Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 934: Get a perfect match

More importantly, Yang Heng really has certain resources. The resources of the sinking scene may be inconspicuous for other categories, but it happens to be cut into the junior suppliers in the fresh track, and it can match Lu Yin.

"Tob?" Lu Yin's cherry mouth had to be opened wide, because she found out through random calculations in her mind: "Mr. Chu, tob's fresh food needs a lot of funds... Xiaokang is so rich?"

The reason why Lu Yin emphasized cash in the first sentence is that the crux of the problem is that she was doing fresh food e-commerce before, at least in the previous industry situation, e-commerce can suppress the supplier's payment. But the user can't pay for the piezo, she is the export of the entire upstream and downstream, so the cash flow is not bad, at least it can cover the cost, and then just raise some capital and burn it.

Therefore, although the funding pressure is also great, the funding scale is small.

When doing tob, she pressures the supplier’s money, but the b-side also pressures her money. She is a part of the upstream and downstream. The cash flow is basically flat and slightly surplus, so other expenses can be directly exposed. .

"Of course I know about the problem of financial pressure, and Xiaokang doesn't have that much money, but I can invest in Pakistani people, and Xiaokang will be your first sales channel, and you and Yang Heng will be your first sales channel. Once you’ve settled the upstream, you can begin to expand. Isn’t it good news? I tell you, the convenience store track will definitely not collapse because of fresh food e-commerce. You are still a blue ocean when you do tob."

Lu Yin suddenly realized that Chu Yuanxi was serious. He really supported his own business, instead of using her and Yang Heng as the manager of the company in the name of starting a business. Otherwise, it cannot be the logic of Pakistani investment in a well-off channel.

Although you want to start a joint venture with Yang Heng, is it not impossible to consider?

I saw Chu Yuanxi show her her mobile phone: "Look at it, this is a resource that Yang Heng can mobilize at present. You have done warehouse store integration, logistics, and channel, which is equivalent to the front-end. Shen Resources can open up basic suppliers and improve efficiency, which is equivalent to the back-end. You two are a perfect match!"

"I, I think about it..."

Lu Yin knew Yang Heng, but she didn’t know much about it. Therefore, this plan must have been approved for her. It is a case where investors directly pull entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. The conditions must be better than entrepreneurs looking for investors. Raising money is much better, the only question is whether Yang Heng is in the pit.

In the field of venture capital, everyone is afraid of others' pits, but they cannot see their own pits...

Chu Yuanxi returned to her seat contentedly and gave herself a thumbs up. Although this matter requires some money, the initial stage is the magnitude of the small goal, which is nothing to the Pakistani group. The key is that this investment can be made by anyone, because the use of resources is very good. The upstream and downstream can go through at the beginning of the business, even if you want to pick it, it is not easy to pick it.

At this time, the stage is still talking about the start-up. Qi is definitely an academic school. All ideas are methodical and the best solution is sought. Then the process is disassembled into modules that can be "industrialized" to complete.

The so-called industrialization can be completed in an assembly line, and after finding a mature method, it can be handed over to anyone to execute. Once this model is found, it is easy for start-ups to report results.

Yang Jiangang listened very carefully, did he write a few sentences on the phone, as if taking notes.

Chu Yuanxi laughed after hearing a few words, "Lao Yang, you don't need to overly myth anyone. Qi is definitely a great technologist, but it's the same thing when doing products. Bing search and skype are both defeated. Microsoft Mobile Ecosystem The whole army is wiped out, so his method is only good in theory. The key is that he has never created a career, so you can easily be led into the ditch if you are like this."

"I'm because what they said makes sense. Don't you think his views are similar to yours?"

"It's not like, it's really not like..." Chu Yuanxi didn't know what posture should be used to throw up, "You can't think we are like because I taught you hand in hand. He is too persistent."

"Perseverance...isn't it?"

"Well, starting a business is not good to be too forceful. Starting a business is really different from doing a thesis. Doing a thesis is supported by theory, do you understand? Theory is very important... Sorry I forgot that you are a scumbag. "

In Yang Jiangang’s frantically rolling eyes, Chu Yuanxi continued: “In short, there is systematic theoretical support. As long as your theory is correct, the tutor can help you reliably, so the completion rate of doctoral dissertation is very high. Is there a systematic theoretical support? If there is, the success rate will not be so low."

"Then what is the success of starting a business?" Yang Jiangang said, thinking that it was really strange that Chu Yuanxi said it. How could he be humble? Chu Yuanxi always gave him the feeling that starting a business was easy! Otherwise, why did he send him, Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui to start a business so actively?

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi's answer was: "Xiaocheng depends on his face, Dacheng depends on his life."

"Don't face and fate mean the same thing?"

"No, really not. The average start-up company insists on three or four products at most, and it is not certain that it will fall. Small achievements are, for example, if one of the first few products is successful, this company can go ashore with this product. You say Lao Yang, at least half of the entrepreneurs don’t know why they succeeded after Xiaocheng, and they can only do it this time."

With that, Chu Yuanxi glanced back, and Li Zhao was sitting far behind. "For example, Pengfei Technology. You know this best. Li Zhaokai is here today. He just became a product and doesn't know how to make it, but he has a good face, so it becomes it, and he eats it to death."

Speaking of Li Zhaokai, Yang Jiangang immediately understood that he had worked in Pengfei for so many years, and he had a deep understanding of what is meant by a product without leaving any residue. Pengfei's late-stage successful products have shown signs of decline, but other products are still not good, so even if they are declining, they must continue to eat until they become scum.

So there is no doubt that this successful product is a fluke for Li Zhaokai. Later, all products that can make some money are based on it, so the second real growth curve can't be achieved, and it is difficult for people to succeed twice by face.

"Wait for Lao Chu, I think there is a problem." Yang Jiangang also saw Li Zhaokai, and seeing Li Zhaokai's serious face, he couldn't help but think back to the past. of……"

"But it didn't happen, right? This is Dacheng's fate." Chu Yuanxi said that this is not to say, leaving it to Yang Jiangang to consider, because the enterprise operation skills involved are too advanced and the result of blind guidance is very likely. Yang Jiangang's painting of a tiger is not a kind of dog.

Besides, Yang Jiangang's entrepreneurship is not a product, but a platform, and he doesn't need it.

At the same time, Li Zhaokai sitting in the back row was also chatting with people, and it was Cheng Huilin and Li Jingfei who were in the audience.

"Hey, it would be nice if Qi always taught me to start a business by hand! If someone called me a little bit, I am... sorry, sorry!"

"Haha, it's okay." Li Jingfei said, what are you special about? Can you still survive from death?

Just listen to Cheng Huilin's half-baked Chinese asking: "What mistake did you make in the first place?"

"I was..." Li Zhaokai couldn't help being fascinated, the day he hadn't gone downhill. "At that time, when I saw the test data, I knew that the leading product would definitely be a success. I should have taken out a bunch of people on the business line when it was about to fail, from the vice president to the business director to the project manager and let them go. Make new products! Or even support them to start a business!"

Li Jingfei is actually still not good at business management, so he humbly asks for advice: "Why? Just these few capable people in the company? Can others not make new products?"

He doesn't reject Li Zhaokai, because after all he has been successful, but he didn't do the right thing at the most successful time, otherwise he would have financial freedom long ago. However, when he said this, he suddenly thought that at that point in time, Chu Yuanxi was already working in Pengfei Technology, and Li Zhaokai wanted to say that there were no capable people in his company, and Li Jingfei had to use iron head against him.

I only heard Cheng Huilin say to him: "I probably understand what Mr. Li meant. Mr. Li meant that the problem lies in the allocation of resources. Successful products themselves have an advantage in the allocation of resources within the company. These heroes, how do you describe them? Right? These heroes are not transferred, so their interests will obviously be concentrated in this fist product for a long time in the future. The ability to swallow resources will form a terrible trend, so strong that no one in a company can resist. Ceo is not good either. So, new products are more difficult to succeed."

"Great, great! Afterwards, all possible products were not made. What a pity! What a great opportunity I didn't seize..." Li Zhaokai had a tearful expression on his eyes, but there were no tears. It’s the same if you always call me! You and Qi always shine for a while! I am more confident in our cooperation!"

Although Li Jingfei doesn't move the business operation, he still has basic common sense. He said that you are really funny! I am not confident in working with you! If you take the hero out to make new products, you can just smoke when you say smoke? Or before the fist product is successful, what should I do if I knelt after the fist product? What are these heroes doing? Can this be taught by the hands of investors?

Fortunately, Li Zhaokai is just the co-founder of Yishengxian, and he is still a newcomer. His staff are all product development teams, with Siege Lions as the mainstay. The power of operation is still in the hands of the Yishengyuan team. He has no right to speak. .

At this time, the stage was almost over. Chu Yuanxi had always been afraid of Professor Li's attack on Yuan Jing. Because of Yuan Jing, if you give him time, he can think clearly about things, but the instant reaction is slow. But what Professor Li relied on was a mouth, and Chu Yuanxi was very afraid that he could not stand it.

However, this situation did not happen. Professor Li, as the absolute core of the long-sleeved dance on the forum, and Yuan Jing gave full play to his boss Yuan's advantages, and his face became stubborn without saying a word.

During this period of time, the host led the topic to Baidu many times, and Qi always refused to answer, because he did not want to interfere with his old club. Until now, when it comes to the comparison of the living environment of Baidu and Google in the two countries, this is a topic that can be discussed, and the stage is lively.

But Chu Yuanxi felt extremely embarrassed, because this discussion would not be fruitful, it was a pure waste of time. He had to take out his mobile phone and check WeChat as soon as possible, hoping that the time would pass quickly. Regarding the purpose of coming here today, Chu Yuanxi is actually a bit like Lu Yin. They both want to get to know more investors and need to wait until free time to become active.

As a result, Yang Jiangang pulled his sleeve suddenly, "Old Chu, you said that Baidu is also a technology-heavy company? I remember you praised it. The only thing that Baidu is awesome is the Siege Lion. Why does it feel that technology is similar to Google? Pulling further and further? Is it just because of the money?"

Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and asked Yang Jiangang, "Lao Yang, you are going to do a low-profile cartoon, right? Have you seen the outline? Recently, Mallor has made it."

"Look, what's wrong?"

"When I read this outline recently, I learned a little bit about the process of the Second Punic War, and I have been thinking about why Hannibal beat Rome to his grandson, and failed to conquer Rome. But the Romans stepped down. Going to North Africa, if the Battle of Zama wins, will Carthage be over?"

"You still have time to study this?" Yang Jian Gangxin said that you are trying to find some high-end excuses for fishing at work, right?

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said, “You can learn from history as a mirror. Rome never asked the allies to tear down the city walls, and cities weaker than him could coexist peacefully. Not Carthage. During the Punic War, there was only one piece of Tunisia in North Africa. Carthage and a limited number of Phoenician city-states allowed the wall to be built."

Yang Jiangang said "Ah", suddenly thinking of Baidu's business model and Google's external services. Google assumes that it is good enough for itself, and then makes profits. This good use is not only for users, but also for other b-ends. On Baidu's side, not only profit is the first, but no other b-end is needed. Baidu has been taking the industry chain for a long time, and others only need to make money.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "One is the domineering type, the other is the service type, do you have an answer to your question?"

Yang Jiangang and Chu Yuanxi have always spoken hard, and this time is no exception: "It's a bit far-fetched."

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi gave a sneer, then looked around, lowered her voice and said: "Forced? Your grade, your fine grade, what is the priority of the United States."

On this occasion, at least half of the investors manage the $ fund. Even those who manage the $ fund are inextricably linked to the other side of the ocean. Those who come back from the foreign ink and have work experience in the US investment bank are not too many. Therefore, you must be careful when you say this, because it is very likely that something will happen if someone is holding it.

Just listen to the host on the stage asking qi: "The last question, what is the standard of a good CEO in your mind?"

Qi opened his mouth without thinking, "The strongest person is willing to come for you. This is the best CEO I think."

The following immediately gave a enthusiastic applause. I didn't expect the guests on the stage to jump in immediately when they heard that they would leave. Zhou Wei of Guanglu Investment first inserted: "Wait a minute, I am now investigating several companies that use ai to build products. I want to hear your opinion, are there more distributed opportunities or centralized opportunities?"

"If you want to create large-scale value, of course there are more opportunities for distributed. A distributed system is more stable."

Yang Jiangang’s notes in the audience can’t be kept anymore, because they don’t understand, "Old Chu, what did they say? What centralized distributed?"

"It means don't hold your console game all the time. From now on, it will be the ugc world."

In the stage of bickering, Liu Zeyu of Joint Capital on the stage also hurry up. He is the main investment in equipment manufacturing and medical equipment. In fact, the requirements for ai are harder: "qi, I want to know your most promising ai landing scene What is it?"

"Smart places and self-movement." Qi is always willing to come. "The so-called self-movement is autonomous driving, robots, etc., smart places are places that need intelligence, such as hospitals, shopping malls, and convenience stores."

Chu Yuan felt that the trip was worthwhile, and then took the lead in applauding. Qi is an indomitable figure in the domestic ai circle, three tiers higher than Xue Ming's rank. If he is replaced by Three Kingdoms, he is Zhuge Liang's coffee With him, he can at least give the convenience store track as a whole The valuation is lifted. Among them, the well-off, who has already used various types of intelligent processes on a large scale, is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi taking the lead in applauding, even Yuan Jing, who had been stern-faced all the year round sitting on the stage, couldn't help but couldn't help laughing. This assist came in too timely.

At this time, the host finally announced the end. As he was about to step down to make room for the second forum, Professor Li suddenly stopped him; "Xiao Yuan, let's have a few words?"

Yuan Jing had nothing to do with it, so the two of them didn't go directly to step down, but went behind the scenes. Among the crowded venues, this is the only place with few people, quiet and suitable for private chat.

In front of the stage, it was the rest time between the two forums. Chu Yuanxi was a little stunned when he saw that Yuan Jing hadn’t come out, because Hu Shiheng and Xu Xin didn’t come today, and Yuan Muuka’s position was too low, so he suddenly In a state of unaccompanied, and he should be on the next game.

This Qingliu forum will be held for three consecutive days. The rhythm is a few forums or sharing sessions every day, and the final round of awards will be evaluated. Xu Xin's award was awarded on the third day and Hu Shiheng on the second day. How busy are they? Hundreds of thousands up and down every minute. So the parting only came for one day, just staggering.

There were some well-off follow-up investors in the field, and Chu Yuanxi greeted them one by one, and soon came to the second field, asking several successful entrepreneurs to share their dry goods.

This sharing was not difficult for Chu Yuanxi, but it was embarrassing that he needed to share the dry goods of the Pakistani Group, not the well-off. According to the organizer of the conference, the Pakistani Group is successful enough and investors are willing to listen. The investment in the content field has been hot in recent years, and the future cannot be cold, especially the game track has always been cash cows. Investors are always interested.

That means Xiaokang is not successful enough?

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