Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 996: Emergencies

On this day, Big Dog East also released the "Report to the National Farmers" front and back, and tilted its industry-leading logistics resources and flow, operation and promotion resources to agricultural products. The platform provides free agent operation services, a one-stop solution to the problem that farmers cannot sell vegetables under the double-factor attack.

This is the so-called business above the primary market, and its courage shows the tolerance of a large company, which is what Chu Yuanxi can only look up to at present.

It is very intuitive to see Ali Goudong's inadvertent background, which is especially unwilling to him. For those who are ambitious to participate in competition, the feeling of being shown muscles before they grow up can easily bring about big psychological fluctuations. In history, it is unknown how many people have changed their skills in this situation.

Ali can fly a plane around the earth to purchase much-needed supplies and send it home. Is the plane expensive? Expensive, but not expensive, 300 million cargo planes are enough, and Chu Yuanxi can buy 4 planes with the dividends of the Nabarians this time.

But he can't afford this configuration. It's not similar to the problem that ordinary people can't afford to buy a car, but a small company with money can't afford it, because there is usually no business need. The plane is not a one-time one. Where can the cost of eating ashes be lower when it is used up?

Xiaokang’s current logistics can only be burned on the ground. Only when the company grows rapidly, logistics needs to burn money further, and it needs its own cargo aircraft to deploy it. SF Express has deployed more than 50 cargo planes, which are equivalent to medium-sized airlines. In order to make its business smoother, it even wants to build its own airport, because the business volume of the leader is there.

And Xiaokang, there is not even a place where drones are needed. But this is also an obsession with local life services.

Chu Yuanxi registered well-off in May 2018. At that time, after starting the Ba people, there was actually a lot of choice.

At that time, TCG went online immediately, and Ba Ren’s vibrato was in full swing, and "Troubled Times" was ready to go. With Chu Yuanxi’s years of experience as a product manager, he was very clear about the future of Ba Ren.

And there is such a powerful private domain traffic pool as Pakistani Entertainment. What can't you do except convenience stores? It’s not even polite to say that if you switch to dry and fresh food e-commerce, starting from mid-2018, using Douyin's powerful information distribution capabilities and high-quality location-based advertising, and using Pakistani people to endorse your reputation, it is now appropriate Domestic leader.

Calculating roughly, there should be a valuation of about 10 billion yuan. She is still a guest of Xu Xin, and it is very easy and not tiring.

But he is still obsessed with choosing to continue to work in a well-off life. It can be said that he does not squint, and he does not even look at other famous tracks. It is precisely because the local life is so attractive and is a person who can take root to the entire nation. The industry in China affects the national economy and people’s livelihood, as well as the entire country. This influence is not comparable to the media industry, which seems to be equally influential. It is not comparable to news aggregation or short videos, let alone film and television games.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no point in engaging in the media. When Lu Xun abandoned medicine and went to literature, it was nothing more than text communication that could save the country. In fact, only looking at Weibo during this period of time, Chu Yuanxi felt that her Weibo influence was still too low and she had no ability to change others. Instead, she trembled every day, fearing that her Weibo account would explode if she posted something. The number of investors fell.

For example, this is obviously a war between humans and viruses, but many people are actually busy swearing. If the scolding is right, it's fine. The problem is that many things are complicated and there are many twists and turns, and most of them start scolding if they don't understand what is going on. This is also okay, what makes Chu Yuanxi most puzzled is that many people scold each other on Weibo, and the starting point is quite good, especially that both sides are super ignorant.

Every time he saw this kind of scolding battle, he thought, could he solve the problem by scolding the opponent to death? I don't care how to solve it, but only care about who is being scolded to death. What is the difference between the ancient people who were busy burning people to sacrifice to the sky in the face of the plague?

It should be said that many people imagine the progress of society too easily. In fact, there are very few progresses. Some people may have already fought hard in places that the public cannot see. Maybe these people who fought for us are not known at all. They may be bureaucrats, or they may not be. A little bit of real progress, in which I don’t know how many such people will be sacrificed, silently.

But the people who scolded on Weibo didn’t feel it, as long as they vented it, is it a **** to scold me wrong? I ask the society to directly progress to my ideal state, and those who have not progressed to the point should be scolded! So sometimes the cursing is right, sometimes the cursing is wrong, well, the merits and demerits are equal.

In fact, it's a fluffy ball! It doesn't make much sense to scold it right, and it hurts the heart of the heavy-bearing former traveler by the wrong scolding, it is a heinous crime! After all, is there any difference between this and the cheering spectators written by Mr. Lu Xun?

Chu Yuanxi didn't have the ability to change this state, let alone him, even Jack and Qiang Dong couldn't change it. However, Ali and Goudong’s book for the whole people fully reflects the value of local life services. Maybe this is the reason why half of Sun Dasheng’s investment blueprints are local life, right?

It's just that Li Jingfei was quite calm, and he never appeared again. Chu Yuanxi was too embarrassed to take the initiative to ask, so he would be quite passive. Even at this time, Yuan Mu couldn't let Yuan Mu go to the side to attack, because it was not a matter of face, but that he couldn't show that he actually wanted the money.

His greatest advantage is that others should not be able to understand his own mentality. After all, the Pakistani Group holds 30 billion yuan. Anyone who wants to bargain with Xiaokang has to consider this factor. This is also the reason why he told Li Jingfei straightforwardly that it is not easymoney to talk about. Have you seen it? The old man is all money here.

While in Chu Yuanxi's skull, suddenly Yuan Mu and Liu Lu played him together. Chu Yuanxi was stunned at the time, and saw Yuan Mu said in WeChat: "Have you read the news? Leaders of relevant departments have spoken!"

Liu Lu was even more ruthless, and directly threw a video link over. Chu Yuanxi clicked on it, and it turned out that it was the leader of the relevant department calling out a strong demand in the field of community prevention and control. Community prevention and control is the key to winning this sniper war. Technical support is very important. Community workers need this kind of useful public software, which is more effective than donating 1 billion.

When Chu Yuanxi saw the news, she even forgot to reply Liu Lu and Yuan Mu. This is talking about community prevention and control, but it is actually aimed at the social needs of the community. It’s just not social in the usual sense. It’s similar to a village chief using a drone to observe the village and then use a loud speaker to speak. It is the social status of unequal status.

Asymmetric is also social, but also information transmission and feedback.

If the social functions of the well-off community have been developed, it would be great to be able to meet with in-laws at this time, and add some functions needed by community workers to go into battle. Yu Guoyujia is perfect. But it hasn't been developed yet. The last time we pulled people out of the discussion, we didn't discuss it. So, whether to adjust the work plan or not will be decided after the assembly on the 12th.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi's mood became complicated. On the one hand, I really hope that there are other companies that can come up with powerful applications to help community workers. On the other hand, on the other hand, there is an upper-level push. What if the big factory suddenly pays attention to community socialization? What if the value of community socialization is discovered? Even if you didn't find it, you didn't pay attention to it, but what if someone made one according to their needs and showed value? This becomes a process of value discovery...

No, it should be said that this is to promote a little progress in society. Who is the sacrifice with this little progress?

Chu Yuanxi's heart trembled, and she didn't know how to express her emotions. It should be said that the sense of urgency is the first thing. Before, it could be slow, and it could be dragged to the 12th in a meeting. But now, I already feel this shout hovering above my head, do you want to get involved?

Should we hurry up? Do you want to change the store-based social tone and add features? Should we change the expected AI-based social functions to those based on community managers? Or just stay unmoved? Still going by step? Chu Yuanxi was a little messy.

Taking into account that the first version of the well-off community social network will be launched in March as planned, this version can be called the wicked version or the hidden version, which will not expose the attempt in the social direction, but completely rely on some interactive functions of the store. Therefore, even if someone who has the intention to get it and see this function, it can be said that it is social, and it is not impossible to say that it is an in-depth exploration of local life services, at least it will not arouse the alertness of WeChat Dragon Father.

The original plan was to use this version to overdo it. On the one hand, wait for users to start, on the other hand, wait for users to adapt to this function. In the use of APP, they are used to the existence of this module and internal gameplay. The most important thing is Need to wait for users to run some health coins out. It is impossible to achieve the 1+1 effect without social functions without coins.

Therefore, with this version in hand, the social social pace of the well-off community will not be much slower than that of the big companies that have started to produce community control functions today. They also need at least one month. But Chu Yuanxi knew that the problem for her side was that it needed to be stricter in the direction of control, and the fault tolerance was not high. It was necessary to adjust various factors to the point of harmony before moving on to the next version.

The next version is the version that really shines the social banner, which will trigger a chain reaction. The advancement of this version in the original world was definitely pushed past by walking on thin ice. Now that I have the Ba People Group in my hands, I feel more at ease than before.

But now to adjust, Chu Yuanxi herself was at a loss. Although he knows exactly how to adjust each function, what will be the effect after adjustment? Can it still be self-consistent? Can you adapt to the function when the user base bursts? Can you cultivate user habits when you adapt to functions?

The key is to update the entire system ahead of time. Health coins may become an X factor. Users can’t have coins in their hands, let alone too many coins! At most, there is no currency. Too many coins, inflation may kill the function. This is not a joke. To talk about the dangers of inflation, Ali's reputation as a farm function is pretty dead now.

Just last year, Word of Mouth vividly demonstrated an inflation. It was originally an ordinary activity operation. As a result, I don't know who kicked the operation head of Word of Mouth. Suddenly, the currency output was doubled and the currency system collapsed.

And the consequences are immediate, all the convertible benefits are all in seconds, because the user has too much currency. Originally, this function was a good function to pull activity. When the welfare supply and currency output reached a balance, each user could exchange for free meal coupons. As a result, the currency collapsed and no one played.

The only correct solution at this time must be to quickly find more catering businesses to provide free resources, consume the redundant currency, and then everything returns to its original state. As a result, the operation actually increased the price level by a large margin, breaking the psychological balance of users, causing the activity to collapse further, stupid ×2.

Such a major operational accident is something that operators like Chu Yuanxi cannot fail to remember on a small book as a warning, and now it is his turn to take his own head. Word of mouth can be made casually, anyway, the Ali family's great cause is not bad for these three people, and Xiaokang can't take half a step.

These issues need to be resolved immediately, or are there other solutions?

For example, it is necessary to know that the relevant departments need direct and powerful control functions, and there is no overlap with the well-off social plan. Therefore, taking the code framework of Xiaokang Social to re-add functions, and temporarily rushing to make an official version of the pure community prevention and control APP, completely separating this public application from Xiaokang. In fact, this is also a simple and clear option.

Probably the official prefers this version. Xiaokang becomes a solution provider rather than an operator, and submits the packaged APP to the official for its own operation and maintenance. It's just that this is really contributing to society.

Hold steady, we can win! He continued to read WeChat while cooling himself down, Liu Lu sent a link, but Yuan Mu had something to say, and he had already typed a lot of words in a while.

Chu Yuanxi took a look, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​organizing meetings with relevant personnel immediately, because Yuan Mu actually said that the official boss already knew that Xiaokang had a community social function under development.

There is no need for a meeting, Chu Yuanxi has completely calmed down at this time. Relevant departments have noticed that there are few options. If a well-to-do is to do it, only a separate version can be provided. It is impossible to hit the Xiaokang APP, and then while walking her tightrope while mixing with the window guidance of the relevant department, Chu Yuanxi dared not take such a risk no matter how ten times bigger it was.

The question is, who told me about this?

"I am, of course it is me!" Yuan Mu said on the phone: "Should you not face up to difficulties at this time? Don't you usually constantly emphasize corporate social responsibility and responsibility in the company? At this time, you still don't contribute energy What are you waiting for? I think the work progress is almost complete, right? You won't... blame me for my own opinion?"

Chu Yuanxi said that you are really an expert at seizing opportunities. This idea is very easy to understand. He also wanted to seize it.

"Hey, Yuan Mu, I’m not to blame you. I’m not self-asserting, but you are too impulsive. You have a good idea, but have you ever thought of raising the appetite of a big guy? At the last look, ours is not suitable. Actually Didn't you do something bad instead?"

He was already more sober during the talk, so he finally sorted out what he wanted to say: "Since you have channels, I think the two of us should talk about this community control function, how far we should complete it. There is also this What should the function be like, what do you think?"

"Should?" Yuan Mu didn't know why.

"Yes, I mean, it should." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and said: "What functions do the relevant departments want it to have, and what functions are configured for it in this situation, it can play the best role. These two There is still a big difference between the two. Let's unify the two first, and then you go to dredge."

"Wait, don't you think about the construction period or something first? Can't we do it?"

"It's done. The working system you see is the same as what I saw. It's not that I am bragging. Now that we are well-off, we have the code framework and we will be able to work soon. After the requirements are set, it is probably It was completed in four days and tested in two days, and a total of one week was packaged and launched. It took only one month for a large factory to do it from scratch. This is not difficult. The difficulty lies in how the relevant departments operate it, and the difficulty lies in the operational strategy. So the demand must be determined first."

"Wait, wait!" Yuan Mu suddenly reacted, "Why are the relevant departments operating? Aren't we operating?"

"Obviously not!" Chu Yuanxi said, what are you thinking about? "We must take out our functional framework and develop corresponding functions according to requirements. Make the front and back ends, at least seem to have nothing to do with the Xiaokang APP, it is an Internet product that a big guy needs, and the big guy will organize the operation department to manage it. And operation and maintenance."

"Ah? Not in the Xiaokang app? Then the number of our users..."

Xiaokang’s original plan for socializing is of course socializing in the Xiaokang APP, which Yuan Mu must know.

"You're sober!" Chu Yuanxi said grimly, "What are you going to do? Instantly transform into a national app? What do you want you? This software must give community managers certain functions as required by the boss. , Including information reporting, etc., it must be endorsed by laws and regulations. This can't be the responsibility of a private enterprise, okay?"


Yuan Mu finally calmed down from his excitement, or from the dream of a well-off app of 1.4 billion people in an instant, and said that it was okay, Chu Yuanxi was still sober.

It's just that the two of them have a lot to check, because as Chu Yuanxi said, demand and operation and maintenance strategy are matched, and there must be a scope for what kind of operation and maintenance the official can carry out, otherwise there is no way to mention demand. But no matter how you say it, being able to get a job in a well-off week still makes Yuan Mu feel more at ease, feeling that this company is not for nothing.

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