Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 968: Ecological characteristics in the economic winter

Chu Yuanxi untied the collar as she said, venting heat on her neck, "Brother Qiangdong said, I really suspect that you are greedy for 100,000, and I have to spend 10 million to find out if you are greedy! Why? The rotten meat has to be cut with the fastest knife! Especially for Xiaokang, we are pursuing precise management, so we have reduced the process that many ordinary companies have. The cash approval process is generally signed up to three times, which is a lot of loopholes. Good for drilling?"

   Liu Luxin said that this is not what you want to do? I worked so hard to design the enterprise architecture to make it easier for employees to step out of the process.

   But it’s not appropriate to vomit now. Liu Lu wrote down the bad points in a small notebook and asked, “So, what about those suppliers? What about the suppliers who paid bribes?”

"Looking for alternatives." Chu Yuanxi had a belly case earlier. "I took a look. Basically, the several categories involved are concentrated on the more competitive models, which are also covered by the quality of life to be done in Milestone 5. For supply We don’t need to be stern and slapped in the face of others. We all recognize the contracts we have signed. We can wait until Milestone 5 starts after the Spring Festival and the quality of life products will naturally replace them when they mature."

   Liu Lu nodded: "Then you are gentle enough. I heard that when the Huang Tuan suppressed counter-revolutionaries in 2018, not only the internal employees involved in the case were transferred to justice, but even the partners of the partners also got in dozens of holes."

   "Well, this is the tradition of Huang Tuan. Seventy partners were sent in in 2019, and the news is about to come out." Chu Yuanxi said about Huang Tuan, but Xiao Huang thought of it.

Due to the experience in the original world, he knew too well about the things of Xiaohuang's house before 2016. During the most beautiful period of time, a city manager could greet hundreds of thousands every month, and there were fewer college bicycles. A lot. People who like it enjoy it, and those who are afraid are terrified. Unfortunately, they didn't chop off the rotten meat at the beginning. If you want to chop later, you no longer need to chop it. The clever ghosts have long gone away.

Liu Lu thought that this was the end and he could start working quickly, but Chu Yuanxi did not expect that after Chu Yuanxi finished talking about the key points, there would be an incidental: "Yes, there are two other things that are not so serious. Have you seen the announcement I just made? ?"

The so-called not so serious, one is stopped and did not cause much harm, and the other is really not serious, is a poor-minded Pengcheng buddy who has not forgotten to work for his old club after entering the well-off shop as a patrol shop. Live, one person visits two stores.

   Xiaokang was prompted by a friend to find out that he had recruited this kind of talent. Taking Xiaokang as a part-time job, the department manager was dumbfounded, and he was immediately given away as a gift.

   But the one that was stopped cannot be ignored, because it is assumed that it is a direct economic loss if it is not stopped.

   That is an extremely agitated store manager. He moved from a clerk to the position of store manager in a new store. He was very familiar with the rules for using coupons, so he targeted the well-off user subsidy policy.

The prices of well-off products actually fluctuate, especially the short-term foods such as bento, salad, fresh food, oden, and hot meals. Although they are replenished several times a day based on big data, there will also be demand for clearing goods. , And then start with a 40% discount, and continue to hit a discount of 30%.

   But if the store is out of stock, big data may not be able to be adjusted in time. At this time, employees can request additional goods in the work system. So smart people found the loopholes. Every day, they put some goods in the cold storage. The users saw that they were out of stock. After the crazy discount time at night, they would sell the well-preserved short-term food at a 30% discount to outsiders. In the system, it was shown that the goods were not sold for one day, but in the end they were all dumped, so the rationing of the next day was reduced.

   This kind of practice is unknowingly, as long as you avoid the inventory of the regular shop assistants, you can infer that you have forgotten to put it out even if you do not avoid it. And there are many kinds of short-term foods, and people have plenty of room to take turns. For example, today I made two tuna sandwiches and a pack, and they will be sold tomorrow. Finally, every day, no matter whether they buy it or not, they will order a few in the system. Goods, so the logistics will still deliver more after a few days.

   In this way, someone unknowingly starts a carnival in the private supply and marketing chain, let alone a store that can sell goods worth thousands of yuan a day.

   Especially it is better to use this method with coupons of new users, and smart people can always find like-minded people. Well-off stores are arranged by region. Where there are stores around, the location is displayed in the APP. So smart people developed a number of dark lines in order to be less obvious, and several stores took turns.

   But Xiaokang did risk control! When these clerks are trained, how can they avoid the risk control of the company’s wool, thinking that their throughput is not large enough to be discovered? That's it!

   I can only blame people for being too greedy. It is not easy to find out quickly without superimposing new user coupons. The so-called risk control, the most basic function is to verify the abnormal characteristics of the user, because the user must leave a lot of information during the process of logging in to the APP, which of course includes the obvious equipment information and location information, as well as the operation process and operation. Details such as speed are used for cross-validation.

   Through this information, it is clear at a glance whether the equipment used by the new user is "new". Then there are regional overlaps in the stores. A large-scale abnormal number of new users arrives at the store for the first time in a short time, and these new accounts are no longer logged in, etc., various risk control factors cross-warning, features and variables guide decision-making, It's not a matter of how long the system will report to the police. Isn't it obvious that something happened?

   So Yang, the boss of the shop patrol team, got practical and effective evidence and came up with a fishing law enforcement. First of all, after big data predicts what the other party should do, they directly send shop assistants to conduct spot checks. During the inspection, they deliberately play a role as an old hat who likes to use traditional inventory methods instead of equipment. Just look at the shelves. There is no stock on the website, regardless of the inventory display in the phone, the target product is perfectly missed.

   After a round of inspections, I found that the shelves were really empty, so I put a label on the inventory to prove that this model was sold out.

  As soon as the inspector left, the store manager thought he had escaped, and quickly found a way. In the inventory system, it shows that there is stock, but the inventory label shows that it is short. When the inventory staff goes back and enters the inventory information into the system, some people will find that the inventory is incorrect.

   So the store manager hurriedly bought these sold out products out of his pocket, and then Xiaokang reported the case, and the wise man presented the real hammer through the transaction.

   Chu Yuanxi has already issued an announcement to show that the dust has settled. In fact, after receiving Yang Cheng's report, he was so angry that he wanted to throw his pen. The smart store manager didn't expect Xiaokang to do risk control first and then open the store. Chu Yuanxi went to chat with him specially, and then determined that this was pure stupidity!

   For the average company, the boss of course pays more attention to growth, while the risk control is negative growth, so it is usually placed in a secondary position. So this wise man feels that he is quite experienced, but Goose, Xiaokang is going to provide large-scale user subsidies, and it is assumed that the enemy is various black production and professional wool parties.

   People even access AI tools to directly attack the well-off cloud server to promote the great cause of wool. How trendy is that? The defensive strategy developed by Xiaokang is to prevent internal ghosts from colluding with illegal products. How can it be possible to open a store without first conducting risk control? No matter how smart the individual is, he is also an amateur wool player, so he can fool him for half a month with the advantage of guarding and stealing.

   Really want to compare, is it this kind of more annoying, or is it more annoying to accept bribes for the unscrupulous supplier Li Daitao? No matter how you look at it, it is the latter, because even if the former causes losses, it is nothing more than quantifiable money. A firewall with risk control will not cause huge losses.

   The latter not only causes a reduction in the efficiency of the company’s operations, but also creates a rift with the supplier. Those suppliers who are of high quality but do not have SKU dividends, and therefore are not listed as SKU-level partners, will certainly have ideas when they see competitors enjoying SKU-level benefits. And those companies that make profits through illegal means, in fact, must have grievances with Xiaokang after the incident.

   But Chu Yuanxi particularly hates the former, because the former directly hurts users. The user enters the store to buy something, and every time he comes in to find the goods he wants to buy, he finds that it is sold out. Will he praise the convenience store business? No, it will only vote with your feet, which will only lower the evaluation of this store.

   That’s why Chu Yuanxi wanted to make an announcement, instead of handling it unscrupulously, and covering up the scandal, he was not afraid of others knowing!

   Therefore, the Big Three gathered today. Liu Lu and Yuan Mu thought they were going to talk about these two things. Chu Yuanxi's article still shocked them.

He has counted the anti-corruption efforts of Internet companies in the past year. Starting from DJI’s 1 billion at the beginning of the year, Xiaohuang, Goudong, 360, Ant, Xiaomi, Baidu, Didi, Huang Tuan, and finally Penguin, so many heads. Without a single case, the company started a thorough investigation of anti-corruption. Hundreds of people were sent in, and the headlines were able to sit still on the Diaoyutai.

This also reflects from the side the new business situation in the economic cold winter. Many companies began to rebuild their internal strength after the bottleneck of growth. It happened that the employees in the cold winter had to bear the high housing prices and the sudden emergence of pork, so they could not help but extend their hands, causing gun smoke everywhere. .

   The more this kind of moment, the more it is necessary to study internal skills, because once employees in key positions need more money than usual, opportunities that were previously greedy but not daring can now be brought into view. And when they taste the sweetness of corruption, and then want to take their hearts back to be good people, it becomes extravagant hope. The greed and stupidity of human nature are often proportional.

   Liu Lu had read the announcement seriously, but apparently taking a bribe in her heart was more serious. She pondered for a moment and asked, "Chu Yuanxi, you should investigate these four people first, but they are all subordinates of Ma Xiaoxi, this..."

   Chu Yuanxi scratched his head: "I didn't expect such a big problem with Ma Xiaoxi."

   "Hey, why do you trust Ma Xiaoxi so much?" Yuan Mu asked curiously: "I don't trust Sister Ma, she is pretty good, but why do you trust Ma Xiaoxi? Did you know him before?"

Chu Yuanxixin said that because she did it in the original world, she can’t be a high-level manager, and she doesn’t have the ability to command an army, but she is considered top among middle-level managers. She has always been known for being cautious, so she puts her best Need to give her a careful supply chain.

It can only be said that the speed of the development of the well-off society is much faster than in the original world. A big step can easily lead to forced errors. At this time, the manager’s ability defects are more likely to be exposed. When the wind is calm and the waves are calm, Ma Xiaoxi may do a lot more. People are good, but her processing ability becomes a bottleneck when the wind is high and the waves are rough.

   But it is impossible to find a suitable candidate to replace Ma Xiaoxi immediately. This is also a problem caused by the rapid development of the well-off society. The ability of old employees cannot keep up with the company's development speed, and there is not enough time and energy to recruit and filter elites.

   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi had to come to a conclusion to end the discussion on the person responsible for the supply chain position: "Ma Xiaoxi's three views are relatively positive, which fits our corporate culture and company tonality, and cannot be changed casually. I hope she can upgrade her abilities..."

   Waiting for Liu Lu to leave, Yuan Mu stopped Chu Yuanxi, who also wanted to run away: "Don't go, I have too many questions to ask."

   "Is it about Milestone 6?"

   "Do you still need to ask? Those functions—"

Chu Yuanxi nodded his finger: "Don't worry about it, I think so. The development of milestone 6 related functions can be completed after the Spring Festival. In fact, 60% of the functions have been completed, but they have not yet been packaged. , Still under debugging."

He signaled Yuan Mu to take his seat again and said, "If you are patient, wait until the functions are all available after the festival, and then type out the version, and you will ask about the functional experience. If you want to experience it now, we will do it later. Let the R&D team encapsulate all the completed functions in a temporary version, which will delay their work for half a day, and then you will experience it first."

   "Is this all right?"

"I don't recommend it, because the development progress of each group is different, and the function distribution is also different. Now the package is too scattered, and you can't experience anything." Chu Yuanxi said, patted her chest, "I always Staring at the progress, I feel that there is no problem and it meets my expectations. Then, what I want to say is, what do you think of the task assigned to you just now?"

   "What do I think?" Yuan Mu asked strangely, "Isn't it just a speech?"

"Giving a speech is a standard skill for an entrepreneur." Chu Yuanxi said calmly: "You have been working with me for almost a year. You haven't developed the good habits of an entrepreneur. You are still an investor. It’s not okay to be pie. You have to seize the opportunity to improve yourself. You have to practice for both speaking and accepting interviews. It is estimated that you will use it many times in the future."

   Yuan Mu suddenly remembered an interview that Chu Yuanxi had accepted yesterday. That was after Xiaokang received awards from relevant departments.

   Actually, a few years ago, the sensitive media had discovered that this miraculously appearing and miraculously disappearing Zhongchuangtonghui project was reported and then offline, so that hundreds of thousands of users were full of grief.

   And reporting is not the same as reporting. At the beginning, Qubu was repeatedly named by the regulatory authorities, and it was almost said that this was a liar. The people are very easy to be fooled, so don't touch it.

   But Qubu was not arrested because it did not produce a clear criminal act, at most it trampled on the legal gray area.

   And Zhongchuangtonghui has even given the pot. Although there are still one or two fish slipping through the net, it is obvious that this is a criminal incident, not just touching the gray area.

   The nature is completely different.

   Then the media combined with the award information from the relevant departments and dug up. It turned out that it was reported by a small convenience store startup such as Xiaokang Life, so I interviewed it.

   Originally, Chu Yuanxi shouldn't accept this kind of interview, because users who have been cut off the exchange channel but have urgent needs are likely to anger the whistleblower after Zhongchuangtonghui goes offline.

   But considering that this matter cannot be wrapped in paper, it will always be known to others, so Chu Yuanxi still accepted the interview generously. The so-called unreasonable and unclear, it is better to open the matter than to hide it and be misinterpreted.

   For Yuan Mu, other questions in the interview can be ignored. The key core is whether Zhongchuangtonghui is a runaway fund. If it is, then there is nothing wrong with the report. If it is not, then even if the report is legal, Chu Yuanxi will not escape the reputation of a false accusation, because Zhongchuangtonghui is solving some people’s pain points, and there is no escaping behavior. .

As a result, Chu Yuanxi did not emphasize Cao Xiang’s technical characteristics in the interview but said: "I am a rich person anyhow, and I am more experienced and sensitive to funds. Common sense that ordinary people don't know. The rate of the “funding channel” is usually higher than 30%, and it is still slow. If you go gambling the fastest, but the deduction of 60% to 80% of the money is extremely scary. This is why Alipay’s corporate account has been recently The reason for the speculation to hundreds of thousands. Your product?"

  Reporter: "Mr. Chu, you are too high-end, I have never heard of it."

Chu Yuanxi: "It's right if you haven't heard it. Why do you say that this is common sense that ordinary people don't know? Because even if ordinary people have strong needs, they can't find the temple door with a pig's head, and even such a high-rate channel Can't find it. This is still domestic, but what about cross-border? How high is it?

   Now you have invented a cross-border hedging plan, you only need to pay a fee, ordinary people can use it, and then let you earn the fee, what do you want? Is it your turn to have such a good thing? You can jump for joy in your dreams! For this point, Zhongchuangtonghui must cut leeks. It is definitely not normal, and you only see the profit of cutting leeks, but you have not seen how much tribute he has given to various black products, otherwise it will be divided. Min was killed. "

   Yuan Mu saw this, and he said that the co-authoring was because Zhongchuangtonghui didn't give us a tribute, so we did it?

   She doesn't know why Chu Yuanxi didn't talk about the grievances between Cao Xiang and Geng Bin. This is the correct way of narration, right?

As a result, Chu Yuanxi said, “I’m protecting Cao Xiang. I said about Cao Xiang, isn’t he a target? He’s already determined to stay in a well-off society, and he doesn’t think about changing jobs anymore. Of course I want to protect him!"

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