Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 973: The Solution of Gobi Network

But with such a structure, Zhao Jie suffers because the monthly income is not many tens of millions, and it does not belong to him. The income falls into the hands of the publisher and then distributes it to him a little bit. Gobi Network can The proportion of share obtained through mobile games is extremely low.

   The reason for this is that only in this way can they be fully compliant. In the future, Pakistani people will be fine when they do listing reviews. Xiaokang promises not to go public within five years. Pakistani people are not going to go public within five years. Pakistani people can go on the market as long as the well-off milk is ready.

   Actually, after this year, Chu Yuanxi must prepare for Pakistan's IPO or backdoor. If nothing goes wrong, you can apply for domestic listing in 2021, which is also in line with the company's three-year listing requirements.

  If the Pakistani people are already a company with a fully sound structure, such as the existence of a board of directors, regular shareholder meetings, etc., then Chu Yuanxi can ignore the issue or not.

   As long as the board of directors approves it, the shareholders approve it, even if it is a "benefit transfer", it does not matter if it is given to Gobi Network, because the CSRC will not ask about things approved by the board of directors and the shareholders meeting. There will be no impact on the listing process in the future. At most, it will be challenged by the auditors. However, there is no doubt that this will lower the valuation of the Pakistani Group's listing. Who wants shareholders to be willing?

   Of course, I think in reverse, if there is a board of directors, it is impossible to approve the transfer of tens of millions of benefits a month. Independent directors will definitely ask: Why? Why do these tens of millions go to Gobi Network every month? Can Zhao Jie lie down and pay dividends after he changes? Is there such a good thing in the world?

   And the current situation is that Chu Yuanxi resolutely rejected the existence of the board of directors, and made a frenzied talk for the sake of a well-off society to reach the pinnacle. These reasonable structures are simply impossible to talk about.

So if he dared to convey the benefits of Gobi Network, instead of letting Pakistani Group do the issuance and take the lead, in the future pre-listing audit, although financial means can still be used to record IP R&D and operation hype as "expenses" instead of forming any Intellectual property and goodwill and other intangible assets, but if someone asks: Is it true that the actual controller and the incubating entrepreneur jointly emptied the company through the transfer of benefits?

   This kind of black spot is unclear, even if the registration system is now used in the securities market, it is still very difficult.

   If you change to someone who doesn't understand finances, you might think that Gobi Network was invested by the Pakistani Group. As long as Gobi Network makes a lot of money in the future, won't the Pakistani people also make money? Why bother about positioning? Isn't it a very good thing for Gobi Networks to become a company with significant influence in the future compared to the current preoccupation?

   But Chu Yuanxi, who claims to be proficient in financial and legal affairs, certainly can't think that way, because the value of Gobi Network to Pakistani people is already reflected in the part of cash investment, and it has nothing to do with whether things are good or not. In fact, a very simple sentence can be used to describe this behavior in the audit, which is called non-conformity with fair value. This question couldn't be answered without pre-preparation, so I just knelt.

  Speaking of which, Zhao Jie's idea of ​​harvesting players is really questionable. Chu Yuanxi does not exclude making income, but it must form a state of happy consumption for players. But once Zhao Jie obtains Chu Yuanxi's consent to start making income, can he control it? This is a DAU30 million mobile game. What is the concept? How am I embarrassed to meet people with a monthly flow of less than 300 million? The 3 million DAU of domestic cheating mobile games can give 300 million monthly sales.

Now the game revenue is not good because there are no deep pits, even if the local tyrants are rich, but the pits are filled by opening a batch of boxes. The only bottomless pit is the potential of martial arts. This is not worth it, and you can only hang up the single line output. The more boxes you open, the wider the martial arts you get, and the higher the martial arts potential you need, forming an endless loop, so recharging won't help.

   Therefore, in the next version, Zhao Jie only needs to add a numerical gameplay and then dig the hole deeper, and the number of people opening the box immediately skyrocketed.

   This is not Zhao Jie's bad thinking, normal thinking of normal people. It's like Lu Yu always wants to be a live broadcast e-commerce company, and then earn fans' money freely. On the well-off side, Xue Jianhua has a big brain. Every time he comes up with a layout that can earn hundreds of millions of dollars for the company, it is their idea Is it not good? No, switching to another company is a business genius.

   But the business perspective is always looking down, rather than looking up, which is debatable.

   So Chu Yuanxi deliberately replied: "If you make income, how much do you plan to increase the monthly ARPU value?"

   Zhao Jie quickly replied: "Like the normal level of on-hook games, right?" After speaking, he secretly looked at Chu Yuanxi's expression.

   However, Chu Yuanxi didn't have any expression, just shaking his head as a rattle.

   "No way, no way, now there are a lot of traitors in the hanging game. Like the one that recently included all the ads, how high is the ARPU worth it? Are you going to be with them and our players can bear it?"

   Zhao Jie was helpless at the time: "No, Lao Chu, why don't you make money when you have money? It's easy, and the money is big."

   "Sorry, I have no feeling for money."

   Chu Yuanxi quoted a famous saying, and then looked directly at Zhao Jie.

In fact, "Wu Dao Hun Jun" wants to make income is too simple, you don't need to do anything new, hang up the game, give out a monthly card of 20 yuan a month, dig a little bit of value, and make the daily rewards more careful. Players will give some resources every day if they lack any resources. There is no need to give too much. If you give too much, the balance between players will be ruined. If you give less, the frogs will be boiled in warm water. In this way, it is no problem to make at least 200 million in income a month.

   As for the habitual routines of some domestic cheating mobile games, Zhao Jie will actually update a version of the numerical gameplay a month, and then correspond to a recharge activity of 648 yuan. This kind of operation is nothing but basic exercises. Who wouldn't pit money? The hard part is finding 30 million big players who are pitted every day. "Wu Dao Hun Jun" mobile game has 30 million daily livelihoods, and monthly active activity is about 70 million or so. Isn't this boring?

   Ran Goose, what are you doing as a platform? These two methods of making income are nothing more than letting players make money. The total value of the user's life cycle LTV can be calculated separately through the two models. It is easy to make a total income of more than 10 billion in three years of operation.

   But, in fact, the amount of energy in "Wu Dao Faun Jun" has far exceeded that of the same period in "Troubled Times".

   "Wu Dao faunjun" did not appear on the channel, with 30 million DAU; "Troubled Times" after the channel was on the channel, the total DAU remained at a peak of 37 million for a long time, and then slowly declined.

Therefore, it can be said that the current popularity of the on-hook mobile game of "Wu Dao Hun Jun" is the result of reaching all fans and users within the reach of the Pakistani media for N times, which is equivalent to basically overdrawing the Pakistani group in the country. The full potential of the game, especially after the event.

  Funjun activity is equivalent to high-dimensional hitting low-dimensional, and all the friends who get users on Douyin through advertising or other operational behaviors are violently beaten. The first to bear the brunt is a friend of Ali Lingxi's formerly named Baren Game now renamed as Unicorn Studio.

  As soon as this event was launched, the friends on Ali's side had no idea how bad they were vomiting in the circle of friends. This is still a circle of friends. I can’t even think about what it would be like to vomit the fragrance behind my back! In the days after Double Twelve, it was a blood loss to cast Douyin game ads.

   However, the Ba people greeted the brothers from all walks of life in a rampaging posture to run across the Douyin, which is equivalent to putting all their reputation on "Wu Dao Faunjun", this is undoubtedly allin.

   The tens of billions of income is made, and the result visible to the naked eye is that fans have left the radius of influence of the Pakistani people. Of course, you can also use other products to target loyal and old users for another round and another. Three years later, three years later, the effect is gradually decreasing, but it can also make a lot of money.

   The question is what is in this picture? What is the significance of the Gobi network? Why did Chu Yuanxi let Zhao Jiye start his own business? It's the same if it is directly collected in the Pakistani Group. Any project manager can achieve the same effect. You can send Lu Yu, Uncle Sheng, or even Jiaotu.

  Instead of doing this, it’s better not to make a hang-up game. Be a profitable cheat game and hang on the IP of "Wu Dao Fajun" to better play Zhao Jie’s talents. Wouldn’t it be good to double the income?

   Although Zhao Jie could not read his mind, he still had a keen intuition. He asked directly: "Lao Chu, if you have something to say, what did I do wrong?"

   Seeing Zhao Jie's aggrieved expression, Chu Yuanxi said that you are not bad and you did not go alone. However, the normal relationship between the publisher and the CP is always "the publisher is holding the CP's neck". There is no agreement between the Pakistani and the Gobi network, but the agreement related to IP authorization is extremely strict, so Not afraid that Zhao Jie would have the idea of ​​going alone.

"Let’s make a long story short. Your mistake is that you haven’t mastered the correct way of thinking. It’s very simple. What is your goal and what is your current difficulty? You have to consider these two issues and then find the optimal solution. Do you understand? ?"

   After Chu Yuanxi read it, he knew that Zhao Jie hadn’t understood yet. “To put it simply, have you considered when to raise money? Just like Yang Jiangang.”

   This time it was changed to Zhao Jie shaking the rattle, "Is it still far away? Is the first RPG game to be made?"

   "Wrong! The market situation is intricately changing, how can you, a small start-up company, be able to cope with the changes? Of course you have to consider all possible options!

   "But I really can't do that..."

   Chu Yuanxi was puzzled, "Which one?"

"When I came to the stage and screamed in front of a group of investors, I really can't do it. I asked Lao Yang, and Lao Yang said that he didn't know how he got off that day, and that he lost his memory for a short time." Zhao Jie said, shrinking The neck seemed to be tortured.

   "Trash!" Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes, "You are too ashamed. I suggest you go out and run naked."


   Although Zhao Jie's name was miserable, but when Chu Yuanxi started to joke, he said that the problem should be likely to go toward ok.

   I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "First of all, do you want to make income to open Group AB to make more money?"

   "Chu Yuanxi, who knows me! As long as the monthly ARPU increases from 0.5 to 1, I can easily open another group."

   "Then it's easy. You don't necessarily have to do roadshows when you do financing. You are misled. Pakistani, Xiaokang, and Pinnacle Visual Effects have all done roadshows, but only a few do roadshows."

   Chu Yuanxi said mentally, "You game platform, I don't think we need to calculate it so much. Just make a Pre_A for you and it will solve it. Let's add 15 million. How much do you think the valuation is appropriate?"

  The structure of the angel round of the Gobi Network is that the Pakistani invested 30 million in cash and gave the angel round a valuation of 40 million. The 30 million cash Pakistani accounted for 18 million shares, Zhao Jie accounted for 12 million, the other 10 million was the option pool, and Zhao Jie accounted for 4 million.

   The design of this structure imitates the peak visual effects, but not all, because there is a technical problem, that is, Zhao Jie does not have that many DKP.

   Peak visual effects were invested 20 million by the Pakistani people, of which 12 million was an investment, 8 million was cashed in Yang Jiangang’s DKP, plus 10 million options, of which Yang Jiangang was 4 million, so the angel round was valued at 30 million.

   But when Yang Jiangang first entered the job, Chu Yuanxi directly gave 3 million special DKP, and then when H5 promoted "Troubled Times", he scorned 5 million DKP and raised 8 million DKP for incubation.

   Zhao Jie has worked in Pakistan for more than a year and has worked so hard, and DKP has also saved 2 million. This is already one of the employees who get the most DKP. It seems that it doesn't seem to be much for a startup to raise millions or tens of millions, but what about a bonus? Is the bonus of more than two million yuan a year still less? It would be too much to post more.

The DKP gameplay was originally designed to let a few employees get together to form a team to start a business. It’s just that the Pakistani people have developed too fast, surpassing the original intention of setting up DKP, and the key is to sell Zhao Jie’s brothers. This guy.

So it was Zhao Jie’s angel round. Although forcibly increasing the number of options can solve the problem of founder’s shareholding in start-ups, it cannot solve the problem of capital contribution. Moreover, Gobi Network needs a lot more money than peak visual effects at a glance, unless it is given Zhao Jie has a sky-high option, otherwise it will be difficult to balance the interests of Pakistani Group and Zhao Jie.

   In order to solve this technical problem, Chu Yuanxi flexibly changed Zhao Jie’s 10 million in Pakistani options into DKP. Zhao Jie took over 20 million special options, which were transferred from Chu Yuanxi’s own personal options. When the transfer was made, it was already converted to a fixed option instead of a floating option with a higher value, so it can be converted to DKP. Seamless transfer.

   So this problem was solved perfectly. Zhao Jie could have 12 million shares in the Gobi network. Coupled with 4 million options, this startup company’s shareholding structure was extremely stable and scientific.

But now Chu Yuanxi said that the Pakistani people will add additional investment, then Zhao Jie has to calculate, because if the Pakistani people still add 10 million yuan at a valuation of 40 million, their shareholding will reach 28 million, 56%, and more than 50%. , Very inappropriate.

   Although it was originally pinched by the Pakistani group, the Gobi network nominally only holds 45% of the shares. If it exceeds 50%, it is like a martial artist in the island country and the Warring States period who worked hard for 30 years, finally became an independent big name, and then became a de facto vassal. The Omi Asai family in the era of Oda Nobunaga categorically betrayed Nobunaga for this reason, although their house governor married Nobunaga's younger sister, Ashi, known as the most beautiful woman in the Warring States period.

   "Would you like me to get you a calculator?" Chu Yuanxi looked at Zhao Jie's tangled expression and wanted to laugh. Zhao Jie would definitely count, but he probably didn't think he was worth that much money, right?

   "Then, 3,320 million?" Zhao Jie mentally calculated, Pre_A walking at 320 million is exactly 8 times the angel round, and it can control the Pakistani people to account for less than 50% of the shares after the investment.

   "Be bold!" Chu Yuanxi pressed his forehead, "Now you are an entrepreneur and I am an investor. You are an obvious guilty conscience when you bid so much. I don't deserve so much money with the words on your face. Can you do this?"

   "Then 400 million!" Zhao Jie said, biting his posterior teeth, "Yang Jiangang asked for 800 million for round A. I want 400 million, right?"

   After speaking, he immediately said in a very low voice: "It's just a bit early in time..."

   "The time is indeed a little bit earlier, but the 400 million yuan is too short... Forget it, you are an entrepreneur, you have the final say. Oh, yes, in fact, you should hire a CFO, and then you talk to your CFO."

   This time neither Mediterranean nor Gobi Network Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to become their CFO, because they were too busy. I became the CFO for Pinnacle Visual Effects because it was the first company incubated by Pakistani needs to be more detailed and there was time. Chu Yuanxi is very busy now, he must do subtraction in his work, it is impossible to do addition.

   Therefore, Zhao Jie is now without a CFO.

   "Can Chen Xiao?" Zhao Jie asked immediately, seeming to have considered this issue a long time ago. Chen Xiao is the financial director of the Pakistani Group. He used to be the financial manager of the R&D department of Fruit Network Imperial Capital. When he was transferred to Pakistan, he moved to the position of financial director. Although Chu Yuanxi basically controls the group's finances, her job is similar to before, but her reputation and resume are very good.

   "Please, can your eyes see farther?" Chu Yuanxi said that Chen Xiao is such a rare financial director, how could he give it to you? "You have to know that Chen Xiao's resume is now more serious than ability. The premium is very high, so you can't hire a better one? Who is important to work with, okay?"

  Zhao Jiexin said, why have you been working with us for so long?

I saw Chu Yuanxi look at the time, and then said: "Time is tight and tasks are heavy. I'll just say it straight. After you start a business, remember that the most important thing at any moment is to recruit, find the right person, and be able to execute your Goal. Then the goal is to be firm and not changeable at any time, but the process can be fine-tuned according to the market situation. What is your goal?

   is to be an influential game platform, occupying the field of game content in the 5G era with a UGC model. So the tonality of your platform comes first. There is no platform yet, but the company has a product with a core IP, and the platform will be used in the future. The product tonality will be inherited by your future platform. "


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