Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 945: The source of the problem is here

Latest website: The most important thing for Chu Yuanxi at present is not the valuation of this new company and the amount of money it makes, but to fill the needs of the well-off society and reduce the cost of fresh food purchases for the well-off society below the standard to be competitive.

Therefore, Xu Xin wanted to invest money in, and Chu Yuanxi herself did not agree with it, but only hoped to use her resources. The reason is not that I always want to take advantage, nor is I dislike money. He would be too welcome if he simply invested money in, but he was afraid that Xu Xin would be too active after he came in, and exert influence according to her ideas, transform Yang Heng and Lu Yin, and lead the new company to the ditch.

This possibility has to be guarded against. The first things that Chu Yuanxi had to consider were "smooth", "unblocked" and "fast". Just like the high-speed rail in the sky, it runs fast, with a glass of water on the window screen, and a drop is not spilled. As for how much high-speed rail makes money? This is of secondary importance to the country. It is beneficial to the operation of the entire country, improving national efficiency and improving happiness. This is the most important.

But can investors have the same mentality when they sit on the yield? The big A-share leeks certainly hope to rise after buying CRRC, certainly not to support the country's construction and thus join the capital market.

Xu Xin's realm is much stronger than that of the Leeks, and he is also a well-off investor, and he is likely to take this into consideration. But after all, she is engaged in investment. Her overall view is the overall view of contemporary capital, not the overall view of a well-off society. Chu Yuanxi still has a B number in her heart. He also has no reason to ask Xu Xin to devote all his resources to the well-off society, and bind the fate of contemporary capital to the well-off society.

Capital has its own personality.

Therefore, it is possible that Xu Xin and Chu Yuanxi cannot be consistent at certain key points, and they are not as persuasive as Yuan Jing. These are all factors that must be considered. This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi planned to use Zheng De as his financing cornerstone from the beginning, instead of directly seeking top investment bosses. Yuan Jing's money is not the most, nor is it the easiest to persuade, but it is the most appropriate overall.

So the most realistic question is, what about Fresh Fresh Company, she asks for a seat on the board of directors and asks for a veto? If the resources she provided are worthy of a veto, why didn't she make this natural request?

However, this matter cannot be refused, nor is it possible to refuse tactfully, because the root cause is to use other people's resources. This requires a good talk, and strive to lead the way.

So Chu Yuanxi thought of such a compromise. Before Xu Xin spoke, he didn't even ask for resources. First, he proposed to send Xu Xin a CFO, which would also release a certain share to her.

Presumably Xu Xin won’t make any other non-demanding requirements after getting the CFO. If she gets the CFO and then proposes a seat on the board, then she will definitely feel that she has such a wealth of investment experience too much, and her intention to get involved in the company is too obvious. It must be wrong.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Xin thought that Chu Yuanxi had already transferred so many Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. He first hehe, and then said: "Small project? Does Lon know'Aunt Sun'? Although the fresh track collapsed, but' Aunt Sun' will be able to raise money right away, with a valuation of more than 8 billion yuan. This is called a small project? Let me tell you that the new company must at least set a plan according to the target of 10 billion yuan. It is too small and I am not interested yet. .what are you thinking?"

"Hey, fresh food is a big market. There are always people who can make money if they do well. As long as the new company can achieve a higher level of efficiency, it will definitely make money. I haven't thought about other things." Chu Yuan Xi Xin said that I really know this, because Aunt Sun happens to be the toC fresh food entrenched in Eastern Guangdong Province. There are 1,600 stores and daily orders exceed one million, which is the absolute leader in Eastern Guangdong fresh food.

For example, Lu Yin’s fast food, always living in the shadow of Aunt Sun, had to use the front warehouse as his main focus, relying on differentiation to insert the market gap left by Aunt Sun.

Xiaokang wants to go to Yangcheng and Pengcheng to open a store. Although it is not the most direct competition, when choosing the location, he avoided Aunt Sun’s store. It is difficult for Chu Yuanxi to even know it, because this is the only one that can let him go around. There is no other name.

If Aunt Sun can replicate its model in Eastern Guangdong Province across the country, the scale of 10,000 stores will definitely be available, and a super giant that monopolizes the track will emerge. The dumb carrots that crashed to the ground and the life of the broken funds are all dreams. The collapse of the track is a good thing for the guys who can fly. There are more corpses buried in the ground underfoot and more nutrients. , It’s just that some people can really fly, and some people think they can fly.

But there is no need to say these words to Xu Xin, especially in Xu Xin's tone of envy and regret. She voted so much fresh food, but she happened to miss Aunt Sun.

Just listen to Xu Xin said: "Then you really don't understand. Let me tell you that I have invested so much fresh food, and now my feeling is-the non-standardized and regional characteristics of fresh food are too obvious! What does this mean? It’s difficult to scale. In other industries, capital can play a decisive role in the toC process, but fresh food can’t do it. But I’m very curious whether toB’s fresh food can do it.”

Chu Yuan Xixin said that you don't emphasize high frequency, rigid demand, and large groups now? There is nothing like doing toB. What Xu Xin said is equivalent to putting forward her request, hoping that the new company can achieve standardization and scale, and minimize the geographical characteristics.

Are these goals good? Very good, very tall, if it can be achieved, of course it is very good, which means that the new company incubated by Pakistani and Xiaokang will definitely grow up and become a leading company on the fresh food track that cannot be ignored. But this is also what Chu Yuanxi is more afraid of. Xu Xin is typically planning to take the new company off the track, because these are not the most urgent requirements of Xiaokang.

The reason why she didn't make tall requirements for Xiaokang was because Chu Yuanxi's own goals had broken through Xu Xin's thinking mode, and she was taller than her, so it was very easy to talk. But Xu Xin, who is a freshman, is an expert, and he has obsessions, and the key is resentment. Now that a sharp weapon has emerged, the key is that she is indeed more promising after combining her resources, and it must be greater than normal expectations. .

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi was quite anxious, saying that I would have the feeling of raising an illegitimate child without letting him inherit the family business. There was no need for high standards and high demands.

Therefore, he thought for a while and decided to put things first, instead of letting Yang Heng and Lu Yin cheat the resources first, cheat Xu Xin's investment, and then go against others' expectations and not act according to others' expectations.

"Sister Xu, I think this is the case. Your interest in the new company is too strong, but we shouldn't take the lead. You are definitely interested in investing in the toB that is bound to the well-off, and will get dividends with the expansion of the well-off, right? Rather than a fresh toB test product, there is something contradictory here."

Xu Xin was silent for a few seconds on the phone. At the end, she said: "Are you very awake. I think you are more and more like a killer entrepreneur."

Chu Yuanxi knows that she once said-to invest in great companies, she likes to spend time looking for killer entrepreneurs. The problem is, you didn’t think I was a killer entrepreneur after a long time of trouble?

He let out a "hahahaha" sand sculpture laugh, "because I dare to make terms with you?"

"And you dare to tell me in person—you are wrong. It's been a long time since no one has warned me like that, otherwise I won't have to cut positions every day for the past two months."

The so-called cut-off is naturally the cut-off of those fresh investment positions, but it is not an easy task to cut the position under the stomping state. In particular, venture capital is generally first in, then out. The stacking sequence is, the earlier you invest, the less likely it is to cut the position. Chu Yuanxixin said that Xu Xin can understand the position is really amazing!

Just listen to Xu Xin's question: "Then you should tell me the truth, it's not a matter of life, besides organizing Lu Yin and Yang Heng to do toB, do you have any alternatives?"

"Yes, I'm going to hold Pinduoduo's thighs. I don't believe Pinduoduo will not do toB business." Chu Yuanxixin said that although my plan B is rough, it has a considerable advantage, that is, Pinduoduo people. Although there are various kinds of slots, but not so strong investment desire, business is business, so don't worry about this and that.

Therefore, if Pinduoduo is requested as the supplier, the cost may be slightly higher, but it is more flexible and can make static purchases dynamic.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin on the other side of the phone was very excited: "Oh, you thought of going with me. Let me tell you why I have a strong interest in toB. First of all, I am also facing the various problems that have emerged in the fresh track. It is not a human problem, but a problem of the business logic itself. If it is logically difficult to make money for the fresh food of toC, it is difficult to proceed. The logic lies in the supply chain, which means the cost.

Then I recently researched Pinduoduo Fresh Foods, and found that my investment had problems from the source. I was really convinced that Pinduoduo Fresh Foods did a good job. "

This time it was Chu Yuanxi's turn to remain silent, because what Pinduoduo did made him a little in awe.

Pinduoduo’s fortune also showed signs in the original world, but it was not so obvious until the beginning of 2018, but when it entered the Nasdaq and began to make waves in the U.S. capital market, it was almost open on the basis of opening. After a hang, Chu Yuanxi usually had to spend a certain amount of time to follow up regularly with the magician's technique. Otherwise, he felt that he might miss important information.

With this, I found out that the price of vegetables and fruits is blinding people, without saying anything else on Pinduoduo, so at this point in time, I got a handy B plan.

Moreover, Pinduoduo’s low-cost fresh food is not the result of subsidizing users with red envelopes, but because they burned their money to transform agricultural factories, improve logistics through rural areas, cultivate e-commerce farmers, etc., and even directly subsidize farmers.

They pushed the starting point of logistics delivery directly to the field, and forced the automated process according to the standards of agricultural factories. This crazy amount of money was shocked by Chu Yuanxi. Then when I inquired, I realized that because Pinduoduo itself was sinking and selling goods to the new countryside, the logistics carried the goods into the village, and then pulled the agricultural products back to the city. The logistics turnover efficiency was extremely high.

It can be said that it was not until then that Chu Yuanxi realized how powerful Pinduoduo's strategy of encircling the city from rural areas was, and what a sand sculpture at the initial stage, but after the scale was built, there was such a powerful post-work!

Want to know why fresh produce makes money? It is because the profit margin is really very large, the cost from the field is really low, so low that most people doubt life, the fruit harvest season is a few cents per catty is the norm, the gross profit margin of sales is unimaginable.

However, the difficulty for farmers is not the price of the shipment, but the poor ability to resist risks. The price fluctuates slightly. No one collects the agricultural products when they are rotten in the ground. The characteristic of fresh freshness is that the freshness is strongly linked to the price. It rots in the ground. This problem can actually be solved by sales channels and logistics, but sales have become a bottleneck, because only when the sales of a single product becomes larger, the sales and logistics costs can be diluted.

What Pinduoduo does is to directly combat this pain point, relying on its own huge traffic to increase the amount of fresh food, and the characteristic of Pinduoduo is that it is cheap, and the user picture is cheap. As long as the price is low enough, the demand will be high enough.

This power is what awes Chu Yuanxi, the power from the countryside, the power of 900 million peasants in the sky. In contrast, I only dared to do business in low-tier cities, at least in towns, and Huangshan couldn't help but compete.

All in all, although Pinduoduo is a toC, it definitely has the organizational power to turn the business into a toB, but it is still working hard to train farmers to become qualified e-commerce companies, which is enough as a well-off source of goods.

This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi is cautious about Yang Heng’s agricultural factory plan. Direct investment is one aspect. The key is to spend money on logistics, to penetrate the supply and marketing cooperative system, and to cultivate farmers’ industrial awareness. Is overhead. Even if you are willing to pay the money, can the burning efficiency exceed Pinduoduo? If it fails to burn, the consequences will still be reflected in the high cost.

And the money has already been spent on Pinduoduo, so it is better to buy it for a long time for Xiaokang.

When he was silent, Xu Xin was also thinking, and then found the cold spot, and immediately asked: "Why don't you speak anymore? Any other ideas?"

"No no, just more confident."

"Hey, is it because you convinced me? You make me very embarrassed."

Chu Yuanxi said that you must not be embarrassed. I know that your heart is agitated by the collapse of a large amount of investment, but don't evolve to pretend... If the idea of ​​investing in two toBs at the same time arises, it will be embarrassing. Up!

Fortunately, Xu Xin finally said: "For the time being, you have convinced me, but when the well-off takes off, you can give this company freedom."


After finishing the communication with Xu Xin, Chu Yuanxi had a much smoother thinking when facing Yang Heng and Lu Yin, so she put TS in front of them.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Heng still signed. He would definitely not sign last year. Such bad conditions are only suitable for novices and for those who start a business for the first time. But this year, especially after he has already failed, this kind of condition has to be signed even if he doesn't want money to pinch his nose. The change in form is so severe.

After discussing TS, Chu Yuanxi gave them an important task, which was to think of a resounding name for the new company.

After Chu Yuanxi left, Lu Yin asked carefully, "Lao Yang, are you unwilling?"

"Alas, there has not been such a harsh environment in the past ten years. It doesn't matter if serial entrepreneurs fail one at a time. As long as investors spot the people, the money burned in the front will be taken back hundreds of times and thousands of times later. Now..."

In fact, Yang Heng was a little smaller than Lu Yin, but Lu Yin called him Lao Yang, and after speaking, the two of them were speechless.

He was a little unwilling, and Lu Yin said that he was worried. Let alone ten years, even if it was two or three years ago, Lu Yin asked herself, at the last moment of Jishengxian, she would not choose the same way as it is now, because at that time the patience of investors was still very high and she would tolerate her failure. Three times.

In other words, after her business failed two or three years ago, she could lick her face to find the same group of investors and ask them to continue investing in herself until she succeeds, and then give these investors enough returns. At that time, the relationship between entrepreneurs and investors was so harmonious that PPT entrepreneurship became popular. As for the "toVC" situation, it's not uncommon, but there are thousands of large-scale investment and financing events in the heavens a year, and the situation of toVC is counted by both hands.

This pastoral era does not know when it will appear again.

After a long while, Yang Heng murmured: "How about the new company, it's called'Ganxin Buying Vegetables'?"

"This name is good! Sweet and fresh, emmmm..." Lu Yin hesitated for a She will work closely with Yang Heng next, and some words have to be explained, "Lao Yang, don't think so much. Some don’t. The Pakistani people’s money is actually enough. Regardless of agricultural factories and the like, President Chu has prepared at least 300 million yuan. Besides, I think we don’t need to worry too much about the gains and losses for what we are doing now. Is it a priority?"

Yang Hengxin said that you can ignore it, because you have nothing to care about! But he also knows that if he thinks that the beauty in front of him depends on the beauty of her life, she is wrong. People are actually closer to success than themselves. If all the progress is advanced three months, they might be done. As for himself, he is actually half a level lower, because Lu Yin is the boss in Jishengxian, and he is not a co-founder in Songzi Duoduo.

"Hey, I can't think about it. I can't even estimate the future workload. I don't have a plan in my mind. How to do it in the most efficient and easy way. Moreover, Mr. Chu's own business is too big. What if he has..."

"What's the matter? Are you worried that a person with more than 30 billion cash in his hand will rush to the street?" Lu Yin smiled with a little sarcasm, "You didn't see how prestigious President Chu was yesterday. On the spot, big men like Xu Xin and Liang Yiming face to face and talk freely, and they can easily convince each other. For the same problem, we can only solve the person who raised the problem. Is Chu always able to solve the problem?"

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