Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 942: Chu Yuanxi's Wisdom

Chu Yuanxi nodded secretly. This group of users should be regarded as the most valuable assets after the emergence of bankruptcy and liquidation. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Is anyone buying these users?"

"Don't mention it!" Lu Yin angrily beat the sofa, "They are all precision users, and they could always be sold. As a result, the whole track has no money, and they want to rob me at a low price. A user wants one or two dollars. Buy it, I'm not black production data, there are no doors!"

   Immediately, her eyes lit up, "Mr. Chu, is Xiaokang going to buy it?"

"That's not true." Chu Yuanxi shrugged, "In the early days of the well-off period, every place where you went to open a store was based on points. The private domain traffic suitable for well-off purchases was the kind of Lao Yang, according to the map. Duoduo has no business in Yangcheng and Pengcheng.” In fact, this is a great value of the community grouping model. Even if the company itself kneels, the data is still useful because of the strong map attributes.

   Lu Yin was obviously disappointed, but Yuan Mu was relieved and asked strangely: "Then why are you asking this?"

"I have to think about it for Lao Yang and Lu Yin. They are going to do it for me. The previous industry must not be taken care of, right? You can't start a business while thinking about the previous company, right?" Chu Yuan Xi Xin said that Yuan Mu's favor is the right time!

"Users are different from other assets. They lose a certain rate every day, especially when the business is stopped, they must be properly settled. Now I don’t want to think of a way. When they start working for a new company, they will all be rotten in the ground. What a pity? By the way, Lao Yang, how does Song Zi Duoduo handle his private domain traffic?"

"Songzi intends to seek rent and rent to other fresh food groups, which is equivalent to converting to toB's one-stop operation service. Hey, I insisted that all WeChat groups must be the owner of the company, not the group. Long, only then will these WeChat groups be secured, otherwise even the community will be taken away."

   Yang Heng said, he suddenly saw Chu Yuanxi's gaze resembling caring for the mentally retarded, and said: "Although you are calm, but you have private domain traffic, what can't you do? Why do you have to stare at the fresh food?"

   "The freshness is accurate."

"But you don't make money. You can make money by renting regional mahjong, and regional mahjong is also legal." Chu Yuan Xixin said that there are so many pine nuts that are true Buddhas. The company is already kneeling and must find a way to beg Live, this is the time when you fight with bayonet and teeth, and you are still slowly seeking rent. Isn't this stupid?

   To know the format of this year, even many high-ranking investment institutions have put down their positions, opened training courses, operated communities, sold classes, and so on. IQ tax was collected forever. There is nothing to do at the moment of life and death.

   But he found that Yang Heng seemed to have never considered this kind of plan, and he looked dazed, as if he was saying: Is this all right?

"Uh...Lao Yang, please ask a question?" Chu Yuanxi still respects Yang Heng, especially now that he still needs to use someone else, so even if he wants to take a test, he is very cautious and asks: "I remember you and me I’ve talked about that you are not responsible for the supply chain in Matsumoto, so where did the supply chain resources you told me today come from?"

"I'm not responsible for the supply chain doesn't mean that I don't know how to do the supply chain." Yang Heng is ashamed, "In fact, our founding team is all out of the supply chain, so we got together. The founders are better at supply chain. We already have a lot of resources in this area, and now I can use them. Alas, I should have taken over the task of the group leader personally at the beginning. I didn’t find it troublesome. If I restrain these group leaders according to my rules, maybe The company hasn't crossed so quickly. As a result, the user's mind has not been burnt, and the community form has not been burnt, alas..."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that you don't want to sigh, if you had picked up the leader, it would be cooler. It seems that Yang Heng's advantages and disadvantages are obvious, and it is really good to have a chat. He is good at business, but his thoughts are not flexible, and he is especially ineffective in dealing with people, otherwise he will not be angry because the heads only consider their own interests. Moreover, there is not enough understanding of the nature of business laws.

   The leader of the community teamwork model is originally a mercenary. Of course, he will do it wherever he earns it, especially since there are many orders from similar companies. This is human nature and an inevitable trend. There is no need to be angry.

   It can be said that the final game of community teamwork is products and prices, and it is the supply chain, not the minds of local promoters and users. Only when the control of the supply chain is high enough can the cost be kept down. Chu Yuanxi estimates that Songzi Duoduo can make so much money at the beginning, and the GMV is so fast that it exceeds 100 million, which should be inseparable from the advantages of the supply chain.

   Otherwise, it would be difficult for local promoters and clever women to cook without rice, because users care about cost performance, and there is no so-called "user mind". "User mentality" is the result of the product's quality, not the cause, nor can it be solved by burning money. Burning money can only burn growth and scale.

   It's a pity that Matsuko Duoduo has such a big advantage, which is incomparable to other small and medium-sized players, so I still kneel down.

Fortunately, in the new company, Yang Heng is in charge of the back-end. The nature of business is that the front-end needs to be anxious. Yang Heng only needs to pay close attention to the upstream suppliers and supply sources, clear the logistics, and improve the cost and efficiency. Everything is fine.

   He turned to Lu Yin and said, “I don’t have a good way for users who are eager to produce fresh. It’s a pity to sell it as big data, and it’s a shame, but don’t deal with it like that... Oh wait.”

The so-called selling as big data is because there are few apps in Jisheng, so there are members' phone numbers and labels, such as wool users, high-value users, users with high repurchase rate, users with low unit price, etc., this kind of label The combination of telephones has big data mining value, and can be sold, but it is very cheap.

   Although it is cheap, it will not fail, and this part of the data will not shrink every day because Lu Yin ignores it. Chu Yuanxi said that he is losing every day, and he said that APP users are uninstalling every day and lose the link through the APP. However, the method of short message is basically there, which is the trace left by the user on the Internet, and can only be erased by logging off the phone.

   Chu Yuanxi was startled by Lu Yin, only to hear him say: "Your supplier's money is paid off first. What about users? I remember that Jishengxian has the concept of paid membership."

"Uh...I tried to pay off. The supplier is actually a little bit close. It was originally intended to sell the user information and it will be enough to clean up the supplier's final payment and the user." Lu Yin said, hurriedly explained: "I What I do is an e-commerce business, there is no concept of recharge, there are indeed some membership fees, there are a little bit of sales, pre-orders, etc., the final stage is a breath away, in fact, not much money, this part is only a few million.

   "Then how do you solve it now?" Chu Yuanxi said that this is not good for you. It is absolutely impossible to repay users by selling users.

The membership fee of e-commerce is actually very thankless, especially for emerging e-commerce, the price cannot be set high, the main thing must be that the user pays the membership fee and pays the next one or two orders immediately, so that the user is willing to spend This is thirty or forty yuan.

   But this form is easy to oversubsidy, which belongs to drinking poison to quench thirst. The key is that users still don't appreciate it. In a situation like Lu Yin, member users will pay back tomorrow morning but will still claim membership fees.

"Let users scold me, I'm not unpaid, and I really don't have any money now." Lu Yin said with a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. "The original plan was good. Will this not catch up with the entire industry and no money? I owe it first."

   Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly: "Okay, very good, I owe it good."

   "Anything else here?" Jiao Tuxin said this is an irony, right? Lu Yin is miserable!

   I only heard Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Obviously it is not a terrible thing. If Lu Yin can drag it for a while, until next March, the well-off will be pushed in Yangcheng and Pengcheng, using my method, this problem will be solved."

   "What can I do?" Uncle Sheng asked while drinking water.

"Simple, Xiaokang takes over the debt you owe the user. It is the uncle who owes the debt. When the time comes, the group will send SMS notifications, and there is no need to worry about these users not coming to the Xiaokang store to cash out the debt. There is no need to persuade them to download the APP, you must have an APP to Cash it out, and then induce users to recharge their membership cards and bundle them thoroughly, hahahaha..."

   "Cough cough cough cough cough-"

   Uncle Sheng choked halfway through a sip of water. After listening to Liu Lu for a long time, she suddenly exclaimed, "Damn! Can you do this?"

   "Perfect, right? This kind of creditors will be core users in the future, and they must have a particularly good impression of Xiaokang." Chu Yuanxi looked triumphant and praised her wisdom.

   This is also a way of picking up corpses, and it's the essence. To beat time, you must have the courage to make money. Those who can be friends with time are wise, but dare to race against time requires greater wisdom.

   Lu Yin's eyes rolled, "Hey, Mr. Chu, the value of these users is greater than the debt."

   "Don't worry, I can still take your money?"

   After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, he suddenly saw Yuan Mu as if he had something to say. He made a gesture of please, and Yuan Mu said cautiously at once: "I know you are pursuing scale, but is it too radical for us to pursue scale blindly? Is it possible to grasp it? Is it out of the essence of business? Look at Wework, the scale is so large, but when users want to rent a co-working space, they still look at the location and price. The Wework brand is of no real use."

"Does that mean that Wework can't do it?" Chu Yuanxi looked weird. "They are all so big, they can't help entrepreneurs to incubate, they can't help entrepreneurs solve problems, but simply provide venues. Stupid? What about their economies of scale?"

This answer can even be understood by Jiao Tu. It says that I will go to your office, and you will help me shovel things. If I encounter a problem outside of business, you can provide services to help me settle it, then of course I will go to you. , This is not a simple question of rent.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Let’s not compare with Wework. We burn money to really solve some problems and create higher value. Wework should be acquired by Sun Dasheng. Sun Dasheng may come back to life after taking over. He is capable of helping entrepreneurs solve problems, and running Wework is just right. Maybe this is where Sun Dasheng will not let go in the end."

Uncle Jiaotu Hesheng has never expressed any objection. He felt that it was relatively smooth, so he made a concluding remark: "Then let’s be like this today, tomorrow afternoon I will send a TS to Lu Yin and Lao Yang? The valuation and incentive conditions will be tomorrow. chat."

At this time, Uncle Sheng raised his hand and said slowly: "Chu Yuanxi, I know that the Pakistani people have money in the account now, and you can spend it. I also know how much effort you have made on the well-off. But now the capital is cold, it must be Be careful and focus."

"Uncle, prudence must be prudential, but you can't tie your hands and feet yourself. The cold winter of capital is often the best time for many new enterprises to exert their strength, because you have no money and your opponents have no money. Who will find it first? Take the right path and add up the speed. Your opponent can only watch, so the market is yours. Don't worry, you will definitely make money."

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi thought it was okay, but Lu Yin unexpectedly asked, “Mr. Chu, when it comes to making money, I heard Yuan Mu say that Xiaokang’s single store is losing money on the way back just now, and then I listened to your following plans. It seems that later...isn't it going to be profitable in a short time?"

   "That's right. Oh, you made a mistake." Chu Yuanxi didn't expect Lu Yin to take the initiative to learn about Xiaokang, and she said she was quite positive. "Xiaokang has no requirement to make money in the short term. I am now trying to achieve a single store breakeven because I am doing a good job, understand? I also have the right to lose more."

   Lu Yin didn't feel this, but Yuan Mu did, and it felt very strong. Especially now that the entire investment circle is shifting its calibre from the trend toward cash flow and profit, it is a very unique feeling to listen to Chu Yuanxi's emphasis on the "power" of loss.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to say: "Which new retail you have seen large-scale subsidies for users to burn money to make a profit in half a year? Go and see how much the opener loses? Go and see how Ruixing Q3 is'profitable'? The unsatisfactory thing about Xiaokang now is that the number of membership card users is not enough, and the others are okay. There is no requirement to pursue profit at all."

   Yuan Mu vomited silently: Your "single store's slight loss" did not calculate inventory pressure...

   However, her brother later also sent her a WeChat message, saying that Xu Xin went back and said that Chu Yuanxi's whole set of gameplay really had merit. For example, the use of cycling big data is that each cycling company is very confused. They all know that this geographic-related data is useful, but how should it be used?

  The commanding height of Chu Yuanxi is community social interaction. This gameplay can use cycling data but it is too high-end to mention it. As far as the issue of membership card vs. Huazhi mentioned today is concerned, the cycling data is actually quite useful. In the use-after-pay scenario, it is easier to generate trust if it can be predicted based on geographic location, and it is easier for overdraft consumers to have credit. Any company that delivers milk to your door will dare to let you pay after you use it and borrow money from friends who trust far more online.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi smoothly arranged the work, and was originally prepared to welcome the visit of the big boss of Ali's war investment, but Monica saw a needle and pulled Zhao Jie to find it, saying that they had studied several times, and finally felt that the game was overseas. Operations are separated from overseas advertising. Zhao Jie only recruits an operating team, and Monica is responsible for overseas advertising.

   "Hi..." Chu Yuanxi's gaze shifted between the two of them, "Zhao Jie, isn't it you who persuaded me?"

   "It's not me, I really can't."

   "Isn't overseas distribution all about advertising, what can't it?" Chu Yuanxi was surprised, but Zhao Jie looked quite aggrieved.

"Oh, let me talk about it." The little black girl Monica does her part. "It seems easy to invest in advertising overseas, but it is very difficult. Let me tell you this. The excellent domestic market optimizer, commonly known as the advertising pitcher, will be all after going overseas. Confused, do you understand?"

   "I don't understand." Chu Yuanxi was dazed, but he really didn't understand the situation overseas, even in the original world. But this didn't surprise him, because in a field he didn't understand, the seemingly calm water surface was full of submerged reefs, which was a clear-cut thing.

"I have only recently noticed this, because in China, hey, for example, the display of Douyin's ads is already the best situation. However, the internal operation of Douyin is actually KPI, which is value-oriented, so... …you know what I mean?"

   Chu Yuanxi was stunned. Although Pakistani games are almost always self-published and channel-linked, they have also invested in advertising in their own publishing, but advertising is not the main thing. Pakistani people mainly use their own self-media private domain traffic to promote, and then guide fans to spread spontaneously, and get Internet dividends mainly volume is only a secondary means.

   In the case of "Wu Dao Hun Jun", the purchase volume is already the fiercest among the previous products, but the number of effective users acquired is still less than the natural acquisition.

   Therefore, the Pakistani people's own experience in buying volume is not particularly obvious, it is a weakness.

   And the situation Monica said lacked an intuitive concept for Chu Yuanxi, and I didn't know what was good or bad about what she said "it's the best". But fortunately, I can still understand that the value orientation is nothing more than the rich is the father, and the higher the price means.

Just listen to Monica said: "Don’t understand? I’ll just say that a phenomenon is good. You buy advertising on Douyin. When you bid for the display cost of less than 30 yuan, even if the investment is made, you will finally get the money. I can't spend it because I won't show it to you.

   This is not the case on Facebook and Google. It is not a value orientation. You will be shown after you vote. This difference is very big, do you understand? "

   "I probably understand... what else?" Chu Yuan Xixin said this difference. It sounds small, but when it comes to advertising, the marketing specialists deal with it differently.

"There are also advertising materials, all of which are machine learning, but the learning methods are different. Advertising pitchers have different strategies when they cast advertising materials. In short, the situation is that domestic high-quality advertising pitchers invest overseas, and the effect is not as good as that of novices. It has been nurtured in the domestic environment, especially the game characteristics, human subjective consciousness, advertising materials, machine learning and market mechanisms are always mismatched."

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