Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1006: Alternative investment willingness

This old Tang still feels arrogant when talking, or he looks down on his colleagues in the country. But he has something to say, and in a few words, he can clearly explain why the visual effect of "Juji" is not good? Regardless of the script, Director Guo would not direct this kind of industrialized film. The sequence of his filming was wrong.

According to Lao Tang, this kind of extremely late-stage movie cannot be shot in the normal movie sequence, and it is impossible to draw the storyboard first and then shoot and finally submit it to the post-processing. It is impossible to process the ideal effect. The post-frame must be processed first, the post-effects must be determined before drawing the shots, and finally shooting, twisting the order, which is equivalent to making the mold first, and then grouting the mold.

Chu Yuanxi was talked about by Lao Tang for a while and didn't know if it was right, because he had never touched it before, but it seemed to make sense.

Fortunately, he now recognizes people from Disney and DreamWorks, and it should be fine to check and verify.

Chu Yuanxi prefers the other party’s attitude towards employees. The reason for accepting mergers and acquisitions is because they are not willing to lay off employees. Many technical artists have been raised for many years. The layoffs are really painful. Lao Tang’s original words are: Incomplete."

However, S space is not in the priority position in terms of loans. Don't even think about financing at this time. So be realistic and consider being acquired.

This team is very useful for Pakistani information and Pakistani media, especially for films that are about to start planning. Hard-line martial arts do not need post-processing, but need to deal with a lot of places. Just as Huang Rong is best at sauteing cabbage and steaming tofu. This is called returning to the original. After all, it is not in the 1970s and 1980s. It is also hardcore. It is impossible to shoot the way it was at the time. It is impossible without special effects.

In addition, maybe Yang Jiangang has something to learn from.

It’s just that Laotang’s asking price is relatively high. He valued himself at 100 million and wanted 80 million to sell 80% of his equity. According to him, his original goal was to go public or be acquired by a listed company. The company has entered a stage of rapid development and should be able to become a leading domestic company in related fields within one year.

And if it hadn't been for the recent cold and unexpected events in film and television, it would take less than two years for S Space to meet the listing conditions and profitability would not be bad. Therefore, the current valuation of 100 million is already a blood loss, and people still have to leave 20%. What if it is resold to a listed company in the future? You can earn more.

Chu Yuanxi didn't know where to start vomiting, because even if you were a domestic head, what's the use? What does going on the market have to do with whether you can do it or not? Your expectations are too optimistic, right?

Those who really spend a lot of money in making movies in China, who wouldn't find a real Hollywood team? The most iconic "A Shura" in 2018, although the script was written with feet, but people took more than two billion yuan and threw it in the later stage. Who is it? Of course, well-known companies in Europe and America.

You, the team that came back from Hollywood, don’t even have a masterpiece. Who would recognize it?

Chu Yuanxi didn't doubt the opponent's strength, because although there are no major movies as masterpieces, the later strength can be fully demonstrated through the works.

This is equivalent to the quality of a painter's paintings. It does not need to be proved by selling high prices for his paintings. Anyone with a certain level of appreciation can judge it. The ones that are well painted but not sold at high prices are actually more worthy of acquisition, because of the great potential for future appreciation.

However, this is the acquisition of the team, the acquisition of the people, and the acquisition that is most easily hollowed out. How was the listed company ST Heiner played? The entire team emptied the company and then exited, and then re-established a Lili Electronics to apply for an IPO again. The meeting was actually paid, and it almost became a big A-share and slammed a shame. Finally, it was reported by netizens before it was taken away.

Therefore, the conditions must be discussed. How much is one thing, but the conditions are another. Chu Yuanxi came up with an installment plan, and Pakistani people have the right to suspend the payment and break the contract at any time. The right to breach of contract is of course one of the contents of the contract, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After finishing the procedures of Ten Action Culture, he started cloud recruitment, that is, online recruitment. This is a form similar to direct hiring by the boss, but direct hiring by the boss is actually not suitable for ordinary recruitment. It is best that both parties have a certain understanding of each other, that is, the company has a certain reputation and the applicant has a certain position in the industry. , The main reason is high efficiency.

Today, Chu Yuanxi will hire four director-level management and two very rare virtual reality VR siege lions. One of them is Pu Mingyi, who resigned from the Silicon Valley star startup Spatial and returned to China.

The city treasure of Xiaokang Milestone 6 is augmented reality AR, which has almost been developed now, and Chu Yuanxi has experienced the effect. However, online content is not just a treasure of the city, but new content will be released later. VR is also the focus, allowing users to experience content without leaving home.

VR siege lion is a scarce talent. To intercept this person, Gu Hongru from Haiyi Fund once again helped a lot. Especially the company Spatial has to be admired, and can compose 2D images in 3D in a very short time. Regardless of the characters or the environment, there are almost no visual companies that can be compared with them in China.

Strictly speaking, the technology could be benchmarked last week, but Chu Yuanxi cut the backbone. Well-known domestic vision companies basically focus their firepower on algorithms and AI. They are good at beauty and recognition, and spread to security, and they take two routes from VR.

Chu Yuanxi really did not expect such a small human resources expert to be hidden among investors. If this Pu Mingyi had real talents and practical learning, he should be rich and affluent to join the start-up team directly when he returned to China. His resume is very solid. R&D experience in other similar companies, working as a senior architect at Spatial.

You must know that the senior architect has left the role of the deputy chief engineer in the factory and is responsible for clarifying the details and technical implementation. It must be impossible to fill the number. Xiaokang's VR project hasn't started development yet, but it's about to start. This person came at the right time.

Originally, this situation should be greeted with clogs. It may not be enough to replace it with a similar resume in another technical field, but VR talents are indeed too scarce. As a result, people say that although there is a recommendation from Ms. Gu, they still want to know Take a look at the company Xiaokang. People in the store have seen it, and downloaded the app and used it. It can be said that there is an apparent impression, so they are more concerned about the inside.

This recruitment, of course, should be called CTO Zhou Mingjun together, because Zhou Mingjun's business is VR, and he jumped from technology last week. But Chu Yuanxi frowned, thinking of what he had almost rejected Cao Xiang back then. It is not easy for Zhou Mingjun to be responsible for several teams by himself, so don't make a split because of this kind of thing.

So Chu Yuanxi didn't call any technical people at all, because they were very busy!

The other four management posts, without exception, are marketing and operation posts, because well-off will definitely need to start appointing managers in other regions in the second half of the year, so now you have to replenish talents in advance and see who is more suitable. Luo Rong, currently in charge of bicycle control, is on pole.

As a result, there were no major problems in the interviews of the four management posts. Chu Yuanxi itself is a first-class operation, and it is not too easy to face several markets and operations in person. Another junior VR siege lion was recommended by Zhou Mingjun, and there is no technical problem. However, Pu Mingyi was dissatisfied with the position that Chu Yuanxi had planned for him: "I will be a team leader? The equivalent of a project manager?"

Chu Yuanxi has forgotten when was the last time an applicant spoke so straightforwardly, saying that you are a work style cultivated in the United States?

In the video, he scratched his head in embarrassment: "The level of well-off is very few. On the R&D line, the project manager is the CTO. In the future, it is possible to establish some organizational structures such as research institutes and then appoint the dean, but now it is certain Not thinking about doing those things."

The other side did not speak for a long time, and Chu Yuanxi felt that she might be considering how well-off CTO is like a human being, whether he was better than himself or something? The problem is that it doesn't matter who is better, and it is certainly not because he is not good enough to change CTO.

Pu Mingyi is also in his thirties. He is a gentleman from the fat world. He should be sensible if he looks white and clean. Even if he develops good working habits in the U.S., he should understand the minimum office culture, right?

It is normal for CTOs to be inferior to those who joined the company later, just like the first batch of programmers in startups usually write bad code with better options. The existence of this phenomenon shows that the company is getting worse. The better.

The meritocracy can be reflected in the value of options, but the CTO certainly should not be easily changed. This position is still somewhat special and affects the stability of the company. If you want to change, there must be a reason to change. Some start-up companies are torn apart internally. The CTO and the CEO are torn apart. In the end, each bears a part of unlimited joint and several liability. The title of the CTO has not changed. This is the reason.

Especially when Zhou Mingjun’s work was not at fault, even if it was Cao Xiang who was interviewing at this time, and at the same time the well-off CSO was already occupied by others, Chu Yuanxi would not be able to replace Zhou Mingjun without a suitable seat. Not to mention someone who is not as good as Cao Xiang. Anyway, if you compare the resume, Cao Xiang will definitely kill Pu Mingyi in seconds. The paper Pu Mingyi published by Cao Xiang should be published in this life.

When Chu Yuanxi was thinking about it, the opposite seemed to have completed the psychological preparations. He looked up and said: "I appreciate the OKR system you just accepted, but the position cannot meet my expectations. I am quite cautious about my career planning and return to China. You can’t start as a project manager, so it’s better to stay in the Bay Area."

Chu Yuanxi nodded very positively after listening, because this situation is indeed common. At this time, the most suitable person for Pu Mingyi is to imitate the many pioneers who are in front of him. Technical people like him will come forward and personally pull up the team, and then start from scratch. Only in this way can he maximize his value, not at this moment, but in the process of entrepreneurship.

And Chu Yuanxi was really optimistic about his realization of value. The domestic VR industry is a bit stronger than the desert, and the gap with international leading companies is still quite large. But it can be chased. The difference is the number of talents in the entire industry and the number of outstanding companies, or the atmosphere and the soil, not the technical gap.

This situation is equivalent to the domestic smartphone industry in 2009, with the goal of being a solution integrator, and there is no technological gap. What is missing? A Rebs is missing.

Rebs himself is a god-level code farmer. Technically, even if he can't, he can at least find someone, it should be enough. Then there is the ability to compose discs. With Rebs's position and contacts, disc composing is also a small case, so Xiaomi came out without any effort.

Now Pu Mingyi definitely doesn't have the ability of Rebs to compose discs, and even technically it is estimated to be inferior to Rebs, but it is good enough.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi went through the logic with super fast brain circuits. From an objective point of view, even the opportunity of Xiaomi is not a transient situation. Similar track conditions and similar entrepreneurial capabilities, although rare, have existed in the past and will appear in the future. It's just that even if a similar opportunity appeared, Chu Yuanxi knew that she might not be able to grasp it, because most of them were fleeting.

Take Pu Mingyi as an example. Now he has discovered the opportunity, so it is difficult for others to catch this opportunity. After he communicates in a small circle, he should come to a conclusion within a week, either he will vote alone in the angel round, or he will vote together in a group, nothing more.

So if you can catch it or you have to catch it, as long as it's an opportunity. Of course, Pu Mingyi can't compare with Rebs. Technically, he certainly doesn't have the position of Rebs among domestic code farmers, not to mention the management, but he is a skilled and strong entrepreneur, that's enough.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi asked the other party extremely unexpectedly: "Actually, what you want most is entrepreneurship, right? But you have the ability, no resume, and no contacts, so you want to mix in the circle, right? Let’s be sincere and don’t consider whether a well-off society is a well-off society. Yes, just consider your personal career development, right?"

This question is even more straightforward than Pu Mingyi just now, and there are actually two ways to understand it in this context, and they are worlds apart.

However, Pu Mingyi is really a straightforward thinking. After listening to it, he didn't say: "Yes, I know Gu Hongru. She still refuses to marry me."

Chu Yuanxi almost squirted out with a sip of water. Does this have to do with her whether you marry or not you have a dime? But he really got the other side's thinking mode, did he say it was for investment? Do you scumbag equate financing with feelings? But even if you treat Gu Hongru, she shouldn't vote for you just like she didn't vote for you! They are quite professional investors.

After taking a breath, Chu Yuanxi said, "This matter is difficult and difficult to handle, mainly because I don't know whether your personality is suitable for starting a business. If it is easy to handle or handle it, why don't I help you organize the plate? I vote for you."

This investment is very risky, because even if the ability is sufficient, the personality of the founder has a great influence on the company. If Pu Mingyi is a co-founder, it doesn't really matter. For example, Zhu Yan's personality, Jiao Tu's personality, after all, has little influence on the Ba people. But if he wants to be the founder and the boss, it will be more troublesome if his personality is not suitable for entrepreneurship.

Maybe this was one of the reasons why he couldn't pull the investment from Gu Hongru. People knew him, so they didn't dare to press him. Of course, there is another possibility that there is really no money, which is also the main difficulty of various investment institutions at this time.

But Chu Yuanxi dared not to be bolder than Gu Hongru, but richer than Gu Hongru...Haiyi's fund of funds is not as large as the cash in the hands of Ba people, afraid of being a hairy?

This is an investment in a scene similar to that of Xiaomi in 2009. The scale of the track may be much worse than that of smartphones, but the competition is not so fierce. The conclusions of comprehensive assessment of the environment, market and people are similar. What's more, it's only technically difficult, maybe a mobile phone is easier.

Millet can be listed, can get a market value of 300 billion, divided by ten is also excellent.

So the question is, if Rebs had only the ability but not the coffee position and contacts at the time, how would investors choose in 2009?

Investors must not jump for joy? Because Rebs has some connections, he doesn't need investors to intervene prematurely. People can find money and people on their own. If not, wouldn't it happen to be the stage for investors to perform?

In addition, VR startups can't use as much money as a mobile phone. The total cost of the angel round and the A round probably does not exceed 150 million. Chu Yuanxi's extremely fast speed has calculated a series of price codes.

I saw Pu Mingyi looking confused across the screen, "You voted for me? Why did you vote for me?"

"Making money, I vote for you, if you make it, I won't be able to make a fortune?" Chu Yuanxi said that he should also ask? If you are not optimistic about you, and you don't think it is possible, who is betting on you?

"But you want my shares."

"Nonsense, I don't want your interest." Chu Yuanxi whizzed past 10,000 grassy horses, and finally understood why the other party emphasized that Gu Hongru would not marry him. It was really important. People didn't want love but marriage!

I saw Pu Mingyi started scratching his Yes, yes, I just lack an interest-free loan. "

"Then I really have to mourn for the VR industry of Guochao, I just got an interest-free loan, and a star startup is dead!"

"Hahahaha you are so right! It seems I have to give up something."

"No, no, you give up less and get more. What you lack is not an interest-free loan, but your brain." Chu Yuanxi understands the characteristics of Pu Mingyi better, and can't help but speak directly: "You are normal People see it as a mentally handicapped person, do you understand? You can use the theory of genius to affirm yourself, but normal people can’t cooperate with you. You can’t find someone like you who finds a partner to work with you to start a business.”

"Yes, this is indeed a problem. So, compared to money, I lack the ability to set the plate?"

"Yes, yes, I can help you organize the plate, but it's better to let Gu Hongru help you organize it. Her way is pretty wild. Maybe you can find someone who can help you. I just pay for it."

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