Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 958: Cao Xiang admires

It was discovered that there was no reward at all, and no promotion or salary increase. Feng Qin was not good at all. He had a strong obsession when he accepted congratulations from colleagues.

   But even if confined to the scope of a well-off society, Cao Xiang's obsession is greater than him, and it will last for a long time. Cao Xiang didn't even participate in this event. Although the well-off executives basically didn't have the enthusiasm to participate, many people at least wrote an email with meaning, but Cao Xiang, as the most idle person, did not.

   He is now interested in Fang Shiling's live broadcast thief, and even followed the guidance of the live broadcast to download the Zhongchuang Tonghui APP, and then followed by buying tens of thousands of Chuangchuang tokens to experience foreign exchange.

   What surprised him more is that the transaction price of the token is not floating? This is kind of interesting.

Although Cao Xiang is obsessed with technology, he has the experience of the United States. He also knows the issue of air coins better. Even if he didn't understand it at the time, he would definitely understand it after the incident. When he was in custody, he did not understand that he couldn't sleep. .

Therefore, he is quite aware of one thing. Once the token and legal currency are anchored, they will lose their imagination. For the air coin players, they will not consider it at all. They cannot be hyped. Instead, the blockchain for business must be carried out. Anchoring, such as Facebook's dying Libra coin.

   It seems, this doesn’t seem to be the gameplay of issuing air coins?

   This makes Cao Xiang more interested, because he came back from the United States, has a deeper understanding of foreign currency situations than the Chinese, and is more familiar with the environment in the United States.

  Although the blockchain has a wide range of application prospects, different routes will lead to the same goal. In the end, it will always point to financial technology, just as every road eventually leads to Rome.

   But what is financial technology? This concept is very lively in the country and is very popular with investors, but Americans have a more sober understanding-using technology to open a bank!

   Therefore, Wall Street is more willing to treat financial technology companies as financial companies rather than technology companies. Of course, this cognition is also upgraded through the lessons of blood. Many years ago, financial technology was also sought after on Wall Street. Related startups have IPOs. What are the more well-known ones such as   ing  Circle, etc.

   Recently, the market value has generally fallen by 70% to 80%, and these companies alone have fallen by more than $15 billion in market value. This is the harsh thinking given by the market. They are ultimately radical money lending companies, so they are severely punished in the aftermarket.

   But when Cao Xiang committed the crime, fintech had not taken off its gorgeous coat in the face of Wall Street. This is also a real liar, and his student Rubin was able to raise 100 million U.S. dollars in his name. Fintech is indeed very eager for blockchain technology, at least when those so-called technology companies are eager for financing. In theory, he should export technical services to these companies.

What happened in the past has passed. Cao Xiang didn’t expect that he was brought back to the scene of the year because of watching the live broadcast. This application called Zhongchuang Tonghui APP is engaged in non-standard financial technology. , But how is the token used? It is worth careful consideration for him.

   It's almost ten months since he has entered a well-off society. He has been working with his head down all the time, and he is a real long standby, often working until three or four in the middle of the night. It is not how energetic he is in his thirties, but the well-off work environment makes him dry.

   It’s just that bowing your head will turn your ears off. Relatively independent modules don’t need to communicate too much with other project teams. The framework is built in advance, and everything is OK with the interface.

   Therefore, until this time, the Internet of Games module has been encapsulated, and the research on internal and external links is a long work and there is no rush. He lifted his head completely and found that Xiaokang is already so powerful! It has only been ten months, and there are well-off shops everywhere, and there are a lot of well-off bicycles to ride out. APP members are quite active, and the growth rate is not slow as an offline shopping application. The form is very good!

   It was logical that Cao Xiang entered the frantic fishing stage in the next few days. The key is that Chu Yuanxi and Liu Lu are not in the imperial capital. One reorganizes the manpower system of Eastern Guangdong Province to check for deficiencies, and the other moves between stores and logistics every day, and also runs the main supply chain personally. It feels very similar to the past to walk the rivers and lakes to worship the pier, and it will not come back at all for a while.

   And Yuan Mu didn't care about him at all. The development work of other project teams was followed up by CTO Zhou Mingjun during the time when Chu Yuanxi was away. Wouldn't this be idle?

   So the time spent watching live broadcasts increased dramatically, and the time spent studying foreign currency trading increased dramatically. After such a deep dive, he immediately discovered the magic of this project.

   First of all, the creativity of the crowd-creation platform is good.

   The introduction of the Makers platform is clearly explained in the "Zhongchuang Tonghui APP" used for speculation. This APP is only the first application on the Makers platform. The setup of the crowd-creation platform is a bit like the EOS grapefruit called blockchain 3.0, but it is not.

  EOS is to build a platform. The user's asset on the platform is the token, which is used to distribute the computing power of the platform, and how many grapefruit coins are allocated to how much computing power, thereby giving currency value and realizing the landing of air coins. It should be noted that EOS is not a coin mining mechanism to mine tokens, but a pure coin issuing.

   The crowd-creation platform uses the concept of entrepreneurial financing to give token value, and the price of token can naturally increase as the platform's valuation increases. Moreover, the token on the crowdcreation platform, according to the official statement, is mainly derived from the user's mining of coins. As long as the user uses the APP on the platform, it is possible to mine.

   Therefore, regardless of the source of the token, it looks a bit like the domestic smash hit resonance coin in the first half of the year. However, the pricing of Resonance Coin is completely manipulated, and the currency value of the crowd-creation platform is anchored according to the financing round and valuation. In other words, the current price of buying tokens is also at the bottom according to the normal entrepreneurial logic, and will increase in the future.

   As for how to increase? As long as the Zhongchuang Tonghui APP and other applications added in the future can maintain vitality and make more growth, the value of the platform will naturally increase.

   At least the first guns were very loud, and the country has been open for so many years. I don’t know how many families in the country have gone out. There are not ordinary people in need of foreign exchange. At this time, I suddenly found a channel and immediately swarmed. In particular, many of the users who watched Shiling's live broadcast were female boxing users of the original "Late Night Gallery". What I have to admit is that female boxing users have high petty attributes, and the more petty they are, the more likely they are to generate foreign exchange demand.

   Therefore, Cao Xiang can see to the naked eye that the number of members on the APP is increasing. According to this logic, the price of the token is certain, but it is only a matter of when to adjust the price.

Of course, there are many things he can't understand. For example, token acquisition and trading are separated. After users dig tokens, they can only sell them at the official price. It is not a market economy, which eliminates speculation and foreign currency players do not have to suffer. Critical blow caused by the fluctuation of token value. But if this is the case, there is no reason for the user who dug the token not to cover the market. Isn't it appropriate for him to dug the token himself and hold it for the increase?

  Unfortunately, the tokens bought through trading cannot cover the market. They are mortgaged when they are bought, and start to calculate the ups and downs of the external market, which is similar to the operation of buying stocks. This made his abacus for buying a batch of tokens to bet on the rise to no avail, and his luck was not very good. He ran the APP all day but never digged.

   Although the abacus failed, Cao Xiang ran the entire process. Then I found that the token of the speculation mortgage is indeed the token of the platform. In other words, what ordinary users can see is that there is only one kind of crowd-creation token on the platform. This is amazing, right? The official also claimed that this batch of tokens were mainly dug out by users. Then who is selling it foolishly?

   Of course, as a master of technology, Cao Xiang will not be confused by the phenomenon that his eyes see. For him, he only needs to perform a side chain conversion, and the platform token and application token can be switched seamlessly.

   And the amount of token instant mortgage required for foreign exchange speculation is definitely not small. The more participants the greater the demand, but the purchase of tokens is completely open. Users can pledge as much as they want. How does the official allocate token resources? It's a pity that I don't have a huge amount of funds to test the upper limit of the one-time purchase of tokens. Maybe Mr. Chu can encourage him to try it after he comes back?

   But even if there are problems one by one, it will not affect the creative Niubi, because Cao Xiang knows that the other party may have other solutions to solve it. For example, this crowd-creation platform is not the first in China. It has already started operations in an offshore state. It has only recently been introduced into the country. This not only has no problem with the supply of tokens, but also has a foothold in the delivery of tokens after foreign currency transactions. He didn't know whether his brain supplement was accurate, but he felt that the official must not explain everything one by one.

  So, this project is a huge success that combines blockchain technology and non-technical factors! The so-called non-technical, of course, is the transfer of a borderless token. Cao Xiang felt that it was perfect to use it for foreign exchange trading to go beyond control!

   But this magical idea is not the reason why Cao Xiang is really immersed. The real reason is very simple-technical reason.

   Cao Xiang is also a technical person who has been deeply pitted once, even if he has never eaten pork, he has imagined pigs in various walking positions. Therefore, he knows that the logic of this crowd-creation platform is only theoretically speaking. In fact, if the technology is to be made, especially when it comes to the connection between cross-border markets, it needs extremely powerful blockchain side chain technology, not only To solve the efficiency of parallel computing, it is also necessary to ensure the feasibility of serial computing.

   Otherwise, let alone connecting to the cross-border market, just switching between the platform token and the token used for transaction collateral will be the end of the market.

   Thinking of this, he is full of resentment for Fang Shiling's live broadcast, because this anchor is simply a choker! You don’t know anything, even if you give a reward to the rocket plane, it’s useless!

So once Cao Xiang couldn't help it, and asked in the bullet screen: "You are engaged in a live broadcast of foreign exchange trading. What kind of trouble do you get a good-looking anchor? You can't post a Qiao Biluo.jpg, please be responsible for the technical attack. Did the city lion appear on the scene? It's simply blind to such a good live broadcast!"

   This rewarding barrage immediately attracted a large number of water friends to counterattack. Fang Shiling's popularity exploded during this time, because the channel she opened really helped a large number of in-demand water friends, and even the number of comments and new attention to "Middle Night Gallery" are increasing sharply.

Even many people who do not have an urgent need for foreign currencies themselves, when they heard that they can transfer foreign currencies without risk through hedging, they are nothing more than some handling fees, so they are also attracted to follow the trend, making the platform trading extremely prosperous, and even If you don't die two or three times a day, it will make people think if there is any problem.

   So Fang Shiling's fans spontaneously formed a guardian army, because some people in the live broadcast room suffered opportunistic losses because the platform went down again, and then they ran to scold the street while brushing gifts.

   What Fang Shiling is saying at this time is: "The next APP on the platform must be live broadcast. I got the exact news that it is live broadcast. So we don't have to rely on third-party platforms for live broadcasts."

   The smoothness of this period has made her very confident in the live broadcast. Not only has the number of fans skyrocketed, but the rewards have skyrocketed. The key is that this feeling of smoothness has not appeared for several years. As a result, once the agreement expired, she became hesitant to take "Late Night Gallery" from the Kanyiyan group, because this group is really super strong!

   has achieved such an extraordinary achievement in just two months, which is no more than that of Pakistani Entertainment last year! Even the left eye that she didn't like very much, that is, Group President Luo Peng, was very calm and far exceeded her expectations.

   Although the next stage of development of the live broadcast APP may have the live broadcast plot of the left eye in it, it is indeed quite appropriate. Although the live broadcast in the field of venture capital has been relatively cold, it is because the giants have produced a moat that is difficult to cross, making the entry cost of new entrepreneurs too high. But as long as you can find an entry point to find users, the profit prospect of live broadcast itself is still very good and safe!

At this time, she suddenly saw the waterfall-style speech in the comment area of ​​Shuiyou, and then took a closer look at the barrage, and suddenly smiled: "This big brother, your request is really...I thank you! The company's technical team is all from Silicon Valley in the United States. , I haven’t seen it yet. Saying that our live broadcast may stop for a few days next month, the company organized an outbound tour for us, went to the United States for vacation, and met the development team by the way. When I have a chance, I will give This big brother is broadcasting live."

   Cao Xiang was being scolded by water friends at this time for a dog-blood sprinkler. Hearing what the anchor said, he immediately felt that the anchor's personality was really tolerant, and he was not angry at all. As expected, he was the one who had an affair with President Chu!

   At this time, Chu Yuanxi was not as comfortable as Cao Xiang. Not only did he have to run various stores and lines, but also to travel back and forth between Yangcheng and Pengcheng, but he also had to meet with the middle-level managers recruited locally in Eastern Guangdong Province. Although the headquarters sent a lot of veterans here, the veterans had just formed the headquarters, and more recruits were recruited. Not only did they not know Chu Yuanxi, they had never even heard of it, and they didn't know where their president was.

   Because Yangcheng and Pengcheng are relatively close, a sub-base was built in Yangcheng to remotely control Pengcheng. The efficiency is not bad, but there are many things that make Chu Yuanxi afraid. For example, if you are afraid of forming gangs and getting on the hills, are there the Yangcheng faction and the Pengcheng faction that are not readily available? Do you want to grab the resources of the two places? Do you want to grab the talent? The choice of supply chain? What about the various frictions between supply chains caused by different cities? The key is, who is listening to?

   These are all areas that Liu Lu must pay attention to, but Chu Yuanxi, as the general rear area, has to scan it with a microscope to know what to do.

   Then he has to answer the questions. At the headquarters, all middle-level managers are used to Chu Yuanxi's arbitrariness. It is normal to listen to Chu Yuanxi's orders and then execute them, because they have already been arranged and there is nothing to question. If there are some problems, such as the tactical method that is inconsistent with Mr. Chu's instructions, you can ask for instructions nearby.

  The key is that the Ba people work together in a well-off society. Everyone knows what resources the Ba people can use. If you don’t know, just go directly to the Pakistani people and ask the employees in the relevant positions.

But this is not the case in Yangcheng. For example, the person in charge of customer acquisition was very puzzled after initially understanding the relationship between the Pakistani Group and the company. He scratched his hair and asked: "Aren't we experts in short videos? But I found out why the headquarters of our Imperial Capital never voted for Douyin ads to get customers? Douyin ads can be directly and accurately placed to users in the surrounding six kilometers, targeted and accurately cast, the cost of customer acquisition is very low, very very ~ The eldest brother who asked the question was called Li Xiyan, a local. Chu Yuanxi said that you asked the right question. It seems that you are planning to cast Douyin ads without thinking!

In the imperial capital, almost no one asks such questions, because all the persons in charge must know that Chu Yuanxi is a real vibrato master, and can tell most people the Chuanhuang mantra: "No one knows vibrato better than me. Sound.” So Chu Yuanxi’s refusal must be meaningful, and there is no need to harass with this kind of question.

   But it's not here, there is no such basic trust.

   Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and said: "It's not busy to post. We will definitely post it in the future. We will post it when the layout is completed and there are more than 400 stores in Eastern Guangdong Province."

   "There is no need to wait. Our ads are sent to users within six kilometers, not to users across the country. You can send a wave after opening a store."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that your hair is about to fall out, why is it still green? This scene is very suitable for a well-known director Lu in the basketball world. You are quite knowledgeable?

   But the other way round is to understand that this kind of employees who still love their work and who can be outspoken in the face of leaders are also very rare!

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi is very patient: "I know I know, but first of all, a well-off society needs users in a fixed flow of people. The store is a stronghold. We want people around the stronghold. We do not need to drain the floating population. This means What's the matter? It means that our users are always ours, and it’s okay to post later, and you don’t need to eat money."

  :. :

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