Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 970: Well-off annual meeting

Of course Feng Lin thought of when Chu Yuanxi sprayed wolfberry. Isn't this what it is?

Of course, as a startup that successfully went to Nasdaq to cut leeks, Luckin’s management must be well-versed in various routines, and the strategic level cannot be shallow. Therefore, the strategy proposed now is likely to be a year ago. Fixed. The well-off tactics of the original world also had a few months of advancement, and then they were constantly revised and enriched in the process of promotion.

   It's just that Ruixing really made this plan, which surprised Chu Yuanxi, because Ruixing's tonality and the "personality" given to the company in the entire operation practice did not allow them to fool, at least not to let users see that it was a fool. In other words, Luckin wants to insert its own style between the largest discount coupons and the most standardized coffee-related category production and sales, exquisite, high-end, and quality.

   This is simply natural for self-service coffee. The most realistic problem is that Luckin's self-service coffee machine must not use some fresh milk? But how to keep the self-service milk fresh? How many times do I have to make up a day? How intense logistics capabilities and high-end coffee machines are needed? And coffee beans also eat logistics. Chu Yuanxi feels that if Ruixing dares to add their top coffee beans to the self-service coffee machine, it is definitely a condom in the money burning world.

The most accustomed way between Feng Lin and him is to use the "implementation example" as an anchor point in the knowledge exchange. Therefore, he told Feng Lin that Ruixing was only used to inspire Feng Lin’s ideas and to hand in homework. Involved in such specific details.

   I didn't expect Rui Xing to really do it! Even the strategy guide has been released!

   For unicorn start-ups that are full of sails, the most important thing in the corporate development strategy is to find their own boundaries, what they should not do, not everything. After finding the right boundary, it is the founder's idea of ​​the company's development that is tested. It is like a painter's painting. The painting is autumn. You can conceive of wheat waves, crows, scarecrows, sunshine or even wind at will, but you can never paint snowflakes upward.

   So Chu Yuanxi sprayed goji berries. Where is the boundary of Ruixing? Is Han Xin ordering more soldiers? Or do you want to pull the ladder from the sea house?

   But thinking about it, this matter was done by Ruixing, who focused on cutting leeks and burning money as his main business. It seems surprisingly not against the peace. It’s just that the money can’t be used to budget, because Luckin’s coffee machine is Mrs. Shelley, which is much more valuable than the Philips Senseo and Dr. Capsule Tassimo, which were once included in the purchase options. Mrs. Shelley is closer. One hundred thousand, the two brothers have a cheap one with a thousand yuan machine, and the most high-end purchase option that Xiaokang put in is less than 20,000 yuan.

   This made Chu Yuanxi, who was good at opening his mouth to do financing, couldn't count it, and didn't know how to raise the money.

   However, what he did not expect was that Ruixing’s stock price rose sharply in the next few days, with a market value of more than $10 billion. It seems that U.S. investors love the latest version of this story...

In the past few days, Chu Yuanxi was also happy. The ratings of the third episode of "Jixia Xuegong" on the 9th skyrocketed to 1.2, because on the 8th, Tehran added two more fires to the situation. Very effective to mobilize the people's enthusiasm for politics and military again.

   Then Carlos Ghosn, the former president of Renault-Nissan, who fled the island country by way of 007, also held a press conference on the same day. On the 8th, he gave a vicious show at home in Beirut and banned most island media from entering the country.

   It is a pity that the third episode of "Ji Xia Xue Gong" mainly talks about internal affairs and economy. Several great sages talked about economic issues, from Qi to Chu, and to Qin and Zhao. The state of Chu is respected by Taoism, has a large number of monarchs in the country, and its economic structure is extremely distorted; since Shang Yang, the state of Qin has implemented a system of military meritocracy, mainly farming and fighting, and is extremely unfriendly to merchants; while the state of Zhao is very mercantile, and in the whole The Warring States period is one of the most developed.

The economic patterns of these three countries are compared with those of Qi. The explanation is very easy to understand, and the content is considerable, but it does not catch current events. It seems that the ratings of the fourth episode are about to drop, and 1.2 may be a peak. Up?

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that the timing of this show is also a coincidence, right? Weekly variety shows are scheduled early, so how come there are always huge hot events before and after the broadcast time? Due to the previous hype, Lu Yu connected these two events with the Ba people’s variety show. These hot events must be hot searched, and there are more than one. The hot search will play a leading role in "Jixia Academy". , Even if there is no leading role, Lu Yu will end up with rhythm.

   Because of this, Lu Yu is too busy to come to the hot spot now. He doesn't know which one to use is better, so he falls into the trouble of happiness. For the same reason, the Pakistani group has been praising Lu Yu these days. He did the whole thing very beautifully. He discovered important hot logic that Chu Yuanxi could not detect. Although he was busy turning around, he deserved praise. In this way, I can prepare for the second season.

   Of course, the bottleneck in the second season is definitely the Taiwanese book. Chu Yuanxi felt that Bai Sha's book for the first season had already fulfilled his own background. Otherwise, why would he delay the draft every day? Although Uncle Sheng said that it is normal for writers to drag manuscripts, and writers who do not drag manuscripts are not good writers, but Chu Yuanxi doesn't think so. He did it all in one go when he posted on Weibo. If he couldn't do it in one go, it means that the power of tearing is insufficient, so he can't spray. As well as pushing people, the people who dragged the manuscript must also be underpowered.

   However, looking at all entertainment programs, the sequel is not as legitimate as the first generation. There are few masterpieces that are outstanding in I and II are even better. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi never thought of asking Baisha to surpass himself. If you are afraid, you will be afraid that the energies of the Baishawen will be guilty, and you will compete with yourself and delay the event of a well-off society.

   At this time, you have to use the power of money. Even if you want to maintain your popularity, you have to let Baisha do his best, because when "Jixia Xuegong" 2 was broadcast, it was the stage when Xiaokang needed to promote the price.

In short, the popularity of "Jixia Academy" has surprised many practitioners. It is completely unexpected that political, economic and military variety shows can arouse such enthusiasm among the audience, so recently there is an endless stream of big coffees who come to Pakistan to learn from the experience. It also virtually increased the workload of Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei.

  In this so-called cold winter, the flow is actually becoming more precious, and when it is more precious, the flow and flow will be stratified, just like crude oil can be divided into heavy oil and light crude oil. This even gave Chu Yuanxi, who claims to be a traffic expert, a new understanding.

   Especially today, Chu Yuanxi can see a group of people @他 on his Weibo account, asking him to spoil the content of the next episode. One can imagine what the bustle of Pakistani entertainment is like.

  While he was on Weibo, he suddenly saw a lot of comments appearing under Pakistani Entertainment. They were all asking Pakistani Entertainment, as a strong base for straight men, why doesn't it call on fans to list Uzi Weibo's annual figures?

   Even some fans were very dissatisfied and asked the Pakistani people. When the straight guys all over the network are playing Uzi rankings, only the Pakistani people are on the sidelines. Do you want to learn from TV Tokyo? Fans of the hype "Jixia Academy" are acceptable, but you can't ignore the biggest action ever made by the straight man. You are forgetting your roots!

   Chu Yuanxi knows that Weibo is engaged in this activity, and has been speaking out in an official capacity to encourage e-sports fans to list Uzi, and the young fans doubt their lives.

   In the past, Xiao Xianrou's female fans only needed to link to the crowd. The little Xianrou nearby didn't know any of the boys, so he obediently listened to the command and asked whoever voted. But this time the girls in the meal circle suffered quickly, because after sharing to the group, a large number of boys opened the link and took a look. Hey, the first one is not Brother Hao? oh  my  god! Vote for him!

   So instead of getting the ticket, the rice circle girl gave away a lot of heads.

   This momentum is quite interesting, but Pakistani Entertainment really does not plan to participate because...

Chu Yuanxi kicked off Lu Yu directly, logged on to Pakistani Entertainment Weibo, and said: "Nothing is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Moving wood on the mountain and burning the fire under the mountain, you may wish to search for'weibo night 2019' +'three little ones'. We just want to do meaningful things."

   Chu Yuanxi said these words cautiously, because it is still dangerous to reveal the dark history of Weibo on Weibo. However, Zhalang fans have always been very crowded. Last year, the TF Boys’ empire fans worked hard to vote for the Person of the Year with more than 200 million votes on Weibo night. In the end, he still remembered the scene where the award was not awarded at all.

   Although there are not many imperial fans in the Ba people, they are still confused about the operation of Zhalang. If you don't award this award, what's the use of taking this first place? Of course, voting is very useful for Zhalang, especially for Weibo’s new product Oasis. Oasis users can vote more than N votes, so Chu Yuanxi dared not blatantly tear down the Weibo channel.

   In the end, because what Chu Yuanxi said was too vague, straight men who didn't care about the history of the rice circle had not figured it out for a long time. Instead, they had various misunderstandings. Chu Yuanxi didn't think it was too big a problem, and added: "I predict that the Zuan people will be dispatched. By that time, you can tell who is the friendly army and don't accidentally hurt our Pakistani entertainment. Our company plays e-sports. A lot, they have not played less on the list."

  While he was holding his meager self-heel, Yuan Mu knocked on the door and came in directly: "Stop! Don't tweet you! Are you okay? Are you not afraid that Lai will call you later?"

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this is Xiaokang's social interaction has not yet taken action, and after Xiaokang takes out social products, it is not afraid of solving the problem. It’s a pity that the situation is better than others. Well-off social products need to be promoted on Weibo before they are brought out, and Weibo is much looser than WeChat, and it is not a direct competitor of Well-off Social, so Mr. Lai really called him. Still afraid.

"Let me tell you Yuan Mu, I really bother them for their official initiation of war." Chu Yuanxi silently deleted these two Weibo posts, threw the phone on the sofa, and said, "You don't care much about Pakistani people recently. Just last week, a little brother broke up with his girlfriend on the Pakistani side. I scolded him after I heard it. It’s because of the bad news of this Weibo night.

   "One for Xiao Xianrou and one for Uzi?"

   "Yes, attack each other. One said that Uzi broke the game, and the other said I could last ten years. You don't know where to go for a year, and then rise to love or not."

   Yuan Mu really didn't know about this, and it was strange to think about it. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to say: "Then I said that you two are both big fools. Don't you know that your two are fighting for the idols for air? Especially you, or an employee of the Pakistani Group. I don't know the story, shame!"

   The time always flies quickly during the holidays, and it will soon come to the 13th, the day when the annual meeting is held in a well-off society.

   After doing a big deal during the day, he finally compromised with Zhenxiang and officially went to Douyin.

   The biggest difference between Kuaishou and Douyin is the difference in the way of interaction. Douyin directly swipes down to enter the next video, while Kuaishou is not. Kuaishou is drawn into the discussion area of ​​the current work. In addition, although Douyin's works also have a cover, they can only be seen on the producer's homepage. It directly puts the flesh of the work in front of the user at first glance. And fast users must look at the cover of the video first if they want to watch the video.

   The difference between this is extremely serious and directly determines the ecological difference between the two different national products. The operation of changing videos on Douyin is almost cost-free. It can eliminate the user's brainwashing and form a black hole of time, but Kuaishou is not. Kuaishou needs to exit and re-browse the main interface to change a video, so the cost of switching videos is higher.

   What does this mean?

It means that Douyin products must focus on fast-paced, because it is an information flow mode, the video produced by the producer will be replaced by the user immediately if it is not good at first sight, and it is not good at first sight. It must be high-powered throughout, and the rhythm is not Well, it will be crossed out.

   This is the reason why Douyin needs a Divine Comedy. A Divine Comedy can strongly attract users, and users have to read it in order to listen to the song.

   But the cost of switching videos quickly is too high and the operation is troublesome, so users will naturally be more patient, which can make the rhythmic but contented works more survivable.

   In addition, the existence of the cover is also very important, which strengthens the living space of Kuaishou video, so that users who watch the video first establish a sense of anticipation and then watch it. This is also something that the interactive mode of Douyin does not have. Of course, "not possessed" is not necessarily a derogatory term, but Douyin has established a more severe competition pattern, and the ecology is more inclined to work with strong rhythms rather than slow ones. This is also the reason why short videos in Douyin's information stream mode are good for growth.

It is this unique interaction mode that makes Kuaishou audiences and UP owners form a good community atmosphere. In Kuaishou, the number of likes is not important. The interaction in the comment area is more important, because users will automatically enter with a swipe of their finger. Comment area. This is a sharp difference from Douyin. Douyin has always wanted to be social but has not really created a social atmosphere. Although the number of users and daily activity of Kuaishou is low, there is a social atmosphere.

   And on this day, Kuaishou launched the so-called "big-screen version", which is actually the Douyin version, letting out the community atmosphere and social attributes that I am proud of, and keeping up with the information flow. This is called, the Spring Festival Gala red envelopes in person, everything is subject to growth.

   But this is actually good for the Ba people. Ba people are better at making videos in the vibrato style. So even when the vibrato was popular in the first half of last year, the same works were transferred to Kuaishou, the effect was much worse. But now Lu Yu is relaxed, he can eat two with one chicken, and the original UP owners of Kuaishou have to adapt to the new ecology. It is of course a great benefit for UP owners who are accustomed to the Douyin ecology.

   But this matter has little to do with Xiaokang. Xiaokang needs to make the annual meeting out of style. Although Xiaokang has always claimed to be a technology company, it is in the convenience store industry. Xiaokang’s largest group of employees, the shop assistants, cannot go to the annual meeting. There are people who have to stick to their posts during the New Year. The same is true for the logistics system, except that there is no need to work overtime during the Chinese New Year.

However, Xiaokang has strong online capabilities, and each store is equipped with a TV. Therefore, the problem of not being able to be present can be solved through live broadcast. Online lottery can be used to let shop staff participate in most of the games. Anyway, whether it is the annual meeting In fact, the speech session or the meal is not the main thing, the performance is even more indifferent. The employees are most concerned about the distribution of various gifts and prizes.

  At the same time, don’t forget that there is a clone in the well-off eastern Guangdong province. There are also a large number of middle and senior executives who cannot leave, and it is impossible to go to the imperial capital to attend the annual meeting, and Yuan Mu is also there. Therefore, the well-to-do annual meeting was formed in the form of simultaneous broadcast under the planning of the operation Two venues more than a thousand miles away, connected online with a big screen, while Chu Yuanxi As the host, Yuan Mu hosted on one side, and several game sessions were also deliberately biased towards online sessions when designing.

   These links have been rehearsed, Chu Yuanxi is quite relieved, he is more concerned about the feedback from the employees on the selection of outstanding employees.

   Many companies use the form of live speech + canvassing when selecting outstanding employees. It seems to be democratic and free. In the end, almost all the members of the big project team who work overtime and the beauties in the company are the people who know them.

   This is an inevitable result, but it is unreasonable. It is just more worry-free. Regarding the selection result, because it is a product of democracy and freedom, no one can criticize it, and can only complain behind it.

   Chu Yuanxi never had this idea. Last year, the Pakistani annual meeting simply did not appraise outstanding employees. But this year’s evaluation in Xiaokang, the format is to let all employees evaluate themselves through all-staff emails. If someone thinks that they are the best in the company, they need to report their reasons and write down where they are excellent and what they have done. Beautiful job, and then Chu Yuanxi appointed it.

   This is a bit similar to the imperial examination in the feudal era. After candidates have written the papers, the examiner will give a ranking. This was another time-consuming thing besides the promotion of legal work before him, but it was very meaningful. The most important thing a president should do is to understand his employees, especially when he respects precise management.

   This power made Yuan Mu envious, and wanted to share his worries for Chu Yuanxi, but was sent to Eastern Guangdong Province by Chu Yuanxi.

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