Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 986: Cloud interview

Chu Yuanxi, who was too difficult, quickly hung up the call with Elizabeth, and then asked Feng Lin: "How about your professor? Would you like to make a video?"

"Video chat is of course okay, but your video with other people is recruiting, and the professors don't want to save face? Didn't answer me."

Chu Yuanxi was talking about finding a business consultant for Xiaokang. When Feng Lin was in the president's class, the professor was Liang Kenian, and Chu Yuanxi had always wanted to make an appointment. In fact, before the Spring Festival, Feng Lin was in the middle to lead them. As a result, he didn't expect to be delayed because of bad events, but the connection has not been broken.

It's just that Chu Yuanxi can't just look for a consultant. He has to reveal a lot of corporate information and even secrets, so he must be careful. It is impossible to let someone come by just chatting on WeChat.

So now we plan to adopt one such method, which can be called "cloud interview." Of course there are some issues of humanity and sophistication here, especially when Chu Yuanxi wants Feng Lin to be very direct, without any cryptic requests. This is his way of communication. When facing strangers, he should show his cart and horses. Don't think about so many imaginary things. This is efficient, as long as you speak clearly.

But people are silent, may need to consider? Chu Yuanxi felt that he could work harder, so he asked Feng Lin to urge him again. "By the way, can you introduce him to me first? Blame me, I haven't asked him carefully. How old is the professor?"

"Same age as you."

"Huh?" Chu Yuanxi was stunned. The Guochao's name was "Vice of Taboo", so when he was called a professor, he might be a deputy, but an associate professor in his 30s was actually pretty good.

"Professor in his early 30s? Full professor and associate professor?"

"Ah...I'm really not very clear about this. It seems to be an associate professor. Wait for me to ask you. But is it appropriate to come up and ask? It seems to look down on the associate professor?"

"I have already stated clearly that it is a recruitment nature. Sooner or later, I have to make it clear, okay? Is there anything I look down on? What I value more is the real material, but you are in this sequence, and the rank means yours to a certain extent. Networking is definitely influential, okay? The consultant is not only Gu He asked, if you really only think about it, it would be quite inefficient."

As a result, the other party quickly replied. Feng Lin showed the phone to Chu Yuanxi. What they told Feng Lin was: I am a special associate researcher for the post-doctoral reform of teachers.

The term researcher looks inferior to professors, but it is actually a rank, and associate researcher is associate professor. But what does it mean to change the post-doctoral faculty to special appointment associate researcher? Chu Yuanxi and Feng Lin stared at each other.

At this time, the benefits of cloud interviews are reflected. If they are face-to-face, when people say that they don’t understand it, they will inevitably smile.

Fortunately, the other party agreed to the video, and it is not a casual video, it is formal, no formal attire, but a certain amount of time must be formally allocated and taken seriously.

As soon as the video was connected to Chu Yuanxi, she felt a bit inexplicably familiar, as if this person had seen it before? The two sides briefly introduced themselves, and then began to get into the topic. Chu Yuanxi first talked about the situation and needs of a well-off society, and then began to ask questions.

The advantage of not detouring is that when the appointment is made, it is stated that it is for the purpose of recruitment. Then, since the other party agrees to communicate, they have the willingness and ideas to apply, so you can directly ask anything. However, if I talked directly during the appointment before, it would be rude to ask questions like exam questions.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi didn't ask why it was called a post-doctoral teacher who should be a special assistant researcher. This could be Baidu later. What Chu Yuanxi asked was: "What do you think of SoftBank's Sun Dasheng must save WeWork if you don't change it? What motivates him to do this at all costs regardless of cost?"

The reason for asking this question is because it is considered a worldwide event. Everyone in the economic field knows at least, and it is impossible to say that they have never heard of it because they don’t hear things outside the window. In this way, whether the other party has the habit and ability to think can be quickly determined through such questions.

At this time, I definitely can’t ask questions about well-off. It’s not impossible to ask questions about famous domestic economic events, but considering that I don’t know the depth of the other party, what if the other party has something to do with the other party? It's not very suitable, so it's just right to take Sun Dasheng to open the bath.

I saw the other person thinking for a while, and then the mouse and keyboard operated, and then looked at the computer screen, and then smiled slightly, "This? This has to be answered from the growth experience of Sun Dasheng. If I remember correctly, Dasheng he The old man put together 100 million yen in 1981. As a result, he took out a large sum of it to make an office environment, and then rented it to software companies for free.

Then he relied on this relationship to sign the sole generation with Hudson Software, the world's largest software at the time, and quickly wiped out the island country market. Therefore, no one knows how to tap the deep-seated value of shared office better than Sun Dasheng, and Adam Neumann cannot. Sun Dasheng is so self-confident that he might still feel that he has copied to the end? "

Chu Yuanxi said that you have a lot of good things in your computer? But this is also possible. It is equivalent to an open-book exam. Candidates for an open-book exam don’t need to memorize everything but know where they exist.

The other party's answer is very consistent with Chu Yuanxi's worldview. He always believes that Sun Dasheng will allin to WeWork even when he is embarrassed on all sides. He must have a hundredfold confidence and be able to release the energy of WeWork from a higher dimension. You know, no matter how WeWork is cut in half, its volume has been fully charged after all. After all, the structure has been set up. It is a structure that embraces hundreds of rivers and is the only one on the entire earth. It has value in the eyes of Sun Dasheng and in the eyes of others. It must be different.

Just listen to Liang Kenian continuing to say: "Now many people say that Sun Dasheng is stuck in WeWork when he is in trouble. In fact, he is not. His most deadly investment is the acquisition of the US telecom operator Sprint. It doesn’t matter if you invest in Sprint. The acquisition of T Mobile, through capital operation, became the number one telecommunications giant in the United States, but it failed."

"You are so right, I totally agree."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt that the opposite person was insightful. The delusion to buy the lifeblood industry of the United States in 2012 was actually a turning point for Sun Dasheng’s decline from prosperity, especially when he was confidently planning to acquire T Mobile and was terminated by the then chief Ou Guanhai with a grinning executive order. The reason was that "Antitrust", now, is justified.

But at that time there was no such internal injury, because SoftBank still held a lot of Alibaba stock. But later, in order to fill in the pit of Sprint, I had to reduce Ali. Although the appearance is still strong, it is obviously constantly weakening the foundation, and the result is still unable to climb out of this quagmire.

Up to now, of course, there are still more lean camels than Ma, especially the raising of the $100 billion fund vision makes Sun Dasheng seem to be on the top of the wave. But don't forget that the Vision Fund is actually a sword of Damocles, because a considerable part of the money in this fund is not raised by fund-raising, but by loans, which require interest.

Therefore, Sun Dasheng was reduced to Chu Yuanxi's interview questions. This is why Chu Yuanxi refused without hesitation when the head of SoftBank Greater China came to Xiaokang to discuss investment. Of course, a well-off society needs money, but some people’s money is not easy to get, and then the scene of Ali smashing the pan will be bad.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared behind Liang Kenian on the screen and looked into the screen on the other side of the network.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but wiped his eyes, listening to Liang Kenian saying, "Dad, I work remotely."

"Office? What kind of business? I am familiar with my voice, let me see, isn't this Chu Yuanxi?"

"Oh, Lao Liang? It's actually you?" Chu Yuanxi looked at the old man with glasses appearing on the screen with a dazed expression. This person is the owner of the original concept of "A World of Trouble". Old Liang sold.

He was born in a scientific research department, and he still holds the allowance from the Institute of Computing Technology, but he has basically been disarmed and returned to the field. He is much older than Chu Yuanxi, and he is almost 60 years old this year. Chu Yuanxi knew him, and it dates back to when he first entered Pengfei Technology. To do an AI project's production and economics requires the resources of the calculation institute, so he got on line with Lao Liang. It's just that they soon went to sea to start their own company.

Unexpectedly, Liang Kenian, an associate professor of economics, was actually the son of an old Liang mathematics expert.

When Chu Yuanxi had just traveled through, he obtained verbal IP authorization from him when he was planning to start a business from the media. Because no one in this world milked him, this movie IP was not made, not sold, or even registered. property. As an IP whose content has been verified by the original world, Chu Yuanxi directly negotiated it with her face.

Then, after the deliberation process of Uncle Sheng, the dynasty was changed, from the Sui Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and of course all the old content was overturned. Therefore, the current "Troubled Times" only retains the name and spiritual core, the entire content is completely replaced, and there is no intellectual property defect.

I just heard Lao Liang say: "Oh, you said someone plans to hire you, it's him? I told you, this kid took my coach and sold it for more than 30 billion, so he sent me a red envelope. You have to be careful! That red envelope was issued the year before last!"

"Hey, hey, I didn't pay you a New Year's greetings two days ago? Lao Liang, what you said was wrong." Chu Yuanxi immediately cried out to Bing Tianqu, "What friendships do we have? Isn't it boring to give money? ? Besides, didn’t I still make money when I gave out red envelopes?”

"Well, if you make money, you won't give out red envelopes. I understand that capitalists are so good at budgeting."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly made a red face. Of course, Liang Kenian was even more embarrassed, who didn't know what to say.

He only heard his father say: "It's good for you to go to Chu Yuanxi to do something. I told you that this postdoctoral teacher is not a human job. If you don't believe me, I'm an old researcher. Just let Chu Yuanxi do it. You paid liquidated damages, anyway he has money."

Chu Yuanxi knew that Lao Liang was straightforward. Don't look at him as if he couldn't live without money. In fact, he was very generous. When he gave "Troubled Times" to himself, he didn't mention any requirements. For drinking water, thinking about the source and feeling and reasoning, Lao Liang should also be compensated, similar to the supplementary agreement signed by Uncle He Sheng.

At the beginning, after the comics of "Unwinding in the Wind" had become famous and obtained good data, Chu Yuanxi later found a supplementary agreement (Chapter 389). In view of the ambiguity of the content creation and IP ownership of Uncle Sheng during the work process, one million yuan was paid to the pen to settle all outstanding matters and confirm the ownership of the rights.

This is reasonable, and giving Lao Liang the same amount of cash should satisfy both parties.

However, how to compensate Lao Liang is a problem, and certainly no supplementary agreement can be signed. Because after the Pakistani game and the IP of "Unwinding" were packaged and sold, another agreement was suddenly made, or was it related to the copyright of "Unwinding" and stamped with the official seal of the Pakistani group. What kind of system?

But even at this time, Chu Yuanxi didn't have the idea of ​​recruiting Liang Kenian directly and then giving him a high salary. Although it is the easiest way to repay the old Liang, it is not in his list of options.

So Chu Yuanxi listened to Lao Liang's words and immediately stepped on the brakes: "Hey, hey, it doesn't matter whether Professor Liang goes to Xiaokang or not. He has the ability and the will, and it is indispensable."

"Hey, do you dislike me?" Lao Liang's reading glasses looked back on the screen and couldn't see his eyes, but he was calm and relaxed when he watched the action. "My son, although his vision is not good, he is still capable. , Otherwise, teachers and post-doctoral fellows cannot be changed to associate researchers."

"It's a specially hired deputy researcher." Chu Yuanxi added. Although he doesn't understand Mao, he definitely knows that there must be a gap between specially hired and not hired. Especially, Lao Liang just mentioned the term "liquidated damages", which makes it easier Lenovo.

Sure enough, Lao Liang's arrogant arrogance was stagnant, and he said, "Cough, talk about it anyway." Then he disappeared.

In the end, I didn't expect to wait until Liang Kenian to speak again, and actually took the initiative to talk about this postdoctoral teacher, and then Chu Yuanxi knew that there was such a cheating system.

First of all, what is a postdoc? Post-doctorate is not a degree, nor a rank, but a job position. It is a flexible position for young scientists who have a doctoral degree but do not have the qualifications and ability to independently obtain projects. Even scientific researchers who are already associate professors can go to other post-doctoral mobile stations to "enter" to do topics, of course, this is relatively rare.

Normal scientific researchers can be promoted through the path of teaching assistant-lecturer-associate professor-professor at the postgraduate level and after graduation, but taking into account practice, they usually grow under the wing of the boss, and through the boss’s huge undertaking to divide the topics and projects, And funding.

However, if you find that your boss’s topic is not of interest to you before you grow up, or you want to change your course, you will lose the source of the project, and it will be more difficult for the original scientific research unit to prepare. At this time, you need to make a transition through a postdoctoral position, and go to another scientific research institution to work on the subject you are willing to do.

However, this is not true for teachers and post-doctoral students. It is an expedient policy used by colleges and universities when they want to find a teacher but has not established a post-doctoral index. The post-doctorate recruited does not engage in research, but in teaching.

The deception is that the academic rules are different from those in society. Although contracts are also signed, it is impossible to write commitments into the contract. You can only write "preparation through review", and liquidated damages are inevitable. Indicate the number, because postdoctoral fellows are also paid.

Therefore, colleges and universities can change the conditions for establishment at any time, and verbal promises have no meaning. What's even worse is that the treatment will also change, but the liquidated damages written in the contract will not.

The worst is the lesson taught. Speaking of teaching Liang Kenian, he can laugh all year long. Pheasant classes like Feng Lin's presidential class are not bad. He, who studies regional economy, actually taught the government auditing course. What dirty work is it? What the teachers of this school do not want to teach are all given to teachers as postdoctoral fellows.

Chu Yuanxi understood that government auditing is impossible to grasp without working in the government for a few years. It belongs to non-corporate auditing, and the gap with ordinary auditing is as big as liberal arts and sciences. Or else it would be a bad thing for Lao Liang to be all over?

However, this will enable Liang Kenian to win the title of a special associate researcher. Although there is still no establishment, it is called a special appointment, but the salary is always much better than that of the teacher postdoctoral.

Occasionally, Chu Yuanxi also introduced the Ba people and Xiaokang, and it was obviously more open than at the beginning. Even if the son of Lao Liang is not hired in the end, he is at least a reliable person. Some things that are not confidential can be talked about. And he doesn't use the current well-off. If he really comes to be a consultant, although Gu Xiaokang's question is mainly asked, the Pakistani people must also understand their business, otherwise they cannot cooperate.

After he finished talking about the Pakistani incubation and DKP system and the well-off OKR task system, Liang Kenian blurted out, "Isn't this the 15% rule of 3M?"

Chu Yuanxi thought for a moment, but it was indeed a bit like, like a god.

3M must have gained a reputation during the Spring Festival this year. It is a major manufacturer in the United is not only a major brand of masks, but also produces a wide range of products, such as industrial products, consumer products, electronic products, etc., properly top in the world manufacturer.

They have a rule that R&D employees, regardless of their status, can spend 15% of their working time to research what they are interested in. Anything is fine, and they do not necessarily have to move closer to the company's product line. And after determining the feasibility through this type of research, the company not only provides financial support, but more importantly, allows members from different departments and project teams to flexibly jump out of the original project team, allowing these like-minded people to combine into a new product cultivation team.

Chu Yuanxi knew how difficult this last one was, because if it were an excellent employee, the leader of the "former project team" would definitely be unwilling and would definitely obstruct it in every possible way. The difficulty of this kind of promise is not to find people who are willing to do it, but to ensure that they can combine freely, and to ensure that they can return to their original positions or find other suitable positions in the company after failure.


Thanks for using the microwave oven as the leader of the doomsday gang for the reward, plus wait a few days.


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