Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 939: Knives and guns

   Yuan Jing smiled awkwardly next to him, friends on both sides, unable to intervene in words, this awkward smile appeared on the sharp face is especially weird.

   Chu Yuanxi pretended to be a fan and saw that he was smashed by Yuan Jing today, so the main task at present is to install the beep, so he is very aggressive and can't worry about Yuan Jing's feelings.

   But this aggressiveness made Luo Rongjun on the opposite side extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but laugh awkwardly: "Hahahaha, you can really joke."

   While talking and laughing, Luo Rongjun’s Yu Guang sees Li Jingfei’s expression, and manages this piece to head towards Yuan Jing’s direction at the speed of light...

Of course he knew that the relationship between Li Jingfei and Chu Yuanxi had long been a good match, and he had to give the new ally to the platform, so he said: "The opener has an advantage that we don’t have. Their parent company Graby has a strong presence in the emperor. The R&D center in China can provide strong R&D support, especially back-end support, as well as the crucial big data. This is what is urgently needed in the Transition toC."

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly realized that it turned out that the advantage of opening the door was rarely seen in his life. Graby's strength is very strong, and people do have this advantage, no wonder.

But what he said became: "That's what you think? Hey, Li Tietou has worked on toC for several months by himself, but he used this set of R&D support and big data. Look, now Li Jingfei You can transfer to toB."

   Li Jingfei hates Chu Yuanxi for a meal. What is more, the opener is stupid? Not only is the opener stupid, but so is Graby's R&D? And Chu Yuanxi didn't say anything about the "open door", Li Tietou on the left and Li Jingfei on the right, as if these pots belonged to him alone?

   The problem is that the opener is really not doing it well, which puts the parent company to shame! Among them, the super pits are bicycles. It is useless to cast a bunch of bicycles. Users ride a lot of bicycles, but the rate of visits to the store has not increased significantly. Now, there is a huge controversy about whether to continue to vote for bicycles.

   In this situation, Li Jingfei was not a human being inside or outside. He had always promoted the cycling. When Chu Yuanxi said it was a good idea, it was all Ma Dongmei, and Sun Honglei.

   But the well-off people are still cycling, and there is no sign of stopping. What is the situation? Don't you need money for bicycles?

I saw Luo Rongjun approaching Chu Yuanxi with a smile and whispered: "The same weapon is in the hands of different people, and the effect is definitely different. Recently, our company has newly recruited several co-founders. For APP applications, data utilization, and user operations They are all very experienced, and one of them is Mr. Chu’s old friend, and he is here today.

   On the other hand, Mr. Li, the introduction of such specialized talents is indeed a bit poor. The top executives are all financial professionals, showing that foreign capital is not satisfied after entering my country. But it should also be temporary, especially since we are now helping each other to communicate with each other, presumably after some time, the operation of the door-opener will rise to a higher level, right? In this way, the value of the Graby R&D center can be more tapped. This is my personal wish. "

   said it was a low voice, of course it could not be really small, at least Li Jingfei must be able to hear it. With these words, Li Jingfei, Longyan Dayue, finally found an anchor point where he could spray Chu Yuanxi!

   "Look at you, Chu Yuanxi, take a look at Mr. Luo's temperament and vision, do you compare? You will slander."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that people criticized you for being too slow to get into the state of being unaccustomed. What are you happy about? Moreover, Luo Rongjun didn't know where his confidence came from, so he had to investigate the resume of the founding team of Lifetime. You have never done toC yourself, and even the app is made by the Li Zhaokai team. Why do you think you are better than Cheng Huilin? People are expanding their territory in Southeast Asia to play APP and user operations! It’s a high probability event that your two families rush to the street together, right?

Therefore, he was quite relaxed and joked to Li Jingfei: "Tietou, your realm is too low. Who is Luo always me? Potential competitors know? I generously remind him of some possible thinking Misunderstanding, what kind of tolerance do I have? I am three feet wide and majestic. What do you know?"

   "Oh, you are still on it, but how can you beg your neighbors? This treats Mr. Luo as a potential competitor?"

   "Either you say that your realm is too low, Mr. Luo has already regarded me as a potential competitor, but you are still stupid." After that, Chu Yuanxi turned to Luo Rongjun: "Is it Mr. Luo?"

   Lu Yin looked at the PK of these three people up close, and said that you almost got it, right? However, she very much agrees with Li Jingfei's low realm. If Luo Rongjun does not regard Chu Yuanxi as an opponent, and even has the idea of ​​forming an alliance, then when he comes over, he should say "It's a pity that you can't continue to cooperate. Don't think about it anymore, so instead of asking for sin. Li Jingfei didn't even understand this and didn't know how to start a business.

   It can be seen that not all investors are suitable to be co-founders.

   At this time, the organizer of the conference hurried over and told Yuan Jing to accept the award and it was time for the award. Yuan Jing patted Chu Yuanxi on the shoulder and whispered, "Don't fight." Then he hurried away.

   Professor Li on the stage also kept talking when Chu Yuanxi pointed the country. He started from the technology-driven market, talking about the complementary advantages of the two joints, the new offline retail formats, and the integration of the millions of mom-and-pop stores that exist in Tianchao. Even talking about the history of retail store development in the United States in the past 100 years, Wal-Mart swept mom-and-pop stores with tremendous efficiency. Learning from history, it is a trend that domestic offline backward businesses must be integrated into chain stores.

   This is all right, and Chu Yuanxi can't object, because his choice of convenience store is actually based on this trend and the dividends it can bring. In particular, many people think that offline is inefficient, and online is efficient. This well-known fallacy is the easiest to bring industry opportunities, and only the first to see the fallacy can be deployed in advance. In China, inefficiency is the inefficiency of mom-and-pop shops, and the inefficiency of Wang Yinyu's small-scale chains. Integration into large-scale chains will naturally become efficient.

   However, what Professor Li means both inside and outside is that capital promotes integration is the kingly way, and it can be scaled up. The translation means that a giant will emerge in the new retail industry, and this giant will integrate offline, so who can become a giant? Of course, it is similar to the case of an opener and a lifelong marriage, because they have the power of capital behind them, and they are willing to embrace integration, and are willing to become a polymer. They were not originally giants. Giant!

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that your arrogant posture has the temperament of an old man?

Suddenly, Professor Li said: “Suddenly everyone realizes that toC is decreasing, and all is rushing to toB. This is actually very dangerous. So the mixed type of Kaimenke and Yishengxian keep their own characteristics with each other, To supplement the attributes of toC and toB, this is a good choice.

  ToB entrepreneurship actually has a big problem, that is, for our investment institutions, there is no accurate valuation system.

   There are probably two attitudes towards the valuation of toB. The first is to do consumer investment, so I don’t bother to use my brain and directly calculate GMV. This is absolutely wrong, only e-commerce is considered GMV, not e-commerce, which GMV are you? The transactional nature of toB cannot be converted so simply, it is very dangerous to settle accounts like this.

   The second type is to directly target similar companies in the United States. This is even more dangerous. Because toB will be divided next year, investors must reorganize toB startups. In other words, the valuation models of toC entrepreneurship and toB entrepreneurship should be different, and it is very dangerous to invest in toB entrepreneurship rashly. If you must invest, you should invest in toB companies that have already run out. This is also the reason why I am optimistic about life. "

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that you can spare no effort? The problem is that there are so many toB startups in the country, which are rarely considered a bird in their lifetime? Why didn't you pick this grandson because of my hatred?

   I have to say that Professor Li's trick really hit the key to well-off, Chu Yuanxi even felt admired. But unfortunately, it's too late! Half a year earlier, Chu Yuanxi must have had a severe headache, but now, Ali is worthy of being a father. After a deal, the most intractable funding problem is not only no longer a problem, but also after having enough energy to meet the needs of well-off and Pakistani people Do something else.

Chu Yuanxi knew that he was too heavy and couldn't do toB's fresh food, but Yang Heng and Lu Yin were capable of doing it. The carcasses on the next race track were tiring, but it also made the relics on the ground a lot. Picking up some for washing and washing. . This combination has both related accumulations and resources and relationships. The best thing is that Lu Yin has paid back the debts of the supply chain before. Therefore, the favor of investors is zero, and the favor of suppliers is MAX. .

   "And, the best thing is that it's not my money."

   Chu Yuan Xizheng thought about it beautifully, and suddenly found that Lu Yin was nervous, and then took a closer look, Professor Li's eyes turned to her frequently. I had no idea before, because Chu Yuanxi thought that Professor Li was looking at himself, and the two stood closer.

   "Aren't you? It's stressful to be seen by him?" Chu Yuanxi whispered to Lu Yin, "What if he sprays you directly later?"

   "Why is Professor Li spraying me?" Lu Yin asked with a guilty conscience, "I think what Professor Li said is right, how should a toB entrepreneurship be valued?"

   "You have to think about this problem clearly." Chu Yuanxi said slowly, watching Lu Yin.

   His inner OS is: What are you nervous about? Do you want me to guarantee you now? That's too fast!

   And what he continued to say to Lu Yin was: "If you can find new funds and the valuation is reasonable, I can accept that Pakistani shares are diluted."

Lu Yin wanted to roll his eyes, but at this moment, I only heard Professor Li say: "The last thing I want to say is that toVC entrepreneurs do not deserve to have resources, and they must keep their eyes open when investing. The fresh food track has been miserable recently. Everyone has seen it, and some of them are shocking. If the competition is too fierce, I don’t think it matters. As a community e-commerce group, a community has entered 8 friends, but it’s understandable. But some Entrepreneurs don't take our VC money seriously! Is our money for nothing?"

   There was a loud applause below, and this sentence spoke out the voice of investors.

   Who did Chu Yuan Xixin say this was talking about? Does it mean Lu Yin?

   "Lu Yin, do you know Professor Li?"

"Yes." Lu Yin bit his lip and emphasized: "I have met a hundred investors three months ago. Can I not see him because he is so famous? Does he want to force you to join this alliance? ."

   "He can think so, but will I be coerced?"

   Chu Yuanxi was very bullish, but she felt terrible in her heart. Although Lu Yin is not an "impressive beauty", she is tall, slender, and not low-valued. It is normal to be remembered. And with her behavior, she is absolutely unwelcome among investors.

   Originally, she came here today on her own initiative, not because Chu Yuanxi called her. She said she was communicating with the investment circle or she came to apologize in person. In short, she has flaws. But now Chu Yuanxi wants to pull her into her chariot, then this flaw will also affect him, which is inevitable.

But it’s okay. It’s fair to let people know that there is no problem in investing in Lu Yin, because in this case, Chu Yuanxi’s identity is an investor rather than an entrepreneur, a person who makes money and not a money maker. It's not easy to misunderstand when all said. It's better than feeling sneaky and then unclear.

But he did not expect that Professor Li did not attack him, but yelled: "My friends, now is the time for us to work together. I know that when some investors did due diligence in the past, they found some indescribable phenomena. I definitely don’t invest, but I like to recommend investment targets to peers who are not pleasing to my eyes. Some even have to pack them. This is very undesirable. In this difficult cold winter, we are all on an icebreaker. If they don’t agree, they will be treated as leeks by toVC entrepreneurs.

  The key is that you must clearly understand what the entrepreneur wants. Some entrepreneurs rely on their own special resources to open conditions that are particularly outrageous. You must keep your eyes open to check the other party's finances!

   Speaking of resources, friends, we have to be optimistic about our own resources. The cold winter of capital is not just a cold winter of cash. Resources are also cold, because they are more expensive than usual. Our resources are shared with entrepreneurs because entrepreneurs can make money for us, not because of making friends. Friends who can make money are friends.

   I remember that in the past few years, there were entrepreneurs who started sharing bicycles. They shamelessly said that failure to start a business is equivalent to contributing to society. Did he contribute a bicycle? What he contributed is our money! It is not his own money, so he is willing to contribute.

   Ask me to say that providing local life services still requires certain social resources. This kind of person just occupies too many resources, otherwise he would not even be qualified to contribute. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the person who provides him with resources. We must be optimistic about our own resources. It is particularly important to choose whom to cooperate with. "

   Suddenly, all the investors in the audience were worried. It is inevitable that some strange things would appear among entrepreneurs. It is not clear that their position is not important, and the money raised without heartache is the most hateful. Many investment institutions are more difficult to raise funds this year than in the past. If a sum of money is broken into several pieces and invested, if it is burned uncontrollably in the hands of entrepreneurs, even if it is really subsidized to users, can it still be considered as a help? The society has completed the redistribution of resources.

After finishing these words with a gun and a stick, Professor Li was very satisfied with the results of the scene. He looked at Chu Yuanxi's side maliciously for a few seconds, and then continued: "Although this conference is an investment conference, I will be there. There are also many entrepreneurs, and I hope all entrepreneurs can learn from it.

  ToVC’s entrepreneurial cancer is not worthy of having resources. When you brag about it, you can leave investors behind at the critical moment. Can this work? If an entrepreneur does not put the protection of the interests of investors first and chooses options that are unfavorable to investors when doing multiple-choice questions, then he is not worthy of financing from the capital market. He is also very likely to have problems, and we have to wear tinted glasses to examine those who work with him. "

   refers to Sang Yuhuai like that, it is already obvious who is talking about, and because it is a branch venue, it is not a problem to speak more boldly.

   Suddenly, several eyes looked at Lu Yin. Lu Yin never expected to be slammed at this time, so he had to face all the scrutinizing eyes calmly.

Just listen to Professor Li's words: "It just so happens that President Chu from the Xiaokang Life Convenience Store is here. Actually, I was disappointed today. I originally wanted to promote the tripartite cooperation, but President Chu refused. If the Xiaokang Life also joins in, this joint system It's perfect.

   But I always believe that the more open, the more competitive, the easier it is to get resources, and I also believe that the better you can do after life is fresh and open. If you choose to close yourself, other people's resources will also be closed, so it is difficult for entrepreneurs to find suitable resources. "

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that what your old man said is so This has overwhelmed his lifelong fame. What if a well-off society is made? I won't beat you to death then? Ordinarily, this grandson is also an old world, where's the confidence?

   The problem is that it is inconvenient to go back on this occasion. Is it possible to stand under and shout directly? That would be too lacklustre, zhuangbility completely failed. The key is that what you want to say cannot be said by yourself, cannot be defended by entrepreneurs, it is only appropriate for Yuan Jing to speak.

   But Yuan Jing just slipped away, and now there is only one Yuan Mu left. But Yuan Mu couldn't count on it at all, and Chu Yuanxi couldn't remind her-it's time for you to **** him, go up to him for me. This is not realistic.

At this moment, a very sophisticated woman suddenly spoke behind Chu Yuanxi: "Xiao Li, what you said is absolute. It is not difficult to find resources because of ability. A closed system and an open system have their own advantages. "

   Chu Yuanxi looked at Professor Li's expression a bit stiff, he looked quite young at his age, starting at least fifty, he was called Xiao Li in a relaxed tone...


I want to introduce to you a magical book and a magical author, "I really didn’t want to get rich", the author is in the industry to make the world powerful, but not because of the book, but because the business is doing well, and starting from scratch does not depend on his family. Relying on relationships to make duck necks in just two years has earned millions of dollars. It's not a joke, if he opened a chain back then, Juwei Duck Neck was second.

   In this book, although a system is added, it is very interesting to restore his own experience of making duck necks. In short, he is the kind of writer who has to go back to be the president if he hits the street when he writes books. Every day there are people in the group of writers who persuade him to go back to do business as soon as possible, and don’t grab food from the codeworder...

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