Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 940: Not fast enough

Originally, seeing Professor Li's face full of smiles, Chu Yuanxi wanted to grab a microphone and ask him, are the dozens of big data companies invested in the hard work base now okay?


   In fact, the explosion of deep space data is just the beginning. Not one domestic big data company was caught this year. When the speed of the relevant departments' heavy blows is greater than the speed of the investment tycoons, it is not the most embarrassing thing for the invested company to explode, and the investors have to bear limited joint liability.


   But, he doesn't need to jump up and beat people anymore.


   Chu Yuanxi turned around happily. As expected, Xu Xin was standing not far behind.


   I saw Xu Xin also smiling, and many investors were nodding their heads. On the stage, Professor Li obviously should have finished speaking. He nodded his head and gave the microphone to someone else, and left the scene quickly.


But no matter how fast you go, Xu Xin’s voice is very penetrating, and you can still hear her chatting with others from far away. "Let me say, the so-called resources, as long as you have money and want to have it. Yes. Why don’t you say that money is a general equivalent? So you know a rich entrepreneur."


   Soon, the people dispersed, and Yuan Mu, Lu Yin and Xu Xin were left around Chu Yuanxi, as well as Yang Jiangang, who had come afterwards.


Yang Jiangang just came here. He didn't know that the World War was over. He only heard Chu Yuanxi vent his anger and anger: "These people, a group of local chickens and dogs, are embarrassed and treacherous. How many successes are they who have turned halfway? Just their virtues. Want to be a giant?"


  Xu Xin smiled, "Yes, Ali. Ali did 1688 wholesale at the beginning, okay? Taobao was born 4 years after Ali was founded, and Jackma was also born at the beginning, right?"


   Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed. Suddenly, Li Jingfei walked over with Cheng Huilin on the other side. Li Jingfei greeted Xu Xin from afar, very enthusiastic.


   I saw Cheng Huilin waved her hand to say hello, and then said in her half-baked Chinese: "Xu, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Are you still not thinking about investing in me?"


   "I don't want to be the king's picker, hahahaha, just kidding." Xu Xin smiled heartily.


   But this joke is a crit on Cheng Huilin, because the Dasheng has been tossed by r recently and is very shameless. At the same time, r has also been regarded as a model by the investment circle, or Dasheng is more appropriate, because the Silicon Valley veteran venture capital nr also voted for r, but withdrew after earning hundreds of times.


   In fact, nr also voted for br, and also made a few times of exit. And br also recorded a loss in Dasheng's statement. So it's different.


  Chu Yuanxi listened beside her, saying that the amount of information was large enough? Still not considering it, meaning that I have looked for Xu Xin before but did not vote? Wise!


Just listen to Xu Xin said: "Ms. Cheng, I don’t like the model of big stores, nor the model of home delivery. This is my truth. It’s not that I’m not optimistic, nor is it that I don’t think big stores and 2 can make money. I just don't think the value is high."


   Cheng Huilin couldn't help but frown, "What is the value of the convenience store model that you don't have in the big store and the 2 model?"


   Xu Xin couldn't help but smile at Chu Yuanxi, and then watched Cheng Huilin and Li Jingfei leave. Yuan Mu wanted to vomit badly next to him. He said that we have a social community here. Kissing here suggests that you die in place. In the investment circle, Professor Li is just the "Godfather of Entrepreneurship", but Xu Xin is the "Queen of Investment". By looking at the name, you know that the former may be more popular among entrepreneurs, but he must be slammed by the latter in terms of return.


   Waiting for Cheng and Li to leave, Chu Yuanxi hurriedly asked, "Sister Xu, why are you here?"


"Hey, I saw your report, and then I saw Professor Li's suspicion again, and I also knew that he had never signed the contract with the opener today, and that his whole life is still your important supply chain. Then I don't know how to Fight?" Xu Xin's face was full of smiles. Recently, he was proud of the spring breeze, and then said hello to Lu Yin. Chu Yuanxi said don't ask, Lu Yin must have worshipped Xu Xin when he was alms.


   Yuan Mu is so embarrassed next to him, even Xu Xin knows the importance of life, is this a decoration? The key is that it doesn't depend on Chu Yuanxi, who is important and who is not important can be concluded through observation, and the most suitable place for observation is in a well-off society. The problem is that I have always treated the supply chain equally, so there is no more important concept.


   In this situation, I must vomit myself badly!


   At this time, Yuan Jing hurried over, holding a certificate in his hand, and won the reputation of the top 50 venture capital institutions in the country in 2019, ranking 34th, ahead of Intel funds.


   There are 30,000 funds in the country, and only 1% of the funds are truly powerful, so it is very important to be regarded as one% by the funders. Certificates and rankings play this role.


Just listen to Xu Xin’s vigorous compliment: "I already understand the situation reported by Chu Yuanxi. Let me say that it is very good to be decisive! Very brave! Fresh produce is very good, and entrepreneurs must have this courage and courage to overcome all difficulties. Method."


   "Well, Chu Yuanxi has to use Pakistani money to do things for Xiaokang again." Yuan Jing rarely joined the spit, "but this time it is a good deal. I support the Pakistani group's investment."


This time, even Yuan Lu, who often troubles Chu Yuanxi, has nothing to say, because an innocent entrepreneur does not say whether there is a bonus on the track, but only a few people can do this track. He or she has a lot of downstream sales, he or she is an experienced practitioner, and has certain industrial resources. In this case, it is easy to find investors to raise money.


   The more practical situation is that under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to invest money in this kind of opportunity. Dongfeng is always wild when everyone is ready and only owes Dongfeng.


   For example, there have been many similar examples in the African entrepreneurship that Chu Yuanxi once paid more attention to, because there are few people who can go to this track. Just recently, the Pakistani people wanted to find out the sea flow, so they found an entrepreneurial unicorn called "Mobile Vista". After inquiring about it, they found that the founder felt that the ceiling was too obvious after the company had reached a scale of tens of billions, so he ran African entrepreneurship is gone.


   The key is that the founder is really capable. As soon as he heard that he went to Africa to do Didi, he was immediately rushed. It happened to be the Spring Festival, and several investors were eating a New Year’s Eve dinner while killing themselves. Some people even inquired about his home address and brought them on New Year’s Eve. In short, various institutions have used ancestral magic weapons, some are looking for alumni to play emotional cards, some are paving the way with the strategic resources of giants, and some are directly showing n, and so on.


This way it can still be invested. Kunlun Chairman Zhou Zong, who is in the same game circle, is also different. It is also an entrepreneurial project doing taxi-hailing and food delivery in Africa. These investment institutions cannot invest in them regardless of their physical size. Because Mr. Zhou is not short of money at all, what he can invest in is related, and he will have fun.


   Although Lu Yin and Yang Heng’s entrepreneurial ventures are not the same, they mean that the Baren Group can dominate this venture investment without the feeling of being taken advantage of. To talk about the problem, the only problem is nothing more than cross-border, but the Ba people's choice of a well-off society is cross-border.


   I only heard Xu Xin whispering: "Why didn't I vote for one fresh food at the beginning? It seems necessary."


Chu Yuan Xixin said that I know you have to support it. The whole world does not support fresh food. The only investor left to support must be Xu Xin, because this time the fresh food track collapsed, she was Mainstay.


  The investment of other institutions in fresh food is all invested in the target company, but Xu Xin is not, she bought it according to the track. Because Xu Xin is her main investor, Chu Yuanxi must sort out Xu Xin’s investment map to see what resources she can learn from, and then she can see that she is a treasure aunt, an investment to learn from. There are too many targets.


She is absolutely true love for fresh food, and she has been persistent. She has been investing since four years ago. When the breeze started at the end of Qingping, she quickly attacked to find investment in fresh food companies in the front warehouse. In 2017, she reinvested in Yonghui. The track fire in the year was even more consecutive shots. It's a pity that the firepower of the big bosses is basically focused on "new retail". The main focus is high frequency, rigid demand, large groups, and low prices. She invests in both e-commerce and community grouping, but she has never invested in fresh food.


   Otherwise, Chu Yuanxi would have kicked her whole life away long ago, and switched to Xu Xin's arms, and there would be nothing like the present.


   This is actually the reason why Chu Yuanxi is confident that Luyin and Yang Heng can quickly start a fresh food business. If it were not for Xu Xin's passion for the fresh food business, this would not be particularly reliable, but she is almost half the track, and there must be some resources for the upper, middle and lower reaches.


   In this case, the only thing to worry about in the plan is the ability of Lu Yin and Yang Heng. Yang Heng has been in Xiaokang for too short a time, and all the people he brought have shown good abilities. He hasn't shown it yet. Not to mention Lu Yin, only met today, so there is no reason to be particularly relieved.


   But by observing Yang Heng's brother, we can tell that he should be reliable.


   So Chu Yuanxi wanted to go back to the meeting immediately, mainly because it would be ideal if he could have an equally reliable past and form an iron triangle with the two of them. But Yuan Mu could not go, Yuan Jing could not go, and for so long before Chu Yuanxi, for the convenience of the map, many of the opportunities that could be cultivated or introduced by several companies were all done by themselves. As a result, no one is available now. There is no one who can be transferred to the Ba people and even the peak visual effects!


   This is a problem that I hate less when I use the book. It’s very embarrassing and I need to have a meeting quickly.


   But Xu Xin hurriedly held him: "Are you stupid? It's all here. Let me see some big guys."


  Chu Yuanxi had no choice but to follow her fate, and then asked, "Sister Xu, what slander did Professor Li give you?"


   "Hey, he seriously suspects that you have financial problems. You open a store so quickly and subsidize users, and then a single store is only a slight loss, impossible!"


   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this is the shortcoming of too many investors. The well-off round of investors is not the same. Some time ago, they sent a routine report to the investors, which seems to have dispersed. In the report, he also specially emphasized that the statistical caliber includes subsidizing users, and Luckin's single-store profitability by adjusting the statistical caliber to complete 3 is not a concept. Of course, those who entered the statistical caliber are all stores that have been in operation for 3 months. In fact, there are not many stores that meet this requirement.


   "It's rare and weird. What's impossible. My single store lost slightly but shared bicycles all lost. The research and development expenses were huge, and the overall burn was in line with expectations."


   Chu Yuanxi said, suddenly, his sixth sense seemed to feel someone watching him? Tilting his head along with the feeling and looking into the distance, there happened to be Professor Li who was drifting away, as well as Li Jingfei, Cheng Huilin and others. Beside Luo Rongjun was a small, lean, lean man with a sharp-billed monkey cheeks and an eagle nose. At first glance, he thought it was the Lei Zhenzi in the Conferred God.


   Don't think he has a weird look, but his name is very elegant, Tang Muwei, who didn't know he thought he was a beautiful woman. This person is a unicorn in the domestic artificial intelligence industry and the founder of Qifu Technology.


  Chu Yuanxi met Tang Muwei's gaze when she raised her head. When the gazes of both sides touched slightly, Tang Muwei immediately shifted her gaze, turned around Lu Yin twice, and then graciously retracted.


   "Could it be that?" Chu Yuanxi muttered to herself, and the relationship between Qifu Technology and Yishengxian suddenly came to mind. Immediately afterwards, the original proposal of Qifu Technology to provide Xiaokang with integrated intelligent warehousing services was also remembered. It was very small, so small that it had almost no impact on Xiaokang, but Chu Yuanxi always remembered it.


   "Wait a minute." He suddenly stopped Xu Xin and Yuan Jing, "Isn't Haojiafang convenience store readily available? Why doesn't Yishengxian and the opener cooperate with Haojiafang?"


   "Yes, I have rarely been the second shareholder of a good neighborhood in my life." Yuan Jing also thought of this.


   Xu Xin didn't take it seriously, "People think you are good, but are you worthy of you?"


   "That is, a good neighbourhood pure copy 724, pixel-level reproduction, what's the future?" Yuan Mu also said, but saw Chu Yuanxi meditate.


  Chu Yuanxi knew that it was not the key to whether a copycat was not a copycat. The outside of a good neighborhood was a strong copycat wind, but the inside was not. A long memory appeared in his mind.


  Haojiefang is a tentative incubation of Qifu Technology for the application of artificial intelligence and robots in the new retail field. The original world was born in 2017, later than Xiaokang, but because the emergence of Xiaokang in this world was three years later, it was in the second half of 2018 that good neighbourhoods were first incubated by Qifu Technology, while Xiaokang was established even later 2019 is the first quarter of this year.


   The medium and well-off society in the original world started earlier than the good neighbourhood, and the scale is large. When Xiaokang started, Qifu Technology was already a majestic unicorn on the track, but when Qifu Technology hatched a good neighborhood, Xiaokang also emerged in the convenience store track, and soon counterattacked with community social networking. Tianchao social network, so in fact, Xiaokang has actually thought of merging good neighborhoods.


  Haojiefang's use of smart equipment is relatively new and trendy, which is one step ahead of Xiaokang. Moreover, with the support of Qifu Technology, Haojiefang's warehousing and logistics deeply bind a large number of intelligent links, and the entire system is very advanced, which is of great value for mergers and acquisitions.


   But at that time, Chu Yuanxi had more thoughts. This was only one of many thoughts. With the support of the capital market, the more thoughts, the wider the border, the more opportunities he could test.


   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi in the original world recognized Tang Muwei, and it was impossible to get around him as an incubating shareholder after merging the neighbourhood, but after a trial, he found that the other party's attitude of rejection was very resolute, so he did not care about it.


In fact, the reason why Chu Yuanxi asked for the introduction of oden-boiled robots in this venture is precisely because Haojiefang has used them in the original world, and the effect is outstanding. These robots are produced by the subsidiary of Qifu Technology, and they are definitely not technically questionable.


   In this world, good neighbourhoods were born later, half a year earlier than Xiaokang, but the pace is much slower than Xiaokang. Qifu Technology's incubation of good neighborhoods is also a cross-border, as far as the journey from Pakistan to well-off, slow is normal. It's only abnormal if she crosses the boundary wildly like Chu Yuanxi and then runs at high speed.


   Therefore, when Xiaokang raised the need for robot customization, Haojiefang had not straightened out its business. Instead, it was a step too late to use its own robot. As a result, Xiaokang was the first to eat the first crab and turned into an online celebrity shop.


   Then it was established until the end of the year, and it became a shareholder of Hao Neifang this year. The two sides formed a strong upstream and downstream relationship, and at the same time, Yisheng Xian also had a relationship with Qifu Technology.


"I probably know why the two of them didn't find a good neighborhood, hahahaha" Chu Yuanxi thought, and let out a string of unexplained laughs, and then said to Yuan Jing: "Old Yuan, please help me to find out. , What is the reason for the rejection of the good neighbourhood?"


   Yuan Jing frowned immediately, saying that there is a lot of information in this question? "You have concluded that they have looked for a good neighbour, and the good neighbour has refused?"


   "No, you" Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Jing is really a straight man, without any twists and turns. "What you are talking about is only one of the situations, which is normal cooperation invitations and rejections. Another situation is that it is the consensus of several companies not to join the alliance. Not joining is more beneficial to them than joining, but it is unreasonable to outsiders. . Therefore, we must find an excuse and excuse to dispel the doubts of the outside world, especially my doubts. Understand? If I am willing to join, I will definitely ask you why you don’t find a good neighborhood. They are not ready to excuse that they were blind at the time. Up?"


   Xu Xinxin said that I was said to be confused, but that is true, why didn’t they form an alliance with the good neighbours?


   But at this time the big man Xu Xin had asked for also arrived, Hu Lian, Liang Yiming, etc. several well-known investors came together.


Hu Lian is the founding partner of Dinghua Investment, and Liang Yiming is the director of Xingkong Investment. Both institutions are ranked in the top 20 in China. It is easy to meet their fund managers. It is rare to see the big brothers and others. They often fly around the world. Fly away, Shenlong sees the head and misses the end.


More than a dozen people found a tea room, and Xu Xin clapped his hands and spoke directly: "Chu Yuanxi, I will not introduce you to you, because you are all interested in the well-off society. I call you to come. The equity structure of the well-off society is relatively clean. There is no capital operation. This is a bonus item, but a new situation just emerged today. This is Lu Yin, and there is also Yang Heng who has not come today. He wants to become part of the first capital operation of Xiaokang. Next, Chu Yuanxi, you I need to explain the situation first."


   "Wait, Lu Yin" Hu Lian pondered, then looked at Xu Xin. She knew that Xu Xin had hit another big single recently. If it hadn't been for the collapse of the fresh track and throwing a lot of her money into the ditch, she would have no idea now. Fortunately, the gods are clear, and the damage is more than the deficiencies.


   So she asked: "Xiao Xu, Lu Yin that you introduced to Chu Yuanxi?"


   "No, it's not. Hey, hey, Lu Yin is the candidate that Chu Yuanxi found by herself. It has nothing to do with me." Xu Xin rolled her eyes, as if she swallowed half of the words back.


  Because the contract with the opener was just a matter of life, Professor Li has a strong smell of gunpowder on stage and off stage, and the circle is not big, so in fact, people here have heard of it. At this time, listening to Chu Yuanxi briefly talked about the situation, she immediately showed a clear look, and basically the same as Xu Xin's reaction, this should be the case in this situation. It’s just that Lu Yin’s eyes are a little weird. If you switch to another entrepreneur, you might be perfect.


   Xu Xin waited for Chu Yuanxi to speak, and probably thought about it again. At this time, a flying knife suddenly appeared: "Chu Yuanxi, you are not authentic. Have you already hit my idea?"


   Chu Yuanxi laughed suddenly, and only listened to Xu Xin grunting and saying, "I tell you, I am poor but only money is left."


   "Don't, Sister Xu, we are counting on you to help me!" Chu Yuanxi said that Xu Xin also wanted to buy shares? So if you want to use her resources, you have to use her money as well? Sure enough, it is not so easy to want a prostitute!


   "I have to go back and study how to save you is more cost-effective for me."


   Today, these people are here to talk about the well-off. Lu Yin Yangheng’s business is just a derivative topic. However, there are no confused people present. They all know that this business is a nanny type or similar to an incubation type. The downstream channels are connected, which is equivalent to one-third of the success. Therefore, if you want to invest, you must not only pay. At this time Xu Xin spoke, and other people naturally wanted to move.


   Granny Hu Lian is a little older than Xu Xin, she wears a pair of gentle eyes, and the scarf around her neck has never been taken off. At this time, after listening to Chu Yuanxi's words, she said with great interest: "Xiao Chu, you only met Lu Yin today, and then you entrusted it with important tasks. Are you radical enough?"


"I've been forced to do this, and I don't want to be like that." Chu Yuanxi cried out to hit Tianqu, "Isn't it radical that I lost just now? But although Lu Yin only saw me the first day, but the investment circle Many bigwigs here have investigated her, right? She has met a hundred investors in three months. I believe that what this kind of person does should be transparent, otherwise, as long as there is an investor to reveal her dark history , Isn't she over?"


   "It's not unreasonable for you to say that, but as a bystander, Mr. Chu, do you know how I feel about Xiaokang?"


   It was Liang Yiming who was speaking. He was dressed in warm winter casual clothes, but he seemed to be a very capable middle-aged man. It can be seen from the dress that Yuan Jing still belongs to the people who need to wear a suit on this occasion, but the real boss does not need it, and there is no one in formal clothes.


   I saw him making gestures with both hands: "It's too fast! The speed is really good. It's not radical, it's more appropriate to call it crazy. Lu Yin's entrepreneurial project fits your style very well, but it's not surprising."


   "You don't need to run naked." Chu Yuanxi smiled bitterly, "I have my problems. There is a reason for being so aggressive. I have to run wildly. I can't run fast enough."


With that said, several big men suddenly seemed a lot more serious, and saw him holding both hands together on his chest, and sincerely said: "What is the biggest hidden danger of Xiaokang at present? It is being separated by Daddy Ali on the track. Kick it out.


   Xiaokang will move towards the goal of 300 billion yuan. Other small players on the track can ignore this hidden danger, and I can’t ignore it. In the future, I may even be targeted. I will either accept a war vote, sign a surrender, or be madly smashed.


When    was smashed madly, did Xiaokang have resistance? You may not understand how difficult the real predicament of Xiaokang is. I know very well that there is an insurmountable gap, big data.


  The moat between Ali and Penguin on big data is too deep. Ali is more diligent because of his homework, and with the same amount of data, he digs deeper than Penguin. Let’s not talk about the imaginary, just say that Ali has made it now, the Huazhi light member, this one is the ability of Xiaokang to be particularly greedy but unattainable, and even shakes my roots and affects my decision-making. "


The big guys nodded one after another. Ali is an enterprise that all investors have to "do their homework". It is impossible not to understand the heavy services Moreover, because I have learned about the basic mode of being well-off, I will skip a little. Even thinking about it, I knew what Chu Yuanxi was talking about.


   Xu Xin pouted and nodded, "Hey, Xiao Chu, why don't you tell me this kind of thing?"


Chu Yuanxi said briskly: "I can bear this pressure. I was originally an entrepreneur. No one can help me solve this problem if I don't accept the giant war investment. Goudong also has a similar moat, but Unless Brother Qiangdong is crazy, he will never give me sr."


   The so-called "Huazhi Light Member" is a very awesome service from Ali.


   Huabei is Ali’s nuclear explosive product, which involves the wallets of hundreds of millions of users, so there is no need to say more. Sesame Credit is a commercial credit service that Ali has done for a long time, but many people don’t understand the usefulness of it. Until Ali uses Sesame to various services that require users to provide mortgages, the deposit is free based on Sesame Credit.


   In this regard, Chu Yuanxi's feelings are the deepest, because in the original world, the reason why he promoted the well-off bicycle so smoothly was because Xiaokang did not require a deposit but others did. But after three years, Ali’s Sesame has matured. The direct result is that Harrow Bikes exempted the deposit from Sesame, which forced all shared bicycles to exempt the deposit, so Chu Yuanxi could not eat the chicken.


   Sesame Credit is the one foot Ali kicked over across the track. The Huazhi light members have the other foot, and heavier, and step on the key part of the well-off.


  Thanks to the leader of the fortune boss for the reward, this chapter contains more than 2000 words.

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