Yuan Muxin said that Cao Xiang decided to take roots, so of course you have to protect. If Cao Xiang decides to quit, you will throw the pot away from him, right? I can learn from you!

   Cao Xiang's mentality has gone through a wonderful process. As soon as the new year passed, he personally broke through the possible doubts. Originally, his passive and aggressive personality had to be held back, but he couldn't stand the well-informed banking tycoon, who was still a listed company and offered him a salary of 2 million plus options.

  This pushed him directly into "overload", even if he was an introvert, he couldn't continue to hold back. Chu Yuanxi heard of the horse? State-owned enterprise listed bank? Great! I'm not sleepy anymore!

He asked excitedly: "Cao Xiang, how many stock options are the key? Let's not talk about competition, let's not say that it will have little impact on the well-off society. I will help you consider your own interests now. The annual salary is 2 million yuan. The category is not worth mentioning at all, 50 million is worth considering."

   "Uh..." Cao Xiang suddenly looked weird and asked what the **** is the annual salary of 50 million? Is this too exaggerated? What is the annual salary of Huawei Laoyu? And, President Chu, are you showcasing your knowledge? Report a precise number directly?

   He hesitated and said: "Probably, according to today's market value, it is worth about 50 million?"

   This condition should be said to be sincere, so Chu Yuanxi angrily said: "That's too little, right? Are you stupid, you?"

   He said that I knew it was so! State-owned listed companies are still banks, and there is no possibility that they will come up with so many options at a time like Xiaokang. This 50 million option is estimated to be very likely, that is, the other party’s leader casually talks about it, and it is difficult to cash it 100% in the end, because the process that a state-owned listed company needs to go through for equity incentives is so extraordinary!

   But he also understands why banks are thirsty for talents, because at this stage of development, regardless of the market environment or business scenarios, the banking system and the audit institutions downstream of the bank really have a hard demand for blockchain technology.

   For example, the depositor has not withdrawn the money after making a deposit, but the money in the bank account is gone. This kind of news is frequently seen in the newspapers, and it has caused extremely bad credit problems to the banking industry.

   More serious, I have also been a listed company surnamed Kang, who has always been a big white horse, and suddenly reported that the 30 billion currency funds in our bank account are gone!

   They didn’t even look for the excuse that ginseng was rotten in the ground. They were more straightforward than scallops. They simply said it was an accounting error and dumped a giant pot of 30 billion to the auditing agency.

   The market is in an uproar, but the listed company has a clever face saying that this is a problem with banks and auditing agencies, and I don’t know what to do about it.

   As soon as this rogue played, the pressure was all concentrated on the bank. It became Schrödinger’s 30 billion yuan. Isn’t that funny? When the bank heard it, they immediately said that they really didn't have the money in their accounts, so it became confused where the money went.

   It is said that at this time, the bank can always find out where the money went by just a single check of the account. Is it true that the major shareholder illegally took the money and stole the money? Who actually committed the crime? A discerning person can tell at a glance where the problem is most likely, but the key is how to get a real hammer?

However, banks have a large number of transactions involving a large number of accounts at all times, and the deposits of listed companies surnamed Kang are not lump-sum lump-sum withdrawals. They are deposited in the accounts with discrepancies over the course of several years. There is more than one deposit account. So it’s okay if there is no problem. If there is a problem, check the account. The bank said it’s killing me. Should the SFC judge it first?

Therefore, this incident involving 30 billion days of funds has affected the vital interests of countless investors. However, due to the lack of key evidence, the relevant departments can only open the case first, and then the Securities Regulatory Commission will give the most severe wording in history-premeditated , Organized, long-term and systematic implementation of financial fraud. Maliciously deceive investors, act recklessly, and have no fear of the rule of law and investors. The loss of the bottom line of integrity and the red line of the rule of law have shaken the foundation of the information disclosure system of listed companies.

   At the same time, the parties were given a life-long ban on the securities industry and a heavy fine of 600,000 yuan.

   However, if the bank has a block-like deposit and withdrawal system, it will be different. It can provide VVIP services, and each small target is labeled as a blockchain deposit package. A listed company with the surname Kang is nothing more than 300 deposit blocks. Once the cash flows, customers can receive synchronization notifications instantly. All billing information will be recorded. If you want to check, I will check it out in minutes. , Like turning the palm to observe the lines, whoever wants to weigh the pot by himself.

  Banks with this technological advantage will certainly show great competitiveness in acquiring reserves. Whoever masters this skill will run ahead. So the bank was anxious and did not hesitate to give Cao Xiang a high salary.

So Cao Xiang was stunned by Chu Yuanxi because of his high salary. He only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Let’s not say whether this 50 million option can be cashed out, old Cao, how many options do you have in Xiaokang? Already almost 0.7%, right? After the well-off financing, the market value of the A round is more than 4 billion, and your part has already reached 30 million, okay?

  Wait for the Internet of Things project to go online, the problems have been resolved, your options will go up, and you will continue to use OKRs later to explore your pockets, which is similar to lying down! Xiaokang will start with a market value of 300 billion in the future. Even if a portion of it is diluted in several rounds of financing, your share will exceed 1%. Will you settle the bill? Let me tell you that if any listed bank gives you 3 billion equity incentives, just go, and I will not stop. "

   Cao Xiangxin said that people are listed companies and stocks can be sold. We are well off this is a valuation. We have to succeed in order to cash it out! Of course, what Chu Yuanxi said is not unreasonable.

   Chu Yuanxi still knows what he thinks? Immediately persuade: "Old Cao, think about it, you have such a great talent, you have worked so hard in Xiaokang for almost a year before, and you only got a salary of only a few hundred thousand. Is it a loss? Actually, it is not. These hundreds of thousands are issued to you for living expenses, so that you can make a living, so that you will not be discriminated against when you find a girlfriend. The option is the salary you earn by your ability, understand? If you leave, it will be all No way, are you down?"

   These words completely activated Cao Xiang's hatred.

   Of course, this process is not important to Yuan Mu. She only needs to know that Cao Xiang's line is still stable.

   Now her problem is how to give a speech, she also knows that Chu Yuanxi has been holding back to make her improve. This time Chu Yuanxi has already pointed out that she has no entrepreneurial skills, so she must pass on experience.

   But in Yuan Mu's mind, he just doesn't have the style of being a "outstanding entrepreneur". Entrepreneurs are divided into many categories. Not all of them are like Chu Yuanxi, who are crazy about speaking skills.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: "The most important thing for you to give a speech is that you have to deeply understand our corporate culture, so you can naturally speak well. Otherwise, you only talk about anti-corruption and talk about the company's anti-corruption. The determination is all intimidating. It’s not good for the employees’ spirit to bear harm. Now I am not sure if you have a deep understanding of the well-off corporate culture. This aspect needs to be strengthened."

   "Then how to understand the well-off corporate culture?"

   "The most important point to understand the well-off corporate culture is to understand my style."

Yuan Mu almost choked in one sigh, but when he changed his mind, he said that the founder is a symbol of corporate culture. There is nothing wrong with this statement, but generally it is said by others that it appears to be okay without the founder himself. of!

But when it comes to Chu Yuanxi’s personal style, she has always been a bit bad, so she asked openly: “Then I’ll ask one thing, it’s actually two things. Why are you keen to make Yang Jiangang and Zhao Jie 、Yu Wenhui hatched solo flight? Will similar ones still encourage them to fly solo in the future?"

"This is not enthusiasm, but they shouldn't have been pressed on the production line. Let Yang Jiangang always be the planner and Zhao Jie always use the code? Are they happy? There is no huge room for improvement in your enterprise structure. It provides employees with a clear evolutionary path, so that employees make a successful project and make a lot of money for the company, and they are also equivalent to realizing their talents and getting back their own share. Isn't it a joy for everyone?"

"But what they are best at is planning and coding." This is what Yuan Mu wants to ask. "Isn't it the most efficient way for you to put the right people in the right place? They make successful products? Isn’t it enough to give them a salary increase and bonus? A one-hundred-month year-end bonus is enough to make them happy?"

"What you are talking about is Plan B. If they don't want to start a business, or if the incubation fails, just do it. It's not impossible." Chu Yuanxi paused at this point, "But even if they don't consider their own choices, It also seems that I'm too low. I don’t have any future in my life. I only get millions a year when I die. This is still the most important thing, but the ordinary one? I can’t get results for the time being, but what I do is basic Is work really important? What is the strength of doing it?

   Then what is the attraction of the company I opened for real talents? Without development, it can only attract good people. People who work hard must be promoted. If there is no room for improvement, your company will be the same. In the future, talents will be needed, and the chances that I will spend a lot of money to recruit are some tool people. I know where your question is. Do you think that none of them are suitable for entrepreneurship? "

   "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Yuan Mu made five "rights" in a row, and discovered that Chu Yuanxi could still speak, clearly expressing what she felt but not clear.

"The three of them, let me borrow the lines in "Jixia Xuegong",'Looks like a man! Some of them don't even have the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, don't understand the risks, and don't know what responsibilities and responsibilities should be. Obligation, I don’t know how to manage, I just ran out to start a business under your indulgence, and I still have a good job, I’m literally, I’m literally—"

"Hey, this is where they are able to incubate their business ingeniously. I also borrowed the line from "Jixia Academy",'Qianjinshigu'. Yang Jiangang is a skeleton horse. I will help him grow the meat and let him It’s alive and kicking, it seems that my company is so awesome? How willing are the talents to come? Now that the Pakistani people have this effect, they are not yet well-off."

Chu Yuanxi said very proudly, "Ba people and Xiaokang have their own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of Ba people is that the company structure is not good enough. Even if the group is reorganized, the related businesses are asset-light and they are not suitable for many. Senior executives. Zhao Jie and the others, you don’t let them stay on the product line or let them fly solo, so what can they do? Except for R&D positions, why can’t you mess up the first place.

   Let them be product managers? That's not bad, nor are they senior executives, and the Pakistani Group does not have suitable management posts for them. So it's better to change your mindset, which can improve their abilities while staying on the front line. These two superpositions can only be entrepreneurial. You are the only founder at the start-up stage. I'm sorry that you have to be on the front line in person. You can't be the shopkeeper, otherwise others can't do it well, because you put forward the basic point of this business plan yourself. "

   Yuan Mu heartily arranged the itinerary to go south after the meeting, Chu Yuanxi urged the legal affairs to take action and strive to finalize everything before the year.

  His goal is to let those who accept bribes eat the New Year’s Eve dinner into prison, so it has to be kept secret for the time being. Liu Lu must step up the investigation, and the legal affairs must also work harder. The economic investigation should be contacted, the lawyer should be contacted, the evidence collection should be collected, and it is difficult to make an iron case without evidence. It is also easy to confess.

   Chu Yuanxi’s request is to be fast, and there are less than 20 days left, so I can’t let related people wait to attend the annual meeting in a big way, right?

This year’s Spring Festival holiday arrangements for Pakistani and well-off people are the same. Those who need to work overtime will stay overtime, and those who don’t need to work overtime will take a big holiday. They will go back to work on February 3 and take two more days off than the legal one. Those who are anxious to go home can buy tickets and air tickets for the night of New Year's Eve. Therefore, many employees entered the state of waiting for the holiday ahead of time, waiting eagerly for the annual meeting.

Xiaokang was established after the Spring Festival last year. It has been a full year since the Pakistani people’s annual meeting last year was turned out as a benchmark. Last year, the Pakistani Group made a few hundred million yuan and started the car. This year the Pakistani Group made tens of billions. Can't send a plane?

   However, this year Chu Yuanxi didn't want to launch a plane. This year, the Pakistani people's grand prize is a 4 million venture fund, which is similar to the special promise Yang Jiangang got from Chu Yuanxi when he first joined the Pakistani people. It is not necessarily activated when, but it is ultimately recorded as the founder’s personal contribution when it is incubated, so it is extremely valuable.

But to get this reward only requires a good face, and to activate it requires a certain degree of entrepreneurial literacy. The person who receives the award must be able to come up with effective entrepreneurial ideas, and have realizable value, in line with the logic of entrepreneurship, in order to survive Chu Yuanxi This level can activate it.

   Just like Yang Jiangang’s idea of ​​platform-based animation at the time, using standardized UGC production of animation is a valuable entrepreneurial idea. There are no competitors in the track blank, which is in line with the entrepreneurial logic. If the student who won the prize plans to open a Taobao store to start a business, then the money will be saved.

   The well-off annual meeting will definitely not be held with the Ba people, so Chu Yuanxi had to organize two annual meetings. Since Xiaokang has not yet made a profit, the annual meeting will not be too extravagant, and the key is that there is not much money on the account. Usually Chu Yuanxi has always passed on the concept of correct use of expenses within Xiaokang. We have money and are not afraid. Spend money, but spend it in the right place, and never waste it when it is not needed.

   Therefore, the well-off annual meeting will be separated from the Ba people, otherwise they will become Cong Ba people again.

Soon time came to January 7th, not only Chu Yuanxi will meet the golden city bones, on this day, the country's "one-level golden city bones" also have phased results, Iron Man Musk spent his hardship in 2019, on the edge of the cliff. With the blessing of the mysterious power of the East, the sufferings finally come.

   Looking back at his 2019, it was simply a year of being redeemed by the country. After experiencing the turbulence of layoffs in the first quarter, Tesla’s stock price reached a record low of $177. The poor delivery capacity of Model 3, which was filled with almost all hopes, caused a crisis of rupture in cash flow, and the market went crazy for a while. Rumor has it that Tesla will be acquired by Apple.

   This is not the most severe issue. The most severe issue is that the CIV Club, which represents value investment in the United States, issued Tesla’s short-selling report. When Musk was close to his removal, he had to be softened and expressed his willingness to accept financing dilution and other options.

   At the moment when he stared into the abyss, a huge life-saving straw floated from the country, and the 1300-acre super factory in the city of Modu Lingang was close to the top. Afterwards, the speed of the celestial dynasty and the celestial market dragged him back centimeter by centimeter from the edge of bankruptcy.

For the horse of Qianjin City, the relevant departments released policy dividends in advance~www.ltnovel.com~ canceled the upper limit of foreign shareholding in special vehicles and new energy vehicles, so that Tesla can start to build a magic city in 2018. The factory, and Musk’s incredible speed of the world not only solved the delivery problem, but also enjoyed the huge dividends of the new energy vehicle market.

   After coming and going like this, he created a benchmark for embracing the rebirth of the country, and he was so excited that Elon Musk performed a striptease at the delivery ceremony.

   This embarrassing dance may wake up some new energy car companies that do not seek to make progress in the country in a nightmare.

   Then, something unexpected happened to Chu Yuanxi...

   It was the eighth day of January. Chu Yuanxi was busy browsing the news and saw that Pete Coffee was listed as a whole. Pitt is a high-end coffee chain brand in the United States. The parent company also has the world's second largest coffee roaster JDE, second only to Nestlé, so the two can be merged into one entity and then IPO to become the world's largest listed coffee company.

Speaking of which, this is a giant that is deeply cultivating the coffee field. It has a deep relationship with Starbucks, and its industries and brands are also very rich. Not to mention the establishment of global stores, and the industrial chain layout is also very strong. It even produces coffee machines, and There are also many well-known brands. The coffee machine in the well-off store has considered purchasing their imo.

   This kind of giant naturally wants to actively deploy the Chinese market, open flagship stores, etc. Seeing these words and "the world's largest listed coffee company", Chu Yuanxi naturally thought of Ruixing. Then I searched for Luckin's recent developments, followed by a sip of wolfberry tea-Luckin announced today's high-profile strategy to enter the unmanned coffee machine!

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