Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1005: Ba people began to do mergers and acquisitions

When he first saw Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan, who was holding a dog in a convenience store, would not make people think of an Internet celebrity at all, but in fact she did spend a considerable amount of time in front of the camera.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't care much about this matter, because his bottom line for signing artists for Pakistani Media was that as long as he didn't hire strange things and didn't make troubles.

The so-called Sao operation, he remembered that a trainee of a certain talent show actually dropped the scorpion in the photo of an island actress when he posted his Weibo photo, clicked on his scorpion, and then regarded it as his own beautiful photo. Po is out! At that time he saw the news and blurted out: "I, Chu Yuanxi, recognize you as the number one Sao operator!"

In short, the specific business is fully delegated to the responsible person. What Pakistan Media wants is the result, not the process. Chu Yuanxi cares about the finished product, not how the finished product is made.

After a brief introduction by Yang Yuanmei, Chu Yuanxi stood in the filming room and was about to start talking, and then found that some little girls below started to light up. Today this is regarded as a meet-and-greet. Artists who want to be idols are not unfamiliar with the format of the meet-and-greet. It’s just that it’s been adjusted today and it’s turned into a "performing" offstage and others on stage. There may be more later. The "handshake" link, but there is no "handshake coupon".

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "It's nice to meet real people. Actually, I have been on the video for a long time. I haven't communicated much with Meiyangyang before seeing you today, so I may have something to say. Meiyangyang has already said that I play a role in checking for deficiencies, and that is my personal expectation."

Having said this, Chu Yuanxi stretched out three fingers: "First, I hope that the company will fulfill its obligation of notification when signing a contract with you, the obligation of notification in the performing arts industry.

I heard from Mei Yang Yang that some of you have experience in acting, some are small influencers and models who want to transform into the acting world, and some were amateurs before, so I am very scared, I am afraid of delaying everyone.

The business of an artist is very cruel, and I am not a serious media player, so I am not afraid to tell you the truth. Of course, successful famous artists are very beautiful, but there are many under the pyramid base. I am particularly afraid that the company does not speak thoroughly. In that case, the gap between reality and expectations would be too great. "

In fact, what Chu Yuanxi was afraid of was that amateurs were not mentally prepared for this industry, and only saw the glamour of celebrities and lying down to make money. Those who had already been in the industry certainly did not have this problem. It is not that Yang Yuanmei has not promised him that he has fulfilled the obligation of notification, but this is very important. He does not intend to "trust" Yang Yuanmei and must say it himself.

In Internet development, this is called "repeated confirmation", and Yang Yuanmei rolls his eyes at best. Unexpectedly, Yang Yuanmei said, “In fact, President Chu doesn’t have to worry at all. Our artists must have at least the basic qualities after entering the company. Even if they didn’t, you can see what kind of living environment the artists in the universe live in. Compare that. The conditions for domestic artists are actually pretty good."

Chu Yuanxi said that you are quite a face, and you know that you are called President Chu! Yang Yuanmei not only rolled her eyes, she actually dared to talk! In the Ba people and Xiaokang, when Chu Yuanxi officially started speaking, no one had ever interrupted.

"Well, what Meiyangyang said is right. From my own point of view, I am willing to cooperate with sensible people, and I am afraid of being confused." Chu Yuanxi glanced down while speaking, and saw that these contracted artists were very consciously pulling. The distance is full of Nordic social feeling. Wearing a mask is so interesting. It would be nice if the Pakistani employees were so conscious. You should learn more from Ali.

To be foolish, there was an artist who became famous a few days ago and was detained for mask fraud. He was from a leading domestic brokerage company and was in the same category as the Monsanto branch.

It can be seen that it is terrible to relax the humanistic care for artists. That company is already embarrassed now. It is not like Chu Yuanxi has become like this.

The young artists in the audience are not familiar with Chu Yuanxi, but they are notorious for their low cultural level. If you want to come to Pakistan, you won't get any better. It is very necessary to communicate with them.

Regarding the second point, that is, what a sensible person is, he sent it with feelings: "Why do you want Meiyangyang to bring you to the company today? Not only to feel the atmosphere of the group company’s entrepreneurship, but mainly because I want to follow Let’s talk. What is a sensible person?

Knowing what your aspirations are, what the external environment is like, how you should make a career plan, and how to use your own advantages to match the resources that the external environment can match. This is a sensible person. Specifically, are you a musician? Be a singing and dancing artist? Still an actor?

Just now Mei Yang Yang said that the living environment of domestic artists is better than that of the universe. I think it depends on how you think. The harsh environment of the universe is due to the high level and fierce competition, but correspondingly, it is more standardized, and the development model is open. Artists need not be at a loss. And the upper limit is also high. It’s amazing, short-lived, and bulletproof. This is strongly related to people’s cultural atmosphere and people’s acceptance of idols. In our mobile Internet jargon, the market is mature and the level of user cultivation is deep.

In China, the opposite is true, and there is no clear definition of artists and actors. In fact, the Ba people are the same, not that they don't want to define, but the general environment is like this, we take the initiative to follow the trend. But this drawback is also very obvious. I believe that if you don't say everything, someone must have been confused. Where is the direction of efforts? Where are the resources? Although the Pakistani group has a lot of resources, it is certainly impossible to squander it at will. So you all have to focus on development and try to match the Pakistani propaganda ability to yours. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi retracted the second finger. In fact, he is also very sorry, because the Pakistani people may not be able to give their artists much resources this year.

"Wu Dao Hun Jun" must take the hard-line martial arts route. The so-called hard-line is that you can't use fists and embroider your legs, and you can't fly around with Wia. It depends on the late stage. What you want is fists to the flesh, a strong sense of blow, and the action makes people look strong.

Li Zifeng himself has to undergo high-intensity training, otherwise it would not be appropriate to act. He still has a strong foundation, has acted in many costume dramas, and has a toned body, which can completely hold up a **** look.

Li Zifeng did not come today, he is still filming the short video unit drama "Wu Dao Faunjun" with the team. People in the film and television industry who have work to do recently don’t worry about vacations or holidays. Moreover, it can be regarded as a demonstration in itself. When the movie starts, the intensity will definitely be higher than that of the short video unit.

In addition, the Pakistani information is promoting a plan to edit the short video unit drama of "Wu Dao Hunjun" into a big online movie, and then go online. This definitely requires a supplementary shot for the leading role. This network leader Chu Yuanxi is also looking forward to it. It is said that the content presented by that time will definitely be different from the theater movie.

In the recent special period, all theaters have been offline, and the Internet has exploded. The number of effective broadcasts from the first to the fifteenth year of the new year has more than doubled compared with last year, especially for the movie "Fat Dragon", which was transferred to the network.

Among them, the mainstream track is still fantasy and ancient costume, and there are many millions of accounts, which can be described as a big explosion. Taking into account the difficulty of starting up various film and television drama projects, the playing cycle of these films must be longer than normal, which can be described as double happiness.

Although the Pakistani Group despised the money, it did not prevent Chu Yuanxi from supporting this magical operation. This is called a small amount of trial and error in the Internet industry. Anyway, there is not much investment, just look at the user's barrage.

But for this group of students, male artists from the country and Korea are obviously butchers. Even if the Pakistani people sign contracts, they are slightly better, and it is impossible to violate the laws of the market. This movie gives them one more year to do special training. They may still be able to count on it. Now it is definitely too late, unless there are special talents in it to plug and play.

The particularity of this film is that the main purpose of filming it is to promote overseas and become famous in Europe and the United States, so there is no need for mainland stars. In other words, it does not make much difference whether it is for three small players or pure newcomers.

As for the well-off movie "I'm Going", it should be said that Chu Yuanxi still prefers Zhu Yan to be the heroine, and she knows that she can act in this kind of role. It is definitely impossible for other artists to be selected. Most of them are sloppy, no different from horizontal drift.

As for variety shows, unless Pakistani Media personally creates a special online variety for trainees, it will definitely not be their turn. This is the cruel reality. It is the most important thing to build your own personality through the self-media channels of Pakistani information within a foreseeable time.

This is what Chu Yuanxi hopes to tell them personally. Why did Kun start a lawsuit with his old club before he was on "Ou Lian"? He is too clumsy, he has no resources. If he had the resources, he would have been killed with Kun's ability. If he didn't terminate the contract, he would wait for death. The most important resource for celestial artists, both men and women, is actually young. After a few years of wasting, the golden period is over. They can no longer be small meats. Their appearance can be adjusted. Even the beauty of 4,000 years can be adjusted, and the age cannot be adjusted. .

However, this also shows that the path of domestic singers and dancers is too narrow, the total resources are too limited, and the allocation of people is naturally small. Europe and the United States have enough stages to allow Mike Jackson, Beyoncé, and Madonna to rise to the top. No matter how good the domestic singing and dancing are, it is difficult to reach the heights that Jolin Tsai and Luo Zhixiang once reached.

So Chu Yuanxi actually didn't want Pakistani people to follow the singing and jumping route after signing artists.

"The third point I want to say is actually this. I hope you will come to the head office more.

The employees who have signed the contract with the company are the employees of the company. To me, there is no difference between you and the employees who do IT and do video. You have to say that the types of contracts are different. Qi Yu, who is now the host of the Mango Channel, signed the contract with the company the year before that is more demanding than yours. In fact, there is no difference.

I know that Pakistani information often sends jobs to the media. Everyone will follow the script and the media also provide self-made videos for the information. Is this format good? It depends on your initiative. If you wait passively, that would be very bad. I know that Meiyangyang is looking for a tutor for you. The traditional arts training should be able to keep up, but the artists also do content, and you have to have your own content creation ability.

Although domestic artists do not have rigid requirements in this regard, if they follow the trend in this regard, they can only wait for opportunities, small opportunities. But if you have the content ability, you have the connotation and the characteristics, which is much easier than accidentally exploding with the appearance.

Why do you want you to come to the head office more? Because Pakistani Information has a large number of content creators, especially for videos. Their job is not to write a draft for you for packaging, but to make content. If you have a desire to further your studies in the content direction, you should communicate with them more and tailor the appropriate content for yourself instead of waiting passively. Waiting can't wait to be tailored.

Let’s put it this way, since I have chosen this industry, I very much hope that you can seize the opportunity to get ahead, but the Pakistani Group is not a typical media group. We are engaged in mobile Internet, and we believe that opportunities belong to those who are prepared. I don't know what the corporate culture of other media companies is, and what kind of artists are easy to take the lead. What I can personally promise to you is that the Pakistani Group will never delay truly talented people. "

Chu Yuanxi has managed everything recently, and it is rare to spare a little time to meet the handsome and beautiful women, and of course he left immediately after speaking. As for how to communicate with the Pakistani information brothers, of course it is Yang Yuanmei and Lu Yu.

There are three major events for him today. The first is Yuan Mu's promise that he will be able to get the demand for community control software. On the contrary, Chu Yuanxi has no requirements for this split version of the software. The only requirement is to reserve the right of signature for the opening animation. Writing this APP is provided by the well-off life. This requirement is justified and protected by the copyright law. It is also a work.

The second thing is that Xiaokang wants to engage in an important cloud recruitment, the time is set at night.

The third thing is that Liang Kenian thought of two targets that are suitable for Pakistani mergers and acquisitions. Among them, Liang Kenian contacted him personally.

This company is called "Ten Dynamic Culture", but it did not reject the favor of the Pakistani people. In the early years, the other party explored the issue of the country’s IP economy for a long time, and then decided to focus its business offline in 2017, making scenarios and derivatives the most important business closed loop.

In the past, most of the flow came from offline, but now the cash flow is broken and it's on the street. Not only is the claw machine not working, but the offline derivative distribution industry relying on the claw machine is greatly affected. At this time, either large-scale layoffs will come down, but the business will definitely collapse, or you will have to find money to maintain it. Of course there is another option, which is to sell it at a reasonable price.

In fact, this can be regarded as a high-quality asset in itself. If it weren't for the economic winter that had lasted for a long time, people might not be willing to sell it, and it should be able to stick to it. What Chu Yuanxi values ​​them more is that their claw machine actually has its own store, not all relying on the mall. The largest store invested more than 10 million in, covering an area of ​​close to 1,000 square meters, and it only took more than half a year to prepare. The energy spent is not reflected in the financial statements, but it is very valuable.

As a result, February was originally the peak season, and I didn’t know how much to pay for the preparatory activities. Otherwise, the cash reserves would not bottom out immediately, and Chu Yuanxi would buy the bottom.

The M&A of this company, the other party's offer was only 30 million yuan, basically based on the net asset assessment, but the requirement must not be layoffs. This request can be regarded as a reasonable request to ensure the internal stability of the team, and Chu Yuanxi has no reason to disagree.

What he has to do now is of course to complete the due diligence, otherwise the other party is still carrying hundreds of millions of debts and it will be broken. There are many examples of having to pay the debts according to the law after the merger, and the contract must be signed at that time. Dead, no room can be left. In addition, it is more difficult to find out the personnel, because there are hundreds of employees distributed all over the country, and the labor cost per month is more than two million, but it is not easy to find out now.

Of course, at this point, the acquisition of Shidong Culture has basically been completed, and nothing seems to be a condition of Yaomozi. Both parties are more sincere. This due diligence work also requires Cao Shan's participation. She was very excited recently, because Chu Yuanxi finally negotiated the capital injection plan with the five gods.

Not only that, but also injecting ten dynamic culture, for her, it feels like **** and heaven. In particular, the crane machine industry is actually a sunrise industry, including the cultural and creative industry itself is the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, the market in the second half of the year may exceed expectations.

However, Chu Yuanxi was not as optimistic as Cao Shan, and repeatedly urged her to control her cash flow, and then try her best to integrate and train employees and practice more internal skills. Only in this way can we prepare for the market recovery.

Another company is a film and television post-processing company, called S Space, which is very skilled in special effects. The boss is someone who has drunk Hollywood industrial ink. Of course, the post-processing of film and television is more than just special The boss Chu Yuanxi also brought Lu Yu to chat with him, because it is not the same as Shidong culture. Acquisitions can be roughly divided into two categories. One is the acquisition of the other party’s assets. Like Ali’s acquisitions, this is basically the case. The acquisition of Hungry and Koala all need the other’s assets and resources, but the management team is not important.

Including the ten dynamic culture, in fact, the management team is not important. Cao Shan will definitely reorganize after receiving it. The other party's important asset is the asset.

There is also the acquisition of the opposing team's team, which is worth the money. S Space obviously belongs to the latter, because they don't have any valuable assets, including intangible assets, but people are very valuable, mainly the founders. The target of this acquisition was recommended by Yuan Mu, who had previously invested in the film and television industry and related industries.

The boss is named Tang. According to Yuan Mu, his experience, perspective and working style are said to be rare in China.

The problems encountered by S space were also hit by the general environment, and orders suddenly dropped, but labor costs were very high. They can also lay off employees to survive, but they also accept acquisitions.

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