Waiting until the next day, on the 11th, Yuan Mu gave feedback. Chu Yuanxi realized that there was only one day left in her vacation, and was about to isolate Feng Lin for the last time. Unexpectedly, WeChat suddenly carried out a major update and launched it. "Video number" function.

Chu Yuanxi said, don't ask, it must be that Weishi's data has collapsed.

This year, Douyin Kuaishou has done huge-scale activities. Douyin bought Xu Shanzheng’s New Year film for free broadcast on the whole network. Kuaishou bid for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but it lasted the longest and the coin effect was the most peculiar. It's microvision.

Chu Yuanxi, who played the coin with the micro-vision, was fascinated. This operation is not an accident, but a story. Maybe there is any hatred with Penguin, right?

The first is that it is very powerful, very powerful, and it is not the kind of coin that requires users to stay online for a long time. They extremely quickly let users take the money in a few minutes, and at the same time clarified the upper limit of the number of red envelopes received per day, and users can rest when the upper limit is reached.

The second is to rush people. Many users are excited about the wool, and they were happy to be able to get up to ten dollars a day, but suddenly fell to a few cents, because Weishi no longer thinks that he is a user who needs to drop coins, so every new year The red envelope is locked at 1 point.

This combination is rare in the world!

Chu Yuanxi, as an ordinary person who is about to distribute more than one billion dividends from the company, has also experienced this sadness and loss, and she really has nothing to say. Even in Weishi’s hometown red envelope gameplay, all the provinces’ card combinations are all locked and the second card is not produced, so I’m too lazy to vomit. It’s nothing more than a dedication. What’s so great? Pick up people's teeth.

In this way, Weishi stupefied the event to complete the Lantern Festival, that is, it ended on the 8th. After a Spring Festival, basically a user can get at least seventy or eighty yuan. This is a lot of money. I should be grateful to Weishi for generating loyalty. After stopping the coin, you must pay as much as you can stay. Question mark.

Of course, the most important and core thing that determines user retention is the content. If the content is good, people can naturally be retained by throwing coins. The problem is that Weishi does not have decent content.

There is neither vibrato's high-quality content nor fast-handed content. It seems to have returned to the period when the short video track just began to cultivate five years ago. The style and spicy eyes make people want to stay.

Therefore, from the 8th to today, three days are enough to get the data. Chu Yuanxi boldly guessed that the retention rate should be below 5%.

Otherwise, why would Penguin use his hole cards? In the short video battlefield, although Penguin has always been in a disadvantageous position, it has always placed Weishi in front of the stage, while retaining the option of using the super platform of WeChat to directly connect short videos.

Playing the WeChat card is the last fight. After that, there is no card to play and no strategic hinterland. If it hadn't finally realized that microvision was not working, it would not use weapons of mass destruction.

Because of this, Lu Yu and many of the backbone of Pakistani information returned to work a day earlier, because he had to figure out the rules and routines of the WeChat video account for the first time before moving in. This is a new position that all professional short video self-media workers cannot give up.

However, Chu Yuanxi is more concerned about the movement of the storm than WeChat.

Storm, this noble listed company finally chose to bow to its destiny, and trusteeship in disguise was only an official announcement.

The way they choose is to operate all valuable assets, such as audiovisual apps, clients, advertising systems, and so on. Chu Yuanxi was actually not interested in these so-called valuable assets. He just checked and found that the escrow did not include Storm Mirror.

After the listing of Stormwind that year, it continuously pulled dozens of daily limit and became a big demon king. It relied on the concept of virtual reality headsets. The main product was Stormmirror. It was hyped with the concept of VR.

Today, Chu Yuanxi plans to build his own factory to make a headset. Although what he wants to do is an integrated device, not the so-called device that needs to be plugged into a mobile phone like Storm Mirror, there is still something to learn from the industrial design of the two. of.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi needs design talents and industrial talents.

Although the most difficult part of the whole plan is the design and production of all-in-one phones. The difficulty level is similar to that of making mobile phones. Both require chips, processors, and displays, and all need specialized talents, but there must be talents in the storm that Pakistan people need. This is why Chu Yuanxi cares about the storm escrow transaction, and he plans to sign in again.

If it were not for the dual factors, in fact the signing work should have started, and of course it is not too late. He intends to hand this job to Mu Lian, the human resources supervisor of the Pakistani Group, to handle it himself.

As the human resources director of a company valued at more than 40 billion yuan, Mu Lian has actually been under great pressure in the past six months, for fear that his morals will not match, and he is afraid that he will not be able to recruit suitable candidates for the company. Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi often solves her, and she did not give her any difficult tasks. The more difficult ones, such as the entry of the Suzuki Yu team, and the information recruitment of Pakistani information and recruitment of Chika Nobuki, were not actually initiated and searched by her. Candidates.

But this time the requirement is to recruit from a domestic company, and from a precarious company. The difficulty is reduced to the level that any human resources director level should have the corresponding ability. Chu Yuanxi feels that this should be done by her.

Unexpectedly, Mu Lian asked curiously: "Mr. Chu, why don’t we just buy the factory? I remember that the factory that made the headset was very popular a few years ago, but it basically didn’t work afterwards. Let’s buy one that already has the entire skeleton. Isn’t it good to fill the production line? In fact, we can talk directly about Storm Mirror? Do you think the other party will not sell it? I see the information you gave, and tomorrow they will announce the operation on behalf of them."

"You are right, but I feel that it is more cost-effective to make it by myself. Although this thing has no technical content, but the acquisition, we can't run it again by ourselves. If it is meaningless and wastes time, then we will not run. , But now it is not time-consuming, but also more meaningful. This factory and our group may place a heavy bet in the future. First, run the entire process by yourself. I think it is more trouble-free than an acquisition, and saves the future."

In fact, Chu Yuanxi also hoped that Mu Lian would take on greater responsibilities, but it's best to talk about this kind of thing in person. Originally, he thought that nothing would happen again today. It was enough to prepare the speech drafts that the two companies assembled at the same time the next day. Unexpectedly, Yuan Mu suddenly said on WeChat: "Chu Yuanxi, have you noticed that there is no A share? ?"

"I'm paying attention to Nasdaq recently. What's wrong?"

Chu Yuanxi has recently enjoyed the excitement of being a leek, because Tesla's shock is too aggressive, and even maintained a daily rhythm of 20% rise and fall a few days ago. Fortunately, he increased the leverage just once, and after the addition, it rose by 20% after a trading day, which made the added position continue to float and can ignore various fluctuations.

"Well, haven’t you seen the news about the acquisition of a listed company in the A-share market? There are 8 daily daily limits, and the plan is disclosed today. Now many people in the investment circle are saying that this is the first case for the acquisition of a listed company. The valuation of the first-class market is benchmarking. Didn’t you say that Pakistani people have plans to go public next year? Don’t read the news?”

Yuan Mu was very excited when she said that she was very keen on the investment of the Internet celebrity incubation operation organization at the beginning. Although the main energy is now on the well-off, it is impossible to completely let go.

But Chu Yuanxi almost came out after listening to it, because he "coincidentally" knew about it, and he knew it a long time ago.

Why did you know it so early? Because the Pengcheng Exchange issued a deep-minded letter of concern early, asking the listed company: "Is the purpose of this transaction to actively speculate on the hot concepts of the stock price? Is it a flickering reorganization?"

Look at this wording, it's not out of anger, can all the dignified transactions ask such words in black and white? Compiling this sentence can also be shorter: Can you be a human?

This letter of attention is really too sharp and terrifying. It has an internal taste. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to miss the sensitive "scheming ability" of the Israelis and Palestinians, and then pass it to Chu Yuanxi's mobile phone.

What is very interesting is that on February 5th, the listed company actually replied to the above question in an upright manner-this asset is so good, I really want to buy it! I am serious!

However, in the reply to the same concern letter, the actual controller was determined to reduce its holdings in the next 6 months.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi also directly got heartbroken: "Are you isolated and confused? If you are talking about the company whose name is like cigarettes, I will know it. This merger is basically pornographic. What the **** are you talking about in the investment circle? ?"

Yuan Muchao is unhappy, because the listing is an old and difficult issue. In 2018, two attempts were severely reprimanded, and they ended up without problems. Don't mention it at all in 2019. Finally, there is a company that may enter A shares, Chu Yuanxi, you Which one is it? The first one has landed, are the ones far behind? It is also a huge benefit for Pakistani people.

She believes in the idea that "the market is always right". The answer given by the market this time is that after the Pengcheng Exchange issued a letter of concern, they roared with the soul to the limit for 8 consecutive days!

Hey wait!

"How did you happen to know?"

"Because..." Chu Yuan was happy, "Because the company that was acquired is called'Madu Wanrui', don't you know? Modu Syndicate has always made a lot of money anyway after investing in Pakistani people, so I voted for a few more companies, and I happened to vote for them. Isn’t your relationship good? They didn’t send you an inside story or something?"

Yuan Mu was so angry that he wanted to throw the phone. He said that these dogs are hot, and there is such a good thing that he didn't even think about my palace!

"What did An Qi reveal to you?"

"To be honest, if I don't look at the inside story and check the public information a bit, I know it won't happen." Chu Yuanxi sighed for the big A-share leeks, "The actual controller's restricted stocks will be lifted on the 20th of this month. , Who pulls this daily limit, who pulls it, your product, your fine product. Then I will look at who this company is, oh, normal, too normal, this is a habitual offender. You shouldn't be against this Hu Jian’s company has never heard of it, right?"

Yuan Mu was stunned and remembered a public case. It was in 2018. The company’s securities affairs representative resigned and publicly responded to the media, saying that he was holding the money for fried cabbage and selling white powder to prepare for the tire. Do the work of the palace empress.

This is the original story, it is too profound!

However, what Chu Yuanxi was actually talking about was the company’s oral acquisition of CICC in 2013. It also released a plan that year. The stock price soared by 200% under the favorable blessing. Then the old man reduced his shareholding and said that the merger was cancelled and Leek died tragically. .

In short, this company has countless operations. It is capital operation in name. In fact, it is playing with the China Securities Regulatory Commission. It is basic skills to increase shipments through the news of reorganization.

I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "What An Qi told me is that the actual controller of this company only approached Modu Wanrui on January 15 and arranged for a reorganization on January 21. On that day, their CFO and Secretary General resigned together. Do you understand?"

"Huh?" Yuan Mu felt that his worldview had been updated. "Six days? Is it enough to do the due diligence?" But she saw the news that the three independent directors of the company went crazy because the independent director was actually from the news. Seeing that this company is going to do mergers and acquisitions. If she were to become CFO, she would have to resign.

"Due diligence? A week of business negotiations is not enough, so diligence?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that it would be great if business negotiations were so easy. "After the secretary of the board and the CFO resigned, the chairman personally signed the contract and signed the "Material Asset Reorganization Intention Agreement" that evening, which was disclosed on the 22nd. If the companies of the country and the DPRK are all at this efficiency, surpassing the United States is not a matter of minutes. ?"

Yuan Mu finally understood why Chu Yuanxi was so certain that he didn't take this merger seriously. Although the listed company's skills are so good, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is not the same as that of the previous year. It will be possible unless there is a miracle.

"It's a pity, it would be great if it could really land ashore..."

"Oh, hello, even going ashore is a smuggling. Will our Pakistani group go ashore upright in the future? We don't have to smuggle."

Although Chu Yuanxi spoke hard, she felt a headache for the Pakistani people's IPO road next year.

The main reason is that domestic IPOs do exclude self-media issues. Although this company does not rank high in the industry, it has well-known big influencers, its marketing capabilities are not bad, and its business is very solid. Therefore, the ability to make money is not bad. The annual revenue is over 100 million and the profit is 30 million. The performance is enough to kill a large number of junk stocks.

However, it is quite difficult to line up to go to the IPO. This situation is not limited to this one, and the top Internet celebrity companies are also the same.

The situation of the Ba people is even more special. Now it is difficult to claim to be the head of the ranking in domestic Internet celebrity companies.

The common mode of an internet celebrity company is to incubate internet celebrities to build large-size or sign up to become famous internet celebrities, then carry out commercial marketing and advertise goods.

The Pakistani's own big internet celebrity Zhu Yan has basically left the front line, and he has not signed up to become a famous celebrity. Incubation is an incubation, but more of it is a cooperative incubation with contracted artists of Pakistan Media. Incubation is for fame, not an ordinary incubation-marketing model.

However, the popularity of Ba people is not low, because they continue to output content. Of course, the ranking of ordinary Internet celebrities is getting worse, but according to the actual user reach, it is not bad, it can be said that it has jumped out of the low-level circle of creating large-scale. It's just that Pakistan's own traffic usage patterns also need to find a new breakthrough, because the game is also relatively rejected by the Securities Regulatory Commission.

Originally used to support a well-off society to build a business empire, charging reasonable service fees is also a good selling point, but connected transactions are even more rejected by the China Securities Regulatory Commission...

This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi has packaged the Pakistani Group as a cultural and creative enterprise. The situation should be much better after the establishment of a VR headset factory. After all, it's a company with cash in hand, so what seems to be a traditional but avant-garde business?

The next day, Chu Yuanxi came to the company early in the morning.

In fact, the resumption of work by Pakistani and well-off people is the result of the joint efforts of many parties. Although the state advocates an orderly resumption of work, many communities are trembling. Fortunately, Xiaokang and Ba people have been carrying out the strictest inspections, and the regrouped members are all members who have not left Beijing.

The fact that even small rehabilitation workers can come up with community control applications as soon as possible has unexpectedly played a big role, causing certain green lights to be turned on, so they can regroup at this time.

In short, after Chu Yuanxi came to the company, he had to arrange a speech for all the staff, but before the speech, he contacted Mu Lian, a Pakistani employee, and Ye Ping, a legal consultant.

The two went into the president's office together. Chu Yuanxi went straight to the point and said to Ye Ping first: "I have one thing for both of you, the nature of which is similar. Let me talk about you first. The company is going to break into an IPO next year. Do you have any ideas about how to do business? ?"

"Just tell me! What kind of thoughts?" Ye Ping looked at Mu Lian. They were old colleagues. They were together in the Fruit Internet era. When Chu Yuanxi was killed in a serial call, they thought they might be the same. Good thing.

"Titles and positions. In the process of IPO, board secretary and securities affairs representative are definitely indispensable. Do you know these two positions?"

Ye Ping nodded. Since the issue of IPO was exposed at the annual meeting, she certainly should be concerned. After all, there is a huge difference in legal affairs between listed companies and non-listed companies. In addition, there are only a few ways to improve the profession of corporate legal affairs ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Becoming the secretary of the board of directors is certainly one of the brighter ones.

"Being a witness is the only way to become a secretary of the board of directors. My current thinking is to know your wishes and whether you have the confidence to be qualified as a secretary of the board of directors. If you are willing to make a breakthrough, then we will start training. . What is your choice?"

In fact, securities affairs representatives sometimes have to work part-time as secretary to the board of directors, but their responsibilities are different.

Ye Ping has been waiting for this sentence for a long time. She originally thought that Chu Yuanxi would directly recruit an experienced Secretary of the Board of Directors. At best, she would be the life of the witness. Let's talk about it after a round of running, she is an experienced person at that time, resume options.

At this moment, I didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to be willing to make an exceptional promotion, and Ye Ping had thunder in her chest, but after just saying "Secret Dong", she immediately stepped back and let Mu Lian out.

Chu Yuanxi didn't think that the Secretary of the Board was so great, can it be great to have the chairman?

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