Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1004: 2 key live broadcasts

In short, this matter can be discussed again, but Chu Yuanxi flipped through the article sent by Monica and found that the original Guochao Freezing Cinemas had such a big impact on the global box office!

In the first two months of last year, the box office of the country and the DPRK surpassed 2 billion dollars at the box office, ranking first in the world for small breaks. So far this year, the total global box office has just exceeded 1 billion US dollars. The second largest box office of "Dolly Fantasy Adventure" has a global box office of less than 200 million US dollars, but last January's "Bumblebee", the domestic box office alone Almost this count, Alita performed equally well.

Therefore, the foreign film circle has gone crazy. What Monica turned to was the discussion she had picked up from North America, and the ones that were originally scheduled for February, March and April were all trembling. It can be seen that the fighting in the second half of the year will also be quite tragic.

Soon the two live broadcasts began one after another, and Chu Yuanxi paid more attention to xixitube. This was the first time that he watched the Ba people's Vtuber seriously, and then found that although the virtual Ouxi's movements are very cute, but he couldn't understand a single sentence, it really couldn't be read unless someone translated it.

But even if you don't understand, you can obviously feel that the atmosphere is not right. The two-dimensional virtual idols at Station B also broadcast live in the island’s Mandarin. The rewards are rhythmic. The voice of the seiyuu can be used as a baton to direct the rewards to a climax. With the special effects of rewards at Station B, it has a unique charm.

Although the virtual idol dubbed by Chika Notake is working hard, the voice is pleasant to hear, but no one buys it. Is it true that the audience in island countries are all white prostitutes? Can't it?

This live broadcast uses the Pakistani’s main youtube account in the island country, and Monica has been warming up on other accounts for two days, and there are not many people coming in. The comment area scrolls down. , But no one rewards.

The island team all paid great attention to this live broadcast, so Miyada Mitsuji, who directly participated in the development of the xixitube function, was very enthusiastic, and turned the key points to Chu Yuanxi.

What the water friends brushed is: "Bullshit is out of the way!"

Notake Chika: "As expected, but I still hope that you put on the mask first. The mask can at least cure the odor."

After speaking, the virtual idol on the screen also made a helpless gesture and expression, which was very ironic!

"Isn't "Taoist" updated yet? What mess is serialized now?"

Notake Chika: "Brother, what you care about is wrong! Let's update it carefully, can you stay at home and don't go out? What I just said is true, it is really terrible."

In Chu Yuanxi's heart, I leaned on me for a long time, why is Ye Zhu Qianxiang still a poisonous tongue? Is it okay to be so hard with water friends? The problem is that we can’t update it properly!

"A Windfall" definitely cannot be updated, because all the IPs were sold, but Chu Yuanxi kept all relevant self-media from overseas when it was acquired. Such a major turning point will of course cause a certain amount of confusion, and the updated content is not reasonable.

Now the batch of overseas accounts of the Pakistani people have begun to update "Wu Dao Hun Jun", which seems strange, it is the aftereffects of the sale. Although the explanation was given, the feature of We-media is that it explains that users may not watch it. When they watch it, they are naturally confused, wondering if they are paying attention to any fake official account?

Therefore, at this point in time, Monica's fan maintenance still has certain problems. The only thing that can be maintained in a short period of time is the "personification" that has been carried out in the past.

"Personalization" is the soul of self-media accounts and the only way to build a persona. But Chika Yezhu broadcasts it like this, and I am afraid that the personification will not continue. Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi felt that her arbitrary decision was really irrational!

Fortunately, the island country itself is not the focus, and its development is not as good as that of the universe country. It is not easy for our Pakistani people to gather overseas fans, so we have to have a good chat with Zhou Minxi...

Chu Yuanxi turned back angrily to look at Feng Xueling. There was a lot of joy in the live broadcast room of the mobile evaluation, because Feng Xueling was eating chicken, and there were countless screen messages below, and the rewards were endless.

The running points can no longer explain the performance of the Mi 10, too much rolling is impossible to compare. Therefore, the way to show performance, for amateur reviewers, is to start ten memory-eating games to see if it is stuck. Whatever peace elite, dead pesticide, crossfire, and Naruto will all open it, and then open six. Different legends hang up at the same time.

Chu Yuan Xixin said that you can't open these enough, you can add another APP to try? Your mother is too stuck to recognize it!

As the president of the Ba people, he had privileges, and he wandered behind Feng Xueling. In the game live broadcast, the screen of the mobile phone is shown. Sometimes a small window is opened with the picture-in-picture function to put the anchor lens in, but it does not exist now, so the water friend cannot see Chu Yuanxi. Feng Xueling was also an old anchor, and he didn't necessarily have to be an anchor later than Zhu Yan. He was extremely experienced and could completely ignore Chu Yuanxi.

However, Chu Yuanxi frowned deeply just after watching it for a while. Also, because the game live broadcast only displays the images in the game, even if the mobile phone screen is broken, the water friend will not see the crack. Why is Feng Xueling’s device in the upper left corner of the hole-drilling screen wrong? What is the situation where there is obviously a little black spot? Stacked with the holes of the digging screen, like booger beside the nostril. Mi 10 is still a full screen, the nose in the game screen is particularly spicy.

Feng Xueling played quite boldly, choosing the highest match for all kinds of special effects, sometimes switching to the next instance in Hokage, sometimes eating chicken and spraying with people, sometimes seeing how the legend hangs up, and sometimes seeing how he hangs on the spring. Whether the character was sprayed to death by teammates, and then cut out to download "Pamish", because I heard that this game is crazy with particle effects, according to common sense, it should be stuck, I don't know if it is true, so I took a water friend to experience it .

As for the calorific value, although it can be displayed with a real-time temperature measurement APP, it does not have a visual impact. What should I do? Anyway, Feng Xueling didn't need to save the company's cell phone, so she got a piece of butter and put it on the table. After a "heating" operation, she frantically laughed and put her cell phone up.

The indoor temperature is 18 degrees Celsius. If the phone generates a little higher heat, it will burn the butter. This scene appeared in a long game, after frequently switching and brushing a lot of game special effects calculations, it was very convincing, and the butter was not melted.

Soon after the live broadcast ended smoothly, Feng Xueling saw that the broadcast was indeed off, and she took off the headset and immediately said: "Mr. Chu, this phone is diarrhea, am I so embarrassed to play it inappropriate?"

She was pointing at the booger, and Chu Yuanxi "hmm" for a long time, wondering if Feng Lin's entrepreneurial path ended before it started? It's really hard to say whether this is a quality control problem or a yield problem.

He is a layman on mobile phones, but he knows that if the problem of yield rate is unavoidable, it is relatively easy to deal with, but if it is a problem of quality control, then it is really necessary to fulfill the first law of Xiaomi!

At this time, when the door opened, Lu Yu also came in. It may be that Feng Xueling and Feng Xueling had already communicated privately during the live broadcast. After coming in, Lu Yu immediately complained: "I'll just say don't do this kind of live broadcast, this is a problem. Now. When did you find Ling'er? Why didn't you have any idea at first."

“At first I thought it was part of the perforated screen. The long one was quite round, but it didn’t look right. Was it really the quality problem or was it designed by Xiaomi? What should I do if there is a quality problem? My reputation Will you be burdened by this broken phone?"

Feng Xueling spoke uncomfortably, quite concerned. She now has more than one million fans on YouTube, and she is also a small and medium-sized Internet celebrity grandma. It is not easy to get the capital that can last a lifetime, so she cares about fame.

"Oh, it's definitely not designed like that. Any designer who designs such an ugly appearance can change the job." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but smile. "But smart phones have a lot of similar problems, right? There is no need to make a fuss, something went wrong. The key depends on the after-sales service and stress response. I think Huawei mate20 did not have a green screen."

However, to say so, but Samsung people also have OLED perforated screens in their homes, including blue and green. If it is bad, why others are very pure? So the probability of good product rate is very low.

For a pure solution integrator like Xiaomi, the yield rate is the pot of the supply chain, while technology is the internal function, and quality control and after-sales are external. Xiaomi's internal power has always been rough, if external power is not strong, then don't enter the high-end market, right? High-end is not about high-end if you want to be high-end. You have to have enough ability to serve it. Users in the high-end market are definitely not the same as users in the low-end market. Even rice noodles are picky rice noodles.

Chu Yuanxi was also quite annoyed when he thought of this. She didn't think much about it, so she gave Feng Lin the idea. Since Xiaomi wants to enter the high-end market, it must grasp the quality. This is common sense, how could this be? ?

Just listen to Feng Xueling's yin and yang saying: "Hey, I didn't see that you are still a rice noodle, President Chu." She is not Chu Yuanxi's subordinate, but a relationship similar to cooperation. Although she also depends on the Ba people, she doesn't need to kneel and lick. .

Chu Yuanxi waved her hand quickly, "Don't don't don't, I'm not rice noodles. When rice noodles must be forgetful, I am not suitable."

"What? Forgetful?"

"Yes, how many people did Xiaomi pit on p2p? I forgot it in a blink of an eye. My memory doesn't allow it."

Although it took a long time to bury it, Chu Yuanxi had a foreboding that the effect of the scene where the butter was not melted would be unexpectedly good, and the result was far better than he had imagined by the next day. The reason is that the real rigorous evaluation live broadcast of technological aesthetics cannot go out of the circle, and it is also the problem that the sound cannot be transmitted. Even if someone is curious, enter "Technology Aesthetics" in the search bar, and the automatically appearing string is called "Technology Aesthetics Xiaomi 10 Rollover".

In this era of information bombardment, many people read news only by headings, and the content is too long. Therefore, although the clarification can be seen by clicking on it, the main point of information generally felt by passers-by is that the Mi 10 has overturned.

However, the sound of the Pakistani entertainment live broadcast cannot be covered, and the butter will not be covered. It makes a greasy sound. Even Feng Lin's negotiations have become much easier.

On this day, when Chu Yuanxi was watching the news as usual, he saw Liang Kenian handing him an interesting article, saying that the Premier League football tycoon Manchester City was banned from qualifying for the UEFA Champions League for two years by UEFA on the grounds of financial fraud. When the FA saw financial fraud, I also had to punish it, so I began to study whether to cancel the championship that Manchester City won in previous years.

This news had nothing to do with the Ba people, but Chu Yuanxi passed it to Lu Yu after reading it: "You always wanted to open another category at station B, right? Look at this. I feel that station B will be easier to get hot in the future. It's an in-depth news category, which is a branch of knowledge sharing."

"Why do you say that? Is there any overlap with the two-dimensional attribute?"

"No, it's because there is a barrage at station B. Don't you think that the bullet screen is particularly delicious? It is a crit to the audience who likes the barrage culture."

"It makes sense..." Lu Yu couldn't help but read the news, and then realized that it was unexpectedly explosive? Although he is also a pseudo-fan, but the local tyrants like Manchester City still know, and there must be a lot of violations, UEFA banned them justified!

He searched the news easily. Almost all the sports pages of major websites were talking about this matter. Most of them were quoting the President of La Liga: "Greater Paris should be banned!"

This is all true feelings, nothing to explode. The five major European leagues are just like the two big oil tyrants who do not follow the rules to buy, buy and buy every day. When Abramovich bought Chelsea back then, he didn't buy it like that. Can't help but who they banned?

However, Chu Yuanxi's enlightening question immediately followed: "Then you don't want to think about it, why can't UEFA not help Paris?"

"Yes, why?" Lu Yu sent a panda scratching his head after writing.

Chu Yuanxi read Liang Kenian's data: "Because the hacker website "Football Puzzle" only released Manchester City's internal mail, a drawer of Yin and Yang contracts, and how to threaten UEFA."

"I rely on this hacker to cheat!"

Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly: "But you don't want to think about it. If UEFA really wants to punish, will Paris be able to run?"

"Yes, why not fine Paris..."

This time, even the answer has slowed down, and it is obvious that he can’t keep up with the rhythm. Chu Yuanxi decided not to sell Guanzi: “Because, Paris and Manchester City should not be regarded as partners at all. Although they are both oil tyrants, they are the same. One belongs to the chief and one belongs to Qatar, they are mortal enemies.

From the perspective of capital, the chairman of Greater Paris is the executive committee of UEFA and the president of Bein Sports. Bein Sports is an international broadcast company controlled by Qatar and the largest broadcaster of European events. Think about it. Moreover, Qatar is going to host the 2022 World Cup. "

"I'm going! Mr. Chu, I served you, how do you know so much?"

"Because, during the New Year, you know that the Pakistani hired a senior consultant named Liang Kenian? He hasn't performed his duties yet, and he will come to the company recently. He transferred these inside stories to me. He should know the inside stories better. How? Isn’t it worth doing a news show?"

"It's worth it! Anything else?"

Chu Yuanxi made up for Lu Yu's way of nodding like a little chicken Duomi in another room, and said: "Yes, this hacker website is actually very informative, and can do the second phase. But I can only give you an idea. You have to think about how to do it."

After sending this passage, Chu Yuanxi felt that she was fulfilling her responsibility for the Pakistani information. He did not regard the brothers as tools, and she was indifferent to the shopkeeper, sitting by and watching Lu Yu could not sustain the Pakistani information base. But being a boss can’t manage too long, and you still have to let people in specific positions think about specific tasks.

There must be nothing wrong with this!

According to the schedule, it is time for Yang Yuanmei to bring the artists who later signed to the company. Although today is Saturday, the Pakistani people do not take a regular break at all. However, Chu Yuanxi didn't expect Yang Yuanmei to be so tight in her work. She thought that she was going to be delayed until the society returned to normal, and Mei Yangyang who was active in her work deserves praise.

In fact, it is not right to say that you have never seen it. Chu Yuanxi has seen many of them in short videos of Ba people. Many of Pakistani Media did not arrange specific business immediately after signing artists. Therefore, it is a daily work and even a key point to cooperate with Pakistani Media to publish short videos.

As a result, when Chu Yuanxi passed by, he found that a group of artists were spinning around the information equipment of the Ba people. They were very pleasantly surprised, and some people obviously wanted to touch it.

The most concerned is a sports camera, DJI's Lingmo. Chu Yuanxi knew why they watched around Lingmu, because Lu Yu filmed a group of sports videos for some of them some time ago to show the energetic handsome guy, the effect was pretty good, and it helped them attract a lot of fans. , This sport has made great contributions one after another.

At this moment, a group of shots flashed in Chu Yuanxi's mind. That was in April last year, Chu Yuanxi gave Elizabeth Holmes a question to test and beat her. The test question used is a sports camera brand, but GoPro is used.

It is said that when GoPro was rejected by DJI and wanted to make its own drone, it was a pity that it didn’t have the ability to play its own company, and it was beaten by the head by DJI but DJI I was not idle, I talked to GoPro, and in a blink of an eye I went to develop a sports camera.

A drone with a sports camera is indeed a perfect match. GoPro's Woodman is not incompetent, otherwise it is impossible to get a market value of 15 billion US dollars. Lingmo is the embodiment of DJI's ability. Now it has completely smashed GoPro's core products, all kinds of effects have been fully crushed, and the foreign geeks collectively reversed, which is equivalent to hitting the head again.

It can be seen that DJI's mind is not that big.

There are male and female artists coming today. Chu Yuanxi glanced at it before officially entering the venue, and found that there was indeed no one who could compare with Li Zifeng's first impression.

Maybe I have been taken care not to apply too much oil, so there is no oily powdery surface, and the clothes are basically OK, but the mentality is not good. In other words, it's a bit like an internet celebrity, you can feel it with a mask.

"Internet celebrity" is not a derogatory term for Chu Yuanxi, at least not as derogatory as "greasy", but in front of the camera like an internet celebrity, leaving the camera to return to nature is a more admirable state.

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