Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 956: Ready to go

Chu Yuanxi was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and she said that she was absolutely defensive, and she was actually caught by Fang Shiling! This is an air strike, is this? Cao Xiang's thinking also jumped, right?

   But if it was only this level of vacillation, on the contrary, he wouldn't worry about Cao Xiang's outrageous ideas. He was not an outrageous person. Now this is considered to be a programmatic idea for the mutual gold industry, and it is also a very good thing. He can publish a paper or something, he is good at it.

   As for Internet finance, Chu Yuanxi feels that Cao Xiang is simply because the Internet is not online, which makes it too idle and easy to make a fuss. Isn't your somersault in the United States not big enough?

   "By the way, Lao Cao, don't you want to change jobs, do you? Which Hujin has looked for you?"

   "No no, absolutely no!" Cao Xiang waved his hand quickly. In fact, he was very clear about his state. Even if Chu Yuanxi had gotten his brain pumped out, he would now lift his non-competition agreement and let him hop to work on mutual funds. The question is who should he do it for?

  Of course, my physical and mental state is much better than that when I just returned to China. At least during this period, although I didn't create any profits for the company, I have been earning a high salary, so I don't need to hesitate to make a living for a long time. However, the employment status has not improved much from before, and he is still a person with a record.

   Moreover, lifting the non-competition prohibition is quite interesting. You can't ask others to do a back-adjustment while Xiaokang is holding a former employee who has changed jobs, right? This former employee is working on a project that is vital to the company, and he switched jobs before he went online. It is interesting not to speak bad words! But as long as Xiaokang doesn't endorse him, what has he done during his return to China? It's just a few months of work experience, and nothing can be achieved! This is not as good as when I first returned to China.

Therefore, it is impossible to give up the well-off options and salary to change jobs. At this age, Cao Xiang has realized that people cannot always live for obsession--Chu Yuanxi doesn't know how deep his obsession with mutual funds is. At the beginning of the project in the United States, the technology was done for mutual funds.

   It is a pity that well-off does not engage in mutual funds...

   In fact, Chu Yuanxi is also at ease with Cao Xiang. After contacting him for so long, he is a lonely person who can stand on his feet and accept delayed gratification in fashionable terms.

It is true that, as he said, the most urgent use of blockchain technology is finance. The vast world has a lot to do, and the well-off Internet is a little bit interesting. Although there are multiple parties involved, there is no urgent need for multiple parties to synchronize information. To be precise, yes. There is no need for timeliness. But even so well-off has high requirements for blockchain technology.

   Well-off users will drive 5G mobile phones to dig health coins in the future, the same mobile phones have the same user status at the same time, some people dig more, some people dig less, and some people don’t dig, so why not fight? But using the blockchain is different. Whoever provides the computing power, whose mobile phone is idle, does not run out of data or run out of electricity, at a glance, please continue to work hard if you have not digged into healthy coins.

   can even be "shared" with users, because after the aggregation of computing power, if it adopts the mode of exporting services to the outside, of course it will generate revenue. So who provides the computing power, how much it provides, and how much revenue it generates can be recorded into a very clear account book through the blockchain. The blockchain itself is used for bookkeeping.

   In this way, Xiaokang has become very transparent through clear accounts and user sharing, and everyone is happy. This is the most basic function of the blockchain. Information transparency generates trust.

  Using Cao Xiang's technology in this scenario is of course a great contribution to the entire field of blockchain. It is important to know that although the original Bitcoin mining is in the same form as the Internet, its mining behavior is wasting computing power, and the power consumption of the mining machine does not produce any social value. Well-off mining is to aggregate computing power into a cloud to form edge computing resources, which is not the same.

   In Chu Yuanxi's concept, the so-called Internet finance is mainly two different, one is P2P, the other is microfinance, both of which use big data to lend. This is what all Internet giants are particularly concerned about, because microfinance is super profitable, and it is the most efficient solution for profit harvesting in the realization of big data. There is no one that is deeply liked by the giants.

   But Xiaokang didn't have a plan to make efforts on mutual funds, and now he does not have this condition, so Chu Yuanxi instead persuades Cao Xiangduo to talk with the two leaders of the newly formed payment team, as for the knot of mutual funds.

   He is the title of Xiaokang, and he belongs to the first grade. In theory, he has the right to inquire about technical research related matters in any project team. Therefore, for the mobile payment sector, he can definitely play a greater value. Although mobile payment is already a relatively mature field, there is little possibility and space for the introduction of blockchain technology.

   After arranging for Cao Xiang, Chu Yuanxi was ready to set off. On Saturday the 14th, he boarded the train to Yangcheng. The day of departure happened to be the day when the island country’s young lady Qianxiang Nozhu Qianxiang arrived in the imperial capital. She took a long look and found that the seiyuu’s appearance really couldn’t be too much.

  Lu Yu is actually not black enough. The salary given is 1 million yen after tax. This price can hire new people even in the professional voice actor group in the island country, let alone a part-time voice actor dubbing player. That's why Miss Ye Zhu was shocked.

If you just hire a voice actor and need to pay 1 million yen a month, it is really too expensive, but once it is used to create a virtual idol, the reward is more than that. Every month, it will be broadcast live at station B. Reward can earn back dozens of times. Chu Yuanxi has seen how otaku at station B become virtual idols. Of course, the premise is that the project must be completed.

   In fact, he has another mission this time, which is to take a detour to West Lake City and meet the koala executives in person. In September, before and after the ceremony of Jack Ma’s retreat, Liu Lu had contacted him once but the feedback was not good. Chu Yuanxi did not take it seriously, and the recruitment failed to find another way. But time has changed. See you now. It may be a miraculous effect that Ali bought Koala's "hundred days".

First, this group of executives should almost see the situation clearly, at least they should have some ideas. A series of operations after Ali acquired Koala is very helpful for Chu Yuanxi to wield the hoe, and this **** is also a win-win situation. Ali is not seen There must be some dissatisfaction.

  Second, the convenience store industry will be more shining and attractive than before at the end of the year. It can be said that in the country’s economic heat map over the past year, small shops represented by convenience stores have released the greatest brightness, and they have played a non-negligible role in the entire national economy, far exceeding all expectations.

   It can be said that this is unthinkable at the beginning of 2019. If you just say a few data to people in early 2019, the reaction is probably: you are nonsense!

  For example, the number of small shops in the country is around 10 million, and the number of mom-and-pop shops alone is more than 7 million. Including related logistics industries, etc., the entire small shop system supports more than 100 million jobs. It is normal for one person to open a shop to solve family employment.

   For example, the average growth rate of the store flow reached 35%, far outpacing the CPI, and it also scorned most of the tracks.

   For example, small shops have become one of the bank’s most willing customers to lend. This was impossible in the past, but today it has become the main target of credit support.

  All these show that the seemingly humble shop has become the resilience of the national economy. Moreover, with the increase in offline customer acquisition costs, the prices of chain convenience stores have become more prominent, becoming the source of customer acquisition channels for many brands. Many products get customers in chain convenience stores, and it is easier to get customers on the shelves of mom-and-pop stores.

   Under this form, I don’t know how much change will occur in the mentality of the koala executives when they want to leave.

  This customer acquisition cost issue has actually affected a large number of business ecology, especially electronic cigarettes.

   When the country banned the online shopping of e-cigarettes in early November, offline became the only shipping channel for this muffled industry. As a result, in just a month, a hundred smoke wars have been formed, and all offline stores have become a battlefield for electronic cigarettes. Even the collection stores that have always been unpopular with e-cigarette brands have become sweet pastries, let alone chain convenience stores? When visiting the Xiaokang headquarters, there are a lot of people who have paid out a one-million-yuan fee, and they rushed to send money.

   This industry has also become the only industry among all domestic franchise stores that not only does not require franchisees to pay any franchise fees, but also provides subsidies. The channel winners gain the world, and everything is just to seize offline shipping channels.

   Therefore, these days, Chu Yuanxi has been visited by four consecutive groups of entrepreneurs in the electronic cigarette industry, and they have put forward unique requirements, even if there is no similar experience in the original world.

   Two groups of Chu Yuanxi were sent away politely. It was not that the conditions were bad, but that he felt that he could still wait and sell for a while. And this matter has to learn from Wumart, the admission fee cannot be paid only once, it has to be paid annually.

   Xiaokang is actually still in its infancy. It does not charge admission fees for many SKUs. As an emerging channel, it is very conscious and friendly to the supply chain. Basically, as long as it is a brand-name fast-moving consumer product, it does not charge temporarily.

   However, for electronic cigarettes, it is difficult to not tolerate the expense of the field.

   Xiaokang, of course, sells cigarettes. Since selling cigarettes can naturally sell e-cigarettes, the state bans only the online sale of e-cigarettes, and it has not declared e-cigarettes illegal. It's just that with the expansion of the well-off society and the increasing intensity of e-cigarette competition in the offline market, it should be more beneficial to talk about this kind of thing in a while.

   As for whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health, they are just as harmful as cigarettes. There is no need to demonize them. Chu Yuanxi pondered the ban on e-cigarettes, probably because publicity and supervision were not in place, so he had to keep the reins.

The cigarette boxes all say "Smoking is harmful to health", but there is no similar publicity about e-cigarettes, and even as a new thing, it was once rumored to be a smoking cessation artifact. It is hard to say whether there is any credit for e-cigarette companies, so it should be given. control. Since cigarettes are "monopolized" by the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and there are related laws, there is no reason for e-cigarettes, which also contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals, to allow them to grow wildly.

   But the other two groups are at two extremes.

   The third brand came up and sold money. Is the admission fee of 1.5 million enough? However, Chu Yuanxi quickly got Xue Jianhua's small report and found that this is a pheasant brand, not much better than no brand.

   Chu Yuanxi lost his patience at the time, and politely invited people away, but they were still unhappy. He had no choice but to tear his face apart: "I can't stand my own sign for an extra 500,000 admission fee. You hurry up and do harm to others!"

The problem with the    small brand is that although Xiaokang is only selling, users should also know that the main responsibility for quality problems lies with the manufacturer. However, as a physical distributor, you must guarantee the reputation of your products. If you choose a national model but something goes wrong, in fact, it’s okay to say that once a small brand is not selected well and it hurts the user, you will lose your popularity. It is the same as when the e-commerce live broadcasts the goods. They are all credit-based transactions.

   Those e-cigarettes often cost hundreds or even hundreds of yuan, even if the monthly salary is 10,000, they are not gadgets that can be thrown away without distress. However, it is possible for a small brand to run off after clearing the inventory. The quality is not obvious, let alone the after-sales service. A bad one basically means one or more well-off users AFK.

   Why are there more than one? This is the advantage of the well-off society and the disadvantage of the well-off society. What Chu Yuanxi wants to create is a tag-social atmosphere, and the user group is characterized by "people nearby". Being prosperous and prosperous is all detrimental. Word-of-mouth communication can be positive or negative. .

   The fourth and last visitor is the head of the e-cigarette brand, and has a certain fate with Chu Yuanxi.

Because the entrepreneurial uncle’s name is Ma Yuening, he was originally a self-media, and it is a fairly successful domestic self-media. Swordsmanship is the main constellation, and then he does comics, content, and IP, establishing a content update iteration. Persistent.

   In addition, he also made his own APP, a game-making software. Regardless of domestic and foreign social activities, of course, it is easy to succeed with the attributes of appointments. For video track seed players like Tang Bure, not socializing is simply the road to success.

In short, this female constellation is the absolute head of the self-media highlight moment in China. It has a huge influence. It is more successful than "Late Night Gallery" and "High Webmaster". However, it has not made a matrix model and the total number of fans is a little bit worse. When it was acquired, it only sold 200 million.

  Chu Yuanxi asked himself, before he founded Pakistani Entertainment, did he learn from others when he made plans and frameworks? The answer is yes. At that time, it was an inevitable option for him to do Douyin, and then he needed to think about the plan for everything, so of course he should refer to some successful precedents in memory.

Although the Ba people did not learn to die, they were even more enterprising in the use of traffic, and they did not blindly make APP, but the essence of their entrepreneurship is so dazzling and the path is so vital that Chu Yuanxi himself has to Acknowledge that the impact is very profound.

   Coincidentally, the other party’s second entrepreneurial route is somewhat similar to Xiaokang. Although he is doing “shaking power” in the e-cigarette category, he focuses on offline and has opened 400 stores.

A well-off store is a "store". The clerk needs strict training, a lot of push, and a lot of rent. The other's store is mainly pop-up store and biscuits mill counters. There are very few flagship stores, and the cost of opening a store is relatively low. The staff is on the move, without any push. However, although these four hundred stores are not the same as the well-off stores, this is a good result.

   Only at this time because the e-cigarette track is collapsing even faster than fresh food, it is not a parallel blow from the market but a dimensionality reduction blow by the country, which makes many investors doubtful about this business.

   Chu Yuanxi can think of the regulatory issues, and others can certainly think of it. The relevant departments have issued a prohibition order. With such a clear signal, the following reasoning is logical. This has caused the true entrepreneurs on the electronic cigarette track to have to cross the sea to show their magical powers.

   Therefore, Ma Yuening is now suffering from a severe cash crisis and cannot raise money. All of his work is in place, and he has done very well. The brand is the head of the e-cigarette, and the quality is also first-class. The product has been polished for a long time in order to highlight the heavy encirclement, and has established a decent scientific research attribute. For the R&D team, as long as the follow-up financing is okay, there will be more soldiers.

   It's a pity that the world and the earth are all in the same force, and the hero is not free to transport the hero, so that he has even filled in 100 million in the money for selling his account, which is similar to the personal investment of Chu Yuanxi when he started a well-off. U U Reading

   However, I am now facing a difficult decision, whether to continue persisting and to press up financial freedom, or to give up happily.

   Of course, there is another golden option, which is to make profits quickly. After all, e-cigarettes have always been a profiteering industry, making a fortune in silence, otherwise they will not be attracted to cross-industry to start a second business. It's a pity that the admission time was too bad. As soon as the money was burned out, Mr. Gongsun pushed his bicycle into the venue, and the industry was disrupted.

   It's just that whether profitability depends on sales and expenses rather than costs. The cost is not much. The huge sales manpower and the continuous investment required to open a store are the black holes that swallow profits. This is also the reason why online is extremely important for e-cigarettes. If you can use e-commerce, it will greatly reduce costs.

   If the cash flow is enriched, there will be enough time to survive this cold winter. At that time, whether it is the country's re-introduction of the online sales policy, or simply focus on the offline, the offline battle will become the king. Even if the relevant departments really kill the industry, they still understand.

   But the ideal is very full, and the cruel reality is that after the country introduced an online ban, it was rumored and rumored. The entire industry was demonized, and the offline business became unstoppable. A store could not sell ten orders a day, and profitability was simply a dream. The irony is that even so, the counters in the mall are still fiercely robbed by peers, so that no one can think about living well.

   Actually, Shopping  mall is not the best scene for selling e-cigarettes, and there are only convenience stores.

  :. :

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