Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 943: Unexpected talent

Latest website: Monica's commentary made Chu Yuanxi even more confused!

"The problem you are talking about can be solved by recruiting market optimizers with mature overseas experience?" Chu Yuanxi was a little baffled. Isn't it a human problem after a long time? "Sword and Expedition, "Idle Ark", and "The Awakening of Nations", how did they succeed in launching?"

"You are going to dig Lilith's ancestral grave..." Zhao Jiexin said that there are some successful games for the country to go to sea. Don't just stare at the family and say okay? Is this a crazy hint?

And Monica said more directly: "The effect of digging people is not necessarily good, unless you copy a game, and then dig the overseas market optimizer of the target game. If you give it half a year to run in, you can do it now. It’s anxious, so Zhao Jie wants me to be responsible for advertising."

"Okay, put the advertisements well. The efficiency of the investment is the first. Anyone can be responsible. I have no opinion." Chu Yuanxi said a little admiring Zhao Jie, because he can have no objection, but Zhao Jie No, the matter of advertising investment involves a lot of money in and out. If "Wu Dao Faun Jun" can achieve a positive cycle in overseas purchases, and the profit exceeds the spent, then the overseas advertising expenses should be hundreds of millions of yuan on an annual basis. The scale.

Mastering this function is very tempting. And Monica’s team can do anything else, but the job of a market optimizer, that is, the advertising business, is not their strong point and requires training.

But this is a trivial matter, especially when compared with the visit of the chiefs of the Ali War Investment Department. Chu Yuanxi hurriedly ate a well-off hot meal and hurried back to wait for the big car to come.

At 7:30 in the evening, Zhang and Chen arrived as scheduled. Accompanied by Yuan Mu, the host and guest were seated. Chu Yuanxi pulled up Uncle Sheng as usual. Uncle Sheng is now the executive vice president of the Pakistani Group, so the lineup for welcoming guests is relatively complete.

Without waiting for Chu Yuanxi's testimony, Zhang Yan straightforwardly said: "That's Mr. Chu, our delivery is relatively smooth, and this second payment should be paid as agreed. Then we see that you are richer, and at the same time we studied you. The two companies have some ideas now."

Zhang Yan was changed to be responsible for post-investment services in the personnel adjustments of the Battle Investment Department after June, and his rank was half a square higher than the other two battle investment officers. Therefore, Chen Junsheng, a trader who is more familiar with Chu Yuanxi Did not speak.

When Chu Yuanxi heard it, did he say this like a good person? What does it mean to see me richer? My money is all hard earned! But this is not the key. The key is that the two of you are doing investment research, what is my company doing? This is the last thing the old man wants to happen. Xiaokang is just a rookie, Ali, please don't look at Xiaokang!

He hurriedly applauded: "Hey, hey, Mr. Zhang, since the announcement of the transaction, outsiders have unanimously commented that Ali has bought value, it is worth the price, and it has boosted the stock price. We are a win-win transaction."

"I'm not satisfied with the transaction itself, we didn't want to go wrong, hahaha..."

"Sister Zhang meant this." Chen Junsheng interjected, "Because we are changing the situation, the Ministry of Integrity has begun to review and review the various projects of the War Investment Department. The investment departments scattered in various business entities, such as Hungry, Cainiao, Fei Pigs, including Ali Pictures, etc., are all placed under the unified management of the Investment Department."

Zhang Yan also added: "Except for Ant Financial."

"Yes, except for Ant Financial." Chen Junsheng pointed his finger and counted. "So now there are a lot of investment targets under the jurisdiction of the War Investment Department. Then our boss Wu took a look and found that many of them are not strategically coordinated. We hope to withdraw slowly. ."

"Boss Wu" refers to Wu Wei, the CFO of Alibaba Group. If she did not take over as boss Cai in June, when Chu Yuanxi sold the Pakistani game, the negotiating opponent was probably not Lao Fan, but Boss Cai. Up.

Once the emperor and the courtier, the top level of the entire business line will definitely undergo a relatively large change, and Wu Wei is an auditing background and is more cautious. But Chu Yuanxi's understanding only ends here, and no amount of information will be known.

But what they said should be true, because Ali has been withdrawing recently, and the movement has been relatively large, and they even withdrew from Guangguang Media! "Nezha" 5 billion box office can not stop Ali's determination to withdraw.

Moreover, a set of data emerged in Chu Yuanxi's mind. Last year, Ali participated in 70 large investment mergers and acquisitions, and the amount was calculated in $, and the investment was close to 55 billion. In the first 11 months of this year, there were less than 40, and the amount has dropped crazily. To 17.5 billion, if there are no Pakistani games close to 5 billion, it is even more miserable to the point of only 12.5 billion. Compared with last year, it is two words, plummeting.

The acquisition of Pakistani Games was also Ali’s largest investment this year, followed by $2 billion in Koala. In fact, the acquisition of Pakistani Entertainment is also one of the best in Ali's entire history of mergers and acquisitions. The acquisition of was only $9.5 billion. This was last year and is still vivid.

Although Penguin has also declined, it is much more stable. Last year, there were 92 major capital contributions with an amount of less than 36 billion U.S. dollars. Today it has decreased to more than 70. The activity has surpassed Ali, but the amount is less than 16 billion, which is still slightly less.

In the position of Chu Yuanxi, especially the counterparty, these data must be thoroughly familiar. It's just that the current market environment continues to deteriorate to the point where both AT and AT are shrinking their investment scale, which is quite embarrassing.

Just listen to Zhang Yan saying: "Then we know that Mr. Chu, you are making great plans, right? So don't take the liberty to ask, see if there is anything you need, let's trade again." The bag took out a stack of information, which is the investment target that Ali has plans to withdraw.

"Hi..." Chu Yuanxi was very alert, because he had heard a lot of rumors, and just now Chen Junsheng had made it clear that many investment projects scattered in various business entities were returned to the Group's Strategic Investment Department.

Then a very real problem appeared. He took Zhang Yan's information but didn't read it first, and asked straightforwardly: "Sister Zhang, I want to know a more critical question. I believe you definitely did not include it in the second issue. It’s these investments. After you have invested, have you followed up with post-investment services?"

Zhang Yan and Chen Junsheng looked at each other and felt quite bad. In fact, Yuan Mu and these two big men had known each other a long time ago, but they were always nodding acquaintances. He didn't realize that there was anything wrong, but Chu Yuanxi asked, huh? Why did Chu Yuanxi pinch the accent on the word "follow up"?

Chen Junsheng said in a deep voice, "Chu, what are you worried about, just tell me?"

"Hey, I just heard some rumors about Ali’s rotation system. Sometimes, I am an outsider who doesn’t understand the actual situation. I just heard that there is a phenomenon. After the investment is launched, the person in charge rotates. After the successor took office, he didn’t understand or control, so she shelved it.” Chu Yuanxi was very euphemistic and rarely went around in circles, but raised the stack of paper in his hand and said, “We will definitely study this information carefully, but I hope there won’t be the shelved kind in it.

"That can't, absolutely can't!" Chen Junsheng said flatly, "I just want to withdraw from some investments that don't fit the business right now."

But even Yuan Mu felt a bit stubborn, and said that Ali's investments are all hematopoietic investments. How could it not fit? Does anyone in the industry know Ali’s investment style? The nature of the company's business determines the investment style, and the nature of Ali is business, so it must focus on the integration of upstream and downstream businesses. In most companies, the investment department recruits people to serve as directors of the invested company, while Ali sends business executives to take the initiative. This is evident in the style.

Although it is strong, Ali is also relatively strong in resources. As long as it has signed a war investment agreement, even if it only accounts for 5% of the shares, the resources should be given the same. Therefore, although Ali's investment has mixed praises and criticisms, it can be said that "not fit" is a word of conscience.

It’s just that Chu Yuanxi wanted to pretend he didn’t understand, and then quickly scanned the so-called information. Sure enough, not only did it not include Weibo, Gaode, UC, RT-Mart, etc. Chu Yuanxi was more interested in Chu Yuanxi, but even the B station and social platforms. Xiaohong's financial investment did not appear.

Wipe it! Chu Yuanxixin said that station B and Xiaohong, one fits the big entertainment and the other fits the e-commerce. What kind of business does the investment in Weibo fit your business? Does it fit the whip of capitalists?

However, the very hot-eyed Xiaopeng is on the list, and he still has a lot of shares. It feels really difficult to withdraw. That is to say, Ali could have this kind of great wisdom and great perseverance. Chu Yuanxi admitted that she was single and weak, and she absolutely did not have this waist.

There are also some results that belong to the track grab, which can be seen at a glance. The so-called track grab means that different investment teams have no defined boundaries between each other, so they cast different players on the same track at the same time.

This kind of situation is very common for penguins. It is called a "horse racing" mechanism, and it depends on who can get it out. However, Ali rarely uses this internal incentive model, and this phenomenon can basically be attributed to the lack of service after the investment.

Chen Junsheng immediately said: "Mr. Chu, aren't you engaged in a well-off society? Look at this place, I feel good if there are many happy events. There is also Pengbao, which is very close to your business."

Yuan Mu rolled his eyes and asked even outsiders know that the Ba people paid for Xiaokang?

"Well, we will definitely study it carefully when we look back." Chu Yuanxi said when she spoke, was it a coincidence? When the Xiaokang in the original world planned to head south, he also considered the possibility of mergers and happy events. This convenience store The chain started in the magic capital, and its strength in East China and South China was good, and then I couldn't stop it for a little research, because the big brother opened the franchise too hard!

So don't even think about it this time. Xiaokang hasn't reached the milestone of opening franchise stores. It is impossible to acquire mergers and acquisitions. There are unsolvable technical problems in mergers and acquisitions. If Xiaokang must be forced to merge, there is only one way, that is, two brands are in parallel and each has a set of management systems. This kind of merger has no meaning to Xiaokang, but is a burden.

As for the Pengbao vending machine, not to mention that the existence of this gadget is very opposite to the convenience store. The key lies in the value of acquiring it?

Zhang Yan didn't seem interested in Chu Yuanxi. What about these? She pointed to a cultural entertainment company in the form and said: "Shenju Animation, do you have any interest in Pakistani people? We have invested in many pan-entertainment companies, and they have entered early and the valuation is acceptable."

Chu Yuanxi had heard a little about this relatively large company, and shook his head subconsciously: "Ba people do not follow the porter route when making comics. Our model is small and beautiful. We promote it in our private domain traffic and we must master it. All copyrights. Shenju’s model is the opposite of that of the Pakistani people. We should not consider it. So, would you sell the shares of Canstar Culture?"

Canstar Culture accepted Ali’s war vote last year and produced "Good Voice", "Dancing Forest Convention", "Talent Show" and other ace variety shows. It is a subsidiary of US Star Entertainment and is very popular in China. Although the first variety show of Baren Media has been completed, there are still a steady stream of plans behind it. It would be great if the equity of Canstar Culture could be taken over.

Zhang Yan was taken aback, then smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Chu, let's not tell you, Canstar Culture is preparing for an IPO, and the prospectus will be submitted in two days, and it will be listed on the ChiNext."

Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed by the sound.

Chen Junsheng immediately pursued: "Mr. Chu, Shenju Animation is really strong, and if you are worried about copyright issues, many of Shenju's products are under the copyright of major entertainment. This is my own person and can be discussed."

Chu Yuanxi was a little moved after listening, but then he suddenly noticed that Uncle Sheng was winking at him?

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback for a while, then stretched out her hand to signal: "Uncle, what do you want to say? Just say it."

Although Uncle Sheng has listened to a lot of meetings with big guys, it’s quite vain to participate in personally, so he paused first, and then mustered up the courage to say, “We really can’t pick up Shenju. There’s a big problem, big entertainment. Its online literature is undergoing rapid transformation."

Chu Yuanxi immediately understood the key word "transformation", and took a deep breath, "The dismantling of the business takes a lot of effort. It's really inappropriate."

Shenju Animation has a good strength and a large body. It does comic output for web texts under the big entertainment. The business logic seems to be ok. He did not deny others' attempts.

But the meaning of Uncle Sheng, Chu Yuanxixin said that if he understands that there is no mistake, it means that after the takeover, the copyright ownership and development rights are not to be discussed or not worth discussing. These issues are set aside, then the source of the copyright However, the network under the banner of Dawenyu is not under its control. In the process of rapid transformation, the upstream IP is suddenly unfinished. What's wrong?

So he hung up on the topic directly and asked: "I see in this form, some companies have just invested less than a year. Do you want to withdraw?"

"Oh, the landlord's family has no surplus food."

Chu Yuanxi said that Mao's had no surplus, do you spread money like crazy in India thinking we don't know it in China? India has a total of 32 unicorns so far. Penguins have caught 7 of them, Ali has caught 6 of them, plus one more than one third.

Regardless of Ali's catching few, he made heavy bets. In contrast, Penguins generally cast nets and certainly catch more. For example, Paytm, India's second largest e-commerce platform, is valued at $16 billion. Ali is the largest single shareholder. The current e-commerce market in India is the three-nation war between Ali, Amazon and Walmart.

So having money and not having money is just an excuse. The key lies in whether the investment target is attractive.

Speaking of this, it's actually a bit cold. When the two big guys came here, they thought they could at least put out an order, but when we asked, we went back and studied it carefully, so we couldn't talk about it. But when they got up to leave, Chu Yuanxi asked sincerely, saying that his biggest worry after the handover of the Pakistani game was that his brothers would not accept Ali's soil and water. For example, the backbone of the Pakistani people would definitely not be able to withstand the rotation.

"Hahahaha, what do you think of us?" Zhang Yan laughed heartily even though none of the "goods" were sold. "Ali is the most scientifically managed company in China, especially Pakistan. R&D personnel and middle- and low-level management are involved in the mergers and acquisitions of RenGames. There are no characters like Xiao Zhang. It must be the most scientific treatment. You put one hundred and twenty hearts."

However, Chen Junsheng and Chu Yuanxi have been dealing with each other for a while, but they have always been instrumentalists before, and they have only returned to nature today. There is no sense of frustration for unsuccessful sales.

So when Chu Yuanxi sent them away, he didn’t shy away from Zhang Yan’s presence and asked Chu Yuanxi: “Chu Yuanxi, I have a friend who just returned from the United States. I originally recommended him to join Ali, but he especially wanted to join the start-up. Company. It seems to me that Xiaokang is quite suitable for him."

"Oh? What kind of talent is it?"

"He is a payment technology school called Hao Yi. After working for ten years, he was the director of the product department before leaving. He is good at modeling and has a deep understanding of payments and financial credit."

Yuan Mu quickly and Chu Yuanxi looked at each other. This name is not well-known in China, but it is the largest personal consumer credit company in the United States, and it is the No.1.

Chu Yuanxi has a better understanding of business, being good at modeling is very good, because Guo Jiangyong, a well-off payment backbone promoted internally, is not good at modeling. It's okay to let him do payment products, but if he wants to upgrade the basic functions, he is not incapable, but inexperienced and clueless. In other words, he has never fought on the battlefield and lacks vision.

Zhang Yan really had a reaction: "Hey, old Chen, this is wrong with you. This kind of talent has to be brought to our own home when he visits the cottage. If he can be a director, he has to start P8."

"I pulled it, and all the strength of the eight cows was used. If they don't come, they will start up companies if they say they will only consider B rounds before." Chen Junsheng couldn't laugh or laugh. "Domestic startups do payment, where can I go? Find him? In the end, isn't he trying to sell to Mr. Chu? I did a little research and found that Mr. Chu had an idea in the payment field. Xiaokang mentioned mobile payment in several roadshows, and it is only A round now, perfect! "

"This is all right." Chu Yuanxi wanted to call him brother, and said in his heart that you are my real brother! "Mr. Chen, if you are not afraid to recommend me a cadre and then Xiaokang advances in the field of mobile payment, then I basically want this person!"

"Hahahaha, first get the mobile payment license, you..."

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