Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 959: Solve the case as an engineer

Li Xiyan became quiet, because Chu Yuanxi's words were not like excuses, and they had indeed considered them.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Then, 100 yuan for Douyin targeted advertising can attract about 2000 users. It looks beautiful, right? But the normal gameplay of Douyin advertising is to bring coupons, and the video content is pure. Advertising, what you want is the amount of broadcast, not the user's likes and re-distribution. Do you know what video content is?"

   "I understand, I understand, I am an old bean sprout." Li Xiyan said quickly, and he seemed to know what he had missed, the content, he had never considered the advertising content, only considered the effect.

"This form of advertising is suitable for restaurants, clubs, etc. It is directly discounted, and how much yuan is exempted by showing coupons. The coupons in our well-off membership system may not be familiar to other colleagues. You must have a better understanding of getting customers. Right? According to your plan, Xiaokang sends a Douyin ad to seduce people and then? Tell them that you download the app for a more favorable price? Isn't it a bit awkward? If you don't tell the user, it must be too cheating. What to do? It can only be that Douyin's coupons are more powerful."

   "No, Mr. Chu, you can send coupons with the same strength on Douyin."

"The same strength is also awkward. You have to consider the user's psychology. When you see this kind of advertisement, people are here to take advantage. As a result, you say that it is not cheap. Everyone is the same discount." Chu Yuanxi continued to calm down because of this. Worries Xue Jianhua once discussed with him. "But if we issue more powerful coupons in Douyin, I cannot accept it. It will hurt the entire online system of Xiaokang. The gains are not worth the loss. You can't let the profits go casually. You can't create mistakes for users. impression."

   Li Xiyan can agree with this view. It is okay to subsidize users to acquire customers, but we must consider how to withdraw subsidies. Unprincipled subsidies are definitely not conducive to withdrawal.

   "Then you must have a complete plan?"

"It's very simple. In the future, when we cast Douyin ads, we have to make targeted content, interesting, turning, jokes, or inviting celebrities, etc., by the way, we will advertise our well-off APP coupons. It is natural transmission. This way the advertising effect can still enjoy the traffic dividend of Douyin. Look at the content of mobile game ads now, not to mention us.

   But this kind of creative advertising plan and celebrity plan must be more cost-effective after opening more stores. I plan to wait for the magic city to open before investing. "

   Li Xiyan was immediately convinced. I just listened to Chu Yuanxi encouraging him to say: "At that time, you local old bean sprouts will have to participate in the design of the content, and you must design the content that is grounded and highly localized."


   Chu Yuanxi wants to engage in middle-level management meetings, on the one hand, it is also to discover talents. Although the uncle Xiang Li Xiyan looks shameless, his age has no advantage, but if he has cross-border talents in short video content, he is worthy of promotion. This is not a joke, because at present, whether to acquire customers or engage in marketing, Douyin is an inevitable hurdle.

   Take the marketing plan thrown by Yuan Jing as an example. The same two seemingly good plans, if one of them can be made into a Douyin short video, there is hope, then it is obviously better than the other. So this can be said to be a new skill that the times require relevant practitioners to master. Those who hold on to the experience ten years ago are destined to be eliminated by those who keep up with the times.

   Having been so busy for a few days, Chu Yuanxi also took the time to hold a small meeting with investors in Eastern Guangdong Province, and attracted some southern investment elites through Hu Shiheng.

   Even the garbage classification in my big dynasty has to make a distinction between Beijing and Shanghai schools, not to mention other industries and investment circles. Although the main focus of Chu Yuanxi’s financing is the imperial capital circle, there are many wealthy people in the magic capital and eastern Guangdong province. The reason why he can get so many small and medium investors in the original world is because he was able to get along with the well-off. Coming.

   Of course, there are pros and cons to engage a group of small and medium-sized investors. This time Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to cast the net in general, but directly focused on the key points, so they were all relatively powerful institutions. But when the meeting began, the group of investors from Eastern Guangdong shook their heads from side to side, and then asked one after another: "Mr. Chu, why didn't you invite Penguin's investment department?"

  The scene is more embarrassing now...

   With the current state of being well-off to the market people, it is logical to introduce Penguin's funds, because what Penguin likes to find is the potential disruptor. Xiaokang currently has great potential and is also very disruptive. Isn't it a very good thing to let the penguins open and connect in the vertical field of the convenience store track to help them grow?

   Xiaokang, whether to acquire customers or to do various toB business, transfer through the super transfer station of Penguin, the effect will exceed the combined assistance that Hu Shiheng and Xu Xin can provide.

   But the problem is that although Penguin’s investment is very wonderful and more tolerant to the invested companies, it is close to blind investment, but the social and content fields are the axis of investment. For these two penguins, we have always paid attention to holdings and mergers and acquisitions. Otherwise, why did Kuaishou's stunting in the most important year of 2018 be overtaken by Douyin? Didn't it make a noise after accepting Penguin's investment? To this day, Penguin has not given up on mergers and acquisitions.

   In terms of priority, it is obvious that social interaction is greater than content. Xiaokang will engage in social activities in the future, and now he cannot accept Penguin’s investment, otherwise he will be obliged to respond to Penguin’s communication requirements.

  What is a penguin? Regardless of the social king's halo, it is also an industry fund, which is more professional than investment institutions in the business field. His overbearing president Martin is from an investment bank, even in the investment circle, he is considered a professional. Let Penguin look at the inside of Xiaokang and take a glance at it.

   So although Penguin is the leader of the martial arts in Eastern Guangdong Province, Chu Yuanxi would never ask for it.

Under his ambiguity, the enthusiasm of investors turned to other directions. For example, someone asked: "Mr. Chu, why are you keen on acquiring bad assets recently? And you have brought in a lot of people related to bad assets? Like Gan Xin Maicai. This is something that no one dares to touch. As far as I know, Pakistani’s game department has bought some companies or projects that are on the verge of bankruptcy or have gone bankrupt. What happened?"

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that you know me quite well, but you don’t know that I still want to receive e-cigarettes, just a little bit. Shake is mine! This kind of serious investor is not easy to fool. This investor meeting is of course aimed at the well-off, but as a star entrepreneur, the Pakistani people will definitely be drawn to study together.

So he explained that there is no need to hide it: "The bad assets you mentioned, I prefer to call them'distressed assets'. And you have observed very carefully. I am a countercyclical acquisition. The acquisition of distressed assets is inherently It should be counter-cyclical, and it should be closed at this time. The current economic environment is called "big default". When everyone has no money, they have to reduce leverage. Think about it, how sufficient the supply of distressed assets is. Obviously it is There is no shortage of valuables under the mud and sand, and it is usually not easy to buy and cannot be bought.

   And in the past, you could only buy distressed assets from the bank. It took a lot of effort. You had to tear down the bank’s bad asset package, then inject capital, introduce a third party, and so on. But now you can directly intervene as a market participant, and non-financial institutions and enterprises can participate, which is great. Anyway, based on my experience in several mergers and acquisitions, it is more flexible. Just like buying chickens on the free market, if you want to buy a whole chicken, you can buy a whole chicken. If you want to buy wings, you can buy wings. Yes, no one who lived before will sell you. "

   This analogy made the investors in the house look at each other. On the contrary, there are a group of people in the investment circle who specialize in purchasing bad assets, but Xiaokang is not bad assets. Obviously none of those who come today, so that they feel that they are inexperienced. At the same time, Chu Yuanxi's plausible answer brought a lot of extra points, because she seemed very professional.

   Cao Xiang, who is far away in the imperial capital, also appeared very professional at this time, because he had discovered something that made him puzzled in the previous few days.

   At this time, a live broadcast was in front of him. Of course, the live broadcast was Zhongchuangtonghui. Fang Shiling is still plausibly conducting blockchain science popularization: "The significance of building a block network, let me give you an example, such as ticket-grabbing software. Why is 12306 broken? The ticket-grabbing software must be brushed 12306 with a high frequency. One of the reasons is that the official hates ticket grabbing software.

   But now that you know who is engaged in the ticket grabbing software, there is no way to punish it through judicial means. You can only have an administrative interview, because you can't get any real hammer. But if it’s a blockchain network, it’s different. Ticketing can also be traced back to the source. It’s clear who does it, whether you’re a shoe city, a camel, or a yellow group. "

   It is possible that Cao Xiang would start to vomit when I changed it to before, because there are too many awful things in this passage. However, today he didn't listen with his ears much, and it was completely treated as background noise. If you are seen, you must be able to feel that Mr. Cao has entered a certain inexplicable state of excitement today. His fingers are crackling on the keyboard at a speed of more than 200 APM, and he is conquering the code barrier in front of him with all his heart.

  His office computer is of course top-of-the-line, dual-screen display, and one of them has to rotate the screen 90 degrees and stand it up for viewing tables. But today, what is displayed on the vertical screen is an official rumor-defying announcement of "Zhongchuangtonghui":

"The crowdcreation platform is determined to develop into a world-renowned public chain. It has already deployed token platform-based transactions in the U.S. and has achieved remarkable results in the industry. Due to the differences between the two countries’ clients, users see different platform projects. It is our next step to unify as soon as possible, but there are many illegal projects under the name of a crowd-creation platform to take advantage of the loopholes.

  The platform once again reiterated that in order to implement the concept of the crowd-creation pass, the official regards users as a community of interests, opens up the acquisition of passes, and regards user participation and activity as the value of the platform. Therefore, users can increase the chance of obtaining tokens by sharing new purchases, which is in line with the platform rules. But it is the definite value of the token that gives the criminals the opportunity to privately build the MLM system under the guise of the crowd-creation token.

As an evangelist in the blockchain industry, our attitude is clear. We have already called the police. Please keep your eyes open to protect your funds. Only the projects that can be entered through the official portal of the platform are legal projects of the Zhongchuang platform and can help everyone. Create revenue. "

   When Cao Xiang saw this announcement for the first time, he always felt that something was wrong, and he had a very serious sense of sight.

   Protect your own funds? Foreign exchange speculation is often hundreds of times leveraged. How do you let the recruits in the derivatives market protect their funds?

   But the sense of sight is definitely not from here. Some people already have foreign exchange needs, and they make claims. Even after one day, the index fluctuates sharply for a long time and finally settles down. If you pay a large fee for nothing, you can only blame bad luck. People Zhongchuangtonghui is nominally profitable by handling fees, and it is an exchange model, which is justified.

   The official announcement of the crowd-creation platform is that there have been funds on the market under the name of the crowd-creation platform in the past few days, and it spread rapidly in the form of above and offline. The lethality of the block chain distribution fund disk is too great, especially this project has a relatively said past source of profit-the handling fee of foreign exchange speculation, which is more credible than the air disk, and the token can also be used for foreign exchange transactions , The attraction is also greater, so the spread speed is super fast!

   But the government will have to raise funds in the future, and rely on valuation to redeem the value of the user's token. It can't be treated as a killer, so it took just one week to make such an announcement.

   Suddenly, Cao Xiang froze in a posture of "wake up", staring at the tall erected screen in a distorted posture that violates physiology! What if this vaguely worded anti-rumor announcement is translated into English?

   The wording here made him think he was back in the United States, back to the day when he was smashed! At the beginning, Rubin made such a rumor refuting announcement, and then told him that someone was secretly engaging in MLM under the name of the company, so that he didn't need to care...

   Then, there is no more!

   As a bilingual person proficient in English and Chinese, Cao Xiang was struck by lightning. He even remembered that the Rubin thief shouted the key words to catch the thief, and it was exactly the same after excluding the translation factor!

   So, for others, the rumor-defying announcement was a quick response from the official, but it made Cao Xiang sleepless!

   He completed his transformation in situ in an instant and became Cao-Sherlock-Xiang. The idea of ​​solving the case was to find the technical features of the crowd-creation platform on the one hand, and on the other hand to register a capital disk for experience.

  Zhongchuangtonghui has experienced enough of this model, and it always feels weird-this application needs my Cao Xiang's technology! Otherwise, how do they get their side chains? I am worried that it will collapse tomorrow!

   This is also the reason why he always wants to know who the technical person in charge of the other party is.

   But now he finds that he seems to understand something?

   It’s just weird that this blockchain project hasn’t released a white paper, so you can’t see the technical features directly. This is rare in the entire blockchain industry. How can blockchain not publish white papers?

   Thinking of this, he continued to post paid barrage in the live broadcast room: "Anchor, why doesn't your platform publish a blockchain white paper? Is it a serious blockchain?"

   Kanfang Shiling ignored him, so he had to obediently give a reward and then ask again. Fang Shiling had to interrupt his science popularization and asked, "Why does the blockchain have to publish a white paper? Recently, there is a particularly popular convenience store called Xiaokang, which also engages in blockchain and has not issued a white paper."

   This question stunned Cao Xiang. He said yes, should I continue reverse engineering? With such a clear example of my own project, it is indeed impossible to take the absence of the white paper as evidence of doubt. Just listen to Fang Shiling's righteous saying: "As far as I know, there is no obligation to publish a white paper if you don't plan to issue coins. Please also question our water friends next time you give an airplane and then ask questions."

   Cao Xiangxin said that what you said is correct, but my work to find the bottom line is huge... What he is doing is the so-called reverse engineering, commonly known as cracking.

   Originally, when he applied for a job with a fake resume in Xiaokang in February, what he planned to do was the back-end programmer's position. This also shows that Cao Xiang's back-end capabilities are qualified, and the front-end can be downloaded and unpacked. Through the protocol included in the front-end package, it is possible to deduce some useful components in the back-end, but it is more laborious. Especially the blockchain-related reverse is not an expert in this field.

   And Cao Xiang not only has to do it, but also has to do it twice. He has to break the App of Zhongchuangtonghui, and he has to break the APP of illegal funds.

  As an advanced siege lion, his way of experiencing APP is different from that of ordinary people, not by operating it to see how it feels. "Feeling" is a fake thing for APPs. Two APPs with exactly the same feeling are probably just the same interface. Only the protocol and communication address can reflect the real side.

  Especially the recent double eleven, double twelfth, and New Year's Eve, etc., several major e-commerce applications have frequently updated their icons and added event information to dazzle users in order to tidy the festival.

   This gave all kinds of copycat apps time to open unparalleled, and Taobao dog Dongpin Duoduo's same style suddenly flew all over the sky, easily stripping out users' underpants through malicious code implantation.

Among other things, there are more than one hundred types of "Taobao Navigation", "Taobao Discounts", "Taobao Entity Store" and so on that are malicious and highly imitation of Taobao. The desktop icons are all Taobao styles, and they can easily pass manual review. Just ask if you are good? After entering, it is completely the same as the genuine APP. Whether you browse or search, or even query other user reviews, you have done enough high imitation work.

   But as long as you dare to place an order, not only will the money to buy the goods fly away, the account password will be taken away, but also will be locked by a large number of harassing calls.

   However, as long as you open the shell and look at their mailing address, you will find that it is not the same as the genuine APP.

  :. :

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