Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 984: Such a Spring Festival

The serious film and television post-production is casebycase, and the translation of adult words means "special circumstances and special treatment". But the problem is that there is no general situation in the later stage, and all have to be handled specially. What you rely on is rendering. The characters, environments, and actions are rendered according to the details.

And Yang Jiangang's plan is that God said that there must be light, so the user chooses one of the 50 light effects prepared for the user from the resource library and throws it into the scene.

This difference is too big! Chu Yuanxi personally operated it once, trying to make a small sample, and suddenly felt unbearable.

The second solution is more ironic, is to let users pay, and then the platform writes special cases according to users' needs. Writing special cases is actually "special handling of special circumstances", which is regarded as a manual payment. The problem is not to mention how much work it is. If you write too many special cases, it would reduce the efficiency. If you have to write special cases during the development process, you can hold your nose and bear it. This will destroy the platform.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi’s perception of the peak visual effects is that it is a big problem whether it can achieve the technical reserves and requirements required for promotion in March. What stimulant did Yang Jiangang want to promote now?

As a result, Yang Jiangang was aggrieved when Chu Yuanxi said, "You have the face to see people". "Our rendering function has made significant progress! How long have you not cared about us?"

"I'm so difficult, how can I still be in the mood to care about you?" Chu Yuanxi thought about the bleak business of the Xiaokang store in the future, it is really not good at all. "By the way, don't you use PBR for rendering? What major progress can PBR make?"

PBR is a physical-based lighting technology, which can be regarded as a mainstream direction in rendering technology. It is better at solving the "greasy" problem of the picture.

3D animation uses a large number of "surfaces" to represent objects. Smooth surfaces will appear greasy when lighted in the engine, and the visual experience is not good. Therefore, these surfaces need to be "diffuse". This kind of physical light processing is what PBR is good at.

Therefore, this technology is widely used, and many engines are directly integrated and packaged into functional modules. For example, the Standard that comes with Unity3D does a good job. There is another feature of Pinnacle Visual Effects that values ​​PBR, because this technology emphasizes consistency in application and does not require special treatment for different needs, so it is deeply loved by Yang Jiangang and Chen Kuo. It's just that this solution is still very difficult to achieve long-term goals.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jiangang said, "We allin Tai Chi."

Chu Yuanxi could imagine how proud Yang Jiangang's expression was on the phone. But unlike the Gobi network, the peak visual effects are already on the right track, and the project has been halfway through development. At this time, Yang Jiangang will determine the scale by himself, so Chu Yuanxi will not restrain Yang Jiangang like "admonishing" Zhao Jie. Moreover, they would certainly not be able to implement technical solutions that could not be realized, because being strong is equal to overthrowing and redoing. Even if Yang Jiangang dared, his brothers would definitely not dare.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi heard that he was allin tai chi, but only ate a whale, and said to her heart that you were taking a tightrope adventure and luckily succeeded. What is there to be proud of?

"So, did you talk to Zhao Jie?"

"That's for sure." Yang Jiangang said triumphantly. Zhao Jie gave up using the Tai Chi engine to lay the foundation under Chu Yuanxi's strong admonition, but Yang Jiangang is different here. It is not used to build a framework, but to use it. You only need to debug whether it is appropriate to use Tai Chi to replace the existing PBR program in the product and whether it can be replaced. Of course, enrolling a group to study Tai Chi engines has become a compulsory course, which increases the cost of research and development, which is an inevitable consideration.

Just listen to him saying: "Now I start packaging, and I will see users on the 3rd. The only hurried place is that it is difficult to produce suitable lesson plans. We have to work overtime to formulate a process to teach how to use this special effects system. But it is still more difficult to master, I I haven't learned it for a long time. It seems that I have to know some calculus.

"Actually, you can do this." Chu Yuanxi thought quickly and suggested: "I think it is possible to separate the teaching plans of normal video production from the teaching plans of special effects. I mean, let users on your platform have a division of labor. Some do feature films, and some specialize in post-processing. In short, do you understand the prototype of industrialization? If you adjust the platform and adjust their income model, it will be over? Naturally, those with high barriers will naturally have experts to do it."

"This is a way." Yang Jiangang suddenly became clear, and the problem that had troubled him for a period of time was unexpectedly solved by Chu Yuanxi. Then there is only the difficulty of editing, which is a big feature, but I don’t worry about it.

Then he suddenly asked: "Oh right, when will my dividends be paid?" Yang Jiangang, Zhao Jie, and Yu Wenhui are not co-founders, but the amount of equity in his hand has been confirmed to be quite large. Of course it is with Yang Yuanmei. Not comparable, but much more than ordinary employees. The amount of dividends this time is extremely impressive.

"Oh, after the Spring Festival, didn't I say everything? The auditing agency is picking our fault."

"Didn't you pick up the problem last year? Didn't it get it done before the Spring Festival?"

"I thought it was right, but who knew that this happened, everyone's work was affected, and the auditing was also a human being. Bear it a little bit more, I only lost a few days of interest, and I lost more myself..."

Yang Jiangang clicked the phone angrily. When he turned around, his relatives looked at him. The reason why I asked when the money will arrive is because I just finished bragging. Anyway, Yang is also a president, right? Don't brag after a new year? As a result, the year has passed very badly. How to explain to relatives that "the company is mine but the money in the account is not mine" is a waste of words.

The main reason is that the company has not yet made a profit, and it is still far from profit. Therefore, the year-end bonus is a monthly salary of 13 months. This is still a good financing situation before. Under the urging of Chu Yuanxi, he worked hard to raise funds. Finally, there are two money in the account, and the year-end bonus can be issued, which is better than many companies that have completely forgotten about this.

Therefore, he has been a president for more than a year, and the benefits he got are very lackluster. Moreover, because of the Pakistani incubation policy, he himself still wants to cut his salary by half, so all points to the Pakistani's dividends for the New Year.

The most deceptive thing is his luxury car, the Bentley Continental Convertible. The fuel consumption and maintenance. The car that I originally bought must be driven crying, but every time I think that this car was instigated by Chu Yuanxi to buy it, my mood changes. It's very complicated. This makes the greetings of the relatives even more evocative. I don't know how the other old colleagues of the Pakistani people have had this year? For example, boss Xue Mingxue who sneaked to the company and was blocked by security today?

Unlike him, Xue Ming had no plans to go home during the New Year.

Originally, Xue Ming planned well. During the Chinese New Year, he worked overtime at the company, and he was able to continue his own research because of overtime pay. I don’t know how cool it is. As a result, Chu Yuanxi suddenly sent most of the people home with an order. He had to go back to his snail house and activate his computer, which was slower than a snail.

He is a rare member of the non-founder group who holds floating options among Pakistani people, so even if he only confirms one-year options, he is still very powerful. The confirmation is more than 20 million, which is more than Yang Jiangang and Yu Wenhui, only inferior to Zhao Jie. The key is that there is still a possibility of rising in the future.

It's just that there is no sense of the year in this deserted nest, which makes him look like watching the Spring Festival Gala in Kuaishou. If you think about it, there is no fun in watching videos at this time of the year at the fixed point in the family. This is a problem that can't be solved by how much money you earn. To promote marriage, you must first have an object to promote marriage...

Xue Ming admits that he is not free and easy from Yang Jiangang, but he does not have to go on blind date every festive season. But last year, Ali’s P8 program boy ape’s marriage post was ridiculed by the group, which touched him a lot. I really want to say that the conditions are worse. I am not as tall as others, and the family is not as good as others. The salary is actually not as good, not yet. In the imperial capital, Ali’s programmers were actually ridiculed by the group? Where is the confidence to marry when the options are not realized?

In fact, Xue Ming has always felt that he is very tired, especially in the company, to maintain his high-end people's personality, knowledgeable, cultivated, rich social experience, in short, is shrewd. This made him feel quite tired, especially when compared with Cao Xiang, who are also technical cattle, not to mention who is high and who is low, how real is his life?

This truth is something he has always admired. Fortunately, the dividends that are about to arrive can temporarily overwhelm Cao Xiang, and Xiaokang has no dividends...

It is Jiao Tu who can also be proud of dividends. This year was originally very grand for Jiaotu. The universe country also celebrated the Spring Festival, named "Jiuzheng". He originally planned to bring Zhou Minxi's parents Shu to his home and find all five-star hotels, but he did not expect With such a big event, all contacts between people are disrupted.

Even so, he finally returned Zhou Minxi home, this year must be the most important year in his 29-year-old life, but the cash has not yet arrived is the biggest regret.

Relatively speaking, Zhou Minxi's regrets are more than that of Jiaotu. If she had chosen the floating option method, she would have the same treatment as Xue Ming, even the amount would be the same. As a result, my brain watts dropped, and I chose the post-financial option, which was simply a scam. Otherwise, even if there is no Jiao Tu Duo, it is at least comparable. Whenever she thinks of this, she would like to give Jiao Tu twice. Who made the old driver, Jiao Tu, not a good coach when Chu Yuanxi gave three options? Let her choose the most secure B!

This has become a scene that she often recalls in the past year, and there is also a little bit of resentment. If Chu Yuanxi didn't provide this option at all, it would be great...

Don't know what the Liger is doing?

Chu Yuanxi communicated with Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng for a while, and didn't even bother to watch the Spring Festival Gala, because Kuaishou's red envelopes were too unreal, and there was no fun in grabbing red envelopes!

A large amount of living supplies, bottled water and the like are stored in his villa, and he can spend half a month in his house. He doesn't need to go to the company recently, so besides thinking about the future of the company, he could do a lot.

But now I can only look at the news. As a result, the first explosive news on New Year’s Eve hit Zheyi’s god-level promotion. When other pillar companies were donating money, medicines, equipment, and logistics, Zheyi donated. Youdao fine class.

When Chu Yuanxi saw this donation, it was just a slap on her thighs: "It's really an operation ghost! It's because they thought it out, it's a pig factory, just one word, take it!"

Then I saw another one, which had a great impact on him, that is, after a movie called one of the Big Three in the Spring Festival file was withdrawn, it was signed with the headline in a flash of lightning. After the network distribution agreement, Zhang Ming was taken into the arms of 630 million yuan, and people all over the country were invited to watch movies for free on New Year’s Day.

Soon after zero o’clock, Chu Yuanxi went to the watermelon to watch the movie and found it was awkward. Then he saw a lot of discussions on the Internet, when he was discussing matters with Yuan Mu and Xu Xin. This matter has turned into trouble. In particular, the practitioners of the theater chain issued statements at lightning speed to criticize Xu Shanzheng, which has stirred up waves.

The reason for the theater chain’s voice is because the domestic movie launch is a complicated environment. It is said that the distribution cost should be borne by the distributor, but in the final release stage, the theater chain usually has to bear part of it in actual operation, do preliminary preparations, do publicity, etc. . With this part of the cost and manpower already expended, Xu Shan turned around and made the headlines, and there was nothing for them.

Not only are there disputes on the Internet, but even the Pakistani work group is also saying that it has been lively for several hours, but Chu Yuanxi has been communicating about the merger and acquisition of Tianxian and has not paid attention to it.

Chu Yuanxi took the phone and sat quietly on the sofa for a while. In fact, he was a little sleepy in the middle of the night, but his mind was running wildly. For a long while, in the empty leaping villa, Chu Yuanxi's mouth popped out: "Zhang Ming is awesome!"

He looked at the company group. After all they are working overtime during the holidays, some people have already followed up the movie diligently, and then spent hundreds of millions in the group to buy such a bad film. In the entire history of Xu Shan's filming, this is also the worst unit that can compete. The plot is fragmented and messy from beginning to end, and the first three things are continuous, and the latter is simply a crime. This is fortunately that the headline system has been released. Otherwise, he signed the right gambling and can't lose his life?

This statement was endorsed by at least five people, and the staff responsible for writing film reviews had to revise the draft overnight.

Chu Yuanxi made a voice in the group angrily: "Just write a movie when you are writing, don't mention the headlines."

Suddenly, a "receipt" came from the group.

Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "It's not that the headline department can't laugh at it. This time the headline department has made a lot of money, and Zhang Ming has made a lot of money, do you understand? So don't show your timidity, let people laugh."

Someone immediately asked: "What about the collective condemnation of the theater?"

"A group of counselors don't need to write about them."

"Ah!" Lu Yu surfaced, "I don't understand at all."

"You are stupid, what they should condemn is the headline system, should they condemn Xu Shan Zheng for not avoiding the importance? Not mentioning a word. But considering that we have two movies to be made next year, so, you know."

In fact, it’s easy to understand this piece of temporary finding a home, because the content is all about the Spring Festival, so after the Spring Festival file is withdrawn, will it be available again next year? Will Xu Shan fight for a new Lunar New Year movie next year? Therefore, if the theaters are not satisfied, they are not satisfied.

But it is not necessary, because they are worried about the online distribution to grab the business of the theater is impossible. Netflix is ​​so powerful and has been doing streaming movies for so many years. They have not killed the theaters in the United States. Instead, they have been miserable, let alone domestic? Only the offline market can carry large-scale production of high-cost movies in China. Only by allowing viewers to buy a ticket for several tens of dollars can they make money, and the only one who repays the cost by relying on online charges can only be Wang Da.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi found Zhang Ming's WeChat and sent it directly: Very powerful, this trick is too high, and it gives me a lot of inspiration!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ming didn't even take a break, Miaohui: Where am I?

Chu Yuanxi said that you owe it the most praise! Of course, what is entered into the dialog box becomes: the Spring Festival Gala cooperation is taken away quickly, and you pull back a city, of course it is amazing. Moreover, the money is not in vain, which has improved the reputation. We all owe you a movie ticket.

If you don’t sit in Zhang Ming’s seat, you can’t experience the chrome of this sentence. Because yesterday’s news came out, many people posted "We owe Xu Shan for a movie ticket" on Weibo. Rhythm!

Chu Yuanxi is in which pot does not open and which pot to mention. Zhang Ming stared at the screen and replied: We not only increase word-of-mouth, but also increase activity and attract new users!

I saw Chu Yuanxi replied in seconds: Yes, yes, this is a very high trick. I said that inspiration is to use movies to pull new ideas.

However, Zhang Ming didn’t know that Chu Yuanxi, who was on the Internet, threw the phone away and lay on the sofa laughing, saying that in the future, someone would ask me why the well-to-do movie is doing this and why it breaks the rules. I just said that I learned it from Zhang Ming. I am a primary school student of Zhang Ming in the aspect of making new movies. Take the pot, you!

What's more ridiculous is that Zhang Ming's content recognition ability is really a bit It is quite difficult for this set of operations to be updated.

The main reason is that the warm-up time is too short. When the decision is announced for less than 24 hours, the film is online, and potential new users have no time to download a good APP.

How long has Kuaishou issued a red envelope for the Spring Festival Gala this year? The publicity is a few months old, and the actual action is more than half a month. The red envelope warm-up, word collection activity, red heart collection and other functions have been launched early. The core is centered on the Spring Festival Gala to cultivate user habits, so as to allow potential New users have enough time to react.

If Toutiao buys a super god-level good movie, potential new users will still download the APP and enter the pit after hearing the word-of-mouth burst. But the word-of-mouth of the film itself is definitely not working, the audience in the celestial dynasty is not blind, relying on word-of-mouth to spread at all, and even has the opposite effect. It's okay to be active, but you still want to be new? However, these words are not suitable for Zhang Ming.

At this moment, Chu Yuanxi suddenly stopped laughing because the lock of the villa's door was ringing.

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