Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 946: The most weird day in the history of mobile games

Latest website: When Lu Yin blindly trusted Chu Yuanxi, Chu Yuanxi was having a headache for mobile licenses.

Last night, when Chen Junsheng was leaving, hahahaha, but it was not unreasonable to remind him to solve the mobile license first, because he had been staring for a long time, and he had planned to take a license after the New Year. Robbed...

This shows that Chen Junsheng has news channels, not indifferent and unclear. PayPal is the PayPal of the United States. It is the originator-level enterprise of Internet payment. It is really firm and ruthless. It is a monkey stealing peaches. When Chu Yuanxi has no idea, he comes to the mouth to grab food and obtains the entry certificate to enter the sky mobile payment.

What shocked Chu Yuanxi by this news was that PayPal, as a foreign-funded enterprise, required the approval of the People's Bank of China during this operation, but he hadn't received any news, and he was silly waiting for the new year to speak.

Although this operation was definitely not aimed at Xiaokang, Chu Yuanxi suddenly discovered that it was wrong, because there were a few dollars of mobile payment licenses that could be purchased in the market, which was not in short supply, and for a long time no one was interested, which made him full of confidence. But after someone suddenly bought a piece of it, will the wind on the market change? Will the price increase? The key is whether you can buy it when you want to buy it?

However, Yuan Mu didn't take it seriously. When he raised this question, he even asked, "Don't you know that Sister Xu and Hu Shiheng have a way?"

Chu Yuanxi was overjoyed, "Huh? I don't know!"

"You...I don't understand why you are such a layman in terms of mobile licenses? It is in stark contrast to the proficiency in several other areas?"

Chu Yuanxi said that because I had never done mobile payment in the original well-off world, is this unclear?

Just listen to Yuan Mu said: "I have communicated with them a long time ago. Sister Xu even said that in case you want to buy, suddenly the price of the license skyrockets ten times or twenty times and you can't afford it. You can still do this... …"

Chu Yuanxi put on a respectful posture, and only listened to Yuan Mu said: "Considering the extreme conditions of the sudden price increase of the license plate, from a price increase of 100 million to several billion, Sister Xu and Lao Hu can be responsible for the matchmaking and let the Pakistani people pay. Money buys a license, and then connects it to Xiaokang as an external tube in a business alliance.

This does not count as investment, but only a joint venture or lease. Well-off uses mobile licenses, but the profits brought by mobile payments will be shared by Pakistani people, or well-off will buy them at a suitable time in the future. "

This kind of logic works, but Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed after hearing it.

Because once such a situation occurs, the implicit situation must be that the price of mobile licenses was falsely high at that time, and the return on assets was very low. Under this circumstance, if Xiaokang intends to raise a large sum of money, a scale of several billion, specifically for collecting licenses at a high price, investors will definitely be extremely unwilling to do so. The investors outside did not want to enter, the investors inside were put on fire, and it was uncomfortable for them not to be well-off, and it was very embarrassing to melt themselves.

That's why Xu Xin came up with this kind of structural suggestion. Everyone is satisfied, and it does not affect the valuation and share of the shares.

Although Chu Yuanxi did think so, she really didn't want others to treat the Ba people like this. If you really want to look at it this way, the Nabaren Group will have to work hard when it wants an IPO in the future. Let's answer the hearing of the Securities Regulatory Commission! Although Pakistan is definitely not going to have an IPO at the moment, in the future a few years from now, Ruziniu will definitely seek an IPO after he is finished, and cannot be treated as a trash can!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Mu hadn't finished speaking, "Ah, yes, Sister Xu also said that if the license is returned to the Pakistani people, then the Pakistani people should also bear part of the cost of cultivating the market."

If the mobile payment business wants to be profitable, it will definitely have to go through a fairly long period of market cultivation, and even money needs to be spent in the early stage. First of all, we must take care of the mobile payment service providers properly, provide marketing expenses, provide transaction flow rebates, and so on. This is a lot of money. And the bigger one is the bank’s channel fee. It is necessary to pay one-thousandth of the cost quickly. Therefore, before mobile payment is successful, it is not a profit but a compensation.

This is still more polite by domestic banks. PayPal has not been able to promote mobile payment in the United States for so many years, because the banks in the United States are not so reasonable, and the rate is definitely not as low as one in a thousand. heresy.

According to Xu Xin, if the license goes to a well-off society, of course the money will be spread by the well-off society, and nothing else will do. If the license plate is hanging outside the body, at least two families should be scattered.

Chu Yuanxi suddenly became angry, "Hey, Yuan Mu, is Zheng De still a shareholder of the Pakistani Group, where do you stand?"

"I don't stand anywhere. Zheng De is also a shareholder of Xiaokang." Yuan Mu took it for granted and said: "Sister Xu said this is an extreme situation. If the price of the license skyrocketed. Although the license is real estate, it is even Real estate can fall. Who wants to buy a license plate and shake hands, waiting for a sharp fall at any time?"

"What about Pakistani people buying high-priced licenses for Xiaokang financing?"

"That's even more unhappy. Chu Yuanxi, why do you even ask such silly questions? Which thousand-year-old demon have you taken the house?" Yuan Mu didn't understand. People are greatly diluted, and the price paid by Xiaokang is much higher than the value obtained. Isn't that a huge loss? The stock price has to fall. It is better to buy a license now than anything else. Why didn't you buy it before? "

"Sister, you need money to buy a license! Xiaokang only has more than 700 million cash in total, and it is fun to buy it without using it?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that your CFO can't settle accounts? Of course, the speed of opening a well-off store is the higher the capital turnover rate, the better. "Who knows that PayPal came all of a sudden? Come on, ask the almighty Sister Xu, buy it before the license is ready to move!"

He thought for a while, and then said, "In addition, Yuan Mu, I think we have to unify our thoughts first."

"Huh? Unify what thought?"

"The advantage of a well-off Champa is not justified, this thought!"

Chu Yuanxi vowed: "A well-off investor must not treat Pakistani people as diapers, wear them when needed, and throw them away after peeing. This idea is very dangerous. A well-off is a well-off, and Pakistani people are Pakistani. It can’t be said that Pakistani people don’t need to work hard when they are rich and well-off. They become thigh pendants and wait for their father to fly.

"Don't you feel bad about saying this?"

"Don’t lose heart. Assuming that you also need 3 billion to buy a license that only needed 150 million a month ago, I hope investors will pay this money. If investors are unwilling, then I can use Pakistani people to finance a life-saving Money, this is also acceptable. But let the Pakistani people directly pay the money and give it to Xiaokang for nothing. Oh, yes, it is called the splitting model. I am sorry for Zhu Yan and I am also sorry for the uncle. The idea of ​​Sister Xu is very dangerous. Yes, do you understand?"

What did Yuan Mu listen to? Chu Yuanxi actually has a bottom line?

"I look at you with admiration, Chu Yuanxi."

"Rather than admiringly, it is better to do things beautifully now, without facing difficult decisions."

"All right, how did you talk to Sister Xu about the new company?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly; "I've done it, and follow my thoughts."

"Is it impossible?" Yuan Muxin said what happened? Could it be that Chu Yuanxi used a beautiful boy? "Hey, Sister Xu is a senior fresh food investor. How could she be persuaded by you?"

"I also know some fresh food, OK?"

Yuan Mu looked obviously unbelieving, and Chu Yuanxi instantly thought of the way they had gone to the countryside to learn about the situation when they were doing well-off in the two original worlds.

Although there is a difference of three years in the middle, fresh food is still the most important item for convenience stores, so fresh food in the original world is just as important. The thing that impressed Chu Yuanxi most was that Yuan Mu was chased by a chicken when he went to the field. This experience allowed him and her to accumulate a lot of experience, but it is a pity that Yuan Mu has never had it now.

However, the situation of the license is indeed urgent. Chu Yuanxi solemnly entrusted this matter to Yuan Mu, and must be taken as quickly as possible.

After Chu Yuanxi made this arrangement, she was finally able to go home, so in the middle of the night, she dragged her tired body back to the leaping villa, and then saw Yu Yanan sitting on the sofa in the posture of a house girl playing mobile games. .

"You didn't live fitness?" When Chu Yuanxi left the company, he saw Zhou Minxi on the air. He remembered that Yu Yanan's weekly live fitness happened on the same day as Zhou Minxi.

"The pigeon." Yu Yanan raised her head: "People are almost becoming Nezha, let's be decadent for a month." After speaking, she quickly lowered her head.

Chu Yuanxixin said that decadence can grow fat, and the purpose of fitness is to make fat grow to where it should grow...

"Huh?" He suddenly noticed that Yu Yanan had turned on two mobile phones, playing with one in his hand and putting the other on the sofa, as if watching the live broadcast.

When she walked over, she was playing a 3D two-dimensional action mobile game, and the screen looked a bit familiar. But the live broadcast at station B was particularly unprofessional. The background of the live broadcast room was directly covered with a green screen with spicy eyes, and the **** of the monitor was placed directly opposite the camera, blocking the camera by more than one third, and there were two male anchors next to it. I didn't know how to look at the camera the whole time, I kept looking down at the phone, and he was not a handsome guy?

"What are you looking at?"

""Zhan Shuang", a new mobile game released today." Yu Yanan lowered her head and said, "I have made an appointment for a long time. Wouldn't you know if you start a game company?"

"You know, the one who snatched the money is really hot, right?" Chu Yuanxi said why he looked so familiar. It turned out that Zhou Minxi had been fishing for a long time at work today, and he was caught upright. It happened that he was depressed when he was titled for playing the "SmDunk" mobile game, so he took the title of Zhou Minxi and played twice.

This two-dimensional game is a doomsday theme, benchmarking "Girls Frontline", and also an action mobile game, benchmarking "Bangbai 3", dare to top two giants at the same time, it can be seen that the momentum is menacing, and the ability to attract gold cannot be underestimated.

Although this game Chu Yuanxi just made two crashes, it feels almost like making the silver boss in "Tomorrow's Ark" an artistic style in the collapse, and then putting it in a world view similar to Neil's mechanical era to fight. Experienced game producers can judge that this game is very good at paying tribute by just looking at the keywords in the above description. It captures all the elements of success. The integration is also very seconds. The vision is quite vicious, and it must be a two-dimensional player. Favorite type.

Since the Pakistani game has been sold, the team used to monitor industry trends also left the Pakistani group, making Chu Yuanxi lack sensitivity to the recent game market. Recently, he is re-pulling the monitoring team of the game industry within the group, so he really doesn't know much about this game with a lot of background. He only knows that the tapap appointment has broken one million.

This data alone is quite okay. Chu Yuanxi clearly remembers that the number of tapap appointments was only around 400,000 before the launch of "Troubled Times". Although it is because the official website and pre-registration are opened, the tapap data is low, but it is quite remarkable that people make an appointment to break one million. You can clearly see the high volume of the entire domestic two-dimensional market.

Unexpectedly, when Yu Yanan heard the words "special fire", "She" jumped up, and sneered: "It's not so much fire, it's the best! The best planning, the best operation!"

Chu Yuanxi's black question mark face: "What happened to them?"

"This game, the thief stings, the reservation reward + online reward + the reward for the first chapter of the level is not enough for a 10 consecutive draw, so the official thought of a way, the first ten consecutive draw is 1500 diamonds, the normal ten consecutive draws It’s 2500 drills, so that’s enough."

"Isn't this good?" Chu Yuanxi gave the other's product manager a thumbs-up, which was equivalent to forcing the programmers to write their most annoying special case, perfectly solving this thorny problem.

"It's really good! They said it was the first time to draw 1500 diamonds, but forgot to change it. When I first draw, it was still 2500."

"Easy, isn't the compensation of 1000 diamonds all over?"

Unexpectedly, Poppies continued to sneer: "The official thought the same, and then sent a compensation email, 10,000 diamonds, and an extra 0."

Chu Yuanxi's movements were stiff, and her heart said it was a coincidence...

"Then how did they deal with it?"

"Shut down for maintenance. After the shutdown, the compensation is changed to 1500 drills."

"Isn't this okay?"

Yu Yanan curled her lips: "Join to work? If you received 10,000 diamonds and didn't receive the prize, just delete the email. If you received 10,000 diamonds, the data was returned. However, after receiving 10,000 diamonds, nothing was done. Yes, the officials didn’t take them anymore, do you know? They all escaped! Natsume is one of the 10,000 drills, and he was so pretty with me just now!"

Chu Yuanxi said that this is too bad, right? In Pakistan’s games, the problem of server bombing can’t be controlled. Without the ability to code, he can only solve it by threatening Zhao Jie. As for employees who often feel that their jobs have been robbed by their bosses, they never make mistakes.

Does this company eat dry food? If you change to Pakistani people, you can live broadcast the keyboard to the old man... Huh? Chu Yuanxi glanced at the live broadcast again, and it seemed that the two elder brothers dei were officially launched to apologize.

Just listen to Yu Yanan continuing to vomit: "Do you think this is the worst opening server ever in the gaming industry?"

"Definitely not."

"What about this year?"

Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "You don't need to ask, let alone this year, even this month, this week, or today, it won't count as such!"

He said and took out his mobile phone, "Have you heard of "SmDunk"? Sakuragi Flower Road, Rukawa Maple? The service is launched today, and I entered the IOS area as soon as possible. Guess what? I sent two more rewards. ."

Yu Yanan immediately petrified, and only heard Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Then shut down for maintenance, and all players who received compensation were banned for 416 days! I was banned for more than a year, did you see what I said? I just wish them silently Go on the street..."

"you are vicious!"

"Look at our temperament, look at you again, you said that you and Natsume are really the same, you two are still short of ten thousand diamonds? Don't you just pay for some money and draw cards?"

"Don't mention it! I have charged 5 orders of 648, and more than 100 consecutive draws are guaranteed! All! I'm counting!"

Chu Yuanxi said he was a **** horse? Three thousand yuan wasted for nothing? There is no good card in the co-authored treasure chest except for the guarantee?

This black sheep! His fire swelled up and he immediately picked up Yu Yanan's live mobile phone and directly entered the barrage: game companies don't treat players as human beings!

Unexpectedly, the anchor inside was engaged in a fierce self-defense, and when he saw the barrage, he sprayed back: "I thought you were talented to come live."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly didn't know what to say. Generally, game companies apologize for this kind of problem. It’s either the main policy or the Sankei. After two years of post-regression, it’s Yang Jiangang and himself. This made him feel a little empathetic. This big brother dei played the live broadcast and estimated that he was really kneeling on the keyboard , Isn't this discordant...

At this time, because of this sentence, a large barrage suddenly floated in the live broadcast room, densely packed and unclear, and they were all written for river crabs.

"Huh? The popularity of the live room?" Chu Yuanxi was really surprised at this The popularity of several thousand, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands on the panel of the live room is not enough to win trust, but The full-screen barrage is absolutely convincing, this wave of popularity is not low.

As a live broadcast traffic promoter who started from the media, Chu Yuanxi's first reaction after seeing this phenomenon was of course-to rub traffic! This is the traffic of station B, which is lacking in Pakistani information. It is very delicious! The point is, don’t feel bad about the traffic of such unscrupulous games!

But how to rub it? He glanced at Yu Yanan, who was constantly dangling in front of his eyes, and said that the five singles of 648 are guaranteed to be guaranteed. This is a very good point.

At this time, Zhou Minxi should have just been broadcast and still in the company. Chu Yuanxi immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone: "Good boy, work overtime. What? Overtime pay? Listen to me, Lu Yu should still be there, go find it. He wants an account at station B to draw cards live. Yes, it’s "Zhan Shuang". Live draws for ten consecutive draws. Yes, the company will reimburse you. You will be reimbursed for 30,000 Krypton, and it will be your overtime pay."

Soon Lu Yu asked on WeChat: Boss, we don't have a big size at station B. We have been unable to get into station B. Now suddenly no one is watching the live broadcast. The input-output ratio is too low.

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