Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 989: Peak visual effects are ready to shoot

In 2006, there was a very famous movie called "The Devil Wearing PRADA", which tells the story of a fashion rookie starring Anne Hathaway who joined a top fashion magazine as an assistant editor-in-chief. From being ignorant of fashion to becoming a fashionista .

This process should be the source of inspiration for the island nation’s variety show "50 Days of Change". They looked for amateurs more thoroughly. They were single mothers who worked in fast food restaurants. They planned their lives carefully, and even the fashion magazine that the crew prepared to help her join a magazine. The price is 15 times the one-day snack budget of the two sons.

However, there is no Anna Wintour in the magazine to appear and show the colors to amateurs. The friendly environment allows single mothers to be shocked by many new things, but they are exposed to another world and another life.

In these days, the amateur has unknowingly changed his temperament. Although all he does is to help the editor purchase gifts, send materials to the brand, and so on, he must always integrate into this environment, pay attention to his own manners, and Put on suitable high-heeled shoes, roll up the trousers of your jeans, walk with your chest tall and look up, take your haircut leisurely, and make your life refined.

What's rare is that although the amateur mom can ask the crew to pay the bill, the scandals are all cheap goods, and the mutual respect between the two sides is reflected everywhere in the play.

This kind of variety show makes people look comfortable. Therefore, the whole company of Pakistani Media must thank Miss Nobuki Chixiang who came from the island country to join her. It is she who contributed to this variety show in the brainstorming.

Feng Lin looked at the PPT quietly and never refuted Chu Yuanxi until he finished reading it, and then blurted out: "In fact, we can do the opposite in China!"

Chu Yuanxi was completely confused: "Xia Mi mean?"

"That's... just like me, turn me from a materialized beauty to an elite in the workplace, from making up a catwalk every day as a model to working overtime with R&D every day, making an app as a product training program, and reporting to the president on work progress ,what do you think?"

Chu Yuanxi said, isn't that what I did before? This is not called a career elite, this is called a product manager. Moreover, this kind of reception is generally not worthy of being received by the president. It can be dismissed if you have a director-level. You still lack an intuitive understanding of modern enterprises.

But Feng Lin's statement seems quite interesting, "So, what is your selling point? Why do the audience want to watch it? Other shows become beautiful, but you become ugly?"

"Hey, it's not called being ugly. You don't know if this is popular now?" Feng Lin gave you a look that is really rare and strange, "Tomb Apartment 5 is out, have you watched it? Do you know how popular Zhuge Dali is ?"

"Uh... I took a second look, I know that Brother Dog is quite hot, but I don't like this actor too much."

"For shrimp?"

"Because of her team, the marketing is too much to like."

Chu Yuanxi was born in operations, not particularly sensitive to content, but super sensitive to marketing. This team ran to Hupu for marketing and it was overturned. I don't know which ghost came out of the idea. They continuously bumped Li Yitong, Chen Yuqi and Chaoyue's sister. The car overturned and the wheels flew far away, but the marketing team didn't care at all.

At first, Chu Yuanxi was still wondering. She said that you have been dragging for a long time, and you still dare to PK with Chaoyue sister, but the number of votes is swiped up in units of 500 tickets, and it can be swiped to the level of forcibly 50-50. The problem is that the score is poor. Is it too much? Hupu Straight Guy gave a score of 9 points or more to Chaoyue's sister, and scored more than 1,000 people, and his team only scored more than 4 points, and only two hundred people were willing to give a score. Would you brush the score?

Although this score is extremely unobjective, the dog's appearance is quite good, but the PK has collapsed, okay?

As a result, the marketing team didn't care about straight men at all. What they wanted was the "straight men and women" personality. To do marketing on Weibo, only screenshots and votes were enough, so you don't need to spend more money. Just like this, I'm ashamed that the full-screen trumpet is playing on the screen? The result is a full screen diss by the straight guy.

Therefore, thinking of himself as a strong marketing man, Chu Yuanxi certainly disagrees with this kind of team that only has marketing and no sincerity and the marketing method of killing chickens and eggs. This is called-do your own marketing, let others have no sales, and eliminate the marketing path. Like Chu Yuanxi, he has the need to go to Hupu for marketing, and he has not only been to marketing once, but there is a high probability that he will go there in the future. What can you say?

Even if you don't consider the harm of this kind of marketing method to the marketing group itself, things that are too fake are equally annoying, especially if the establishment is particularly fake. For example, Chu Yuanxi absolutely does not believe that the actors themselves are straight gods and goddesses, but they are all driven by interests.

However, Feng Lin has nothing to do with marketing. Chu Yuanxi's main direction is management. Of course, both marketing and management have nothing to do with the variety show itself. What Feng Lin is doing is obviously a kind of brainstorming, and it is a kind of brainstorming with wisdom and experience, which can add color to Pakistani media.

Just listen to Feng Lin said: "But this role is indeed more successful, I suggest you take a closer look, study it, the design is very careful, I am a woman scared to see it."

Chu Yuanxi nodded sharply without knowing it. He did feel the fire of this role recently, because many QQ WeChat groups can see the name "Zhang Wei". This is because the party is changing its name. But allowing so many people to change their names definitely shows the appeal and shows that this role is definitely the kind that makes people praise. Moreover, a group of marketing accounts on Weibo are noisy every day. This is the awakening of the 80 million straight men of the country. It is difficult to not see it.

Although he doesn’t know much about the fifth season, he understands "Tomb Apartment", because this series of IP is the originator of the "film and television drama advertising" and the inspiration for the well-off movie as a marketing plan. Simply put, it is the ancestor. Level.

Before the filming of the fifth season began, the official vomited: "How can you continue to tell the story that the protagonist can't get together?" It's the magic of Guan Gu that doesn't get together. The actor is angry at the blind Jaguar implanted ads in the play. , So the cooperation was suspended.

However, in 2008, when there was no Weibo and no WeChat, Internet social networking was actually in the ascendant. QQ was the overlord,, etc., but the space was still relatively large, and various social networks were rushing forward. . One of them is called the Tomb Raider Apartment (this website is still alive), which focuses on female college students and female white-collar workers. It was a whim from the development of the cube magic capital Shangqing Internet, and decided to invest in a drama to promote its website.

At that time, the cost was only 5 million, and the high-end community could not be rented. The scene of the high-end community could only be restored in a low-rent house with a screen. As a result, the dragon came out of the cave. It took more than ten years to shoot and it was a good story in the capital market.

It's a pity that the drama is really on fire. Even the Tomb Raiders apartment movie can let me in, and word of mouth makes me leave, but the social network behind it hasn't become popular, and it feels like the cart before the horse.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lin actually praised the characters in the fifth season. You know Feng Lin rarely praises anyone. This kind of praise has not even been enjoyed by Chu Yuanxi several times.

She shook her fingers and counted: "This character is designed for straight men. He speaks Mandarin, loves games, and has no history of love. They are all straight men's favorites. The most important thing is that rich girls chase after mediocre Zhang. Wei, she hits the point of a straight man, so she is hot. I am a female, and I feel that most boys will definitely choose her between me and her. Brother Dog is called a "national wife". There is no national wife for many years.

Look at the scene I designed. The model beauty entered the company for research and development, worked overtime with the programmers every day, scolded with the operation team, and worked with testing, product, sales, and advertising. It was inevitable that she would encounter unpleasant things and be wronged. , Suffocated the fire and vomited together. Think about it, is it super substituting, is it the tears of men and women? "

I don't know if it's a man or a girl, but after hearing Feng Lin's explanation, Chu Yuanxi suddenly became interested in Zhuge Dali. He quickly opened a number of Zhang Wei and picked a familiar "Dali Husband Zhang Wei" with a familiar profile picture. After clicking on the detailed information, he turned out to be Feng Qin, a well-off stranger.

It's you! Chu Yuanxi asked immediately: "Old Feng, are you busy? I ask you something, why do you like Brother Dog? Is there a reason? Is it because of Yan? Or because of Sanguan?"

Feng Qin's reply is very interesting: "There is a reason, but are you fishing law enforcement? This is my working time! Let's not talk, let's not talk!"

Chu Yuanxi was angry at the time, "You are assisting the CEO in his work, speak!"

"Okay, let me tell you, it's not. I also eat the look of the dog, and I like Sanguan, but I like the dog mainly because she is real. I watched many old live videos of the dog and She only liked the Weibo before she became famous. The other small flowers are too fake. They are all arranged by the company for marketing. There is nothing personal. They are all empty shells. Dog brothers Weibo replies are all by themselves Back, can I not like it?"

Chu Yuanxi said that Feng Qin's fascination is deep enough, and the workload is not enough, so there is so much time to dig the grave, rely on me, rely on me!

I saw Feng Qin continue to post: "Brother Gou will write small essays to express her emotions, and will reply to the comment area one by one. The comment area is full of living people instead of water military control comments, just like giant pandas. Including her offline The activities are basically performed by myself, and I feel very close to me. Alas, it’s hard to say that if you become famous soon, you will not be able to retain yourself. Wait until she is aloof."

Chu Yuanxi's favor suddenly skyrocketed because he also maintained the good habit of personally returning to Weibo to comment.

"Feng Lin, you have a really good idea." He turned off WeChat and said, "It is indeed the same thing. If you polish it, you may be able to make Zhuge Dali the second one, and I will requisition it."

Chu Yuanxi understands that female boxers don't like struggling personas, but normal men will definitely like them when they look at it. Such a design is obviously aimed at male audiences. And this kind of liking and liking Zhuge Dali is actually not a kind of liking, not being chased by rich girls with similar views, but pure appreciation, or rather, admiration.

"Your idea is also scratching the itch of the male audience. I feel that I can continue to improve it and increase the sense of substitution." Chu Yuanxi immediately thought of the working environment of Pengfei Technology back then, "Bad company, the boss's ability is not good. Management is chaotic, there is no collaboration, and there is no clear workflow.

As a result, each team only considers its own interests, is unwilling to cooperate with others, and no one is willing to take responsibility. If you encounter problems, you will kick the ball and throw off the pot. After you join, it will be a problem to promote the project. Then there are a lot of **** in the project team you brought, and you can’t solve the problem even if you want to solve the problem. A group of people formed gangs and crossed you to beat the director’s flattery, making you unnecessarily angry—"

"Stop!" Feng Lin quickly stopped Chu Yuanxi's thoughts of letting go. "You are not a variety show if you are so perfect. You are shooting a sitcom!"

"Ah, yes, yes, it's too late." Chu Yuanxi patted her head, "Recently, I have been thinking of a well-off movie, and I can think of the plot and scene of workplace bullying."

Feng Lin couldn't laugh or cry. What kind of fairy tales are you making in your big movie? Could it be said that Xiaokang and Pakistani Group are actually like this?

It was already the next morning when Uncle Sheng saw this variety show plan. Chu Yuanxi felt that Feng Lin's plan was feasible, and at least there was room for discussion. If possible, he should apply for legal matters and determine rights. However, on the morning of January 27th, he was not in the mood to read the work papers because of the bad news from the NBA on the other side of the ocean. Mamba was out at 4 in the morning.

As a basketball fan, Uncle Sheng couldn't tell what it was like now, but wanted to talk to Chu Yuanxi.

Chu Yuanxi was also reading the news at this time, a little bit unbelievable, but it was not Onion News, no one would make jokes about this kind of thing. In fact, Corvo is not only a successful sportsman and filmmaker, but also a successful investor. In Tianchao, he voted in Alibaba's Pre_IPO round and VIPchild, both of which are quite good operations. In North America, he also invested in the "body armor" of emerging sports drinks, with a book value of more than 10 million dollars, so that many entrepreneurs have the dream of raising funds from Corvo.

However, he also invested in the infamous smart juicer Juicero, which is full of technological sense but does not require juicing, so that Google loses its face, and Corvo is frequently pulled out by the investment community. It's a pity that I won't be able to hit it anymore if I want to.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't have much time to cherish his memory, because today is the day Yang Jiangang is scheduled to promote.

Peak visual effects was established at the end of February last year. It is less than a year from now. It can be said to be a fighting new in Mengxin, but it is not bad, and Chu Yuanxi is basically satisfied.

It is not the valuation that can satisfy him. The valuation is false. The next step of financing cannot be pushed, and the valuation is useless no matter how high. Therefore, although Yuan Mu urged Chu Yuanxi to raise funds for Xiaokang in advance and was rejected yesterday, Chu Yuanxi made the same suggestion to Yang Jiangang and told him clearly that he must not give the Pakistani people to Pinnacle Visual Effects. The bottom of the pocket is used as a life-saving straw.

This grass didn't exist at the beginning, and it never existed. The Ba People Group's incubators are ready to bear the risk of incubation failure.

Although Yang Jiangang is at the end of the network cable, his complexion must be ashen. However, this is the original intention of the incubation. Otherwise, everything will be covered, so why should it be released for incubation? Have you ever experienced the addiction of the president and CEO? Therefore, it is very obvious that this has nothing to do with the Pakistani Group being rich or not.

What can satisfy Chu Yuanxi is the work progress of Pinnacle's products, the degree of output of works, and the initial user operation strategy.

Although Pinnacle's products have not been perfected, and the related functions in the later period cannot be opened to UGC users for production, they can already meet the output of brain-hole works. The so-called brain-hole works are works that don't eat pictures or special effects but only eat brain holes. They rely on dubbing and text for the main expression, and the visuals only play auxiliary effects.

Horizontal analogy, this kind of work is quite similar to some kind of scene work of Kuaishou back then, except that one is a low-cost performance by a real person, and the other is a low-cost display of animation. Although this kind of work has reduced the platform of Pinnacle Visual Effects to an animation material assembly platform, which seems to be of reduced value, it is a genuine work during this period and can be spread out to attract more users.

As for user operations, Yang Jiangang's initial main operational target was college students. It has to be said that there is no reason why college groups are always targeted by many careerists, but this operation is more difficult to attract people when the visual system is not well established.

But recently, during the beginning of 2020, an operation by Yang Jiangang made Chu Yuanxi satisfied.

At that time, it already existed as a production platform for brain-hole works. The official prepared a lot of refined models and preset a large number of actions to make animations like "Unlucky Bear". At this stage, Yang Jiangang actually used "Unlucky Bear" as the benchmark for product design.

However, many users do not make animations according to official expectations at all, or simply jump out of the official track, but instead do dubbing videos like "Talking Tom". Especially after the beginning of the new year, there were constant shocking events, leading to a blowout of such works.

On the good side, this allows users to figure out their own gameplay. On the bad side, this is called destroying the tonality of the platform, because it is full of jokes, current affairs, fabricating, etc., but all Not a cartoon.

The reason why the work suddenly blows out is because smart users quickly thought, why can't the finished video produced by Pinnacle Visual Effects be output to Douyin Kuaishou and Station B? It's just a matter of grinding away the watermark, which is a small case for professionals.

Why did Douyin Kuaishou rarely have original animations in the past? Isn't the threshold for original animation production high? So either you can only use editing for secondary creation, or you can simply create a mix of editing and large IP traffic. In this sense, Pinnacle Visual Effects has become a material maker, which has solved a huge pain point!

This slap slapped Yang Jiangang's face severely, but Chu Yuanxi had never cared about peak visual effects, so it took a long time to find out.

At that time, someone suggested that the project team start with the logo, such as zooming in on the watermark, or rolling it like a marquee on the screen, or even making a flying logo, which moves randomly inside the screen, making it impossible to polish it. This is a solution for the logo that is too small in the current version. In order not to affect the visual effect, the logo hides in the corner and is very easy to deal with. But once it is changed to marquee or flight mode, it cannot be passed to any platform, and other video platforms also have to face.

At this time, Yang Jiangang said no, he wanted to do the opposite and asked the project team to do two things.

The first one is to remove the watermark, no watermark at all. In this way, the original skill of microdermabrasion is still a bit of a threshold, and ordinary users on peak visual effects will not. Now that he removed the watermark, all users can take advantage of this convenience to output to the UGC video platform.

The second one is to delineate the UP masters with excellent content and the UP masters who completely focus on the peak visual effects video, and start to talk about cooperation. The content of the cooperation is also very simple, that is, ask the UP host to open live broadcast and short teaching videos on the other party's platform, and explain how to make video through the peak visual effects and conduct live teaching.

This live broadcast is actually very useful, because the production process itself has a lot of wonderful things, how to switch cameras in a narrow range, how to use limited resources to make a scene without help, the contrast between the audience's perspective and the production perspective Wait, it's both professional and interesting.

It takes a long time for this kind of operation promotion to see the effect, but the number of brain-hole works suddenly began to increase because the threshold was lowered. It was originally played professionally, but it can also be played by ordinary wild players, so some users who could not do anything in the peak visual effects have also started to try to make them, and then moved elsewhere.

Chu Yuanxi knew that this situation was discovered when he used Douyin himself, because the categories he used for Douyin were quite complicated, and he was informed about the type of the system.

So when he saw similar videos several times, his first reaction was how he looked familiar with the style of painting? A bit like the style of peak visual effects?

The second reaction is Yang Jiangang, what are you doing? This is the peak visual effect! Pinnacle Visual Effects has become a third-party animation solution provider for Tik [literature museum fo] Yinkuaishou and Station B? And the one that requires no money?

The third reaction is that this seems okay? Is it a loss or not?

Calculating this In fact, short videos and live broadcasts themselves are also good content distribution channels. In other words, people have always assumed this responsibility. They are open traffic fleece. It's just that because I've been lingering all the time, I'm used to it, so I think it should be. In this sense, Pinnacle VFX provides content and Douyin B station distributes it, and each takes what they need.

Chu Yuanxi thought of "Mini World" along the way. This sandbox game is distributed through short videos and has accumulated more than 60 billion related content plays across the entire network. This long-term accumulation can easily help the product find interested people, find new creators and audiences, and even seed users for self-propagation. Therefore, "Mini World" can reach more than 80 million DAU without the optimism of all parties.

This is why he supports Yang Jiangang to immediately start a round of promotion.


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