Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 979: What's the difference

   Yesterday, it didn’t stop. Hey, Chapter 578 got 404. You all understand


"Then where do you think he is awesome? Make yourself an indispensable person, so no one opposes him?" Uncle Sheng sneered, "Your thinking is too dim, right? Employees strive to become irreplaceable. The people in this country can guarantee that they won’t be laid off. How could a president think that? You, a typical empress, must have the idea of ​​baking big pie in a golden pot every day."

"No, it's not." Du Li waved his hand quickly, "I mean, first of all, President Chu did everything very powerful, awesome, and nothing to say. However, he himself said that the group saved too much money. Uncle, do you think President Chu is really unable to open other product lines, or he doesn't want to open it?

   I think he doesn't want to drive, he is restraining. With tens of billions in hand, what can't you do? If you want to open a product line, it's especially easy. Isn't it enough to hire a vice president directly from the society? Look at how Mr. Chu did his job in Xiaokang. He was vivid and thirsty for talent. How many executives did he airborne? Mr. Chu controlled it very well. The wrong person was fired directly, and the right person entrusted with heavy responsibility, even directly recruiting CXO. There are no Ba people, and Chu always thinks that there is definitely one, but there is really no one. "

Uncle Sheng knew that this was about Chu Yuanxi's digging of executives from Koala. The three goals finally came. The business intelligence director and the chief product officer CPO were all in place. The chief marketing officer failed to dig and went to a house. The fresh food processing enterprise called "Tian Xian Pei" made Chu Yuanxi have to continue his recruitment journey.

   This is the first time that Xiaokang has directly introduced CXO-level executives. Although they are not at the vice president level, they have aroused considerable discussions both inside and outside Xiaokang. The so-called foreigners are of course the Pakistani people. The two companies work together and are familiar with each other.

   As for Du Li's understanding of Xiaokang's situation, let alone say, because he has a large number of former colleagues who have transferred to Xiaokang. Most of them still follow Liao Xingxing to wander the rivers and lakes. A small number of them are transferred to other positions, and they usually meet.

   And Uncle Sheng knows a little bit more than ordinary employees. The so-called vice president is sometimes not as good as CXO. The so-called choice is greater than effort. The vice president is responsible for hard work, and CXO is responsible for choice.

   At this time, I heard what Du Li said, and I thought so. Pakistani people can not only include CXO-level executives, but they can even directly buy money for mergers, spend money to save time, and win high-quality teams and assets. Even Du Li knew these truths. How could Chu Yuanxi not understand?

   But if Chu Yuanxi didn't care and didn't do anything, that's not the case. Just this year, the tasks of the Pakistani media were overloaded, and Zhu Yan waited until the beginning of the spring. Of course, he himself is not much better. He must at least be responsible for designing the concept of the two movie scripts, and then find a suitable screenwriter, or become a screenwriter by himself; then he can't run two or three variety show scripts, and his life is not worth it. The lives of 2 billion successful people.

   All of this relies on Chu Yuanxi's promotion, except for fitness variety shows, Chu Yuanxi’s ideas, or derived from existing projects.

   So, I can’t say that Du Li is wrong, but it’s not all right. Uncle Sheng pondered for a moment, and said: "In fact, Chu Yuanxi said it was more reliable at the annual meeting. If you don't want to mess around, what the group should pursue is high-quality projects. And take 10,000 steps, even if he doesn't want to launch a new product, It's not the reason why you praised him for being invincible as a feudal emperor in ancient times. Where is this invincibility?"

   "Oh, uncle!" Does Du Lixin have to be so direct? He actually came to warn Uncle Sheng, but after talking for a long time, he didn't know if Uncle Sheng had already understood it? Still don't know how to pretend to understand.

At this moment, Uncle Sheng waved his hand, "No matter where you think about it, whether it is a conspiracy theory or a speculation, I will only tell you one thing, that is, Chu Yuanxi has a hundred ways to get his equity to 50%. He didn’t get more than %. This is exactly what he is generous. In terms of the achievements of the Israeli-Palestinian enterprise, he should take more than two-thirds. Other people’s contributions include me. Inside, it’s very young compared to him. He just needs to motivate himself from the reserved employee shares."

   Du Li was stupid at the time, "Can it still be like this? Can the founder motivate himself?"

"Why not? Which of the articles of association stipulates that Chu Yuanxi can't motivate herself? Our company does not have a board of directors. Besides, he can motivate my co-founder, why can't he motivate his own founder? ? I later found a 1% employee stock to make up, so the total option is only 5.5%. So what you said, I almost understand what it means, but..."

While speaking, Du Li saw that Uncle Sheng seemed to show a smile of caring for the mentally retarded, and said: "I am writing history. It is very inappropriate for you to take the ancient emperor as an example. You ignore the difference between the social environment in ancient and present. In ancient times, in the emperor The level does not have the spirit of contract. The folks are better, but the emperor does not need to keep his word. This is unpredictable. No one can ask the emperor to keep his word, no one has the ability to restrict. Now it is different. We are entering a contract society, everything All are guaranteed by law."

   Who did Du Lixin say Chu is always? Want to play with the law is not a matter of minutes? Maybe he can't play with the law, but it shouldn't be too simple to play with you through the law.

As for Uncle Sheng, although he has never talked about it with Chu Yuanxi, he listened to what he said and watched what he did. He also knew that if Chu Yuanxi really wanted to abdicate and become a virtuous person, even though his reputation in the company would be better, his prestige would be even greater. Gao, currently serving as the only senior vice president of the group, has a higher status than Lu Yu, who is only a vice president, but in fact Lu Yu is currently in pole position.

   Actually, he knows that compared with himself, Lu Yu does not have any outstanding advantages in management, and he has not shown special talents in motivating employees, innovating and creating value. However, Lu Yu has many people in charge and management experience.

   But if this were the case, he felt that Chu Yuanxi was still far from abdicating to make Xian Xian, because it was obvious that Lu Yu's current talents were far from enough to control such a huge Baren Group. It’s not enough. Lu Yu was just a public account blaster a year and a half ago. He is far worse than Baisha. He has neither qualifications nor ability. How could he grow into a public account in less than two years? What about someone who can succeed a 40 billion valuation company?

   This is unscientific and unreasonable, and game-related businesses cannot be controlled.

At this time, watching Chu Yuanxi, Jiao Tu, and Zhu Yan tease the poor, Uncle Sheng remembered that this was coming again. When they were panting, he asked: "Chu Yuanxi, you said at the annual meeting that you planned to abdicate. Huh?"

"Yeah, didn't I say what did it do?" Chu Yuanxi said distressedly: "But I thought about it later, I don't care about it in advance. Most of you don't even think about what the president and CEO do separately. Very clear."

   "Then you are talking about it."

"The president only cares about the product and not the management. For people, he only cares about people related to production and sales. The CEO is the chief executive officer, and he has to fully manage the company's affairs, mainly management. The product is concerned about the big picture and the strategy. For example, reviewing a milestone plan for a certain product, drawing a deadline, etc., including cutting down the project, but the specific production link is the responsibility of the president. In that case, it may not be clear. Let’s talk about valuation and financing. Cooked."

Chu Yuanxi said succinctly: "Valuation and financing are things that the chairman should care about and promote, and the CEO can theoretically ignore it. But because the CEO fully manages the company, the chairman usually delegates financing to the CEO and CFO. But almost nothing is handed over to the president. The CEO has to be responsible for the valuation and has to promote financing. The president does not need it. Is that clear?"

   What's the point of Uncle Sheng? Is there a more elementary one?

   At the same time, Chu Yuanxi also had some psychological activities. For example, can you give the co-founders some time so that they can also go to a presidential class? Feng Lin felt pretty good in the president's class, but it was useless. What a pity is that it can't! Let’s just talk about Uncle Sheng. Not only will he have no time this year, he should also not have time next year...

Just listen to Uncle Sheng's question: "Then have you considered bringing in some ready-made management talents? In our stall, you know management. Others are actually doing content, including Lu Yu, to be honest, they don't know much about management. "

Chu Yuanxi smiled bitterly, "Uncle, you don't actually know the content, you understand the content in a specific field. Leaders and Pakistani people need to consider the content in a comprehensive way. You can understand games, novels and comics, and music. To understand something, we must understand the content of the media, and then to be able to drive a large number of fans on Weibo is a hard requirement, not the same."

  Uncle Sheng said, why do you call Weibo to drive a large number of fans? There is no outsider, you just say that tearing is over?

"And can the airborne serve the public? Let's not say that the CEO of Dangba needs to understand how hard it is to manage, content and operate at the same time. It is difficult to meet the hard requirements. If you want to run an already very large enterprise, you must understand its history. I understand the history very well. This is the prerequisite for convincing the crowd. Even if I find someone who is able to come and cannot convince the crowd, I will definitely fight. Then I will be more tired, so I might as well stop looking for trouble. I can at least make sure that I make as few mistakes as possible. Especially big-level errors."

   Chu Yuanxi said that it feels like the meeting can be over. Uncle Sheng was unexpectedly positive today, and then asked: "Did the Naba people make any major mistakes since their establishment?"

   This makes him feel like the CEO accepts the hearing of the board of directors, and his heart said that I will not promote it, all of them will be cats. I make you a little more active. How did you go wrong in this direction?

   But this question is really worth answering, especially in such closed meetings. Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and said: "There must be. When any company faces a big-level problem, it is definitely not a mistake that day, but a month ago, six months ago, a year ago or even longer. Now we are faced with the problem of not being able to find a second suitable candidate to be the CEO. So what is wrong?"

  Jiao Tuxin said that this is really not found, and it's not that pearls and jade buy songs, laugh at the chaff and nourish the talents, which leads to the use of capable people. Isn't the mistake clear? "The mistake is that we didn't cultivate our management ability early?"

"Wrong, has it been cultivated since the group reorganization, okay?" Chu Yuanxi said that it was not without training, but it has never been your turn to train you. My efforts to improve the management capabilities of Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei have not Less? And Uncle Sheng...

   As for what was wrong, there is actually a particularly obvious issue, which is Zhu Yun’s shareholding.

   If the Pakistani people are divided into three stages so far, then it should be divided into three stages: initial stage, after financing, and after grouping. In the early stage, the main product was Douyin Tuba, which eventually formed the Pakistani media matrix; after financing, the main product was the mobile game "Troubled Times"; needless to say after the group reorganization, all product lines continued to move forward in the established direction. Form a situation of more flowering.

   In these three stages, the first stage is to build a private domain traffic pool. Zhu Yun holds 25% of the options without any dispute, contribution = role + contribution. At this time, Zhu Yun's shareholding completely matches her role and contribution. In the latter two stages, it cannot be said that because the private domain traffic pool becomes an auxiliary position and becomes an energy output device, Zhu Yan's role is reduced, and her shareholding ratio should be reduced.

   But from the perspective of giving, Zhu Yun is definitely not as prominent as a quarter, at least not as prominent as Uncle Sheng.

   However, the equity of a startup company is not easy to move when it is established, so it is a natural law that the performance in the later stage is not as good as the early stage. It is impossible to say that the proportion of each member can be adjusted at any stage so that the shareholding of each member corresponds to the level of their respective contributions in this stage.

   However, at least limited improvements can be made. Chu Yuanxi knew that the mistake he had made was that he did not use the correct way to improve this shareholding ratio, but simply gave employees shares. In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Yuanxi didn't need to inquire, and knew that it would inevitably give people a feeling of disregarding their heads.

   Of course, he knows that the correct way to improve is to create new incentives to increase the share of key members in the current stage or the next stage. But this is not good for him, especially when the employee stock can solve the problem and is embarrassed to motivate himself, it is unnecessary to motivate others.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi glanced at Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan suddenly had a foreboding that he was going to be severely hit, and quickly waved his hand: "Oh, hey, you guys have a chat, don’t hurt the innocent by mistake. I never thought about picking up Chu Yuan. Xi’s class."

   At this moment, Yang Yuanmei who secretly swiped Weibo suddenly let out a low cry, and then suddenly raised her head.

   "What did you see again? Surprised?" Chu Yuanxi saw Yang Yuanmei's shocked face, and she also had a foreboding that she was going to be severely hit.

   I only heard Yang Yuanmei say: "The academician is sure."

"Fuck!" Chu Yuanxi immediately opened the well-off work group without saying a word, and then suddenly thought that there was nothing to tell. The previous two days had already held several conference calls to study various plans, and the plans were very detailed. The worst situation is to use the most difficult plan to execute it.

   And the current time period is before the New Year, and many inertial jobs have been stopped, such as land acquisition. Eastern Guangdong Province does not need to continue to acquire land, because it is in a state similar to Milestone 3, and only needs about ten stores in each area of ​​the two cities.

   But it is impossible to renovate during the Spring Festival, so the aggressive land acquisition was stopped in early January.

   Because of Yang Yuanmei’s news, what Chu Yuanxi needs to face is not immediate worries but long-term worries. It is the question of whether Milestone 5 and more distant plans will be dragged down.

   It's not just Chu Yuanxi who is lying, other people are also lying. Although it doesn't feel good to see the diagnosis and treatment data published in the news before, the impact is still great when it is confirmed.

   This meeting can't go on anymore, several co-founders signed and handed over the confirmation of the dividend to Chu Yuanxi. Chu Yuanxi didn't want to say any more, first issued a first-level instruction in the work group, and then came out with the document, just in time to ran into Yuan Mu, who had just rushed back from Eastern Guangdong Province.

   Yuan Mu's complexion is very ugly, it can be said to be the most ugly complexion Chu Yuanxi has ever seen.

   She came back yesterday. On Sunday, when she got off the plane, she took Liu Lu to experience Xiaokang's online content. In the end, they couldn't hold back their desire to experience in advance, so the project team produced a pre-holiday version with many holes.

However, it is normal for the experience version to have a lot of holes. Once the big framework is completed, it is like developing a game. Even if there is no gameplay, after completing the login function, you can enter the main city to see the art resources, then it can also be declared as a playout Version 0.0.1.

   So Chu Yuanxi had made an appointment with them to continue the experience today, and after the experience, I would like to talk to him about his feelings. This experience obviously requires riding a well-off bicycle. If you just play the mobile app but don’t ride, it’s possible, but it’s not comprehensive and accurate.

   Seeing Chu Yuanxi at this time, Yuan Mu wished to gouge him with his eyes! "We are going to be pitted to death by you Chu Yuanxi! A true **** pit!"

   "What's wrong? What did I do?"

   "What's the matter with you! Sister Liu Lu and I rode outside for two days yesterday and today! I didn't wear a mask!"

   "Keep away from me when you speak! Don't be against Lao Tzu!" Chu Yuanxi jumped back and almost hit Uncle Sheng.

   "Don't run, I will have to talk to you about your online content later." Yuan Mu sneered, "I'll go get a mask first, and you can call sister Liu Lu. I'm mad at this palace!"

It has been a long time since Yuan Mu found the mask and walked back. He walked outside the door of the Xiaokang President's Office and saw Jiao Tu and Chu Yuanxi complaining: "Old Chu, your trick is cruel enough. Only registered users can buy masks, and one person can only buy two masks a day. Isn't this too uncomfortable?"

   "It's not uncomfortable that you haven't bought all the masks in my shop? Can that work? It must be restricted for sale. Hey wait, you won't have not registered our well-to-do APP users all the time?"

"I have a girlfriend, and my wife is ready to cook. I don't need a convenience store much." Jiao Tu said proudly, "Ah, Lao Chu, your masks are on the shelf and are restricted for sale. You are not afraid of people getting in a hurry. Not good?"

"Fear, why not? This is how fast you are. The instructions I just issued have not been fully implemented. Wait for a while. You will not see masks on the shelves in all the stores in Xiaokang, only posters and instructions are left. I was too wise. I printed a batch of posters in advance and immediately put away all the masks. The clerk sold them one by one, just like selling cigarettes."

   Xiaokang cigarettes can only be traded through shop assistants, and there is no APP scan code self-pickup service.

  Jiao Tuxin said that dripping water is not leaking, but Chu Yuanxi was also quite good at opening a store.

"Hey, I'll wait a while." He suddenly thought of a good idea, "Aren't you that? There is a membership card member. You have said several times that it is your core member and the underlying assets. You need to spend money to buy it. qualifications."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that Jiaotu was thinking of that trick, right?

   "Then you can sell masks only to membership card members. Doesn't this increase the number of core members at once? Or membership card members are limited to 20 a day."

"Oh." Chu Yuanxi sighed slightly. This super-ghost method is easy to think of under the current situation, and it is very attractive. He also made a lot of determination, after the black and white villain repeatedly jumped horizontally. The ideological struggle was suppressed.

At this time, Liu Lu happened to come over, and only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Jiaotu, it’s not right for you to think that way. At this time, give priority to serving the people. Asking users to buy with APP is not for the purpose of bringing new products, but for Purchase restriction, purchase restriction is beneficial to the people. Try to make it available to every customer to solve the urgent need. What else should I do? The clerk's eye recognition? It must not work.

But forcing people to buy a membership card for more than one hundred yuan, the nature has changed. Then I feel that there is no difference between doing it and making a fortune...I want to be a century-old store, and I can’t be too eager for quick success and quick profit. When I was spine, I turned out this dark Liu Luxin said that Jiaotu is a talent, this is similar to the VVIP solution, but she did not think of a countermeasure after the emergency meeting before, but she did not remember to mention it.

   Later, I went to Chu Yuanxi and said that Chu Yuanxi had obviously hesitated, and then she put it aside on the grounds that the project team had started to develop as planned.

   After the meeting, the project team did start urgently to develop the purchase restriction function, which was not available in the previous APP. In the original Xiaokang Life APP, users can see the inventory and buy things according to the inventory limit. However, adding this purchase restriction function itself is not difficult for the project team. In less than half a day, a series of development, testing and other tasks were completed, so "development has begun as planned" is absolutely Chu Yuanxi's excuse.

   She and Yuan Mu looked at each other, then put Chu Yuanxi into the president's office from left to right, closed the door, and took out their mobile phones.

   Liu Lu asked first: "Isn't your online content just a Monopoly+AR game?"

   "Yes, I always said that it is LBS+AR, why can't LBS become a monopoly?"

   "Let me go! You have been hiding online content for more than a year and you are a monopoly? Have you ever calculated how many functions your online content has to carry?"

   "Why don't you understand, I will tell you a little bit." Chu Yuan Xixin said that your experience of not wearing a mask in the past two days has really paid a huge sacrifice and the hairy ball has not gained anything!


   6000 words today and 4000 tomorrow.

   "Dungeon Player", the author of this trendy brain-inspired essay, Ju Ju, has opened a new book called "I've Crossed the Heaven Tribulation 999 Times", I recommend it.


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