Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 988: Chinese New Year Campaign

Chu Yuanxi said that you are really stupid as an investor? Don't push other investors down to your own level to judge. Who doesn't know that this is a special period?

However, we can't blame Yuan Mu's judgment for the imbalance, mainly because the recent outbreak of new retail has indeed caused a lot of start-ups. In particular, due to the dual factors, no one is willing to go out, so many people download various O2O APPs to overcome the difficulties, causing the resurgence of online vegetable selling, which is very powerful and has become a new outlet.

With the special pull strategy, the effect of directly subsidizing users with dishes in kind is more grounded. Some exciting people have begun to cultivate users' minds. Ordering in the early morning and picking up the goods in the morning is a hot new model. Therefore, fresh food e-commerce companies suddenly came spring, directly crossing the most difficult thresholds of new and cultivating users' shopping habits, and entered the advanced stage of competition for internal strength and distribution capabilities and supply chain.

Even Ganxin Shopping, which is solely invested by Pakistani people, does not do toC and only serves as the supplier behind the C-end. They are following the tide, causing Yang Heng and Lu Yin to a painful and happy state.

This company was only established in December, and it took more than a month, but because it has already opened up the upstream production area and started operations, it has already generated cash flow and profits. Therefore, if the Pakistani people are willing to give out the 50 million angel round investment, it is estimated directly There is a four or five times increase in value. In this regard, Xu Xin praised Chu Yuanxi's investment insight, and he could make 200 million yuan in less than two months with such a small investment, which is amazing.

Of course Xu Xin is even cooler. Mr. Xu Xin is currently in a period of serious excitement. Although the market was full of bags last year, she was the woman who bought half of the track after all. Many of the bidders still survived. , All who survived are heroes.

It’s just not good news for Chu Yuanxi. For example, Xu Xin’s funds and resources must be tilted towards the fresh track where she bet everything, at least recently. The cooler, the less money to live. .

Another example is that all of this has little to do with Xiaokang.

Yuan Mu may be inexplicably excited, but Chu Yuanxi calmed down early in the morning. What suddenly became popular in the past two days was actually O2O home delivery, not offline, and offline vegetable shops were not crowded. Although Xiaokang's business of rest assured purchase can also be understood as O2O, it does not deliver, so it is not typical.

Therefore, after observing the business situation for the past two days, he can clearly feel that the three forces that have risen in the wind recently. The first group is called a third party that serves the distribution of supermarkets, such as Goudong Daojia business. In this regard, Huang Tuan and don’t let go, showing a three-pronged trend.

The second type is the standard fresh O2O, but the threshold is relatively high if there is no pre-storage configuration. Although the response to the order placed by O2O is relatively slow, the delivery within four or five hours is everywhere, but the one without the front warehouse can basically not be delivered on the same day, which loses the original intention of O2O and becomes A level of confidence in a well-off purchase is not even as good as a well-off purchase with confidence that it may arrive on the same day.

The third type is to provide both supermarkets and distribution, such as Hippo and Mido. And Mido has a large number of small stores, and the business format is more abundant than that of Hippo.

Therefore, the fire in the well-off business and the fire in other people's businesses are not a fire of a nature. The benefit of being well-off is to make a lot more money than usual, and to establish a deeper trust relationship with users, to instill the impression of being reliable at the critical moment of well-off, and to make your brand gain a better reputation in the community covered. At the most, you get some cheapness that you don't usually have on getting customers, and the number of new users increases.

This is of course also excellent, but it is incomparable with the benefits obtained by the fresh O2O. People have changed their interests from lingering dying to a major explosion.

So Yuan Mu's excitement was unnecessary, but Chu Yuanxi didn't need to say so many reasons to hit her, she should be allowed to think for herself, otherwise she couldn't improve her level.

He simply shook his head: "10 billion is too little, right? The situation is better than planned, and the goal is lower than planned. What is this?"

"Hey, you really are!" Yuan Mu said anxiously, "In this big environment, I am afraid that many investors will not dare to invest money in a few days."

Fearing that Chu Yuanxi would not understand, she quickly explained: "The organization's money is not her own. It is raised from the limited partner LP. Even if the leaders of the organization want to vote for you, this year, LPs will definitely be all Cash is king, who dares to pay? Institutional fundraising is definitely a big problem, and it won’t get better in the short term. Don’t you believe me or believe my brother? What valuation are you still struggling with now?"

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but remember that there was a stage in the original world that was actually in a similar state. The valuation was not entangled at all. It was money. As long as the control was in hand, everything would be fine if the two-tier equity structure was okay.

The problem is to be a ghost! This kind of guinea pig entering the maze state is fine, besides, he doesn't believe that he can't raise funds with his well-off skills?

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi was "stubbornly" entangled with the valuation and didn't take it seriously, so she immediately began to call in personnel to give orders, hold a telephone conference, and send out an email to mobilize and upgrade the Spring Festival campaign.

"The situation of our friends is that there is no shortage of goods and people. But because of the arrangement before the holiday, we have basically maintained 70% of the combat effectiveness. It is not particularly short of people, but there may be shortages."

"Now consumers' optimal demand is large-scale purchases, so our first urgent thing is to stabilize the supply chain. This is the current top priority. Please take the trouble to confirm one by one. Ma Xiaoxi has worked hard! "

"The human resources department is studying the emergency resumption plan. The middle and back-office employees in their hometowns do not want to return to work, but must start working from home. The logistics and delivery staff ensure the attendance rate as much as possible, and they will directly pick up and drop off if necessary. Liu Lu has worked hard!"

"The logistics department began to implement the emergency resource allocation plan, adjust the frequency of distribution, pay attention to the decline of warehousing, and provide timely feedback. In addition, the logistics groups should share resources as much as possible, especially for the central procurement plan of fresh food and Shibai, and reasonable scheduling , Make full use of the difference in peak staggering between warehouses and warehouses to share manpower and resources, and jointly fight the tough battle. Zhang Jian has worked hard! Zhang Jian note that the back-end system will provide you with resource distribution and deployment suggestions at any time, pay attention to rational use and timely use Feedback."

"At present, because of the support of buying vegetables willingly in Eastern Guangdong Province, there is definitely no problem in the supply of fresh food. Please communicate with the supply chain as quickly as possible on the Imperial Capital side. Don't delay the signing of the agreement."

"The above must be protected! The protection specifications of the well-off headquarters are upgraded! The logistics department carries out purchases as planned, and if there are difficulties, I will take the lead in solving them."

Regarding the issue of protection, Chu Yuanxi simply sent an email to all staff. The situation has changed, so the number of people who need to go to the headquarters will definitely increase. His request is that employees must first spray and sterilize the whole body before entering the company. As for Of course it is necessary to take body temperature or something.

According to some employees, it is called "blood and blood". Anyway, I don't take it seriously. In response to this sentiment, Chu Yuanxi said in the WeChat group: "What do you think is the spread of the virus? It is coughing and sneezing? You can treat it as the A skill of the earth-shaking sacred cow, and it will be fine if you avoid the area. Wearing a mask can also avoid magic ?? But what about the alchemist’s Q? If you go up to the poisonous trail, you will drop blood. Are you jumping back and forth in search of death?"

With that said, a large number of evaluations of "bringing scientists" and "scientific ghosts" suddenly appeared in the work group.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't bother to see who was praising himself and who was joking. What he cared more about was indeed the issue of getting goods. Everyone must be rushing for goods, especially those three types of rushing to rush, and the supply would have been reduced during the Spring Festival.

He doesn't worry about Gan Xin's grocery shopping. Yang Heng's approach on the supply side is to go directly upstream to strengthen coordination with the fields. A village-by-village custom-made common distribution plan, and he wants to send people into the greenhouse to pick it up. Moreover, people’s livelihood products have been escorted by policies during the New Year. They are willing to monitor the well-off inventory in real time, and share the information about the goods with the well-off. Therefore, the twenty stores in Eastern Guangdong Province have extremely sufficient supplies and can also supply other fresh electricity. Merchants or convenience store friends.

But it is precisely because Gan Xinbuying is focused on Eastern Guangdong Province, and the base camp is left blank on the side of the imperial capital. This is no way. They can come back. It is impossible to sort out the upstream bases in the north in a day or two. .

Well-off is relatively strong with a fully functional system that does not require manual measurement of the storage capacity of the distribution center. There is no need for manual communication and replenishment and review of orders for each category. The real-time feedback of the store is completed instantly through the system. In this regard, even Wal-Mart Carrefour can’t compare it, because it’s too difficult to make all the huge SKUs of large supermarkets online, and it puts too much test on the store’s SKU deployment ability and picking.

Of course, in this special period under the influence of dual factors, large supermarkets originally did not have a strong desire to make SKUs online, because offline stores naturally have advantages in category structure for users who come to the store, and the shelves are full of products. The impact brought by the scene is beyond the experience of online shopping users.

But the weaker ones are the models that have not been taken seriously before, and now they have become explosive models. The best-selling products during this period are Yuanxiao, Tangyuan, quick-frozen dumplings and hot pot related products. From the base dipping sauce to the shabu-shabu slices and the finished packaged dishes, they are all sold fresh* so much!

However, these items usually account for SKUs, and they are delivered very slowly. Some Xiaokang purchases a small amount of goods, and some like frozen shabu meat slices that are slow to ship and occupy space and need to be frozen. They are not sold at all. At this time, other SKUs are all in a stable supply chain. These hot models must be sourced urgently, which is very difficult and poses an important challenge to the well-off product department.

As for the rework arrangement, in fact, the most critical logistics of Xiaokang was originally not closed during the Spring Festival, and a small amount of the ones that were originally planned to be repaired were left behind during the previous agitation, so they are basically there. This is a great fortune. It’s just that commuting during the Spring Festival is very inconvenient, so human and logistics departments must take the lead in solving commuting problems.

After all this was arranged, Chu Yuanxi thought he was in good order and could continue to rest or "isolate", but Ma Xiaoxi, who was not very good at work, unexpectedly called: "Chu, the news that we just got, our fresh food supplier Supply is shrinking."

"Wipe!" Chu Yuanxi cried secretly, and I knew that this grandson of Life Xian was about to start acting as a demon! "Okay, don't panic, did the other party say how to shrink?"

"After all, because of a bunch of various reasons, in short, the supply should be reduced, about 30% to half."

"OK, I'll solve it, you can wait for my call anytime."

Chu Yuanxi said calmly, and then directly contacted Xu Xin on WeChat.

Why look for strategic investors? Why create better investment conditions for strategic investors? What is the difference between Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng and other investors? This is very, very obvious. Sister Xu, what what? Well-off needs fresh food, can you adjust the supply through the large number of fresh food channels she has voted for?

can! Of course it can! Xu Xin has been carrying out similar coordination in the past two days to help all these fragile beings to take advantage of the particularity of this Spring Festival. Moreover, there is not much needed for a well-off society. It is okay to have a mouthful of soup.

After all, for Xiaokang, selling fresh food is not the main outlet, but using fresh food for hot meals. It's just that recently, hot meals, the most profitable item, has become less and less people buying, so instead of vacating a portion of the fresh food quota.

Therefore, it took less than two hours for Chu Yuanxi to reply to the solution to Ma Xiaoxi, the senior director of supply chain, for this problem that may be seldom thought for a lifetime and even affect the well-off business for a period of time.

Ma Xiaoxi was already ready to go to the secondary channel to find goods. Just like when the 618 price war, the manufacturer sold out Dagoudong under the order of Suning to choose one of the two. Forcing Goudong to go to the secondary channel. Get major appliances.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi just said with a sneer: "Do they think they are the uncle?" Then he sent a toC fresh form, which said who could share the amount.

The key is that this table is still floating and has a certain degree of flexibility. Of course, it is inevitable that someone needs to maintain communication every day.

Overjoyed, Ma Xiaoxi immersed himself in work again, while Chu Yuanxi took a rare break. There are actually not many recent events. For example, Yang Jiangang will conduct a wave of promotion tomorrow. The effect of the promotion is still critical.

But tomorrow’s work does not need to be anxious today. He ran to Feng Lin’s isolation room to see that Feng Lin was lying on the sofa, watching a variety show.

"I'm going, what do you think of this?"

Chu Yuanxi stretched her neck to see, it turned out to be "Why I'm So Beautiful". "Mango Terrace, this variety show is so terrible!"

Feng Lin looked at it with gusto, and didn't look up, "Oops? Have you seen it then?"

"Yes, Qi Yu solemnly gave it to me in Amway. I will always watch one episode? Otherwise, it would be too shameful."

Hearing Qi Yu's name, Feng Lin raised his head slightly to show his concern, "Just watching one episode made you sick and bad? Which episode?"

"The first episode."

Feng Lin immediately understood that the first episode was indeed a serious disagreement with people like Chu Yuanxi, and Miss Xin, as the host, was scolded in hot searches for deepening the society's stereotype of women.

Chu Yuanxi really pinched his nose and watched the episode. In addition, because Pakistani Media does this, he wants to capture effective information more easily and knows more than others.

This variety show pays tribute to the American **** variety show "Fan Xiong Rescue". The purpose of "Fan Xiong Rescue" is to enhance the appearance of sloppy boys. However, the Transformation Team in the US version is very respectful of amateur guests, and has an explosion of empathy. It will never attack the guests and say that you are not good, then you must listen to me. Instead, it provides beauty based on the wishes of the amateur guests as much as possible. Type scheme.

The Mango Desk was not so polite, and directly labelled the guests, such as "older", "single", "lack of femininity" and so on. Seeing that the female doctor didn't know what an air cushion was, Miss Xin suddenly looked exaggerated. Surprised, as if returning to "Late Night Cafeteria". Didn’t the female doctor look down on you because you didn’t understand neuroinformatics?

Then a straight set of tricks to diss the guests from the inside to the outside, the most overwhelming thing is that the female doctor has clearly expressed her unmarriage, but she gave her a wedding dress, seeing Chu Yuanxi’s blood pressure soaring and embarrassment. Up.

In short, the whole program can be summed up in one sentence-it is useless for a woman not to wear makeup and to be outstanding. The so-called good women must have lipstick and high heels, otherwise life is not accompanied by color.

Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that Feng Lin would actually watch this kind of stuff and it would be cool. Besides, her American business is very high, and she doesn't need to watch such inferior beauty programs at all?

Unexpectedly, Feng Lin said, “In fact, I saw this as a tricky show, how interesting. Miss Xin hopes the whole world understands her, but she doesn’t need to understand others. Oh, right, your company does variety shows too. Huh? Have you considered making a beautiful show? I tell you, there are definitely people watching, even this movie is watched."

"A variety show that has become beautiful..." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and thought of the brainstorming conducted by Pakistani media. "We will not take this route if we want to do it. Does the face change?", UU Reading is also beautiful, which is more suitable for Ba people’s tone."

"50 more days?" Feng Lin was extremely strange, "As long as I have enough cosmetics, I can make other people's faces change in 5 minutes."

"That's why I don't want to take this low-end route."

Feng Lin made a "bah" mouth shape and gestures, "I recognize you if you want to say anything else, but you are a straight man without aesthetics. You PK me to become beautiful. Where did your courage to say that I am low-end? Where is your high-end?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said triumphantly: "I am at a high-end, making people spiritually beautiful. So it only takes 50 days!"

With that said, Chu Yuanxi quickly got up and went downstairs to get his laptop, opened a PPT, and said: "No plastic surgery, no weight loss, don't reform the group for reform, you see."

This PPT is quite coping, but there are not many screenshots and explanations in it. The purpose of Variety Show is to allow guests to enter a life and work environment that is completely different from the past, and use the environment to change people.

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