Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 985: I'm too hard

Because the temperature in the villa was very high, Chu Yuanxi was lying on the sofa wearing a big shorts and a small vest. At this moment, when the door lock rang, he suddenly jumped up, asking what's the situation? How can anyone come on New Year's Eve this midnight?

As a result, the door opened, and a gust of cold wind came in, and the cold air blew in the hallway and rushed into the room, causing Chu Yuanxi to shiver. Looking closely, a tall figure walked from the darkness into the light, even if it was wrapped in a thick down jacket, it didn't make people feel bloated.

"Feng Lin? Why are you coming back?" Chu Yuanxi was taken aback, and said to her heart that you are going abroad too soon, right? I was pleasantly surprised immediately.

"What should I do if I don't come back? You don't know what is happening in Bali. If you don't rush back, the flight will be cancelled." Feng Lin pulled off the fluffy hat, took off the mask, and the down jacket. Qiubo flows: "Then I can't live in Bali for half a year? When I think of not seeing our President Chu for half a year, I just..."

"Don't just take off the down jacket, take off all your clothes quickly, don't leave any of them!"

"Huh?" Feng Lin blinked, "How many days have you been holding back? Are you in such a hurry?"

I saw that Chu Yuanxi didn't know where to take out a clothes storage basket, and said softly: "In this way, it can be thoroughly disinfected."

"I--" Feng Lin rolled his eyes, "Why do you even do this? How would you welcome me back?"

"Then I should... open up a cozy room for you upstairs?"

"It's pretty much the same, but don't I have a room?" Feng Lin looked up. She usually lives on the first floor. Chu Yuanxi's room is also on the first floor, while Yu Yanan only lives on the second floor.

I saw Chu Yuanxi smile, "In this way, I can be properly isolated...Don't leave when you come, I'll be isolated for a week before talking."

"I'm not sick at all! I'm healthy!"

"My mom said the same before, now she stays at home obediently and doesn't go anywhere, she's more honest than me."

Chu Yuanxi stepped forward and helped Feng Lin undress. Feng Lin immediately slapped his hand: "Then you still stay away from me. Are you afraid of infection?"

"Scared. But I am your'close contact'. Have you ever heard of this term?'close contact' hides from you for a long distance and dare not even get closer. Are you sad?"

Feng Lin's eyes rolled: "Then, didn't it become, the most romantic thing between us, is that I accompany you to isolate? Hahahaha. Hey, what did you laugh at when I walked in?"

"Go and take a hot bath first, I'll tell you. It is said that a hot bath is useful."

"The water temperature is more than sixty degrees, you can spare me..."

Feng Lin obviously didn't listen to Chu Yuanxi's vicious washing, but the sound of water came from the bathroom and reached Chu Yuanxi's ears, making him think of the encounter with Feng Lin at Mango Terrace. That was all from the year before, and it was so fast. I remember that Feng Lin was in the bathroom at the beginning, in the drenched water vapor, Feng Lin's legs were in rank.

(Chapter 540 has not been repaired)

Soon Feng Lin walked out with wet hair, and wiped it as he walked. The hair that passed the shoulders was silky smooth, showing a healthy luster. Facing Chu Yuanxi's gaze, Feng Lin jumped down on the sofa and lay down halfway next to Chu Yuanxi.

"Let's talk about it, why did you laugh just now, laugh so wildly, I seem to hear Zhang Ming?"

"Should we not talk about the following omission of ten thousand words at this time?"

"Can you still hold on to ten thousand words?" Feng Lin couldn't help but smile, "Besides, I can't be stunned by desire, just say it!"

Speaking of her arching an elbow on Chu Yuanxi's leg, Chu Yuanxi knew that she liked this the most, so she picked up her mobile phone and searched for her news about free movies on the first day of the first year. "On this matter, I just chatted with Brother Ming. He said that the 630 million he spent was not a loss, and he could attract new users. I laughed at this."

"Hey?" Feng Lin thought for a while, frowning and asked: "I remember you told me that you would also want to make movies in the future and then rely on movies to refresh your APP? Although the methods are different, the meaning is the same, right? Why are you laughing at others?"

Chu Yuanxi gave her a look of admiration, and he felt the same when he saw the news at first, so he received a considerable shock.

"That's how it is said, but you also have to look at the specific process. The film they chose this time, you will know when you get up during the day. The plan is good, but the core point is based on the content. But hardly any effect will be greatly reduced."

"Uh... I also saw this on the road. I feel that the wind is very good. The people all over the country are complimenting Xu Shanzheng." Feng Lin raised his head and looked back at Chu Yuanxi, just to see Chu Yuanxi's The corner of the chin, it seems that the chin that has just been shaved has no stubble and looks very clean.

She stretched out her scallion index finger to try to pestle, but she was caught by Chu Yuanxi, and she hurriedly pulled her wrist out and said, "Let me tell you, although you Ba people must be experts in content, but why do you think the headlines? Does anyone move the content? Can Douyin not understand the content?"

"I didn't say that Toutiao didn't understand the content. But do you remember what I told you, such as choosing a product spokesperson, you can never choose the boss yourself, and you can never order which female celebrity you like. Money doesn’t work, it must be investigated by a team of experts."

"Yes, yes, you said, otherwise there will be someone who clicks the Hani, and a lot of money will be thrown out and there will be an operational crisis. But what does this have to do with the headlines?"

"Of course there is. Toutiao's decision-making time is only a few days at most. Although it is not necessarily only 24 hours, the talks may have started before the decision to withdraw, but it will definitely not be too long. You understand? Toutiao is for such a large company. With so many levels, 630 million is not a small number. Usually, it is not enough for this kind of business negotiation not to negotiate for more than one month.

Being able to make decisions so quickly is definitely the decision made directly by the senior management, and it is the decision to destroy the process, all responsibilities, future problems, etc., the kind that the people below do not bear. I guess this board was shot by Zhang Ming himself, so I laughed. Why is he pinching his nose and watching the rhythm of the water band? Because it doesn't matter who you owe movie tickets, the important thing is that someone will watch it and it needs to be hyped up. understood? "

Feng Lin turned over and sat up. Also because of the high indoor temperature, she also changed into cool clothes, and because she hadn't touched up makeup just after bathing, her face was pure and natural. After turning over in this way, the two smooth legs were put on top of each other, and the two of them looked at each other. Chu Yuanxi felt that her breathing had been suppressed, suppressed by Feng Lin's explosive youthful and healthy feeling.

With a "pop", Feng Lin opened his hand again, "Hey, I'm in isolation, you can bear with me for a week."

After speaking, her two faint eyebrows were bent into crescent shapes.

After applying makeup, Feng Lin's eyebrows will be painted in a strong style. They are black and long. They look very decisive and have a great temperament. After removing the makeup, they become very friendly, more like a little sister. At this time, the eyebrows follow one of the smiles Curved, crescent eyes are also curved, using the latest special effects of Douyin to describe it, which is "100% brilliant smile".

"I said I want to quarantine with you."

Chu Yuanxi forcibly pulled her over, but Feng Lin still held it up, not letting him get too close. "When I first check the score on a certain petal, maybe people's reputation is not that bad? If the score is less than 6, I will be isolated with you, right?"

"A certain petal, I haven't seen it for a long time." Chu Yuanxi said that it can be done. With Xu Shanzheng's influence, it is still a bit difficult to drop below 6 points.


"Well, let me tell you a story..." Chu Yuanxi needed Feng Lin to give up a certain part, so he had to talk about dark history.

"By the way, a long, long time ago, a film reporter performed art a bit and created a movie called "Kafka Can't Get Into the Castle even if I Become the Beatles", and then I made an illustration of an unpopular film in the former Soviet Union. The poster of this movie made up an absurd plot according to a certain format, and in the introduction of the movie, it ridiculed some terms such as deconstructionism and modernism. Most people don’t understand it anyway. In short, it means that. By the way, I also made up a credit card."

"and then?"

When Chu Yuanxi spoke, she was gradually lying on the sofa, but Feng Lin was sitting next to his leg. "Then it must be added to a certain movie library. After a year, 2500 people have marked want to watch it, and more than 200 people have marked it and have a rating of 8.9. There are a lot of film reviews, and some people said that they bought a genuine DVD. Some people say it is one of the must-see movies recommended by inspirational young people. The most funny is the one that shares the video editing skills. The emperor's novelty doesn't have so many details, can you believe it?"

"and then?"

Chu Yuanxi calmly said, "Then a certain petal finally found out that there was no such movie, and secretly deleted it."

"Puff-is there such a thing?" Feng Lin pulled Chu Yuanxi's arm, "Go, go to quarantine!"


Chu Yuanxi obviously had to work from home during the Spring Festival, and he was busy even during the day on the first day of the new year, because he found that a well-off society had to temporarily add a lot of new services under the changing environment.

For example, the sales of hot pot-related ingredients and finished dishes have skyrocketed, making them easy to eat and refreshing, and they are all packaged foods that look hygienic.

Since Xiaokang has a comprehensive and in-depth data control system, this change is fed back to Chu Yuanxi at a very sensitive speed. Therefore, Xiaokang needs to add goods, and the Pakistani people need to launch related short video works, similar to vlog-type videos, from the purchase to the one-stop shopping, reflecting the taste of the year and self-entertainment in the new scene.

The benefits of being close to all employees working overtime during the Chinese New Year for Xiaokang and Ba people are instantly reflected. This kind of video is very efficient through the positioning advertising of Douyin Kuaishou, allowing hundreds of Xiaokang stores to vote as advertisers, and the effect of getting customers is in The superposition of multiple factors is extremely obvious.

There is also a rest assured purchase service.

Xiaokang currently does not provide home delivery services. It can provide them but has not yet reached that stage. Milestone 5 itself has plans to increase delivery services, but we need to hire more shop assistants, otherwise we can only go to pornographic groups and get hungry, then it’s not necessary. Well-off business experience is to let people come to the store. Three-way home delivery is good for profit, and it does more harm than good to the entire ecology.

Of course, based on the current situation, when to add this service after the holiday has become a question that needs to be discussed.

In a well-off business, the store itself does not sell fruits and vegetables, and fresh food is the raw material in the entire ecology. But now the customer's demand for melons, fruits and vegetables has greatly increased, and this feedback soon came to Chu Yuanxi's mobile phone.

The well-to-do rest assured purchase can be used, as long as you add fruits and vegetables to it.

The so-called assured purchase is a service that allows users to place an order on their mobile phones and then pick them up at the store within a specified time period. The advantage of this service is that you don’t have to worry about selling out of stock in the store. As long as the order is successfully placed, Xiaokang will pack it and store it in the store. Therefore, users can directly go to the well-off logistics chain to place orders across the store, and they can pack as long as the nearby warehouses can deliver the goods.

This service is suitable for fresh food and is organized at the right time.

As a matter of fact, Rest assured Shopping itself has also considered adding fresh products. There have been no problems in the operation of the original world, and Chu Yuanxi knew that it was possible. But this demand was not urgent before, so it was not added.

Why not hurry? Because so many toC's fresh food has been poured, what is the fun of Xiaokang? But it is also right to add it now. Of course, the workload of the front-line logistics will increase more, but the process is no different from other SKUs. There will be no problems with the well-off logistics and the precise operating rules of the store.

These special circumstances must be grasped, the stronger the Matthew effect, the stronger, and any mistakes in the face of the general trend will be magnified, so the more critical it is, the more conscientious it is. So Chu Yuanxi felt more and more that it was a wise decision to encourage all staff to work overtime! This time is so critical!

Then he encountered another problem.

Elizabeth originally planned to come back after the Spring Festival and make final plans, including the actual delivery of funds, the final signing of the investment agreement, etc. Of course, the most important thing is to report to Chu Yuanxi. She had to report on the business experience and adjustments to expectations in several Southeast Asian countries, as well as any new discoveries.

For example, have you found new potential partners? Is the goal strong or potential? Have you noticed any market changes that will affect the well-off Southeast Asia plan?

It is too bad that these reports are written in writing. Although remote video Q&A is possible, it is certainly not as convenient as face-to-face communication. Face-to-face communication is easier to trigger the spark of thinking.

But when something serious happened, Elizabeth couldn't come back. She was afraid that she could not leave when she came back, and Chu Yuanxi could not go. She was afraid of not coming back.

The key is the well-off side, is there any wavering? Although Elizabeth did not ask clearly, Chu Yuanxi already felt her anxiety deeply.

When this kind of big thing happens, only the big reds in medicine, games and self-media are big greens. As an assistant to the president, Elizabeth knows well about the situation of Xiaokang. Even if she doesn’t know anything else, she must know the financing situation and cash reserves. If we don’t consider the Pakistani pressure, Xiaokang’s own funds are not rich and we will continue Do a lot of financing.

Chu Yuanxi had to continue to comfort her: "Xiaokang specifically made a round A+ round of $ financing, just for you, Xiaokang itself does not use $, the dedicated Xiaokang headquarters for this money does not move at all. It is nothing more than doing electric skateboards in China. You don’t have to worry about the amount of money you invest in car OEM at the beginning."

"But I think you did Pre_B, and you only went at a valuation of 10 billion. It doesn't match your original plan. I was shocked when I read the report."

"Don't worry, that has nothing to do with you, that is the money raised for the mobile license, which was raised in advance."

Previously approved by Hu Shiheng and Xu Xin, Chu Yuanxi raised 1 billion in cash through Pakistani people for 10 billion, bought licenses for 550 million, and the rest was used as a capital reserve. It seems that it has solved many problems. It will not shrink or shrink. If it was only 550 million yuan, there would still be a problem, at least the Spring Festival wave should make the voice of "I am too difficult."

This explanation finally gave Elizabeth peace of mind, and then asked a question that she had been thinking about for a long time during the field visit: "Chu, I want to ask you, the Indian market seems more attractive compared to Southeast Asia, why do you insist on letting I come to Southeast Asia to explore the market?"

"Sister, you can't just consider the market, you have to consider market participants."

"Participants in the Indian market? Are not all Indian entrepreneurs?"

"But behind them are Penguin, Ali, and Amazon. They are all in one pot, okay? The market environment is extremely bad, and the market space is shrinking sharply."

Elizabeth suddenly thought of the fierce war in the Indian market. The $100 million has been continuously invested in the war for many years, and it has not stopped so far.

The most recent battle was five days ago on January 21, when the "Zumatou", known as the Indian version of Reviews, acquired UberEats, Uber's food delivery unit in India. So far, Uber’s strategy continues to shrink, and the giant standing behind Zuma’s head is Ali.

This is a company that has been continuously blessed by It has successively received a total of 900 million US dollars in financing from Ali over the years, but this acquisition uses a private placement acquisition model, issuing new shares to pay for Uber , Not cash. After this acquisition, Zumatou is about to turn over as a serf to sing, surpassing its old rival, "Thinking to Give", with a market share of more than 50%, which is still a lot behind.

The mainstay given by Siwai is of course Penguin, and both Penguin and Huang Tuan have taken action, which is simply a window guide.

But Zuma head is not the one that eats Ali's cash the most. The Indian version of Alipay Paytm has received Ali's $900 million in financing as far back as 2015. Later, it led SoftBank to invest another 2 billion yuan. It can be said that the Chinese and Korean giants have invested in the Indian market. He has spared no effort in his deep cultivation, and his momentum is very compelling.

Southeast Asia is much better. Although Penguin has also invested some, but it is not so powerful, Ali is not easy to make a move. Instead, Didi, Huang Tuan and Dagou Dongtou have invested some, but they are mainly local local entrepreneurs. We are fighting.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi helplessly say: "I don't want to go outside to fight with Penguin Ali, I am too difficult..."

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