Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 972: Zhao Jie reports

The reason for saying that there will be many battles this year is because Xiaokang has so many ground tasks this year.

   Xiaokang’s steps to open stores in other cities are actually the entire process of re-enacting the Imperial Capital. The current re-enactment in Yangcheng and Pengcheng is actually Milestone 3. Milestone 3 is used to set up a shelf to fill up the ground team, supply qualified employees, and form an engine-like mechanism to wash newly recruited employees into well-off and qualified employees. Therefore, it is indispensable, no matter where the city is. Milestone 4 can be reissued afterwards without any problems.

   But the entire process from milestones 3 to 4 is more than half a year, and the time of about seven months can be even shorter if it is reissued. Therefore, this year's inner demons will not only be launched, but they will definitely be finished. Not to mention Yangcheng and Pengcheng, which are already close to a thousand stores.

   In addition, if financing is okay, the fifth city can also be advanced, but Chu Yuanxi is a bit undecided about which city to choose. At the beginning, he wanted to put it in West Lake. Although West Lake City can only rank about tenth in GDP, it has a strong technological atmosphere, it is convenient to recruit people, and it has ample talent pool. It feels like it can open a sub-base outside the imperial capital. .

   It is only a comprehensive consideration of the performance of the major central cities across the country in 2019. The capital of Shu and Jiangcheng in 2019 can be said to be very bright, not only the scale is very high, but the growth rate remains at the forefront. This strong driving force made Chu Yuanxi hesitate.

In short, if you start the store opening plan in the fifth city, and even if God is the end of Milestone 4, there will be more than 1,300 new stores, which can be several times as high as last year. There are so many big battles to fight, no need to worry about the employees. There is no opportunity to cultivate revolutionary feelings.

   Speaking of it, Luckin has opened 2500 stores in the past year, which is very awesome. The Xiaokang 2020 plan is only half, so is it not awesome? No, a well-off society needs density.

   Ruixing also needs density, but the area it does not cover is nothing more than that the user can't drink the small blue cup, and can't use the 1.8 discount coupon, which is uncomfortable. As for Xiaokang, all subsequent strategies after the establishment of the store are based on density, and the distribution areas must be concentrated and no blanks can be left. Therefore, you must eat all the way like a greedy snake, and go to the foreign minister little by little. You can go in two ends, but you can't bloom everywhere, let alone open shops in many cities across the country.

   So 1,300 homes in a well-off year are not slow.

The organization and speeches of this annual meeting also involved a lot of Chu Yuanxi’s energy. After the annual meeting was over, he had the opportunity to deal with the squeezed information. It turned out that it was less than half a month in Eastern Guangdong Province. I don’t know if it was stimulated by Ganxin’s grocery shopping and suddenly became very lively.

   The current pole position in the province is still Aunt Sun, but although it is in full swing, it is unable to achieve a monopoly, because Huang Tuan once again invested heavily in Eastern Guangdong Province, spending several hundred million yuan to vote for "Pig No. 1". Huang Tuan originally had the pre-warehouse business of buying vegetables home, and this time he made up the pork, as if he was going all out.

Chu Yuanxi, as the investor and next home of Ganxin’s grocery shopping, can actually be less concerned about other people’s toC business, especially Xiaokang does not directly deal in the fresh sales of pork products. Only hot meals will involve pork. Purchasing, Ganxin Shopping Piggyback to solve it is currently the lowest cost and least resistance plan.

   But No. 1 pig is not trivial. It takes the entire industry chain from professional pig farms to chain stores. Taking care of it all, it is an important mountain in the domestic pig field. Companies that make chess pieces may not care so much, but it is impossible for those who intend to be chess players not to care about such an important flag change. Pig No. 1 is still a little affected by the yellow team battle.

   Therefore, he hurriedly held a conference call with Yang Heng and Lu Yin. The topic was whether the two overlords showed signs of taking monopolistic measures on the upstream fresh food bases in the province, especially the high-quality bases. And if so, what do we do.

   Actually, the end point of this meeting is money, which is the question of whether we have money when others change. Fortunately, the CFO is now sent by Xu Xin, so if the situation is real and the strategy is reasonable, it is appropriate to reach out.

After ending this issue, Chu Yuanxi had to prepare for the Pakistani annual meeting. If the Pakistani annual meeting can share with Xiaokang, he would be comfortable. The problem is that it can’t work. The main reason is not awards and games, nor excellent employees. , But because the situation of the two companies is different.

   Xiaokang is currently in a state of ignorance. Although the spirit of revolutionary optimism is permeated from top to bottom, it has not yet achieved success. The Pakistani people already have huge amounts of money in their hands, their business is well organized, and they have been very successful no matter how they are judged. Therefore, the annual meeting is held together, which is likely to cause the well-off people to think wrong.

The Ba people’s annual meeting was on Friday the 17th. As a result, on Wednesday, Chu Yuanxi suddenly got a piece of news. A certain Chinese character head newspaper published an article saying that a certain institute had released a completely independent programming, development and implementation. The language and naming are quite oriental charm: Mulan. This is not the case. It is also equipped with a completely self-realized compiler and integrated development tool, which is a programming language that truly masters the core technology.

   This is too powerful. Chu Yuanxi happened to be looking for Zhao Jie to talk about work, and while calling him over, he downloaded the program from the institute's official website.

   is said to be powerful, not because it does not believe that domestic big cows can develop independently, but because there is no news at all. A highly constructive design like this must require very high quality, and the workload cannot be low. In terms of the degree of reliance on GitHub by coders all over the world, the source code repository should have been uploaded and committed countless times, and there should be a large number of followers and followers. There should be a rumor before it takes shape.

Just like at the beginning of the new year, the physics engine Tai Chi released by the Chinese doctor Hu Yuanming of MIT defines an independent programming language as the bottom layer to form a brand-new system, and then embed it in Python, so that all those who master the dynamic language Python Code farmers can use it. Then wait until it is fully formed, and make a case, use less than 100 lines of code to call the engine function to output a set of complex particle special effects, and then present it to the programmer circle, which immediately caused a sensation.

   And this set of Tai Chi language and engine, Hu Yuanming, the great god, has repeatedly used in 4 months. In the process, not only Zhao Jie was disturbed, but Yang Jiangang and Chu Yuanxi also heard about it, because after Dr. Hu laid down the open source rules for the entire code, both Peak Visual Effects and Gobi Network may be used, but it may also be quickly The acquisition by large companies is too efficient and commercial value is too great. Some CG special effects that used to be "burning" may only need 50 cents in the future.

   However, the confidentiality of Mulan's system is so strong that there is no wind at all. Chu Yuan Xixin said that he is too professional, right? This is higher than the secrecy habits of amateur players like the old man...


   As the downloading of the program was completed, he slowly typed one in his heart?

   This file called -0.2.2 stayed on the desktop quietly, and Chu Yuanxi was very excited and forced to change for a moment. Because, although he is not a coder, Python always recognizes it. Isn't this the default icon that comes with PyInstaller when it is packaged? Is something wrong?

   You can see it, yes, you can only download this...

   At this time, Zhao Jie had stood behind him for a while, witnessing the whole process of Chu Yuanxi's bewilderment. He knocked on Chu Yuanxi's table and said, "What are you looking for? I just tell you. Besides, it's it, don't look for it, you can't find anything else."

   "Shrimp mean?"

  "It means that I have used PyInstaller  Extractor to unpack it. I used Python 3.7 version, which has 3.7 internal functions and interfaces, a standard library, no icon change, and no encryption..."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Jie suddenly "pushed" out of joy, "Old Chu, should you apologize to Red Core?"

   "Is it Xia Mi?" Chu Yuanxi almost forgot what the red core is when she talked. After thinking hard, she remembered that it was the self-developed browser in August of the previous year, which was actually a packaged Google Chrome.

   Zhao Jie said quietly: "Because the red core has at least changed the icon..."

   "Ahem! Let's see what happened on your side." Chu Yuanxi felt invincible and embarrassed for a certain hospital as she said. She said that the product of New Year, 9012 has passed, hey!

   There are two points that he cares most about. The first point is that Susan Bell, who was hired with a high salary, is easy to use. Although her salary is the lowest among the four candidates, she is also much higher than the domestic operations specialist.

   The second point is that it has been more than two months since the official establishment of the Gobi Network. What is the current progress? Not only Gobi Networks, but also Mediterranean and Pinnacle Visual Effects, both companies had to report years ago. This is a must in the workplace. As for Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan, it is not as simple as a report. They have to check their work arrangements after the year.

"Susan, she cares about two things most. The first is our first game. PRG will definitely develop two versions of PC and console. The PC is divided into a platform version and an official version. She needs to watch it. After reaching the prototype of the product, a set of operational logic is developed according to the characteristics, so now we can only look at the document and UE first.

   The second is the movie. Haven't we checked the movie elements before? I told her about it, but she hopes to make a set of operational plans after seeing the script and storyboard. "

   "People's requirements are quite reasonable." Chu Yuanxi looked at Zhao Jie and seemed a little dissatisfied, "What about your opinion?"

   "How dare I make any comments? The internet celebrity operator will leave the job by the time, and it will burst into flames. I don't want face?"

"Hey, you are not right. You can't shrink your hands because you may be criticized in the future. Are you afraid of tearing? How can you be an entrepreneur without tearing? Be mentally prepared, she criticizes you, and you criticize her, what's so great?"

   Zhao Jiexin said you are you for everyone?

   "Susan, now because everything is stuck in words, I'm urging Uncle's script and storyboard."

   "What about your development progress?"

   "Uh... it might take a month? Hey, don't change your face!" Zhao Jie saw Chu Yuanxi's face sinking and said that it was going to be bad, but it was really not a good sign that the project was just planned.

"The main reason is that the technological innovation is too fast, Lao Chu, I can't rely on my brothers. Do you see if Tai Chi is not fragrant? But if we want to use it, we have to change the bottom layer, and the project has just started, and the bottom layer is too late, so what should I do I can only agree to change."

"Wait for a while, I'll stroke it first. Why didn't you make such a drastic change without asking for an evening report?" Chu Yuanxi raised her hand and said to her heart that the reason Zhao Jie gave seemed very reasonable. What is the problem? Why are you unreliable? Does he mean to abandon mature business engines?

   First of all, the Tai Chi engine is far from perfect, and even less commercial.

  Secondly, it is still unknown whether Dr. Hu has plans to commercialize it. You must know that no matter any engine, it depends on the developers to update it continuously. It is impossible to say that the commercial company has been using it after a draft is provided. What does it look like? If Dr. Hu said in two days that I think this place is still immature and needs to be sealed for two years, who would Zhao Jie go to?

   The above is still a commercial consideration, and the technical problem is even greater. Tai Chi is written in a unique language, and coders use Python, but it is a philosophical use, not a deep use. Zhao Jie is to be a platform. What he wants is as sensitive as an arm's finger, and he must be able to adjust according to his own mind. Therefore, he must use the other party's open source engine and must master the underlying language of the other party's writing engine. Is this reliable?

   "Reliable, ah, old Chu, we must first demonstrate it internally... Gui said he can. He was originally a great engine."

   Chu Yuanxi almost vomited blood, and said to her heart that she was using the new language of the ship! The great gods are only afraid that ordinary people are too stupid, so they embed the language into Python so that ordinary coders can use it.

"Are you sure? A new language? This is not a joke." Chu Yuanxi applauded, "Baren Group will give you investment, give you resources, give you IP, give you entrepreneurial opportunities, but just like that. . Don’t think that there are other opportunities after failure because the opportunity is too easy, no! It’s extremely difficult for people who have used DKP once to re-save DKP."

   Zhao Jie was shocked: "Fuck! There is still this situation? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   "You, don't even have the psychological preparation to correctly predict changes in the market situation. You always think that the world is immutable. How can this be... Are you still going to use Tai Chi?"

   "I, I have to think about it and go back and discuss it with my brothers."

   "I can't give up on this? Are you sure you want to put the entire company in such a radical state? Isn't it safe to be safe?"

"It's not radical or conservative. Old Chu." Zhao Jie argued hard. "First of all, the language problem, you are not a code farmer, you don't understand it. There are too many new languages. The Siege Lion updates its own every two years. Language, this is nothing.

   Next, the Tai Chi engine is really easy to use, and it saves money. You have to consider that the energy released by this engine is different from the existing physics engine. We are not the same as the peak visual effects. Yang Jiangang did not intend to use the physics engine at the beginning, everything was kept simple, so the appearance of Tai Chi had an impact on them, but it was not much. We planned to use the physics engine from the beginning. Whether this UGC platform is powerful or not, will it make UGC users feel that low is worthless once they use it? The success or failure lies in the engine. "

   Speaking of this, this is a problem for small companies. If it is still a Pakistani game, Zhao Jie will do it with a wave of his hand. For example, if you are still developing a UGC game platform, you can add a new project team outside the original development team to apply Tai Chi engine specifically to create an internal horse racing model for the AB group.

Once Group B fails, it is regarded as nothing happened. Anyway, the loss is the responsibility of the group. It can also absorb some of the beneficial technical achievements in the process into Group A, and report to Chu Yuanxi to say that it is 10 to 20 million. R&D funding has been floated. Given Zhao Jie's understanding of Chu Yuanxi, it should be just a smile, right?

   But now he is a small company and an entrepreneur. There is no extra ten or twenty million for him to spend. This can be regarded as the duality of starting a business and working in a large company. It is impossible to start a business and do everything well. In fact, there are many places where business is not good.

   Chu Yuanxi is also thinking, what should he do if he is replaced by Zhao Jie's current position? The safest thing is to ignore Tai Chi, since there is no such thing, the price is that if Tai Chi is really good, soon, it will only take about half a year, you will find that all the friends around you have replaced Tai Chi, and then you are behind a generation. .

   Therefore, only "financing due to emergencies" is the correct solution to this problem, and prudent consideration of reaching out to capital after encountering a problem is the correct solution. Unfortunately, he thinks that Zhao Jie may not have the courage.

  Chu Yuanxi did not remind Zhao Jie, this little difficulty needs him to think Ruth he walks by himself, can't be a nanny for everything.

   "It is said that Chen Kuo is also an engine siege lion. You and Yang Jiangang should talk about this, and let your brother talk to Chen Kuo."

   "They communicate with each other every day..." Zhao Jiexin said that Chu Yuanxi seemed to be really busy, and the focus of attention had not been on both sides of him and Yang Jiangang for a long time, and had not noticed the current state of mutual support between the two companies. "Then my problem is that the Dau of the "Wu Dao Fajun" mobile game basically maintains at 30 million now. I want to make some income."

   Chu Yuanxi felt that this idea was actually feasible. Zhao Jie is so simple, he didn't expect to reach out to the benefactor, but he thought of reaching out to the market.

   In fact, "Wu Dao Faunjun" is quite profitable now. Although it does not make income, it has a turnover of tens of millions a month. It's just that the revenue link has gone through the steps of separating from Pakistani games and then organizing business incubation relationships. The domestic revenue structure is actually the Pakistani group for distribution and Gobi Networks as the CP.

   This structure is reasonable no matter how you look at it. Otherwise, if the Baren and Gobi Network are regarded as two subjects, why does Baren Information do an unprecedented large-scale marketing campaign for the Gobi Network? If the Pakistani were not playing the role of the publisher, not only would Gobi Networks have to pay for this marketing activity, but the IP itself would have to pay. Only when the Pakistani people are regarded as publishers and the publishers issue IP for R&D companies to make games and operate game products, it is in line with industry practice.


   New Year greetings, congratulations on getting rich

  :. :

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