in the front row have dropped, and "Out of the Wind" has grown a little."


Compared with Q2, the income ranking of the mobile games in the island country in Q3 is almost unchanged, except that "Zhilong Lost City" only recorded 130 million in three months, which is slightly better than Zhai Yi's "Operation Wilderness", but it was recognized by "Out of the Mountain" overtook. "Operation Wilderness" has been doing a lot of activities in the past few months, and it has been very dynamic. It has topped the best-selling list twice, but the total income is still short of breath, but it is quite close to "Zhilong Lost City".


This income change is actually not big, but it happened to be wrong. The effect of "top three" still caused a lot of discussion among the island players, which in turn made the local players of the Celestial Kingdom high, Zhao Jiena Bian also started a wave of activities. But when the data came out, Chu Yuanxi had already started planning the sale of the Pakistani game, so she didn't take it seriously.


Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: “As for going to sea, it’s actually better for me to share in half a year. After half a year, many things may have been verified, and now I am in the stage of bold assumptions. What I can reveal now is Pakistan. The People Group is going to make a big move, to make an attempt to increase the value of cash in exchange. So it is not convenient to say for now."


   Investors scratched their heads: "Why is it not convenient to say?"


   Chu Yuan Xixin said that because the country is richer than us! "Because, because the next thing we want to try is to make efforts in North America. As you know, North America has always been the region with the highest revenue in mobile games in the world. If this attempt runs through, it will have a profound effect on our entire game industry. The impact of would have been verified if there was no merger and acquisition, but in short, the verification time needs to be postponed to the next one."


"This can't work, this can't work." Seeing that many people are paying attention to this issue, the host had to come out and fire up: "Chu, have you seen today's title? Dry goods sharing session. This is a problem that everyone cares about. You must I have to say a few words."


"Let me just talk about a phenomenon. When operating overseas, the conclusion I have observed is that the effect of linking with well-known local IPs in terms of revenue is immediate. For example, "Wild Action" linked with "Gintama" and "Fifth Personality" Linked with "Personal Records", the sales rankings are all clear and clear. Of course, when others enter the national and Korean market in the future, they should also pay corresponding resources here. Those who have voted in overseas mobile games can go back and study. a bit."


After he finished speaking, he signaled the host for the next question. The host had to reluctantly hand over the right to speak to a new boss: "Mr. Chu, the recent broadcast of "Troubled Times" has been very good. The data is pretty good. I heard that the filming of variety shows has finished. Then, the gossip is saying that you want to make a movie, and you want to make two movies at a time. But now is a very special time for the film and television industry, I want to know that you are particularly interested in film and television dramas Views on the future of costume dramas."


   Chu Yuan Xixin said, why is your gossip so good? Is there a ghost? But think about it, since they sold their game assets, some people will think that people are stupid and have a lot of money to outsiders, and he did not ask for confidentiality of this matter, so it is inevitable that some people pay special attention to the opportunity to inquire.



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