Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 980: Initial impression of online content

Xiaokang’s online content, the focus in Milestone 6 is a game called "City Treasure". The specific form of the game is mainly manifested in the fact that the user’s trajectory in reality is projected onto a fully realistic LBS city map, moving The map node that passes through can invest in building a house.

  LBS+AR games, there are many masterpieces, but the first thing people can think of must be Pokémon. When Crooked Nuts played Pokémon, he was even too addicted. In order to get the Poke Ball under the pier, he fell off the bridge and fell to death in the real world.

   In addition, Penguin QQ often engages in small-scale games and activities. For example, if you bury a treasure chest point in a real map, the player takes the phone and walks to the treasure chest point and turns on the scanning function. Through the AR function, you can see a penguin flying by exaggeratedly on the phone screen and leave the treasure, usually A coupon or the like can also be a bubble or dress.

The principle of    city treasure is almost the same. According to the real world map, some points are generated in the LBS, but they are not buried in treasure boxes, but used to build houses. This is why Liu Lu understands City Treasure as an AR version of a monopoly.

But she did not notice that these points are usually some buildings in the real world, such as supermarkets, restaurants, parks, and sports fields. Players consume health coins to buy resources in LBS+AR games, and use resources to build houses or invest. gain profit.

   These benefits are strongly oriented, some are directed towards community social interaction, and some are directed towards mobile payment.

   Cao Xiang may have a different view. Milestone 6 focuses on the spread of the Internet of Things, and the health currency completely reforms the output model through "on the chain" and becomes a real "valuable" currency.

   However, this is a background effort that users can't see. Presented at the front desk and in front of users is "City Treasure". Health coins are just the currency in the city treasure, or a random output in the new version of the APP.

   Of course, Cao Xiang can’t be wrong if he thinks so, because the chain reaction brought about by the health coin on the chain is the guarantee and cornerstone of the internal logic of the entire online content. And online content is not only "Urban Treasure", there will be other content after Milestone 7 in the future. But just looking at Milestone 6, users will undoubtedly have to focus on the treasures of the city.

   Liu Lu didn’t understand it. Chu Yuanxi’s first feeling was that she didn’t play in the mood of ordinary users. What do ordinary users care about first after opening a shopping app? Is the price. Although the Xiaokang Life APP is not a common shopping APP, it is the e-commerce APP, but there are coupons in the Xiaokang Life APP. You can enjoy discounts that you cannot enjoy directly using WeChat and Alipay to pay by scanning the QR code. Therefore, the price is sensitive Is number one.

Therefore, Liu Lu brought herself into the identity of a tester to see each specific function is unnecessary and should not be, the function must be reflected in the user's shopping price, she can not just stare at the phone and open the Xiaokang APP to produce The speed of health coins should not just focus on the price of health coins to purchase city treasure resources.

   There are many APPs, especially the "XX Speed ​​Edition", all of which are to send gold coins to users and exchange them for cash withdrawal rights, thus encouraging users to spend a lot of time in their apps. In this way, the so-called "gold coins" are also valuable, no matter how low their value is, they are always valuable. But this value is the price paid by the company behind the APP to attract new users or increase daily activity.

   While the Xiaokang Internet is on the chain, the health currency produced by the user's mobile phone is not exchanged for money with time, but for the user to provide mobile phone computing power, which reflects the value of computing power.

The nature of this value is completely different. The process of generation is that the system enriches the computing power and provides it to the units that need computing power. It can be Xiaokang’s own cloud computing work group or it can be exported as Laas (infrastructure services). . Its value is collected from well-off through the mining mechanism of the Internet of Things and then returned to users to form health coins.

   Therefore, the value of health coins is truly reflected in social life. It is the value of resources. Even when compared with traditional resources such as oil and steel, there is no essential difference.

"Another reason that makes you blind and touching the elephant, I think you should be unfamiliar with the development process of mobile Internet products." Chu Yuanxi said while drawing a simple diagram on the blackboard, and summing up the experience will be successful. Transformed into a small group criticizing Liu Lu.

"The development of mobile Internet products is different from what you think. Before the development of various functional modules, the interfaces are discussed, and then developed separately, and finally assembled. So many functions are in front of you but you don’t have a complete picture in your mind. I know what they are used for. I don't know why they are doing this."

Liu Lu knows that there are huge and complete development documents on the development team, but due to the permissions of the library, each project team cannot see the documents of other groups. She, the senior vice president, can see it, but she is not in the mood to go. look.

   Just like the bosses of many content companies don’t read the content at all, how can the big bosses read novels with millions of words in that mood?

   So Chu Yuanxi had to eat it all. However, her mind is also very fast, and she immediately understood that the goal of this monopoly is to make the health currency on the chain worth the money.

  The health currency on the chain should of course be cashed in during shopping, or directly withdrawn as cash. However, Xiaokang cannot allow users to directly withdraw or deduct cash. That way, the resource attribute of health currency is removed and it becomes a pure cash token.

   The so-called one inch of time and one inch of gold, an inch of gold is difficult to buy an inch of time. The time analogy here is a good understanding of resources. Resources are scarce in many cases, but cash does not have this scarcity.

The gameplay of Xiaokang online content is to wash the health currency through the city treasure, and use its resource attributes while redeeming it as a cash withdrawal right or shopping cash. Specifically, in "City Treasure", it is the middle class of the map node invested by users "Treasure Coins" and other valuables.

   The correct way to open the health currency is that users find a virtual currency that can be used for cash after shopping after the novice guide and the first wave of "increasing coins". No matter what it is called, it is cheaper to buy things anyway.

  In this way, through the excitement of cheap, users step by step from ordinary users into the well-off structure of the LBS+AR game, discover more functions.

  This mode is of course completely different from all kinds of fast version APP.

   This is the first function of online content carrying, called currency circulation. Multiple currencies are circulated through a complete online content system, with consumption, output, and transactions.

  Through this way of tossing around in circles, users are gradually lost in fluctuating prices, so as to achieve the goal of directing users to follow the baton of the system without knowing it. For example, when pushing mobile payment, it is actually not appropriate to directly subsidize users, but users who scan a well-off code to replenish some health coins or the construction resources of urban treasures may have miraculous effects.

   These are the old routines of the game industry. The production and export of certain resources are closed, so that players can feel the shortage of materials before doing operations.

   The second function is called computing power enrichment. When there is no online content, if the well-off must gather the user's computing power, it can be stronger. But when the number of users who provide computing power is tens of thousands, the computing power is useless, it is small and discontinuous, and it can't be enriched at all.

   However, as long as the daily activity reaches a certain level and the APP open time reaches a certain level, this enrichment behavior can be realized, because the small probability event can be completely ignored when the number is large to a certain level. Chu Yuanxi struggled to win over Cao Xiang to do online gaming, and to develop internal and external chain technology, in order to aggregate the huge edge computing power of mobile phones in the 5G era to do big things.

   Although the currency returned by the aggregation of marginal computing power is called "health currency", the output does not have to be in a riding state. In theory, as long as you open a well-off app, you can mine. Just to match the concept of a well-off life, it was named Health Coin.

   Although this function of aggregate edge computing power is very advanced, it is the easiest to understand by Liu Lu and Yuan Mu, because business logic is linked to technical means. To put it another way, breakthroughs in technological means bring innovations in business models, thereby establishing a high-dimensional and low-dimensional model, which is not uncommon in the business world. Therefore, the gaming network module is a well-off technical highlight that promotes industrial upgrades and is easy to understand. .

   And because Cao Xiang just made a big contribution, the two of them have honey trust in Cao Xiang.

   The third function of online content bearing is mobile payment, and the fourth is community social interaction. These two modules are actually based on location-based services.

   Taking social interaction as an example, Xiaokang can initiate activities through the city’s treasure function to stimulate collective behavior among users in a certain area. For example, there is an indoor badminton hall next to a community, and the venue fee is charged by the hour. Residents in the community can usually only buy tickets to play by themselves. At most, a few people can make appointments. Unless there is a neighborhood committee, it is difficult to organize a large-scale badminton game with many people. It costs money to book the venue, which is a lot.

   But now there are city treasures, so users can initiate activities, activate the game attributes of this node, and then start crowdfunding.

  Crowdfunding in City Treasures, of course, raises health coins or corresponding resources. As long as the price is set correctly and the minimum funding standard for single-person participation in crowdfunding is set, the event can be organized, and no one needs to pay for cash.

   The cost of this private spot was borne by Xiaokang, because the equivalent health coins were recovered. This organization is organized by a well-off store near the node, responsible for communicating with the badminton hall, determining the time, etc., as well as providing beverages and snacks for the game. These are all included in the crowdfunding project.

   Therefore, from a commercial point of view, the Urban Treasure Module is actually a Saas service for Xiaokang to establish a vision in the community social field, which is also a software basic service. Without it, there is no way to socialize in the community, and it is difficult to run.

   Of course, there are still many social content in the community, not all of them grow in the city’s treasures, but this game is actually a very clear target for the service output basis of the community on the real map. The mode of social development in a well-off society is actually to provide multiple modes of services with the community as a unit, and through services to induce community users to form a whole, thereby strengthening social needs.

But this is also difficult for Liu Lu and Yuan Mu. They only have two people. Even if they open unlimited health coins in two days, they can’t experience the uniqueness of this function. I have to listen to Chu Yuanxi’s bragging: "How much is this function? Wild? Let me tell you this. There will be more people participating in the future, not even crowdfunding, but crowdfunding to build a stadium. For example, build a swimming pool, buy a small football field, or even a ski resort, do you believe it? "

   Yuan Mu was stunned immediately, because no one knew better than her how much money the ski resort burned, and Chu Yuanxi couldn't compare it. Although Chu Yuanxi had an idea, he also invested some money in it. After all, he was a shopkeeper and hadn't done it. The snow project they invested in is Zheng De's trader.

   Apart from anything else, the money spent on TikTok drainage is a pretty exaggerated figure. Of course, this big pit jumps in one by one. The life cycle value is great, and you will earn more in the future.

Chu Yuanxi knew what she was thinking when she saw her, "You need hundreds of millions of dollars, right? The question is, is there a lot of hundreds of millions of funds? From the user's point of view, Tiantongyuan has a community of 1 million people, and one person can do it at 100 yuan. From the perspective of input and output, Laas services had a market size of 100 billion in China last year. What is 100 million? Well-off earned money through computing power operations, and feedback to the users, there is no problem, you can spend more if you earn more . How about saying that technology is good?"

   "Also technology for good? You are really a younger brother!" Yuan Mu had a black line on his face, and said that your bragging look is so cute! "The scale of hundreds of billions is the scale of hundreds of billions of other families. How much capital has been invested in technical management and services for so many years? Only when the market is cultivated and mature, barriers are established. What does it have to do with our well-off?"

"Hey, don't you know that the Internet is about subversion? What is subversion? It is to rely on new models and technologies to break the old pattern, leaving others with nowhere to go. Our computing power comes from users’ mobile phones, others build the Internet Data center, decentralization VS centralization, you are an investor, listening to entrepreneurs say that, do you feel?

   If there is no simple analogy, we are equivalent to the UGC model, but what the user provides is not the content but the computing power. Other people's households are still the old model. Isn't it amazing? Why are you not confident in us? "

   Chu Yuanxi talked about the most important magic weapon for success in the original world. The original world has been relatively successful without using the blockchain. At present, the internal and external chains of Cao Xiang are certainly fearless.

"This is equivalent to helping users in a region realize their vision. Originally, even if these users were willing to raise funds and contribute money, they couldn't do this because it was not just a matter of money, they had to go through various procedures, go through procedures, Public negotiation. This is not available to retail investors, but a well-off society can get through.

   Then there is operation and management. Even if the venue can be purchased by raising funds, how to maintain it? Well-off can be responsible for maintenance and operation. Crowdfunding shareholders are responsible for enjoying it. Do you think it is attractive for us to draw a beautiful blueprint like this? Can the dream of many people be realized? It is also very beneficial to the society. It stimulates investment and engineering, and can create many jobs. The key is to consume a large amount of users' health coins, perfect! "

Yuan Mu immediately confronted each other: "This wild pie you drew is indeed attractive. The problem is that users who buy the stadium after raising funds are considered as their assets? How are the equity distributed? Assets cannot be considered well-off, right? So what do users picture?"

"Oh..." Chu Yuanxi looked up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed, then patted the blackboard and said, "It's fine for others to ask, so do you? Trust! Can't you think of asset trusts? You have been investing for so many years. What are you doing? You Zheng De started as a trust!"

   Then, he exaggeratedly learned one: "OMG!"

   Yuan Mu suddenly made a big red face, and immediately thought that this business seemed to be pretty good. Zheng De still maintains the trust business at present, and it will be another business by then.

   Chu Yuanxi didn't talk about mobile payment in detail. This is something he hasn't studied in the original world, and it is also the most complicated part of the process of designing online content this time. It and community social networking are in two branches, and they are not related to each other. Moreover, the online content and user volume in Milestone 6 are still relatively difficult to push, and it is necessary to continue to enrich online content later.

It’s not that Chu Yuanxi is not in a hurry to push mobile payment. In fact, he is still very anxious. However, the development of mobile Internet products has its own scientific rules. As an old Sanjing, he is very clear that it is difficult for any product to be completely stateless when it is launched , It is fully mature and complete with all functions.

   Therefore, the city treasures released in the Milestone 6 version will definitely need to be improved according to the actual situation. After a wave of improvement, it is more suitable to push mobile payment. Mobile payment involves money, a massive flow of funds, which requires both caution and sufficient number of users to support it.

   It can be said that mobile payment is a natural result, not a motivation. The launch of the City Treasure version is a stage of expanding the number of users, rather than harvesting fruits. At this stage, as long as the functions of mobile payment are prepared and the testing is done.

   However, Liu Lu and Yuan Mu were limited by their short time and did not have time for such detailed overall consideration, so after two days of experience, they focused on details and gameplay.

   Actually, city treasures are different from monopoly. Monopoly is a zero-sum game. The purpose of building houses is to monopolize the real estate, and then collect tolls from each other. This is not the case for urban treasures. The nodes on the map are not exclusive. Everyone can invest according to their own wishes without affecting each other, but they can also choose to join together.

  Because the points on the map correspond to the commercial resources at the overlapping locations in reality, they must have their own attributes. Whether they are sports venues or restaurants, they must have different development methods and profit models.

   At the same time, users can also choose the direction of construction according to their preferences when investing in building a house, such as building a goose plucking model, building a flamboyant style model, and so on. Therefore, the benefits of end-user investment in building houses are determined by the superposition of the two.

   Although the gameplay is boring, it's okay, but it's not as confrontational as a monopoly. Chu Yuanxi intends to replace it with cooperation, not only cooperation between users and users, but also cooperation between users and real merchants, which will eventually form a driving force for mobile payments.

  The specific content of these cooperations also needs new functions to carry, and it is not needed yet. In addition, there is a strong social community group function. You have to wait until the milestone 7 function is online, and then the two versions of 6 and 7 are "clicked" to form a complete puzzle.

   Anyway, no matter whether you add other game items, enrich the city's treasures, or even add real strong social functions, it will definitely be much better than the online content in the current version of Xiaokang APP.

   sent Yuan Mu and Liu Lu away, Chu Yuanxi also began to sort out.

If you look at the timeline, the current version of Qixing produces coins, but this coin is similar in nature to the gold coins in various popular so-called "speed version" apps, except that it is not used as a gimmick for withdrawal, but for It is used to stimulate users to buy some slow-moving products at low prices, and the other is to grab parking spaces.

   Actually, Chu Yuanxi had high hopes for car parking spaces. Since the day when there was a well-off store, she had asked for land and location as much as possible. In the original world, the supply of cycling coins was in short supply due to car parking, and the trading market was extremely hot. Many people even enter the market to speculate cycling currency, because parking spaces are just needed in big cities. This is why the business of shared parking piles can always find a living space.

   As a result, when designing to grab a parking space this time, Chu Yuanxi had lingering fears about the scene of the original world hyping cycling coins, so he delayed the launch of the trading market function. Unexpectedly, the entire game of grabbing parking spaces became less popular than expected because of this.

After the data came out, Chu Yuanxi seemed to be in a mess when he wanted to push the transaction function again, so he saw that the parking spaces were basically in a calm atmosphere, but the concept of "grabbing" was not highlighted. For yourself.

   But this matter still has a certain impact, that is, when the land was acquired on a large scale later, because of financial pressure and the popularity of this module, Yuan Mu strongly recommended not to continue to be obsessed with the acquisition of land. And Chu Yuanxi considered that under the new land acquisition situation, Xiaokang would often take land near the school, next to the hospital, etc., so he didn't insist. This is a bonus after the continued liberalization of the convenience store policy last year. It is a good thing for a well-off society, but not for parking spaces.

   Therefore, the game of grabbing a parking space is the first point in the world where Xiaokang has been established since the establishment of Xiaokang. Compared with the original world, it is even necessary for Chu Yuanxi to summarize the lessons of failure.

   Then wait until milestone 6, when the city treasure appears, it should have a great mobilization and spontaneous spread to users, that is, spread through WeChat, but it should not arouse Penguin's vigilance, because strong social interaction has not yet been launched.


   Thanks to the leader of the little bookworm who has been idle for the reward, so I added 2000 words.


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