Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 995: Feng Lin finds his way

The time soon came to February 9th, and Weibo suddenly became lively in the past two days. Chu Yuanxi took a closer look and found that it was caused by the warm-up of Mi 10. Yesterday, the big Xiaomi with a name very much like 50-50 posted a Weibo of other netizens. There was a screenshot of Xiaomi’s black PR draft for Liyou merchants, hand-in-hand to teach the black production navy how to black Xiaomi, to the effect of Kirin The 990 has technical advantages that Xiaomi does not have, but as long as 3299 yuan, Xiaomi must not sell more than 2,999.

The following is also signed, with a special note "Don't mention V30".

The five-fifth opening boss immediately fired a sneer and cynicism. It was nothing at all. It was a daily operation, but now that day has passed, he posted another Weibo saying: Snapdragon 865 should be the strongest 5G mobile phone processing so far. Xiaomi 10 may be the first mobile phone equipped with Snapdragon 865 that you can buy. Then he also signed his name, and noted "to mention 990".

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help it as soon as she saw this, and immediately followed up: The day of wickedness has begun...

Unexpectedly, the five-five-five-year-old guy immediately replied: Add something to the boring life, and I will be happy if you are happy.

Feng Lin happened to be lying next to him. Seeing the gangster personally reply to the post, he immediately walked forward and asked a little closer: "That is to say, the Mi 10 is going on sale?"

"The 13th development conference, probably."

"Performance should be good? Can it be compared with Huawei?"

Chu Yuanxi pressed her brow to show that she was helpless in answering this kind of lack of wisdom: "That must be comparable. Your flagship machine was launched a few months later than Huawei, and the performance is still better than Huawei. Can you just make the Redmi brand? You must beat up the kindergarten children."

"Hey, that's good." Feng Lin suddenly came to the spirit, "3000 yuan to buy a Qualcomm Xiaolong 865, show them 7000 yuan to buy Huawei, what do you think?"

"Don't think about 3000. It's unreasonable for Xiaomi not to increase the price this time. Rebs is not a vegetarian. This kind of opportunity does not increase in price and waits for 10 years. At least 5000 starts, or 6000."

"How is it possible! Isn't Xiaomi focusing on the ultimate price-performance ratio? How could it have increased so much? This has doubled. I believe it at 4000, and I definitely don't believe it at 6000. At most 4666."

"What's good about the ultimate price-performance ratio? The mechanism price-performance ratio users are too sensitive to the price, just like you. The same is true when opening a store and selling things like me. You can't always give coupons. The chicken thieves are very good." Chu Yuanxi has a say in the price-performance ratio, and she said one after another: "The best user is a diehard fan. Do you know what a diehard fan is? It's an extreme price. Not sensitive. This is called managing user expectations."

Feng Lin shook his head at this time, and her short chestnut hair was itchy on Chu Yuanxi's leg. Chu Yuanxi stretched out her hand to hold her head, "Should we make a bet? Just bet, 5666 or more?"

"What are you betting on?"

"What a bet... what about the gesture you have always disagreeed with?"

Feng Lin's very rare face blushed and lowered his head. Then when he raised his head, he bit the corner of the pillow in his mouth and asked: "Then you lose?"

"How could I lose? If I lose, I will..." Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes, "I will give you this villa, how about?"

Feng Lin jumped up with a "swish" and happily asked, "Where do you get your confidence? If I win, what kind of industry will I create? You are playing with my dream!"

I saw Chu Yuanxi with a carefree look: "Don't worry, your dream will definitely have a chance to be practiced. I can't lose. This is the businessman's intuition. There are two factors, first..."

While speaking, Chu Yuanxi searched for a while, and then said: "Samsung S20 is also a Snapdragon 865, with the front and back feet of Xiaomi 10, but it is expensive, costing 8,000 yuan, and Xiaomi is still cost-effective as long as 6,000. More importantly, this is There are currently only two Snapdragon 825s, no one else, and it is impossible to have them in a short time, because the supply chain has been suspended, including Xiaomi, which is definitely not able to produce it. People who want to buy Snapdragon 865 have to buy Xiaomi. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi laughed first, because he remembered a famous scene, that was when Mr. Rebsley suspected that he was making a mobile phone for Liyou PPT, and said angrily: "You have the ability to sell it?"

Today, Mr. Lei himself finally has the spot. In fact, this is the only time that Chu Yuanxi has looked at Xiaomi in a long time and feels that Xiaomi has a chance.

Feng Lin didn't know what he was silly and happy? "But this is not inconsistent with the extreme price-performance ratio. Its cost is still relatively low, right? It must be less than 4000."

"Prices are not determined by costs... Prices are determined by the relationship between supply and demand. You are so silly in high school politics. Hey. This batch of goods can't be produced recently, right? If nothing unexpected, the production started a year ago. Yes, but friends are not hoarding. Under the current situation, this is called the product price exclusivity period, and this kind of opportunity is no longer there. And objectively, because I guess Xiaomi doesn’t have much inventory, how can we ensure a long flow of water? How many days will it be sold?"

Feng Lin didn't understand at all. As someone who was brainwashed by Xiaomi's extreme price-performance ratio, he thought of his painful experience of buying Xiaomi: "Why do you want to sell for a few more days? Isn't Xiaomi always playing monkeys? They are starving marketing. what."

"You have started selling high prices and you are still hungry for marketing? Think about it, you sell high-end goods, and users can buy them at any time when they want to buy them to make impulse consumption, okay? You sell high-end goods and are out of stock, and users turn to buy Samsung . So it must be sold at a high price, and the low price will be sold in seconds."

Chu Yuanxi thought about it, and added: "Moreover, the long flow of water is beneficial to offline channels. Xiaomi used to have offline channels that were not good. It relied heavily on online, but offline is the king. Offline you have less goods but can continue to supply. It’s okay. The direct channels that are out of stock have collapsed. Xiaomi will definitely make great efforts to develop offline channels.

Feng Lin's eyes blinked suddenly, paused, and asked, "What about the second factor?"

"Hey, why did you care about this all of a sudden?" Chu Yuanxi asked strangely. He obviously felt that Feng Lin was a bit too thorough.

"Because I suddenly thought of what I should do to start a business." Feng Lin excitedly turned around, "I definitely can't do a big company when I come up, and it's definitely not a good thing to do mobile Internet. Fresh is lively, I am not the one. So I have to do something simple."

"What is simple?"

"What do you think of doing offline sales for Xiaomi?"

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback, but this was indeed relatively simple. Opening an offline sales company was nothing more than opening a store, hiring people, getting goods, increasing prices, and selling. This should not be too much in the country.

At least it’s the same thing. Selling mobile phones offline is definitely easier than doing a well-off. The so-called logistics is to transfer goods, and the so-called supply chain is to maintain a good relationship with Xiaomi. The clerk can take up the job without any training, and even push them. on. This is indeed suitable for Feng Lin, who can do it if he has the capital, and he can do it in a large area as much as he can. It is quite flexible.

Moreover, I have to admit that Xiaomi lacks offline channels, and this brand is considered a famous brand anyway, so this can be done. Even more, Xiaomi will be even more lacking in the future, because if you want to sell at a high price, you must go offline. Just like Huawei and blue-green manufacturers, offline salespersons desperately sell to make users feel urge to consume. The collapse of Samsung's market share in the country was finally manifested as an offline rout.

Therefore, this matter really has to help Feng Lin do a good job of deduction. The difficulty is still a little bit higher than that of the slime of Novice Village, but it should be possible to do it with such a strong plug-in? After Feng Lin's long-term wish was fulfilled, it was a worry.

"The second factor is that I predict that Xiaomi will have a strong price increase." Chu Yuanxi said as she combed her own ideas to demonstrate, "You can do this, but you have to see if Xiaomi will do it. Don’t let our design work well. Xiaomi still has the original market logic when it comes out. We have to see if Xiaomi is willing to invest in sales."

Xiaomi has always been a representative of strong online sales, low cost and high efficiency, but if it is not compared with Huawei, why is it not as good as blue and green to make money? It is because the price/performance ratio is too high. Although this is a cruel fact, I have to admit that if you want to make the price/performance ratio not so high, the business logic behind it cannot be supported by simply raising the price, you must let the middlemen make the difference.

In other words, to allow consumers to further bear this part of the price difference, the role of the middleman is the seller, which is actually the same as the online celebrity live broadcast e-commerce. With the deepening and popularization of the Internet, is the living space of this role getting smaller and smaller? No, the Internet is deepened, and the effect of the information cocoon room is deeper. There is actually no difference in the way that live e-commerce and offline shopping guide penetrate the information cocoon room.

Therefore, for Xiaomi, the sharp increase in sales expenses in the 2020 financial report is actually doing the right thing. The blue and green big factory names various variety shows every day, and "Jixia Academy" has been asked about the price, not to mention Huawei, I want to put the advertisement in the public toilet. These factories don't know how much advertising funds are spent on major We-Media. Chu Yuanxi just started working as a Pakistani person and received a lot of advertising orders shortly afterwards. Among them, the big mobile phone manufacturers are generous.

And the one without money? There is no money, there is no way to live, executives led a team to open Weibo, it can also get traffic, but the generated user perception is varied, because the spray returns, others are also talented, not necessarily spray Win.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi was very sure of how she felt. "Listen to me, Feng Lin, the price increase is not to make more money, but to leave a reasonable profit for the partners. Xiaomi's pursuit of the ultimate in the past means that his partners must also be the ultimate, but the mobile phone industry chain is very Long. The ultimate collaborator won't make much money with you, but if you can make money with others, then you can't get high and don't have the face to ask for it, because you are begging others, they are the uncle and you are the grandson. ,Understand?

Think about why Xiaomi plays a monkey, but Redmi doesn't play a monkey? Because Redmi doesn't need to be a grandson, their price point and the supply chain need not be so extreme. Xiaomi Niu is right there, pretending to be grandchildren in front of the supply chain, but in the face of consumers, it can pack the out of stock into hunger marketing without pulling the hips. Xiaomi claims to have billions of profits in 2019. The problem is that the profit depends not on Xiaomi mobile phones, but on Redmi and user services, as well as Xiaomi's ecological smart appliances.

By the way, let me ask you a question, why didn't Xiaomi increase prices in the past? "

"Because... there is no reason to increase the price?" Feng Lin considered the wording: "In your words, the user's mind has already been established and cannot be broken by itself, right?"

"Yes! But now it's a 5G mobile phone, just like quantum mechanics in trouble, Xiaomi can now use 5G as a shield for everything, and they can increase the price, leaving the ultimate cost-effectiveness to Redmi, perfect.

Moreover, there is now one or two months of exclusive brand price. As long as users get used to Xiaomi can sell at high prices, the situation will open up, and they can continue to sell when they are no longer exclusive. At the beginning, Huawei's mate series sold at high prices, and the market reputation was not good. It also bit the scalp and told the story for a while, and then it came out. "

"Okay!" Feng Lingang said yes, his face suddenly changed: "Is this my villa out of play?"

"Create your business with peace of mind, my dear, it's better to belong to me honestly."

Chu Yuanxi started to call after he finished speaking, because Feng Lin wanted to do this, of course he could do it in normal times. Chu Yuanxi only needs to support a start-up fund. At most, he can give some suggestions and draw some limits on the cost. , To help find a few partners. But this is not the case now. At this point in time, Feng Lin is unable to recruit first. If you want to lay eggs, you must have a hen, and now you can’t even recruit HR.

What if you wait until the society is completely restored? At that time, Xiaomi had exclusive time and not to mention, the value of various assets must first be restored to the fundamentals. Start doing it now, just because the asset value is low, what you pay is nothing more than the initial cost.

What's more, Chu Yuanxi can provide support, because at this time the well-off recruitment resources are idle. It is said that if you don't practice a layman for three days, you can't let Liu Luxian go wrong, right? It happens that Xiaokang can provide corporate services.

Enterprise service is a normal measure, which can be understood as a "trust relationship", just like when Pakistani Entertainment was in the early stage of the start-up period, it was the same as the office in the fruit network imperial branch, and the trivial services such as human resources, logistics and administration were handed over. Fruit network takes care of it.

In all fairness, could the Ba people develop so smoothly without the help of Fruit Network? Will there be many opportunities to miss? No, but without Zhang, butchers don’t eat pigs, and they will find other companies willing to provide services, but it’s not that convenient.

And the key point is that Liu Lu has a deep brand of Xiaomi, her contacts are also unbroken, and there are many other things to communicate with.

Looking at it this way, Chu Yuanxi found that her ability to group plates was not bad, and helped Feng Lin maximize all kinds of resources. Most importantly, this is a policy dividend. The central work conference chaired by the leaders on February 3 specially emphasized stable consumption, which also emphasized 5G mobile terminal consumption. However, the recent policy bonus packages have been issued a bit frequently, which makes people feel dizzy.

Two more days have passed, and we have reached an important point in time. On February 10, many companies chose to resume work on this day, so the wave of rework has a visual impact.

The day when the well-off and Pakistani people formally assembled was February 12, staggering various peaks. Although there are definitely some people who need to stay at home, because they are encouraged to work overtime during the Chinese New Year, the combat effectiveness is well preserved, and the staffing is reasonable. Basically, every project team can overcome difficulties.

As a result, Lu Yu turned a message on the 10th, and Chu Yuanxi sprayed it when he saw it! The island country is indeed an island country and announced the establishment of the industry's first adult Vtuber company, called emoeti studio.

Do virtual idols also need adults? Chu Yuanxixin said that the islanders were really brave. The problem is that what virtual idols need is live broadcast. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu was quite knowledgeable, telling him that it is legal to broadcast adult live broadcasts in foreign countries, and there have been adult virtual idols for a long time, and one of them is called ProjektMelody, which is very popular. The reason why the emoeti studio has the face to claim that it is the first is because the previous participants are the main idol concept, and they are adults.

This is corrupt and degenerate capitalism!

Just listen to Lu Yu said: "Chu, you see, we have the resources of the universe country and the island country, and we have established a new virtual idol subsidiary xixitube, which has IT business support to meet the needs of self-made, and there are self-made in the two countries. Media size, look, are we..."

At this time, the Pakistani people have a large number of self-media accounts specializing in island countries and universe countries. There are dozens of accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc., with a total of more than 12 million fans. The number of fans on the account broke one million. One million in China is not even the waist of Douyin, but the universe is only more than 50 million, which is equivalent to the super-large size of 25 million fans in China.

This was obtained without opening the link. Chu Yuanxi would never get such a ruthless account if he did not open the link for Pakistani entertainment the year before. As for the name xixitube was picked up by Zhou Minxi himself, nobody said anything, but Jiaotu always wanted Lu Yu to register a Chinese company name, and he didn’t know what he was struggling with?

At this time For Lu Yu's proposal, Chu Yuanxi's answer was of course furious: "Absolutely impossible! Do you want to be a god?"

Lu Yu was shocked: "I want to promote xixitube's virtual idols in three countries at the same time."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Chu Yuanxi exhaled.

"Then what do you mean?" Lu Yu snickered across the network cable.

After wiping, Chu Yuanxi said that he was beating the dog, and even the kid Lu Yu was on the verge of death, and the team was not easy to take!

But this is just a small episode. Today's big stars are Ali and Dagoudong. Alibaba released the "Notice to Merchants" on this day, introducing a series of measures to benefit merchants, reducing or exempting platform service fees, online shop decoration tool usage fees, rent and subsidies, etc., as well as special funds for subsidizing logistics and supply chains. The biggest breakthrough is the willingness to advance funds to high-scoring merchants, breaking the custom of users receiving money from merchants and increasing the turnover rate of funds in transit.

Chapter list of self-help guide for high-speed text hand-playing salted fish

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