Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 981: Different Spring Festival

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But this kind of illusory peace is destined to not last long. At that time, Chu Yuanxi will definitely have to walk a tightrope and get as much wool as possible, because Milestone 7 is a point of time for a poor view.

At that time, there were at least three well-off stores in the four major first-tier cities. Maybe Magic City was still testing the scale of ten stores, or it may have begun to expand. There must be six hundred stores in the two main cities of Eastern Guangdong Province. Above, it covers countless cells and users. At that time, a sneak attack in the social field is inevitable.

At this moment, Chu Yuanxi is still more worried about the future, because the so-called sneak attack means that it is not a dignified act. Translating adult speech can be understood as relying on WeChat in the early stage. This is also a lesson that all social players of the celestial dynasty must go through without exception. If you want to break through the penguin blockade, you must first gather the penguin's wool.

In the original world, WeChat has never blocked the spread of signatures, and it is more emboldened to engage in sneak attacks. If it is impossible, you can still use signatures. However, the situation today is no better than in the past. Since the second half of last year, Penguin has attached great importance to the spread of friends and businessmen in its social field. I wonder if there is a way to perform a powerful check and kill for the signature code?

This Spring Festival is a good time to check, because the spread of signature codes is indispensable whether you collect Wufu or scatter red envelopes on Douyin. When you look at the treatment of the vibrato at the arrow position, you will know how to adapt.

In the few days before the Spring Festival, the atmosphere was still joyful and peaceful, and Chu Yuanxi was worried about two things. The first difficulty is how to make his parents wear masks when they go out. Whether it’s Dad Chu Jingxiong or Mom Luo Yuhua, they all have a unified statement: "We have strong resistance, it’s all right! Don’t yell at that. Screaming, no one looks like..."

The second difficulty is how to persuade them not to visit. In the past few days, someone invented an old term with a new interpretation, called "Don’t come here without any problems."-I won’t get sick if you don’t come. It’s very vivid, but I still can’t persuade my parents, as if some relatives just didn’t meet each other during the New Year It's like you'll never see it again, but you don't know it's easy to never see it again.

Especially when they saw that they were still forwarding all kinds of spam messages such as barbecue, fried, hot pot, etc., to show how much they care about health preservation, Chu Yuanxi told them that our company is already here. The enemy is walking on thin ice, and we will do everything we can to retain employees. Let's not stop by during the New Year!

Once again they uniformly aligned: "Isn't it just a fever and cough? How could it be that serious? I have never seen the world. How much overtime should I pay?"

There were even other relatives who gave help: "We are people who have met SARS, and you were young and ignorant at that time."

Chu Yuanxixin said that it was true. At that time, the old man was only 14 years old and was in the second grade of junior high school. He ran in the sunset and had a crush on the girl he liked, but he also remembered that the school was super powerful!

He was puzzled. My mother bought a physiotherapy bed for more than 4,000 yuan. After buying it, what would be the cause, and it feels like a big advantage. Why is it so hard to buy a mask?

As a result, things were reversed on the 23rd.

It was the 29th of the twelfth lunar month on the 23rd. Although Xiaokang encouraged to work overtime during the holidays, Chu Yuanxi himself didn't need to stay at the company. Besides, he had always paid attention to his protection work, so it didn't matter if he returned home.

As a result, because Jiangcheng suddenly made an unprecedented big move this morning, my mother finally panicked.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi himself panicked. He had never encountered this kind of battle in the original world, and he had thousands of employees, and he was completely inexperienced in how to deal with it.

Also because of the big action, he held a small meeting with temporary arrests before noon, and then decided to allow most of the employees who worked overtime to return to their residences in Beijing during the holidays to start remote overtime work, except for the employees of Pakistani Information who are responsible for the video production must use company equipment Outside of the operating room, others had better not come. And I sent people home at noon today to avoid possible spread, and take away everything that I should bring.

This sudden decision caused a pandemonium.

In fact, employees of well-off stores and the logistics supply chain also have to work overtime during the Chinese New Year. This is a practice in the industry, so it is not a major problem. Adjust appropriately according to the situation and take strict precautions. But for the employees sitting in the office, it must be very difficult to work in this way. The working system cannot be used, and the internal and external resources can not be isolated, which is easy to leak.

The others are okay, the key is the programmer. Programmers can't work remotely, not to mention the efficiency of remotely adjusting database files. Code resources and library files must be kept strictly confidential, and remote office simply cannot achieve 100% confidentiality.

Some companies may not care about code confidentiality, but both Pakistani and Xiaokang must care. Needless to say, Milestone 6 is the secret. Before entering 2020, only the relevant project team can see their own code. Liu Lu and Yuan Mu can see all the documents but not the code. Other vice presidents and The senior director can only stare, and the only authority dogs are Chu Yuanxi and CTO Zhou Mingjun.

But why do Ba people usually do physical isolation? Because in game companies, there are not too many cases where programmers steal code. Therefore, the working environment of the Pakistani people is that the computers of the programmers are all locked in iron boxes and cannot access the Internet. Although the Pakistani people have separated their game companies now, the long-term benefits involved are too great, and they absolutely dare not risk this limitation to put the treasure on the ethics of ordinary people.

However, although the 23rd is a national legal working day, the company has a holiday in name. At this time, I suddenly told programmers that we would not work overtime during the New Year? This is even more inappropriate, affecting employees' itineraries and ticket purchases.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi simply gave two choices in desperation. Programs who applied for overtime before and are willing to stay in Beijing for the New Year, the company will be paid at the normal half salary during the New Year. It is equivalent to enjoying a special paid holiday. You don’t need to go to work, but you have to check in video every day. You are not allowed to sneak away. Others are casual, but it is not recommended to go out for disaster. Companies that are willing to go home will reimburse one-way tickets, and it is also recommended to stay home during the New Year.

In this way, I believe that the programmers who have seen the situation so severe should probably have a B number in their hearts?

This urgent decision made all the employees who had not applied for overtime to be beaten, feeling that they had missed tens of billions, and were crying in the company group. It also made Chu Yuanxi have to come to the surface to vomit: "The company kneels down and begs you to stay and work overtime. You don't want to stay, where is the face crying at this time? Ah--"

Fortunately, the original intention of encouraging overtime this time was also for the company to protect itself. It wasn't that there was a crisis in the work progress, so after the matter really got serious, Chu Yuanxi felt that he could deal with it well? Only Yuan Mu was worried about Xiaokang's slightly depleted cash flow.

After arriving home, his father Chu Jingxiong was still very calm, but Luo Yuhua directly pulled Chu Yuanxi to the balcony and asked, "Are there any masks left?"

"There are fifty or sixty, I'll bring a lot today, and I will leave it for you?" Chu Yuanxi said that she was very happy, saying that her mother had finally compromised?

Unexpectedly, Luo Yuhua suddenly asked in confusion: "Why are there so few?"

"That's a lot. 3M's N95, one can be used several times, you usually don't run outside, it's enough for April? I keep 20 enough, I don't plan to run everywhere, there is plenty of money ."

"No, you run a convenience store. Shouldn't you talk about masks in the car? Tell me how many times you have blown it. You have opened two to three or four hundred stores, and you have to open a store in Eastern Guangdong Province. Downstairs The father and son opened such a small shop and kept a box of masks. You can't count on it."

Chu Yuanxi said that because I opened a convenience store, I don't need to stock it. Why should I stock it? I'm afraid I can't buy it. But he can't say anything like buying it yourself, because it's really hard to buy outside today.

Even if you go to Xiaokang, it is difficult to buy. The automatic doors of various stores cannot be closed today, and there are people queuing anytime and anywhere. In order to avoid confusion and opaque information, masks are temporarily designated as goods that cannot be paid online and must be scanned on-site, so the queue is very long. The clerk had to come out with the wifi, and then send a QR code to scan the code in advance to save time, a busy scene.

This was all what Chu Yuanxi had just learned, and temporarily added instructions. Fortunately, the execution below was okay, and there was no trouble. But his heart is always hanging, for fear of missing something that should be considered. Xiaokang’s well-intentioned mask purchase restriction rules were originally a good thing, but with so many situations that I’ve never encountered before, I’m a little confused, and maybe there will be any accidents.

Even if Chu Yuanxi is not confused, does he still have human weakness? Xiaokang has so many people from the headquarters to the store, the intermediate warehousing and logistics purchase channels, etc., this time is all human. At that time, it will be the individual who will profit and the user's feelings will be hurt, so he should not be afraid of it. If it is not good, it may even ruin the reputation.

In fact, Yuan Mu, out of prudent considerations, has already suggested not to sell masks at all during this period of time. This is called "not doing well", conservative, but stable. Chu Yuanxi understands her concerns very well, because there is still great uncertainty in the future of Xiaokang, especially at this point in time, when Milestone 5 will not be reached, everything is possible, of course, including the possibility of bad reputation.

The more you do, the easier it is to make mistakes. This is the understanding of the wise, but the information that ordinary people get is originally one-sided, thinking more one-sided, and even without thinking, it is normal for people with a heart to take the rhythm and others. Chu Yuanxi actually thought more about it than Yuan Mu, that is, he made too many enemies. If someone specializes in sabotage at this time, just spreading rumors can make Xiaokang break his leg, and the impact is likely to be extremely bad.

But Chu Yuanxi hesitated for a while or refused.

Yuan Mu's idea of ​​protecting his life is tempting, but what about his sense of social responsibility? What about company culture? What about the role of the enterprise? These imaginary things usually stay in words, but it doesn't matter, but now it is a critical period. If you persuade me, take a step back, it's a brighter world, and the demon of this enterprise will remain.

This means that the device has not become the mainstay of the society, and the future limit will be that. Putting it in the fantasy is equivalent to the kind of brave who occupies a lot of martial arts resources, takes the first place in the card, but only wants to be in trouble. Only enjoy the convenience brought by society, and don't want to bear any responsibilities or obligations at all. Such a company may be very cool in a short time, but it is impossible to become Ali Penguin or even surpass it.

Specifically, Chu Yuanxi had to make a careful decision. If you haven't made any preparations to face emergencies, it is equivalent to no objective conditions. It is really not a good choice to rashly go up there, and it is not a bad choice for Chu Yuanxi to choose to counsel. But now that the pre-plans and materials have been prepared, and the employees have been informed in advance, the points that must be paid attention to under special circumstances have been explained, and the manual has even been issued. In this case, there is any reason not to attract these new users How about entering the pit?

However, as far as the mask itself is concerned, it can be said that a well-off who is too eager to fight with big moves is also caught off guard. He did not expect to kick in the sky, suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse. Looking back, it was obvious that the stock of masks before Xiaokang was less.

The key is not less, but category issues. Xiaokang usually sells 3M9501 high-end masks, five pieces of more than 30 yuan per pack, although the price is not bad, but the unit price is indeed relatively high. In addition, there are some activated carbon comfort masks, polyurethane masks, and others, but they are basically not included in medical disposable goods, because they are too low and I am embarrassed to put them on the shelf. If they want to put them, they must change the packaging and change the name to "journey disposable Forces such as "masks" are still working.

Fortunately, after the 10th of this month, I also stocked some.

But the big move suddenly came. According to the purchase restriction method, it is obvious that hoarding medical products can continue to sell for a longer period of time. If only 3M9501 can not be hoarded too much, it will be sold out in minutes. Even if I stocked some before, I did not expect to buy masks in two waves. Especially today, the peak of this wave is too high. It makes the normal operation of the well-off store have problems. Ordinary customers do not see that so many people line up. Dare to enter.

However, in special times, this situation can only be tolerated, not only must be patient, but also the inventory and queuing situation must be controlled well in advance to control the number of queues. Otherwise, the customer will be in a long queue for a long time and tell them that they are gone, and they will definitely get angry. This is another situation that Chu Yuanxi has not dealt with, but it needs to be observed and then judged. It feels like I will have to continue the phone call after I have dinner with my parents.

Just listen to Luo Yuhua said: "Er, you don’t know that all kinds of groups are rushing to sell masks? Those who are we-businesses are selling masks at the moment. I have a lot of WeChat. You are such a big president in front of him. No masks?"

At this time, Chu Jingxiong ghostly appeared in the balcony, and he uttered, "Masks are still on the car? Didn’t you buy them before? A medical mask is only a few cents. You bought a few boxes earlier. Now I want to show off. , What is it?"

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you buy it yourself? I'll be angry when I look at you!" Luo Yuhua grunted and closed the balcony door, then turned his head, with a smile on his face: "Oh, I will give gifts this year. The most in-demand gift is masks. Give mom a few boxes."

Chu Yuanxi didn't worry anymore, and said slowly: "This is really nothing, I'm just that. I'm the president, but I can lead by example. Mom, I just announced that the Xiaokang store will limit purchases. One person can only buy two masks a day. Click a few boxes from the warehouse, I am beautiful, where are the people below me? Do the vice presidents learn? Do the senior directors learn? I won't take them. I see who they dare to reach out!"

"But I even blew out the cows in the group, my old sisters are waiting, can't you read my jokes?"

"Hey, what's the joke in this situation now? And how do you send it to someone? Don't you want to stop by? Then don't you find a sick? You told them that if you buy a mask for a well-off life, it will be over? You Don’t go anywhere to make a contribution to society! I thank you for them, they don’t need so many masks."

Luo Yuhua almost fainted with anger, and didn't give Chu Yuanxi a good face all afternoon.

Because of the huge unexpected situation this Spring Festival, Chu Yuanxi also lost a bit of benefit. He didn't need to receive relatives anymore. The Spring Festival last year made Chu Yuanxi very tired, his legs were not tired and heart tired, this year is different, don't come unharmed.

However, what he didn't know was that his reputation among relatives was already quite bad, and it was worse than having no way, because there was a way but it was not available. So my mother’s place is okay. Even if my cousin Li Shen talked and laughed with him in the WeChat group, but my dad was lifeless and there was no New Year atmosphere in the family group. He became a rare red envelope. Also unable to mobilize enthusiasm groups.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was also tired this year, but the way he was tired was different because his father just retired a year ago. After retiring, being idle is also idle. The main reason is that the son who has the promise of being a father can't be compared, right? So he rashly opened a hot pot restaurant, specializing in Beijing-style copper pot shabu-shabu. This was just decorated and the employees were just hired, and then they accepted Chu Yuanxi’s suggestion to take a standardized and streamlined the advanced experience of Haidilao and increase the turnover rate.

Therefore, the opening time has been pushed back, increasing staff training links, and choosing to open the door on New Year's Day. Not long after the door opened, the opening discount and bargaining event just passed, but the goose...

Chu Yuanxi was ready to return home after listening to her father's scoldings. Fortunately, her father was more reasonable. He said that he would lose two or three hundred thousand yuan, and he would consider it as a contribution to society. Besides, if you are so rich, what are you afraid of? ?

Chu Yuanxi liked to hear these words. What he was particularly afraid of was that his father would not ask for his filial piety. As long as he was willing to ask for his filial piety, this kind of hot pot restaurant could still lose a few more.

It is a pity that the leisurely afternoon he expected did not appear, because the situation was more serious than he thought, and almost all of this afternoon was spent in various conference calls.

When she never finished dinner, Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to say goodbye, and her mother thought that she gave too much expression in the afternoon, and she thought she could stay overnight.

But Chu Yuanxi was really busy, and drove straight to the nearest Xiaokang store. When he got to the place, he would definitely not work...

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